Apocalyptic Hero System

: Festival 208: The Treasure of Qin Shihuang

Li Yuanhong was very surprised. Why did Qin Shihuang's tomb contain guards who were not Qin warriors, and they were still dressed as generals. Looking at the armor and dress, these generals are definitely not low-ranking.

With the appearance of these officers, the remaining Qin warriors immediately formed a circular formation around these Qin generals, giving people the feeling of an immediate rise in momentum.

Of course, the zombies will not be idle. The zombies that rushed into the palace just now were thrown out by the Qin warriors, indicating that the fighting power of these Qin warriors is not generally strong, especially the fat zombies in the invincible state. They are all thrown out at this time. Let the monster floating in the air take it seriously.

So there was another roar, and the fat zombies began to repeat the same trick again. They grabbed the zombies and threw them into the Qin warriors' team. General Qin, who looked like corpses this time, raised the Qin Dao and waved it against the sky. The zombies that had not landed were disintegrated in the air, and there was a **** rain in the sky. The terracotta warriors were covered with blood, making these warriors even more brave and fearless.

Seeing that the strategy of flying corpses in the air didn’t work anymore, the floating monsters roared again, and the zombies started to pour magic on the Qin warriors, but this time some corpses were there and they didn’t know what they used. The tricks, I saw that they were waving their long knives indiscriminately against the magic, and saw those long knives emit bursts of sword energy, which collided with the magic, causing the magic to explode in the air, so the palace became A gorgeous magical firework show.

Seeing that the magic attack was also frustrated, the monster in the air roared again. At this time, the whole group of corpses was dispatched, not a single attack, so there were flying corpses above and magic attacks in the middle, and the zombies below began to move forward, so that A few corpses felt a little rushed.

Of course, the Qin warriors will not wait to die. The Qin warriors team will fire crossbow arrows at the group of zombies from time to time. These crossbow arrows hit the zombies, and the zombies will soon fall to the ground and die, which makes the zombies suffer heavy casualties for a while.

But the three-way attack finally caused a loophole in the Qin warriors' team, which caused the zombies that rushed up to have a hand-to-hand battle with the Qin warriors. As a result, the Qin warriors began to suffer casualties.

The Terra Cotta Warriors are very powerful, but the biggest flaw is the lack of numbers. The zombies are now five or six times the number of Terra Cotta Warriors. Even if five zombies are replaced by one Terra Cotta Warriors, it is still profitable. Of course, Terra Cotta Warriors can temporarily hold on to the advantage of the terrain. The palace gate, but after a long time, it is hard to say.

Seeing that the battle has come to an end, Li Yuanhong estimated that within half an hour, the two sides will see the difference, so he quietly ordered: "Everyone is ready, we will set off soon."

After that, Li Yuanhong took the lead to pack up his bags, and was going to head towards the palace for a while.

Everyone cleaned up. At this time, the battle between the corpse group and the Qin warriors has changed. At this time, the number of the Qin warriors is less than 50, and the zombies are still two thousand giants, and there are no ordinary zombies. It means that the Terracotta Warriors lost in this battle.

At this time, the Terracotta Warriors did not hold on to the palace gate, but retreated into the palace again. The group of zombies also rushed into the palace. At this time, there was nothing else but a corpse left outside the palace.

"Go, it's time for us to play." Li Yuanhong said.

So Li Yuanhong took the lead, and everyone filed out towards the central palace.

When everyone came outside the palace, they only heard the sound of fighting in the palace. Li Yuanhong was very curious about why these terracotta warriors were so forbidden to fight, so Li Yuanhong quietly came to the palace gate and cast through the crack of the door to look into the hall.

The inside of the hall is not as dim as it is outside, but there are lights that illuminate them. These lights are hung on the top of the palace. Although the light is not very large, they still make things clearly visible in the entire hall.

I saw the palace’s magnificence, both the utensils and the beams and pillars, were plated with a layer of gold. In the middle of the hall, there was a huge coffin with a black lacquer base with dragon and phoenix painted on it. I wanted to come to the coffin of Qin Shihuang. Around the coffin, there are ten tall gold figures standing, and there are many huge treasure chests in the surrounding corners. At first glance, you can see that Qin Shihuang piled up all the treasures collected by the world.

Li Yuanhong just glanced at it briefly. These gold and silver treasures were not what attracted him, but the corpses who fought with the zombies. Now the Qin warriors have all died, and only the few corpses are fighting. Seeing that the number of corpses is small, but the combat effectiveness is definitely on the table. They rushed into the flock of corpses with a long knife, just like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, wherever they went, they were all broken corpses. Even the King Kong zombies in an invincible state would be beaten by them. Go out, those shadow zombies who are known for their speed cannot escape their long swords, even if they are in the invisible state, as long as these corpses swing their knives, these shadow zombies can be cut out of invisibility. .

At this time, Li Yuanhong was less than 100 meters away from the battlefield of the corpse group, so Li Yuanhong began to scan the monsters he was paying attention to with his real eyes, especially the monsters floating in the air.

"Nineteen Dark Magic Ghost

Dark magic ghosts are the basic units of ghosts. They have average combat power, but have strong mental attack capabilities. They are immune to all physical attacks. Their attacks often reach the depths of the opponent's soul, causing their mental breakdown and becoming the target of their ravages. .

