Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 153: Strange Buddy

Li Yuanhong said that he was a scavenger, which made the soldiers standing guard a little inexplicable: "What is a scavenger?"

"That is, we collect materials everywhere, and when we have a solid base, we will live for two days." Li Yuanhong explained.

"It's just picking up rubbish, open the bag and see what kind of **** you picked up!" Several soldiers laughed at Li Yuanhong.

Li Yuanhong didn't care about this either. He brought Bao Shun over and opened it. Several soldiers glanced inside and saw the compressed biscuits. They didn't pay much attention to it. When they saw instant noodles, these people couldn't move their eyes away.

It took a long time for the non-commissioned officer to take the lead and raised his head: "I didn't expect that your kid still has some good stuff. Okay, you are an outsider. There are two ways to enter the city. One is to take one third of the materials in your bag to enter the city. Tax, or you two will each pay two crystal nuclei."

Li Yuanhong said without hesitation: "Four crystal nuclei, okay, let's take it out!" With that, Li Yuanhong took out four crystal nuclei from his arms and handed it to the non-commissioned officer. This made the non-commissioned officer even more admired by Li Yuanhong. .

"Okay, you can go in!" The non-commissioned officer let Li Yuanhong into the city.

Li Yuanhong was a little surprised. He didn't expect to enter the city so easily. He didn't even make things difficult. Li Yuanhong took the contents of the bag back into the bag, and then walked towards the town.

When Li Yuanhong walked into the city, the non-commissioned officer surrounded him: "Head, why don't we want the supplies in his bag?"

"What do you know, these two people are not easy, you guys dare to roam outside alone?" The non-commissioned officer looked at his men.

"How can we do that!" The soldiers shook their heads like rattles.

"In addition, these people can easily take out the crystal core and the instant noodles that are now rare treasures. In the future, we will have a good relationship with them. We can't help but get any benefits. If you offend them now, then there will be no money in the future. That's it!" The sergeant said.

"I still have eyesight, it seems that it's okay for my brothers to do some things." Several people began to flatter themselves.

Li Yuanhong and the guards walked into the city gate. Only then did they see that the city gate was six or seven meters wide. This shows that the city wall is very thick. If you want to come, zombies can’t easily penetrate this place, but I don’t know if this is the troop I’m looking for. The city is asking.

When Li Yuanhong stepped into the city gate, a messy scene appeared in front of him. There were private houses and tents everywhere. There was **** everywhere on the road, and there were many unkempt people in shabby clothes squatting at the door. Use material fire to cook. There is almost no rice in their pot, and it is full of wild vegetables. It seems that those who went out of the city just went up the mountain to pick wild vegetables, but these wild vegetable soups didn't seem to have any salt.

After walking all the way, most people are like this, everyone is numb, everyone is like a robot, cooking and eating stiffly. After walking all the way, Li Yuanhong hardly heard the voice of children. After walking for a long time, the messy environment changed. The dirty, messy environment disappeared. Then came the neat streets. On both sides of the street are large residential buildings. Sometimes you can see lights inside the building. , But the light is not an electric light, it should be a candlelight or a kerosene lamp, but the light can be seen here, which is already considered a luxury thing. At the periphery, there is almost only the fire light for cooking. As he walked forward, Li Yuanhong also saw several restaurants and a hotel. The entrance of the hotel was very sluggish, but the restaurant was full of people, and there were many exposed women soliciting business at the entrance of the hotel. No need to ask, you also know these women. What is it for?

Seeing this, Li Yuanhong asked the guard jokingly, "I said, Brother Wei, those girls are very nice, do you want to make friends?"

The guard gave Li Yuanhong a blank look, and then stiffly said: "If you want to go, I won't stop, but I will definitely tell my master."

"It's boring, I can't even make a joke. Okay, let's stay at the hotel first, and then decide the next step." Seeing that this guard is like a piece of wood, Li Yuanhong stopped joking, his old naughty son-in-law. , How did you teach such a rigid apprentice?

When Li Yuanhong and the guards came to the hotel, they saw a candle lit at the counter inside, and the shadow of the candle was swaying, and a dark shadow was seen lying on the counter. I wanted to come to see the shop, but there were no guests, so I fell asleep here.

Li Yuanhong walked to the counter and patted the counter. The man lying on the counter woke up suddenly and looked around. When he saw Li Yuanhong and the guards, he rubbed his eyes and said, "What's the matter?"

"We want to stay in a store!" Li Yuanhong said.

"Living in a store?" After hearing these words, the young man looked at Li Yuanhong carefully. When he saw Li Yuanhong's attire, he asked uncertainly: "You want to stay in a store? You need ten crystal nuclei for one night. Everyone!"

"Oh, that means two people have twenty crystal nuclei, right?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"Yes!" the shop assistant replied.

"What's on offer in that shop?"

"There is only a bed for sleeping. If you want to wash, there is no way to provide it here. You need to go to the bathhouse opposite. If you eat, you also need to go to the restaurant outside." The young man said impatiently.

"Well, then give us a standard room." Li Yuanhong said.

Hearing what Li Yuanhong said, the boy was taken aback for a moment, then he looked at Li Yuanhong carefully, and then said, "Pay the shop first!"

