Apocalyptic Hero System

: 225th Star Blade

Hearing that Chief Executive No. 2 can release the restrictions privately makes President Smith very proud. It seems that the United States is still in the limelight. Even China, which is in full swing in the last days, has to give himself some face. However, the words of Chief No. 2 made his smiling face freeze.

"I can decide privately to cancel your quota limit. In the future, the United States will no longer enjoy cost-price identification. In the future, the number of American identification places will be 100, and each identification fee will be 10,000." Chief No. 2 said generously.

When Smith heard this, the expression on his face immediately became uncertain. This is obviously a pit. On the surface, he has added 50 places, but in fact, he has no cost-priced places, and the second chief is also It implies that this is not the cost price of the appraisal quota, and the lowest price is 10,000 crystal nuclei.

Smith, who had suffered a dumb loss, had to sit down and figure out how to get his cost price quota back. If he wanted it directly, he couldn't save face.

While Smith was considering the cost-price quota, Chief No. 2 spoke again: "What I said just now is the opening of abilities, and the next is the opening of weapons. We will open the magic guns and magic cannons at a cost price, and there are five more. Magic grenade. Specific prices and purchase restrictions, I will make a list later."

"We can make magic guns and magic guns ourselves. What else can we buy from you?" said a representative of a small South American country.

"Hahaha, I said this gentleman, are you kidding me, just how many zombies can you kill with the magic gun and magic cannon? The video of the zombies siege led by the lizard people two days ago, everyone Look, it's that level, isn't it waiting for the zombies to be destroyed? The weapons we provide now, ordinary zombies below level 20, basically shoot one at a time. Of course, the premise is that you have to hit him in the head. As for the demon With the power of Noh Cannon, I will give you a live combat video when I look back." Chief No. 2 said.

As soon as this sentence was spoken, there was another commotion in the entire venue. Obviously, these people did not expect that a year ago, they forced China to transfer the magic cannon technology. As a result, after a long time, they eliminated those magic cannons. What's even more annoying is that if I don't use new equipment, I'm afraid I really have to wait for the zombies to come to annihilation.

"How do you guarantee that these weapons can kill zombies below level 20?" The British Prime Minister asked in disbelief.

"These weapons have been tested on the battlefield. If there are ordinary zombies below level 20 that can't be killed, then we will cover 20 times the loss."

"Well, that's what I want, and I'll have to write this in the contract at that time." The British Prime Minister said with sly eyes flashing.

"Hehe, I said Mr. Prime Minister, this sentence can be written in the contract, but, as I said just now, it must be an ordinary zombie. If it is replaced by another type of zombie, I will not admit it." Chief No. 2 said.

"Of course, of course! Hahaha." The British Prime Minister smiled with a tricky face.

Li Yuanhong watched from the side, always feeling that the British Prime Minister must be playing some conspiracy, but he did not know where the conspiracy was.

Behind the meeting are all kinds of wrangling, such as whether to rescue those countries that are about to die, which countries should be aided, and how much. In fact, these discussions are meaningless, and even the zombies in their own country have not been dealt with, how can they spare their energy to rescue others.

So in the second half of the meeting, many rescue policies were formulated, but there was no specific executable plan.

Li Yuanhong walked out of the meeting room like a liberating only when Hua Deng first started. As soon as he walked out of the meeting room, he was called out: "Commander Li, please stay!"

When Li Yuanhong turned his head, it was the Russian envoy.

"What's the matter with you?" Li Yuanhong asked politely.

"That's it. Two days ago, our troops stationed in Moscow were inexplicably attacked, which caused the death of our entire army. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that they have somehow turned into stone statues, our president. Mr. Peter hopes that you can go there and help us investigate this matter."

"Mr. Ambassador, why did you let me go?" Li Yuanhong was very surprised. How could Russia rely on itself.

Seeing Li Yuanhong’s unwillingness, the ambassador quietly approached Li Yuanhong’s ears: "Miss Agatahi asked me to bring you a sentence. If you help in the past, you can change the golden distribution ratio you fished out of the lake. Forty-six, your six, we get four."

Just as Li Yuanhong wanted to refute, the ambassador said again: "Our eldest lady also said, don’t fool him. The gold you went to the lake this time is not two or three hundred tons, which is about 20% of the extra gold. But it's twenty or thirty tons of gold!" The ambassador gave a treacherous smile.

Li Yuanhong felt so angry that although this little Nizi was cute, she didn’t have a thief in her heart. How did she know that she had got the amount of gold? The last time she went to that lake, there were mountains of gold coins, let alone more than 1,000 meals. Li Yuanhong also believed that there were 10,000 tons, but he was in a hurry and didn’t draw much into the space, so he left in a hurry, but just like that, there were four to five hundred tons, but this is his own secret. He kept these gold coins secretly, only a few people knew the exact number, but how did the Russian little girl know?