Attack skills are: Soul Howl, Soul Exploration and Soul Control.

Soul howl is a group attack, through the harsh howling sound, the enemy's spirit is attacked, thus losing the ability to fight for a short time.

Soul exploration: By emitting brain waves, exploring the surrounding creatures, no living creature can escape its perception.

Soul Control: You can control a creature with mental power to resist it in a short period of time to make it act according to its own will.

Weaknesses: Fear of magical attacks from light, fire, and lightning, especially light, even if exposed to natural light, it will cause damage to them. "

Seeing this, Li Yuanhong took a deep breath. This creature shouldn't be a creature of the earth. Could it be one of the alien creatures that were transmitted this time? So why are they here?

Li Yuanhong didn't think too much about this issue, but instead paid attention to those corpses.

"The nineteenth-level corpse is white

Shikui Baiqi was transformed by Qin Jiangbaiqi after his death. His duty was to garrison Qin Ling to prevent it from being stolen by outsiders. Bai Qi has the reputation of killing gods, his sword skills are outstanding, and he has reached the realm of advanced sword skills. Therefore, under his sword, except for the holy generals, few people can defeat his sword skills.

Skills: advanced sword technique, advanced sword energy, killing **** possesses.

Advanced Sword Technique: The advanced version of the Intermediate Sword Technique can increase the lethality of sword weapons by 15%.

High-level sword gas: able to release sword gas outside with a killing radius of three meters.

Killing God Possession: By activating the killing God gene in the body, you can instantly increase your combat power by 300% for five minutes. After the time is over, you will enter a period of weakness for ten minutes. During the period of weakness, the indicators will be only 30% of the usual.

Weaknesses: Fear of fire, thunder and light magic, especially light. The head is its Achilles heel. "

Reading Shikui's introduction, Li Yuanhong was even more surprised. This corpse turned out to be Baiqi, wasn't Baiqi killed by Qin Shihuang and his father? Why did you come here to guard the mausoleum? It seems that this is another historical case.

At this time, only the corpses were left on the battlefield, and there were still a thousand zombies. At this time, the dark magic ghosts roared triumphantly, and they roared, and these ghosts brought a crowd with them. The zombies rushed to the last remaining corpse leader. For them, killing this corpse leader is already a certainty.

Seeing that the situation is difficult to reverse, this corpse screamed up to the sky with grief and anger, and saw a thick black gas erupting from all over the body of the corpse, and then the black qi converged, the whole corpse's momentum changed, and then the corpse Raising the knife and rushing into the group of corpses.

When the corpse rushed into the group of corpses, Li Yuanhong couldn't see the shadow of the corpse. Li Yuanhong had real eyes. This was the first time that he could not see the attack line of other people's weapons. Wherever the corpse quib's white blade shadow passes, there is a fragmented corpse. Even the ghost that is not harmed by physical attacks has been chopped into pieces outside of the cloak, revealing a white transparent body, following the blade , Although these ghosts didn't have any scars, the white light of their bodies actually faded, and the ghosts still roared in pain.

When Li Yuanhong saw it, he knew that this was the last moment of the battle, and it was his turn to take action. So Li Yuanhong waved his hand, led the team, and with the help of the pillars of the hall, quietly touched the zombie.

Five minutes passed quickly, and there was no more living creature around the corpse leader, and even the ghost zombies escaped far away, but these zombies were accidentally away from the pillar where Li Yuanhong was hiding. Far away, Li Yuanhong saw this, took out a dozen flashing grenades from the space, and then put them together carefully, waiting for the time to sneak attack these ghosts (the front is hard, don’t tease, he is only level 15. The opponent is at level nineteen, and I want to live two more days).

At this time, Bai Qi Shikui had run out of the Killing God Possession skills. He was half kneeling on the ground, holding the knife in one hand and covering the position of his heart with the other. He wanted to come back with this skill very powerfully. This state is tantamount to waiting for death, but the remaining zombies did not dare to step forward. After all, in just five minutes, Bai Qi killed nearly six hundred zombies, including two King Kong zombies.

Those ghosts were floating in the air, hiding the corpse leader from far away, watching carefully, for fear that the corpse leader would have any back then.

The whole scene became strangely quiet, as if time was frozen at this moment. The attention of all the zombies was focused on the Bai Qi corpse who was half kneeling on the ground.

Li Yuanhong knew that his opportunity had come, and he must not allow both parties to recover, especially that Bai Qi's corpse Kui, the trick of killing God's possession was terrible.

Li Yuanhong quietly pulled out the safety pin of the grenade, then silently counted for three seconds, and then threw the grenade at several ghosts. The grenade exploded when it approached the ghost in the air. The ghosts felt something hitting themselves. They only stepped back a little later, and then all turned around to look at it. The one looked just in time for the explosion of the flash grenade.

The flash grenade is light magic, which does not damage actual objects much, but is extremely lethal to the dead creatures. A few ghosts only had time to let out a short wailing, and there was no sound, and the zombies beside the ghosts were also unlucky. , They received great damage, some were not dead, but they wailed violently.

Li Yuanhong's grenade exploded, which was the best offensive signal. As the grenade exploded, fifty soldiers threw flashing grenades one after another, and at the same time someone started shooting at the zombies. For a while, gunshots exploded in the grand hall.

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