Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 203 The boundary between white and black

That is a very **** story. Thousands of years ago in the alien world, humans were still very powerful. In the human world, in addition to the kings of the people who dominate the destiny of the people, there is also a straddling organization—the Church of Light. This church believes in the light. God, they dealt a severe blow to the dark forces in the world. In the beginning, this church only took advantage of those evil snobberies who did a lot of evil. As the church's snobbery expanded, arrogance and prejudice began to form within the church.

With the change of high-level, the newly appointed pope, in order to shine the gods of the Church of Light into the world, the church’s blows began to expand, not only against the dark and evil snobberies, but also against everything that involves darkness, including those against People who are interested in dark magic and research are also listed as targets.

In this case, the Pope formed a guard army dedicated to fighting the evil forces. This army is led by twelve captains. These twelve captains are absolute masters of the light system, especially the first team. In order to pursue higher combat power, his behavior is absolutely in the name of absolute justice, and he will never allow anyone to defile the **** of light, nor will any dark snobbery exist.

On this day, the captain discovered that the female captain of the tenth team, one of the twelve captains he had been pursuing, had someone he liked, and this person turned out to be a civilian. In this regard, the proud first captain absolutely does not allow civilians. It tarnished the noble and beautiful tenth captain, so the first captain sent someone to secretly investigate the civilian, hoping to find the stain on the civilian, and then give a just trial.

Unexpectedly, this investigation really made the captain find out the tricks. This civilian is not as simple as the surface. This civilian is a magician interested in dark magic. Although only a magic apprentice, his talent is absolutely different. For ordinary people, if given time, this civilian will eventually be called a dazzling great magician.

But these are not important anymore. The important thing is that when this civilian did not have a matching status, he dared to pursue the noble and beautiful Captain Ten. This is the sin, the greater sin, and even dared to touch the dark magic. The Holy See was the enemy, so the first captain decided to impose justice on it.

On a sunny evening, the first captain took his guard to the civilian's home. Once he arrived at the civilian's house, he ordered the guard to tie up all the civilian's family members.

Li Yuanhong shook his head helplessly when he heard this. This was obviously doing dirty things in the name of justice.

The captain took the young family a total of five people, including his parents and two younger siblings. These guards read the young man’s sins in front of the young man. Of course, the guilt did not pursue the young beautiful captain. The most culpable thing is to study dark magic.

In fact, at the beginning of the creation of the Church of Light, there was also a department specializing in black magic, but this department was abandoned after the pope took office, and those research institutes were executed by the pope in the name of justice.

The first team leader is also responsible for strictly implementing the Pope's decree, so it is the greatest sin for such people who dare to study dark magic.

After the sentence was pronounced, the captain executed the young man’s family to death in front of the young man. When the young man was about to be sentenced, the tenth captain rushed to rescue the young man.

When the first team leader saw the person he liked, he actually shot himself for a lowly civilian, so the team leader became even more angry, so he started chasing the two.

In order to cover the young civilians, the tenth captain was stabbed in the heart by the first captain when he fought against the first captain.

Seeing his beloved one dying in front of him, this young civilian was furious. This anger inspired the dark power in his heart. So this young man opened the dark realm at this time. This is what many great magicians have in their lives. Unable to unlock magic, but this young man turned it on.

At this time, the first team leader blamed all the guilt on this young man because he killed the person he liked, so he also opened the light field, intending to completely kill this young man, but he didn't even fight against this young man. After defeating the other side, both sides were seriously injured, and the young civilian also took the opportunity to escape.

Hearing this, Li Yuanhong had already guessed the next ending. It must be the young man hiding somewhere to practice, and then after years of cultivation, he will return to revenge.

However, Li Yuanhong was only half right. This young man did more thoroughly. He was completely called a member of the dark forces and became one of the most evil Lich clan among the dark forces.

And five years later, this young man led the Lich clan, swept the human snobbery, and defeated the Holy See of Light with no power to fight back. Finally, when humans were at risk, they received the assistance of the Elves and the Mage Kingdom. Saved from the disaster of destruction. However, this war has also changed the pattern of the human world. Many countries have been destroyed, and the Holy See of Light has also fallen. It has become an ordinary church. The reason why it still exists is that the church’s light healing magic is very useful and many adventurers. , I hope that there will be a bright pastor in the team to give timely treatment when he is injured.

Of course, the young civilian also achieved initial revenge. He not only killed the first captain, but also smashed the Holy See of Light from the altar, but he completely betrayed mankind and became the new Lich King, a hostile snob of mankind, and His goal has turned into an undead race of all human beings.

