Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 130 Retreat

"Quickly catch up and lower the airship!" Li Yuanhong told the airship pilot.

"Is it too dangerous to lower the height?" The fat man asked with some worry.

"Where does the giant zombie have time to attack us now, if it dares to stop, I can guarantee that he will be turned into cannon fodder at the first time."

"Oh, that's what I said!" The fat man suddenly realized.

As the airship slowly lowered its height, Li Yuanhong also began to walk towards the bottom bin. The fat man wanted to prevent Li Yuanhong from going to the battlefield in person, but he knew that blocking would definitely be invalid, so he refused to persuade him.

When the airship dropped to 100 meters, Li Yuanhong flew out. Li Yuanhong was wearing a wingsuit. He had crashed from a high altitude many times before. Although he finally relied on teleportation to resolve the crisis of death, Li Yuanhong knew that "people are here." "Walking by the river, there is no reason to not wet your shoes". If one day loses magic, and jumps down from high altitude, isn't he just looking for death! So Li Yuanhong prepared several sets of wingsuits and put them in the space, but he didn't expect to use them so soon today.

The giant zombies are still running in front, but no matter how fast the giant zombies can run, they are not as fast as the airship, and the continuous attack of artillery makes it afraid to run in a straight line, which affects his speed, so Li Yuanhong who descended from a high altitude is very The giant zombies were quickly chased.

The giant zombies ran, and suddenly felt that the artillery above had ceased fire. It thought that the human magic cannon had run out of ammunition, and when it was happily preparing to speed up to escape, it suddenly felt the sound of wind on its head. The giant zombies lowered their heads and squatted subconsciously, avoiding the attack of the wind, and Li Yuanhong fell to the ground at this moment.

The giant zombie raised his head and saw a weirdly dressed human falling in front of him, blocking his way, so he rushed towards Li Yuanhong with his teeth and claws. Li Yuanhong was a little embarrassed at this time. Wearing a gliding suit can indeed reduce the speed of falling from the sky, but at the same time He also made himself clumsy in the fight. Faced with the giant zombies rushing up, Li Yuanhong was unable to attack quickly, instead he became a little passive and beaten.

Clumsy avoiding the attack of the giant zombies, Li Yuanhong felt a little anxious. He just wanted to quickly catch up with the giant zombies, but forgot how to quickly put away the wingsuit, and the wingsuit was worn on his body, and the materials were very strong. Li Yuanhong could not be destroyed for a while, and after a while, Li Yuanhong was sweaty on his forehead.

The giant zombies constantly attacked Li Yuanhong. Because Li Yuanhong was dodged and clumsy, and the giant zombies themselves had low mana, the giant zombies always attacked with force and never used magic. Even so, the heavy giant zombies could break Li Yuanhong's bones with every punch, so Li Yuanhong didn't dare to take the zombie's fist.

After more than a dozen moves, the giant zombie swept again. Li Yuanhong took a step back and planned to let his fist open. He didn't know that this step was a bit big, and the pants of the wingsuit were connected underneath. This time, Li Yuanhong was equivalent to I stirred myself a bit, although the giant zombie's fist hid in the past, but he also "pushed" and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the giant zombie stepped forward, raised one foot, and was about to step on it fiercely, trampling Li Yuanhong to death. Just at the moment of the moment, the airship shot two sharp arrows with two "pops". , The sharp arrow shot on the giant zombies and fell to the ground. Although the sharp arrow did not stab the zombies, it caused fluctuations in the zombie magic shield, which meant that the magic shield of the giant zombies was about to burst.

Being attacked by a sharp arrow, the attack of the giant zombie slowed down, and Li Yuanhong took advantage of this time to roll out a long way. But the giant zombies did not pursue it. It believed that a clumsy human like Li Yuanhong was here to deliver food, and there was no threat at all, and the big guy on his head was a fatal threat to him. At this time, the airship had fallen within one hundred meters, and the magic of the giant zombies could completely attack this behemoth, so the giant zombies wanted to give the above airship a vicious trick.

So the giant zombies began to accumulate energy, and saw the magical energy halo around his body constantly fluctuate, and its palms continued to gather magical energy, and a powerful magic was about to take shape.

At this moment, a dark steel knife passed through its magic barrier silently and directly pierced into its head. The giant zombie felt that its magic power was instantly out of control, and the gathered magic energy suddenly ran away. A huge magical fireball instantly exploded in the arms of the giant zombie. Following the explosion, a violent gust of wind blew on the ground. The gust of wind blew for two minutes before it stopped.

When the wind and sand dissipated, there was only a large pit one meter deep and three to four meters wide where the giant zombie stood. There was a knife inserted in the pit, and the huge head of the giant zombie was inserted into the knife. Li Yuanhong, who was sitting on the ground in the distance, was very thankful that he didn't come up and chop the giant zombie just now. If he came up and chopped down, it is estimated that there will be more flesh and blood around the pit.

Li Yuanhong stood up and took off the hindering wingsuit first. He was anxious just now and landed directly beside the zombies. As a result, he had no time to take off the wingsuit and was almost destroyed by the zombies. It seems that he will be safer in the future. Otherwise, maybe I would kill myself that day.

