Apocalyptic Hero System

: Festival 205 Xi'an and Qin Emperor's Mausoleum

The entire world is wary of the arrival of new alien creatures, especially the fire monsters in Europe and the monsters floating in the air in Asia. Obviously, one of these monsters can carry out long-range attacks and the other can fly (the cavemen’s The portal is underground, and there is no flying monster detected), which poses the greatest threat to humans. As for the lizardmen who hold bows and arrows in the Americas, they are ignored by everyone. Everyone knows the range of bows and arrows. At about 100 meters, the new magic cannon can shoot nearly ten kilometers, and even the new magic rifle can shoot two or three hundred meters away. For bows and arrows, they are all left by humans, so don’t worry.

However, when these materials were in Li Yuanhong's hands, Li Yuanhong was not at ease. He would not think that creatures from other worlds would send some useless troops. However, whether it was Europe or America, it was far away from him. What he has to do now , Is to liberate China's city as soon as possible, and then increase the strength to block those monsters out of the gate.

After winning Taiyuan City, Li Yuanhong's next goal is Xi'an City, which is the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties and the gateway to the entire northwestern region of China. After taking this place and continuing westward, he will have a solid logistics supply base, and Xi'an City There are also many military-industrial enterprises, which makes it convenient to produce weapons and ammunition on site.

Once the plan has been formulated, it will be implemented. Now Li Yuanhong is still splitting his troops into two ways. Of course, Wang Jingrong's way is still liberating Mongolia. Li Yuanhong has not interfered too much.

On the way to Xi’an, I passed through a few relatively large cities. Fortunately, there were not many zombies, only one million, so that Li Yuanhong didn’t waste too much time and opened up the passage. After half a month, Li Yuanhong finally arrived in Xi'an.

The terrain here in Xi'an can be described as complex. There are towering mountains, rushing rivers, and fertile soil suitable for farming. Here, you can find a variety of topography and landforms, which also brings difficulties to the layout of combat. The changeable terrain requires more adjustments to the combination of arms.

Li Yuanhong first sent an airship to conduct investigations. Before the end of Xi'an, it was a metropolis with a population of tens of millions. Moreover, it was a famous historical city with many ancient buildings. Li Yuanhong didn't want to turn into ruins after a burst of artillery fire. So this investigation is very important.

However, the investigative force sent by Li Yuanhong replied that there were not many zombies in the city. They found that the number of zombies was less than three million. This surprised Li Yuanhong. Could it be that the rate of corpse change in this city is relatively low?

When Li Yuanhong was confused, the investigator sent to the east of Xi'an came back to report that a large number of zombies were found in a mountainous area on the east side of Xi'an, and it was impossible to estimate how many zombies there were.

"Where are the zombies?" Li Yuanhong took out the map and asked the reporter.

The soldier pointed to a point on the map and said, "Here."

Li Yuanhong looked at the map. The scout was referring to Lishan Mountain. This should be the location of Emperor Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum. Where did the zombies go? Is it to guard the mausoleum for Qin Shihuang? Li Yuanhong had seen a movie before, saying that Qin Shihuang was resurrected, he became the corpse king, and he could command the world's zombies. The resurrected Qin Shihuang was ready to dominate the world again, but he killed those who repaired the mausoleum. The undead were killed.

Now that the zombies ran to the tomb of Qin Shihuang, Li Yuanhong doubted whether Qin Shihuang was resurrected.

No matter how unreliable this absurd idea is, Li Yuanhong decided to go and see for himself. So Li Yuanhong got on the airship and flew directly to Lishan.

When Li Yuanhong flew up to Lishan, he was shocked by the sight below. I saw that the entire Lishan Mountain was covered by densely packed zombies, and all the zombies were divided into labor. These zombies were doing excavation work. The huge mountain bag of the mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang had been dug out of the surface. The vegetation has been dug out, the entire mountain has become bare, and there are pits and pits dug everywhere.

Li Yuanhong was shocked by the huge zombie construction site. Is it because the zombies are going to dig out Qin Shihuang?

However, since the zombies are concentrated here, it is just convenient for him to destroy himself, so Li Yuanhong said to the fat man: "Fatty, quickly notify the troops that the target of the attack has become Lishan. We strive to eliminate the zombies here. Such a good attack opportunity must not be let go. "

"Understood!" The fat man replied immediately.

Not long after, twenty spacecraft flew to the top of Lishan Mountain, and then began to attack the corpses below. The huge construction site immediately turned into a huge battlefield, with explosions one after another, the entire mountain was covered by artillery fire, and it was still busy. The zombies immediately turned into a crowded fleeing army.

"Hahaha, enjoyable, really enjoyable." Fatty Lu commanded the airship to bombard the zombies below wantonly, satisfying Fatty Lu's bombing desire.

"Fatty, don't just bomb these zombies, pay attention to search to see what these zombies are digging?" Li Yuanhong said.

"No problem, any clues will definitely not escape my eyes." Fatty Lu assured him, patting his chest.

Li Yuanhong gave a big eyeball to Fat Lu's assurance, and then he checked it carefully. The entire Lishan was dug beyond recognition, with caves everywhere, but many of them were not very deep. Li Yuanhong had read novels about tomb robbers before and knew that this method of digging was to find the tomb. Once found, he would use violence to destroy the tomb and enter the tomb to robbery.

However, the actual facts of these zombies robbers are not so good. Although the holes dug are everywhere, no one dug the right place. Only the whole Lishan became like a bald head covered with sores, how ugly and ugly. .

When Li Yuanhong was looking for the zombies to dig the key points, suddenly there was a loud noise in the east of Lishan, and then a thick smoke rose there. When Li Yuanhong saw him, he immediately said to the fat man, "Hurry over and take a look."

