Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 189 The Secret of the Treasure

On the second day, Li Yuanhong and Agatahi boarded the airship and went straight to Lake Baikal. Originally, Agatahi had an airship, but he had to take Li Yuanhong’s airship. Once he got on the airship, Agatahi looked everywhere. , This knock, that pat, and then asked Li Yuanhong.

"I said the beauty of Agataxi, don't you also have airships?" Li Yuanhong was annoyed by the question, so he asked back.

"Yes, but our airship technology is provided by you. I always feel that your airship is different from ours. Did you hide it again?" Agatahi looked at Li Yuanhong with the gaze of the deputy judge.

"What do we mean by hiding privates? The technology we gave you back then is a complete set, not bad at all."

Agataxi stared at Li Yuanhong's eyes and said, "Really?"

Li Yuanhong said with a clear conscience: "Of course it is true. I definitely didn't lie to you. It is a loss of life to lie to beautiful women!"

Seeing Li Yuanhong's vows, Agatahi wondered: "How do I feel that this airship is so different from us?"

In fact, Li Yuanhong did not lie. The technology given to Russia at the beginning was indeed a complete set, but that was the first version of the airship technology. Now the airship used by Li Yuanhong has been updated for several generations, whether it is weapons, construction materials, and runes everywhere. The magic array has been updated. Now the airship has not only increased its speed, but also has a certain degree of protection. If a zombie’s magic hits the airship, as long as the magic attack intensity does not reach a certain level, it will not cause any damage to the airship. Of course , If the airship airbag is attacked by a missile, it will be finished. Fortunately, zombies can't use missiles.

It took more than a day for the airship to fly before flying over Lake Baikal. Lake Baikal is now an autumn color, with yellow leaves wrapped in bursts of fruity fragrance, adding a lot of life to the entire Lake Baikal. Li Yuanhong sighed that Huaxia is still hot in late summer, but there is a chill here. It seems that if you want to escape the heat in the future, you can consider coming here.

However, Li Yuanhong's interest was soon broken by a group of zombies. I saw a group of zombies cutting down trees on the northwestern shore of the lake. The lush woods on the lake's side have been destroyed by these zombies. The flat land with the roots of the trees is like a piece of skin in the woods. Ringworm destroys the entire natural beauty.

"How did these zombies learn to log?" Li Yuanhong was surprised. The zombies had learned to use tools, and what did these zombies do?

"I don’t know. Since those cavemen have expanded the cave here, they have been in the cave. I have sent people to explore it, but I can’t get in. Those cavemen are too guarded. Yan, I was discovered soon after entering the hole, and several of the team members did not come back." Agatahi said with a bit of sorrow.

"Then how do you know that these cavemen are going into the lake to search for treasure?"

"Before we detected that these cavemen had made a submarine-like thing. They put it in the water and fished out a lot of gold nuggets from it. Seeing their excitement, it seemed that they were looking for these things. Judging that they are for the treasure" Agatahi said.

"Then they have already taken the treasure?" Li Yuanhong worried.

"No, their submarine has only successfully taken gold once, and the amount is not very large. After the second time, it never came up again. I don't know what went wrong." Agatahi said.

"Oh? I'll never come up again when I go down again?" Li Yuanhong also felt strange. It stands to reason that things made by alien technology should be very durable, just like the dragon mouth cannons used by cavemen, and the magic runes above it. It has not been completely deciphered, and the material used in the cannon is unknown.

At this time, the airship had followed the zombies carrying the wood and came to a cave. This time the cave was not very far from the lake, only less than two kilometers away. Those zombies kept transporting the wood in, just ten minutes. , There are hundreds of woods disappeared in the hole.

Li Yuanhong looked at these zombies and frowned. His invisibility cloak is not effective for these zombies. There are so many zombies here, and he can't get in at all, so he asked Agataxi: "Are you here where you enter the cave? "

"Not here, on the other side, there are only cavemen guarded there, no zombies." Agataxi said.

"Okay, that's all right." Li Yuanhong planned to enter the cave and explore the caveman's lair again.

The airship quickly flew to the caveman who led a cave. As expected, there were only cavemen, not any zombies, and these cavemen were not idle, and kept moving stones into the cave, but these stones were not like ordinary rocks. It should be some kind of ore.

Li Yuanhong got off the spacecraft far from the entrance of the cave. Agatahi said to Li Yuanhong, "Be careful!"

Li Yuanhong waved his hand, then put on the cloak that was invisible to the caveman, and quietly touched the caveman's entrance.

The cavemen are busy transporting ore at this time. A small group of soldiers is checking the passing vehicles at the entrance of the cave to prevent spies from entering. This group of soldiers will not let go even if they are cavemen, so the cave entrance is very crowded. , If Li Yuanhong wanted to get in at this time, he would inevitably encounter these guards or transport workers, and his invisibility would be seen through.

