Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 137: Mysterious Threat

Just when Li Yuanhong felt that his plan had failed, crabs began to appear on the beach. These crabs were not very big, only the size of a small washbasin. In the crowded team, they suffered a lot. You can often see that they have a head. The larger fishes attacked the crabs during the process of swallowing the crystal nuclei. Many crabs became the food of these big fishes.

Just when the big fish was raging, crabs appeared. At the mouth of the river, huge crabs finally appeared, and they were numerous. When these crabs appeared, the big fishes began to flee. Obviously, these big fishes were also very afraid of these crabs that had the size of a grinding plate, and the number of crabs was huge, and it was definitely not something a few big fish could fight against.

When the crabs appeared, the corpses and crystal nuclei in the water were almost all eaten by the previous fish, but there were still many crystal nuclei on the shore, so these crabs came ashore and followed the road paved by the corpses of the zombies. Starting to head towards the subway entrance, I saw a long group of crabs on the road, covering the entire ground. Where the crabs passed, the corpses of the zombies and the crystal nuclei of the zombies were all eaten by the crabs, leaving only the white forest. Bones, and some crabs even sneaked into the open-door house on both sides of the road and began to sweep the food inside.

When these gluttonous crabs ate all the food on the road, the crabs began to show signs of returning, and the crabs near the sea even began to return to the sea.

Sitting on the airship, Li Yuanhong was watching the crab's movements closely. Seeing the crab was about to return, he got up from his seat anxiously: "Fat man, do we want to drop some zombies down?"

"Brother Li, I'm afraid this won't work!" The fat man shook his head and said.

"What?" Li Yuanhong was extremely anxious, and his strategy of attracting crabs seemed to fail.

"No matter how much we put in, these crabs won't enter the subway, isn't it for nothing!" said the fat man.

This sentence reminded Li Yuanhong that he was anxious for a while and forgot this. At first, for safety, he didn't go deep into the subway to drop bait, which caused this embarrassing situation. Li Yuanhong could only sit back in the chair, knocking his head with his hands, thinking of a remedy.

But at this moment, the sea began to roll, and a big head was exposed to the surface of the sea. This big head was the size of a truck's head, and the shallow sea could just hide this big head. And around this big head, the sea was constantly churning. As the water churned, many crabs that were crawling to the depths of the sea suddenly disappeared, and then a lot of crab shell fragments floated near this big head.

With the appearance of this big head, the same big head appeared on another sea surface several tens of meters away. That sea area also began to roll. Many crabs disappeared suddenly with the rolling sea water. Obviously these crabs were These big-headed monsters were preyed.

Li Yuanhong was taken aback, and quickly ordered Fatty to say: "Fatty, quickly enlarge the images of these sea monsters!"

"Okay...Okay." The fat man also replied somewhat surprised.

As the lens zoomed in, Li Yuanhong finally recognized these monsters. These monsters turned out to be octopuses, and the sea water tumbling around them was its arms and legs preying on crabs. Li Yuanhong had eaten a small octopus before. The arms and legs were three or four times as long as his head. In other words, the arms and legs hidden under the sea were several tens of meters long.

Li Yuanhong turned around and asked the guard: "You feel the monster below, is it the danger you feel."

"Yes!" the guard agreed.

After a while, the guard replied: "Yes, it's this dangerous feeling."

"Aren't these just a few bigger octopuses, what's dangerous?" The fat man said disdainfully beside him.

"Don't underestimate this octopus, you know that in ancient times, the legendary sea monster in the sea, this octopus can occupy a place. At that time, if the big sailing ship encountered this kind of big octopus, it would almost be sentenced to death." Li Yuanhong said.

"That's a legend, it doesn't count." The fat man still said disdainfully.

As the fat man was walking, the sea changed again. I saw the crabs in the sea crawling up the shore in panic. These crabs are like sheep chased by wolves, panicking and panicking. Those crabs who turned their heads and prepared to return to the sea also burrowed into the subway in panic. With the leader, the subsequent crabs also began to burrow into the subway.

Crab's move surprised Li Yuanhong. He made so many movements and failed to achieve his goal. As a result, he was solved by a group of mysterious octopuses.

As the crabs entered the subway, the subway began to roar of zombies, and the sound became louder and louder, and finally the subway rang out the roar of giant zombies, and the sound slowly disappeared after an hour.

Although Li Yuanhong did not see the battle between crabs and corpses on the airship, he knew that the loss of the corpses was definitely not small. Li Yuanhong turned his attention to other rivers. Although the loss of zombies was not small, it was definitely not enough. To the point where the muscles and bones were injured, and the number of crabs was not large this time, only 20,000 crabs entered the subway, and more than 100,000 to 200,000 zombies were killed by the crabs, but the nearby Jinwei city In the sea, there are more than tens of thousands of crabs. Li Yuanhong intends to catch all the crabs in this sea ashore and ask them to kill themselves zombies. However, Li Yuanhong does not want to dig out too many crystal nuclei, so Li Yuanhong started to use his brains again. .

Li Yuanhong turned his eyes from the monitor and said to Fatty Lu: "I said Fatty, do you know how to attract octopuses?"