This behavior was naturally resisted by all the countries of the alliance of order forces, and it caused the defeat of the war a thousand years ago. Therefore, the Lich King lurked for thousands of years. Finally, in this raid, he once again pushed the human forces into a dead end. This time the Lich King not only united with other evil snobberies to restrict other order forces, but also planted spies within the human race. So that human actions are all mastered by it in advance.

This story is considered to be over here. It is a story of the dark power winning, but Li Yuanhong asked: "What does this have to do with domain magic?"

"You're an idiot! I didn't listen to the young man's transformation. Is the battle with the first captain as a turning point? The battle between them is a showdown of domain magic." Xiao Yi exploded directly with aura.

"Oh, that's it! But what does this have to do with the enhancement of domain magic?" Li Yuanhong still didn't understand.

"You didn't think about it. That young man didn't know Dark Domain Magic before, and the first team leader, but a warrior with high combat effectiveness with the light as his duty, would naturally not learn Domain Magic on the first day. The captain should hang the civilian youth, but was injured by the civilian and let the other party escape. This is a problem. How did the young civilian master the domain magic in a short time, and then The field of magic has reached a very high level. Many people have studied this battle, but they haven't found the root cause." Xiao Yiling also looked suspicious.

Li Yuanhong suddenly remembered something at this time, and then Li Yuanhong took a piece of paper and drew a figure on it, which was a Taoist Yin and Yang fish, and then showed it to Xiao Yiling, "I think, here is the answer."

Xiao Yiling took the yin and yang fish graphic and didn't understand the meaning, so he asked Li Yuanhong for the first time: "What does this graphic mean?"

Li Yuanhong said: "When we go to China, there is a very old sect called Taoism. They pay attention to the unity of nature and man. There is nothing pure in everything, such as good and evil, white and black. With you in it, those things cannot exist alone. Once a certain thing reaches the limit, it will develop in the opposite direction. For example, the captain, he pursues justice too much, his justice becomes evil, so his light Domain magic is not so pure, and that young man, because his family and lover were killed, was full of dark thoughts of revenge, especially when he later avenged all human beings, which proved that his dark power at that time was the purest. "

After listening to Li Yuanhong's analysis, Xiao Yiling nodded, but then said: "Your analysis is reasonable, but this level of difference cannot be broken, so there are still many questions here."

Li Yuanhong estimated that this was another outstanding case. After all, at that time, what was the state of the young man, other than the person involved, did not know that he would not be so stupid that he would run to the Lich King to ask. But if there is such a chance, Li Yuanhong doesn't mind asking the previous question.

Li Yuanhong suddenly thought of another question: "Xiao Yiling, how do you say this time-space magic domain is opened? What characteristics does it have?"

"This...I don't know!" Xiao Yiling said with a rare blush.

"Don't you know?" Li Yuanhong was surprised. He thought Xiao Yiling knew everything about magic.

"What's wrong with this, time-space magic itself is very mysterious, especially there are very few people in the time-space domain, and the time-space magicians who appeared in the field in history rarely use the time-space domain to fight, so people who know the abilities of this domain , Even less. So there is no public book in our place that records magic in the space-time domain." Xiao Yiling explained.

"Damn it, it seems that if you want to learn domain magic, you can only get lucky!" Li Yuanhong laughed at himself.

Li Yuanhong asked about some common sense of domain magic, which is convenient for him to fight against the zombies of domain magic in the future, but there is one sentence that really makes Li Yuanhong cares, that is, those who participate in domain magic fight, and time and space magicians rarely use time domain to fight against it. Confrontation, then how did these magicians defeat the magic in this domain?

Although he didn't understand, Li Yuanhong was not impatient. He must have very few magic skills. Perhaps there is a space-time magic that specifically restrains the domain.

In the next two days, Taiyuan City was constantly being swept away by airships, and a large number of machine gun robots were also put into actual combat. Those zombies were only slaughtered in front of these weapons, especially Commander Xiao who was bullied by zombies in order to avenge himself. The enemy, all tanks go into battle, it is crazy revenge against the zombies. Li Yuanhong just responded with a smile.

Two days later, the zombies in Taiyuan City were basically cleaned up, and then the crystal nucleus was harvested. This time, the overall level of the zombies has been improved. In particular, there have been a number of upgraded zombies, especially the King Kong guarding zombies, which made Li Yuanhong Feeling a crisis, Li Yuanhong also deliberately transported several newly-emerged corpses back to Sakhalin and handed them to Dr. Bai and Dr. Han, hoping that they would develop targeted weapons.

When these tasks were arranged, the sky gradually dimmed, and at this time the gate of time and space opened again, and there was only less than a day.

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