Li Yuanhong observed the hole carefully for a while and found that although the chassis of these transport vehicles are not high, it shouldn't be a problem to get in by themselves. These vehicles have a wall around and a recess in the middle, so Li Yuanhong had an idea.

Due to the need for inspection, a small long line was formed before the car entered the checkpoint. Li Yuanhong took the opportunity to get under a car, and then supported the four bottom edges with both hands and feet so that he was completely against the bottom of the car. Soon after Li Yuanhong’s car entered the checkpoint, the mine truck and cavemen were fine, and even the cavemen and soldiers checked the bottom of the car and found that there was no problem.

When the mine cart entered the cave, Li Yuanhong stayed close to the bottom of the mine cart and did not dare to move. Almost all these mine carts lined up and walked deep into the cave. I don’t know how long it took. The cave people The minecart finally arrived in front of a castle. This castle is much larger than the castles seen in Mongolia, and there are not only castles, but also houses with many other functions, and these mine carts enter a smoking room.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw that there was a huge furnace burning inside. Many mine carts were locked by a device in front of the furnace, and then they were raised to the furnace mouth, and the ore was poured into the furnace. . On the other side, a large amount of wood is being sent under the furnace to fill the furnace as fuel.

Li Yuanhong guessed that this is a place where iron or steel is made. Fortunately, he wears a temperature-isolating cloak, which not only blocks the heat from the outside, but also keeps his own heat from radiating, otherwise he will be hot and sweat when he comes in. The smell of sweat will definitely attract the attention of cave people.

Li Yuanhong took advantage of the emptiness of the minecart being caught, got out from the bottom of the car, then hid in the dark corner of the room, preparing to find a chance to go out.

At this moment, a few cavemen walked outside, and these cavemen were guarded by one person. Obviously this person was the head of the group of cavemen.

The group of people walked near the furnace, and the leader turned his head and asked the people of the cave nearby: "How is the progress of these magic steel forging now?"

"The report squadron leader, the progress is going well. It is expected that at noon tomorrow, the materials for building the new submarine will be ready." The cave man next to it replied.

"Well, you have to hurry up, we are running out of time now, and the gate of time and space is opened again. There is not much time. If we don't come up with some results in such a short time, it is estimated that we cave people will not end well." The squadron leader said sadly.

"Yes, we understand. But squadron leader, can we solve our crisis by fishing the gold in this lake?"

"What do you know? Although there is a lot of gold here, it is not the value. According to the information in the museum of mankind, there is a set of armors in the treasures here. This armor is probably a golden armor, which is the lost piece. Legendary weapons." The caveman squadron leader said.

"Really? Then if we get this armor, will our clan's status be promoted before the Queen." These cave people's tone was a little excited.

"That's natural. Her Majesty has always been worried about the damage of the Doomsday Blade. If we can't get the accessories of the Doomsday Blade back, the Queen will be naturally happy. But these must ensure our things in the water. , The submarine suddenly disappeared last time. I suspect that there is something in the water, so this time the submarine must be built sturdy, and the dragon mouth must be run for me to mount it on the submarine, so that the earth that dares to attack us will be lower. Wait for the creatures to see what the real strength of the underground race is," the squadron leader said viciously.

"Yes, Captain Squadron, please rest assured that this time we will not only install weapons on the submarine, but also install a defensive magic array on the submarine, so that no earth creatures can hurt it." Said the guarantee.

"Okay, then I don't worry, I will come and have a look when the ship is built!" The squadron leader turned around and walked out with his short legs.

Although Li Yuanhong eavesdropped on the secrets of this treasure, Li Yuanhong didn't want to go empty, because he had to order a thief and cost it. So Li Yuanhong planned to follow the squadron leader to see if he could get some oil and water from the squadron leader.

The squadron leader entered the castle in the middle, but Li Yuanhong did not dare to follow, because most of these buildings hide various defensive magic, including reconnaissance magic. He is not invisible in the true sense at all, but just uses the cave people's visual defects. But his figure, under the detection magic, must be exposed.

This time Li Yuanhong chose to climb the wall again.

Climbing to the top of the wall, Li Yuanhong directly climbed to the top floor according to the layout of the caveman's castle, which is usually the commander's residence.

When Li Yuanhong climbed to the top floor, he saw a special room, which was larger than other rooms, had a separate living room, and a bed for sleeping alone, but this bed was not much different from a messy grass nest. It perfectly matches the bad habits of cave people like dampness and rancidity.

Li Yuanhong arrived in front of the commander's bedroom and saw someone inside. This gave Li Yuanhong a stunned. Could it be that the commander would not be able to fly? He climbed the stairs faster than you could directly come up?

When Li Yuanhong was suspicious, he heard a knock on the door, and the caveman in the house shouted, "Come in!"

Then, a caveman walked outside the door, and the caveman looked almost exactly the same as the caveman inside.

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