"Attract octopus? I know how to make braised octopus!" Fatty Lu said nothing about his nature as a foodie.

"Then do you know who can raise octopus?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"I don't know this, but two days ago, a group of survivors from Tangshan City were transported back to Fengtian City. There seemed to be fishermen in it. We might as well ask from the back." Fatty said.

"Why did I forget about the logistics group? Fatty, send a message to Erya and ask her to check, the newly found survivor, who is engaged in aquaculture."

"Okay, I'm going to send a report." The fat man turned around to send a message.

Soon, the fat man came back with a list in his hand, with several names and the positions of these people before the end of the world.

"Why so fast?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"How about girls being careful? People have set up a process early in the morning, and all newcomers will register, so as soon as I ask for a list, the little girl immediately sent me over." Fatty Lu praised.

Li Yuanhong looked down at the list carefully. On the list were the owner of a farm, a farmer, and a technician who had been working for ten years. In the end, Li Yuanhong chose the technician. The technician was called Shan Huaishan. Li Yuanhong pointed to this name and said, "Fatty, send a message, transfer this person."

"This person? What great use is a scholar? I think the owner of that farm should be good." Fatty Lu said.

"You don't know, right now, the owner of the farm needs more social relationships. There are not many who really understand the technology. If you let him slacken his beard and pat the horse, let him figure out how to breed and how to treat those octopuses. If you lure me over, he will definitely make a mess for me." Li Yuanhong said.

"That breeder is fine too!" Fatty Lu was more serious.

"The farmers have been in contact with breeding, but these people have put the feed at fixed points according to the breeding manual. The feed and the breeding environment are set in advance, but if you want to ask him why, he will definitely not answer, so ask him It's useless."

"Well, Brother Li can see it thoroughly." Fatty Lu thumbed up.

"Okay, don't flatter here. Go ahead, I'm in a hurry here." Li Yuanhong gave Fat Lu a blank look.

Fatty Lu turned and walked out. Li Yuanhong was facing the surveillance screen again. Calm below had been restored. The octopuses on the sea had disappeared, and the roar of corpses in the subway station had disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

The next day, Shan Huaishan came to Li Yuanhong in an airship.

Li Yuanhong got up from his seat and walked to Shan Huaishan who was standing at his desk in a daze: "You are Shan Huaishan technician!"

"Yes... it's me!" Shan Huaishan said nervously, obviously this person is not good at communication.

"Don't be nervous, sit down!" Li Yuanhong gave Shan Huaishan to his seat.

Shan Huaishan sat awkwardly on the office chair, not daring to look up at Li Yuanhong.

"I came to you today to ask you some breeding questions." Li Yuanhong said again first.

"What's the problem? Regarding the breeding problem, I still know a little bit." Shan Huaishan said modestly.

"Well, it's not too complicated, but I want to know something about the octopus's habits, how to lure it, let it listen to us, and go to the place we specify." Li Yuanhong said.

Hearing this question, Shan Huaishan's eyes lit up and he immediately began to talk. His mouth was like an open floodgate. It was out of control. He talked like a professional course. Li Yuanhong has never heard of many terms. When Li Yuanhong was about to fall asleep by this professional scripture, Shan Huaishan stopped.

"Why don't you talk about it?" Li Yuanhong suddenly lost the lullaby, so he asked with some doubts.

"It's over!" Shan Huaishan looked at Li Yuanhong in surprise, thinking that he had talked less.

"Oh, it's over." Li Yuanhong was a little embarrassed, he was almost hypnotized just now, and he didn't even listen to what the other party said.

"That's it, a technician alone. I want to attract some octopuses and use them to catch crabs in this bay ashore. You can see if you can come up with some plans."

"Use octopus to surround crabs? How many octopuses do you need?" Shan Huaishan no longer felt nervous at this time, and looked at Li Yuanhong in surprise.

"The octopus now is different from the octopus before the end of the world, but I believe some of its habits have not changed." Li Yuanhong said as he handed a photo to Shan Huaishan, it was a picture of an octopus. It's just a head shot out of the sea.

Shan Huaishan looked at the photo and didn't understand what Li Yuanhong meant for him. Li Yuanhong just remembered that this photo was taken from an airship, surrounded by sea water, there is no reference at all, and people who are not on the scene can't judge the size of this octopus from the photo.

"This octopus is a photo taken at sea two days ago. The part of the octopus exposed to the sea is the size of a truck. So I think that if you want to circle a piece of sea, you don't need too many, a dozen is enough." Li Yuanhong said.

"What! It's so big!" This time Shan Huaishan looked at Li Yuanhong in surprise, as if Li Yuanhong was deceiving himself.

"Really, do you have a way to attract these octopuses?" Li Yuanhong asked, looking at Shan Huaishan.

Shan Huaishan knew that this was not a lie to himself, so he lowered his head and thought for a while, and then said, "I will go back and think about it. There is a way that may not work, you have to do an experiment first." Shan Huaishan said.

"Okay, no problem, if you need anything, just let the guards notify me." Li Yuanhong said.

"Good!" Shan Huaishan replied, and then walked out with his head down. Obviously, Shan Huaishan had fallen into the question just now.

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