Li Yuanhong walked into the pit and pulled out the blade of time from the zombie’s head. By the way, he took out the zombie’s crystal core. Li Yuanhong took a closer look. This crystal core turned out to be a 14th-order fire attribute crystal core. Thinking that this giant zombie has such a high level, if you don’t wear a wingsuit, it’s probably difficult to defeat this giant zombie alone. Fortunately, this giant zombie was fooled by his own clumsy movements, so he was not careful about where to cast magic and prepare to attack. airship.

Li Yuanhong put away the crystal nuclei of the giant zombies, preparing to collect the crystal nuclei of the previously killed zombies. After all, most of the zombies are zombies with supernatural powers. These crystal nuclei can awaken a lot of abilities to his troops. Warrior, at this moment, the intercom on his body rang.

"Immediately, return to the airship, a group of zombies was found in front of us, less than ten minutes away from us!" The fat man's voice came from the intercom.

Li Yuanhong felt a little surprised when he heard it. He didn't expect the corpses to come so quickly. So Li Yuanhong quickly returned to the airship, and the airship slowly pulled up into the air until it was more than 300 meters before stopping.

Li Yuanhong returned to the monitoring room and looked into the distance, only to see that the sky in the distance was covered by a black line, that was the overwhelming team of zombies coming here, on the plain without obstacles, the tide of corpses His power was finally revealed, the zombies team almost completely covered the ground, everything in the tide of zombies stepped on their feet, and everything they passed turned into a flat ground. All obstacles in front of the corpse group, whether it is the cottage in the countryside or the weed crops in the farmland before, have become dust, and the corpse group has stepped deeply under their feet.

In the past, Li Yuanhong used geographical advantages to eliminate zombies in the northeast, trying to limit the number of frontal contacts of the corpse group to reduce the pressure on the attacking troops, but now, looking at the corpse tide line extending to both sides, he can't see his head at a glance. The feeling of, makes people feel a sense of powerlessness, such a group of corpses, even if they have a hundred thousand army, will be instantly swallowed by the tide of corpses.

Seeing this, Li Yuanhong reluctantly took out the walkie-talkie: "Commander Xing Ling, Commander Xiao, immediately lead troops out of Tangshan City, don’t leave a single soldier in the city. Commander Shen, immediately lead troops back to the warship, hurry up, all troops must The retreat was completed within an hour."

Without waiting for any answer from these troops, Li Yuanhong hung up the walkie-talkie, then turned to the fat man and said, "Quickly, transfer all the airships that can fight and bomb me with these zombies!"

"Good!" The fat man agreed, and soon went to mobilize the airship.

Fifteen minutes later, fifteen airships flew in the direction of Tangshan City, plus the airship Li Yuanhong was riding in, there were only 16 airships in total. At this time, the airship Li Yuanhong was riding in was constantly firing magic cannonballs toward the ground. Waves of magical apertures were blown up from time to time in the corpse group, and a circle of zombies were thrown into the air, and then many zombies were torn by magical energy in the air Broken into pieces, the stump and broken arm turned into a rain of blood and sprinkled on the ground.

Even so, the swarming sea of ​​corpses has not stopped moving forward, and Li Yuanhong's magic airship cannon can only be regarded as waves of waves in the sea. But with the addition of these fifteen airships, the artillery fire from the airship finally slowed down the wave of corpses, but with a roar in the corpse group, the corpse group actually began to disperse, which made every shot The power was greatly weakened, and the speed of the zombies was greatly accelerated. Li Yuanhong watched the team forward of the corpse group, about to enter the city.

"Pay attention to each boat and fight separately, mainly to kill mutant zombies and supernatural zombies. If you encounter giant zombies, you must not let it go. After an hour, all retreat to Qindao City!"

Li Yuanhong saw that he could no longer stop the tide of corpses, so he could only try to kill the backbone of the tide of corpses. This time he was competing with zombies, and he still took advantage of him. After all, zombies still don’t have the means to attack the air. Attacking the zombies, but the ground troops are now in a dangerous state, and I can only try to evacuate the ground troops to buy time.

An hour later, the ship that Li Yuanhong was on almost consumed all the crystal cores it carried. The magic cannon had no energy and was no longer firing. Li Yuanhong could only order the airship to return, but fortunately, the ground troops also The zombies who had already withdrawn from Tangshan City and returned to Qindao City, and the zombies who entered Tangshan City did not chase the human forces. Obviously, they were gathering the remaining zombies in the city.

Li Yuanhong himself was not eager to return to Qindao City, but took an airship to the west of Tangshan City. Less than 20 kilometers away from Tangshan City, Li Yuanhong found a second corpse group, in the afterglow of the setting sun. The entire group of corpses was black and heavy, in contrast to the golden sunset. Those zombies were also overwhelming, and their moving speed was obviously faster than the speed reported to him by the fat man. Fortunately, I let the troops withdraw from Tangshan City in advance, otherwise their troops would It is possible to be surrounded by zombies in Tangshan City.

After investigating the situation of the corpse group, Li Yuanhong returned to Qindao City with full of thoughts.

At this time, the entire Qindao city was boiling. It was a good fight, but suddenly retreated. Many soldiers were a little confused.

When Li Yuanhong got off the airship, his first sentence was: "Convene a meeting of all officers above the division level!" After speaking, he dived into the war room and looked at the map.

Half an hour later, a guard ran in: "Report to the commander-in-chief, all the officers are here, just wait for your meeting."

Li Yuanhong nodded, and then walked to the conference room with a look of melancholy. Perhaps this Tangshan retreat was not the end, or the Qindao City would also give up!

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