Li Yuanhong took out one or two second-order crystal nuclei from his arms and handed them over. The young man took the crystal core and took a look at it with the help of candlelight. After confirming that it was true, he took the candlestick on the table, walked out of the counter, and said to Li Yuanhong: "Come with me!" Then he led the way inward. Go.

Li Yuanhong and the guard followed the young man. The young man asked as he walked: "Where are you from?"

"We are scavengers outside. We just happened to be scavenging around here. Seeing that there is a gathering place here, we came over and take a look. By the way, who established the gathering place here?" Li Yuanhong asked rhetorically.

"Oh, most of our survivors here escaped from nearby towns. Some of them came from Yanjing. This place is under the control of the Yanjing army, so you must be honest, otherwise the soldiers will not be affectionate. "The boy said.

"Oh? It's a gathering place established by the army. That's great. The public security here should be very good, and it should be safe!" Li Yuanhong pretended to be very happy.

Hearing what Li Yuanhong said, he looked back at Li Yuanhong with an idiot-like look. This look, with just a light sweep, turned his head away, and it was in the dark. Most people would not care too much, but Li Yuanhong learned. Passing the magic of the real eye, this action of the boy did not escape Li Yuanhong's eyes.

"If you are okay at night, just stay in the store honestly. Don't worry about any movement outside. Okay, your room is here. There are no candles in the room. If you want lights, you need to pay." The boy opened one. There are only two beds in the door of the room. The bed is neatly covered with sheets and bedding. There is no unacceptable dirt. Besides, there is nothing else. If it is placed before the end of the world, It is estimated that this environment can only be found in remote mountain villages, but now in the end times, this is already a luxurious environment.

"Okay, this is your room. Don't make the bed dirty when you sleep, otherwise you will be fined tomorrow."

"Okay, I see!" Li Yuanhong smiled and took the room key handed over by the young man.

When the young man turned around and was about to leave, Li Yuanhong suddenly asked, "Excuse me, where are there places to eat? I mean the kind of cheap restaurants, where else is there a market? It's the kind of free trade stall market." Li Yuanhong asked.

"The cheaper restaurant is in our backstreet, but it's messy at night. The free market is at the end of the backstreet. There is a small square there, but it's late now. It should be closed." The boy finished. Turned around and left.

Looking at the boy's back, Li Yuanhong showed an intriguing smile on his face.

At this moment, the guard walked to Li Yuanhong's side and asked softly: "Brother Li..."

Li Yuanhong quickly corrected: "My last name is Jia!"

The guard hurriedly said: "I said Li... Brother Jia, do you think this boy has a problem?"

"Let's go back to the room and say." Li Yuanhong said, walked into the room, and then closed the door, but it was not locked.

After entering the room, the guard still had to speak. Li Yuanhong made a silent gesture, and then told the guard to retreat into the house, pretending to be ready to rest, while Li Yuanhong counted ten at the door and then opened the room suddenly. At the door, I saw the boy listening to something with his ears upright.

The door was suddenly opened, and the boy was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately reacted, and quickly said: "Oh, guest, why are you going out?"

"Yes, we are not going to go out and find a place to eat, what's the matter with you?" Li Yuanhong looked at this man with a smile.

"Oh, I'm here to ask if you still need water or something!" the boy replied.

"No, let's go out and solve it ourselves in a while. The water here is probably not free!" Li Yuanhong teased.

The young man laughed awkwardly, and then said: "In this case, I won't bother you two, then I will go back first." After speaking, the young man turned and walked out again.

Seeing the boy disappear, Li Yuanhong closed the door, walked to the guard, and said in a low voice, "This time you know if there is any problem with this boy!"

The guard stretched out his thumb to compare to Li Yuanhong, and then asked in a low voice: "What shall we do next?"

"Didn't I just say that we are going out for dinner!" Li Yuanhong said.

"You really want to go out to eat?" The guard said reluctantly. He is a person who has been struggling in the last days for almost two years. He naturally understands the suffering in the last days. Although there are restaurants outside, only God knows what you can eat.

"Let's go, stop talking nonsense, we don't go out, isn't that hitting the guy in the face, besides, we have to go out to inquire about the news!" Li Yuanhong whispered.

Before a freshman, the two of them walked out of the door, went downstairs, and walked straight to the backstreet mentioned by the young man. As soon as Li Yuanhong went out, the young man quickly slipped upstairs and opened Li Yuanhong’s room carefully. After searching Li Yuanhong's backpack, he found that there were only compressed biscuits and instant noodles. The boy was a little confused. However, in order to prevent Li Yuanhong from coming back suddenly, the boy hurriedly exited the door and went back to the front desk.

Li Yuanhong and the guards walked to the backstreet. It is true that there is a lot of chaos here. There are all kinds of people, but most of the people here don’t wear well. There are also many street girls here. Constantly soliciting business, and the asking price is not very high, some as long as two or three crystal nuclei, you can stay overnight.

Of course, Li Yuanhong will not pay attention to this. He is going to find a place where he can inquire about the news. Generally this kind of place is most suitable for a tavern, but in the end of the world, wine has become an extremely scarce luxury item. The probability of a bar should not be very high, but after not taking a few steps, I heard noisy voices at the end of the street. Li Yuanhong relied on the eyes of the real eye to discover that the noisy place turned out to be a bar.

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