The fat man was immersed in the excitement of bombarding the zombies. He was taken aback when he heard Li Yuanhong talking to him: "Huh? What?"

Li Yuanhong was a little helpless, and asked him to stare at the changes of the zombies, just like that, he might not have missed any important things.

"I said, go and take a look at the place where the explosion just now." Li Yuanhong pointed to the smoking area on the screen and said.

"Oh, good." Only then did the fat man relax.

As the airship crossed Lishan and came to the east side of Lishan, there was a huge deep pit, at least forty to fifty meters deep. At the bottom of the pit, a huge stone gate was exposed, but now the stone gate is blown open. It was not human explosives, but collective magic used by more than a dozen zombies, exploding a stone gate more than two meters thick.

As the stone gate was exploded, many zombies rushed into the stone gate one after another and disappeared into the black hole tomb. Li Yuanhong simply estimated that at least three hundred thousand zombies entered the tomb, and the tomb that was immediately blown up was empty.

"Brother Li, those zombies have entered the tomb, should we blow up the tomb and bury them in it?" the fat man asked.

"No, these zombies don't know what to do when they get inside. It's definitely not easy. In addition, they can blow up the cave, and they can also blow up the sealing soil outside, so it doesn't work to seal it outside." Li Yuanhong said.

"What should I do?" Fatty Lu asked?

"Let's go in too!" Li Yuanhong resolutely said.

"Well, let's go down now and I'll transfer troops." Fatty Lu looked eager to try again.

"Wait, don't you know that there is mercury in the Emperor Qin Shihuang's mausoleum! Isn't this going on to find death?" Li Yuanhong glared at the fat man.

The fat man stuck his tongue out: "Isn't this excited forgotten!"

After preparation, Li Yuanhong, a team of fifty people, entered the mysterious tomb of Emperor Qin Shihuang from the gate of the tomb passage that was blown open. Entering the gate, you can see that this is a very large tomb passage. At least two carriages can walk side by side here. Obviously this was used by the workers to transport the materials for the construction of the tomb.

After walking less than five hundred meters, I saw a tall curtain wall. There was also a tomb door, but this tomb door was also blown up. Li Yuanhong led everyone into the tomb gate.

Entering this tomb gate, the walls on both sides are no longer bare. The murals on both sides are painted with great achievements of Qin Shihuang. Of course, Li Yuanhong is not archaeological, and these things are not Li Yuanhong's concern.

After entering the tomb gate, the guard came to Li Yuanhong and said to Li Yuanhong through the gas mask: "Brother Li, pay attention, I feel there is some danger around me."

"Okay, I'll be careful!" Li Yuanhong nodded.

Li Yuanhong knew that there were many traps in the tombs of ancient emperors. Fortunately, he also had trap skills and had a strong sense of traps.

In the end, I saw a few zombies falling to the ground, with crossbow arrows stuck on their heads, and these crossbow arrows were obviously not modern products. Li Yuanhong was a little puzzled that such a long-distance mechanism could still be used and could kill these. The evolved zombies, how sharp these arrows were at the beginning.

I walked forward for a while, and there was a water galaxy in front of me, and there was still a flowing water galaxy. The water galaxy blocked the passage. If you want to move on, you must go to the past, or find a ship, but this is thousands of years. How could there be a boat in his tomb? Even if it did, it had already turned into dust. It must be in the Qin Dynasty, but there was no iron boat.

Li Yuanhong looked around and found that the exit of the cave is the Shui Yinhe. On both sides of the cave, there is no access at all. The idea of ​​going around is not feasible. The opposite of the Shui Yinhe is at least 40 or 50 meters away from his side. Teleporting skills are in the past, and it's not realistic. You must teleport 50 meters, and you will consume half of your mana. In this dangerous catacomb, it is very dangerous to waste magic casually.

"Brother Li, how did we get there?" the guard walked over and asked.

"We rowed over!" Li Yuanhong said.

"Ship?" The guard was taken aback. Where did the ship come from here.

Li Yuanhong did not answer, and walked directly to the edge of the water galaxy, and then took out a wooden oar boat from space. This was Li Yuanhong prepared for his escape. The last time he fell into the sea, he didn’t have a boat and he ate his physique by mistake. Reinforcing agent makes it bothersome to walk. If you had a boat, at least rowing yourself can save a little effort. Once Li Yuanhong prepared a boat in the space, but he did not expect to use it today.

The boat is not big and can only take five people at a time. Therefore, after more than ten times, more than fifty people reached the opposite bank smoothly. When they landed, Li Yuanhong walked in and found a few words written on it. One word: "Jieshi".

"Damn, we were crossing the sea just now!" Li Yuanhong blurted out.

The guard looked at Li Yuanhong suspiciously. Li Yuanhong turned his headlight on the stone stele again and said: "This stone stele, called the Jieshi stele, is a copy of the Jieshi stele on the East Sea. This was when Qin Shihuang climbed the Jieshi Mountain to see the sea. This stone is here, so let’s just come here. Isn't it the sea!"

"This sea is too small!" the guard murmured.

"Nonsense, Qin Shihuang wants to build a real sea, does he have so much mercury?"

Li Yuanhong didn’t want to talk too much nonsense. This mercury sea is actually quite big, and it’s the first obstacle for the tomb raiders. You don’t have tools, you have thought about the mercury sea, you don’t even have a door. Let’s not say that mercury mist is poisonous. As far as the mercury sea is concerned, Li Yuanhong estimates that the depth is definitely more than two meters. If you swim in the mercury, it is really a death.

But then again, how did those zombies pass by? When passing the Mercury Sea just now, Li Yuanhong deliberately probed inside, and did not touch the corpse of a zombie.

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