Just when Li Yuanhong wanted to bargain, the ambassador whispered: "Also, our lovely Miss Agatahi also said that the monsters who went to Moscow this time did not go to attack the city, but to run. Looking at the Kremlin, there is a state secret warehouse, which contains many important historical cultural relics and documents. Afterwards, we found that some cultural relics and documents were missing, and a large part of the missing documents was related to the Golden Armor."

After the ambassador said this, he paused for a while, and then took a look at Li Yuanhong. Although Li Yuanhong did not react on the surface, his brows were slightly frowned.

"That's why our eldest lady asked me to tell Mr. Li that if you stand on the sidelines, you won't be able to prevent those aliens from knowing when you have been to the bottom of the lake." The Russian ambassador's grin deepened.

"Are you threatening me?!" Li Yuanhong said slightly angrily.

"Mr. Li, don't get it wrong, how dare we threaten you! Now you are the number one strong here, and your army has experienced many battles. It is by no means comparable to ours. But that time you went to the lake. Not only a few people know about the Chinese adventure, and the extraterrestrials you got back at that time were too important. Our lady forgot to seal your trip to the lake, so some soldiers knew about it. Yes, and treat you as an idol!" said the ambassador flatteringly.

"Say the important point!" Li Yuanhong was less angry when he was said so, so his tone became much calmer.

"That's it. The soldiers who knew you had been to the bottom of the lake were also involved in this Moscow operation, but in this operation they disappeared," the ambassador said.

"Don't you lie to me?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"It's absolutely true, there are no lies!" the ambassador said vowingly.

Li Yuanhong pondered for a while, and then said: "I will go to Russia in three days." After that, Li Yuanhong turned and left.

That night, Li Yuanhong accompanied Li Luoxia through a romantic two-person world, and no one came to bother this time.

Early the next morning, Li Yuanhong called Fatty Lu up, hurriedly boarded the spaceship and hurried back to Sakhalin Island. He wanted to get his blade of time and space. This time, Li Yuanhong thought he would use this knife.

When Li Yuanhong returned to Sakhalin Island, it was already 10 in the afternoon. Li Yuanhong hurriedly came to the weapon shop. Seeing Li Yuanhong walking in a hurry, he knew that Li Yuanhong must be in a hurry, so Yu Tianyao didn’t say anything, and directly transformed the space-time. The blade was taken out. After the transformation of the blade of time, there were many spar particles on the beautiful dark blade, which seemed to be stars in the starry sky with infinite charm. Li Yuanhong gently shook the long blade. , The weight of this knife has become, and the blade has also become a bit longer, this knife is more like a Tang knife.

Li Yuanhong looked at this knife, amazed, and then said to Tianyao: "Master Yu, what are the characteristics of this knife?"

"You have to figure it out for yourself. I carved two mysterious space-time runes copied from the Intermediate Magic Book. I don't even know the function of the runes. I just think the two runes match well. As for The effect, I really don't know." Master Yu said.

Li Yuanhong was also helpless, and Master Yu was too unreliable this time. How to make a knife and engrave runes casually, still don't know the effect.

No way, Li Yuanhong had to look at it with real eyes: "

Star Blade

The Star Blade is upgraded from the forging of the Time Blade. The Star Blade has a more powerful time and space power. If the user can fully activate the time and space power, it can even split any space and even magic can cut it.

The Star Blade has three skills: Star Light, Star Chain and Unknown Magic.

Star light: activate the energy of the stars, let the light of the stars envelop the user, and then the user instantly restores the best state and eliminates any external magic attacks. Once a day.

The chain of stars: The sword energy cut out can instantly cut the chain of fate of the opponent, sealing the opponent in the stagnant time and space, until the caster finds a replacement again or releases it actively. This magic is not a killing magic, and the opponent will resurrect after being released.

Mysterious time and space magic: It is related to the caster level and the commonality of magic. The mysterious magic is time and space travel, time chain, time and space shield, time and space guardian and god-level time and space magic and time bridge.

Time and space travel: Elementary time and space magic, opening a time and space gate, can instantly transfer people who pass through the time and space gate anywhere within fifty meters of the road.

Time Chain: Intermediate time-space magic, trapped by the caster in the time-space chain and unable to move, lasts for five seconds.

Time and Space Shield: Form a magic shield in front of the caster, capable of absorbing any attack until the shield's absorption damage value reaches the full level, and the time and space shield will automatically break.

Time and Space Guardian: Travel a magic shield around the caster, regardless of attack from any direction, any form of attack will be absorbed until the attack power is full.

Time and Space Bridge: I saw temporary wormholes on two planets to allow the caster to pass through. The second magic must have two time and space starry coordinates to activate this magic. "

Li Yuanhong always felt a little weird looking at this knife, especially the chain of stars. It just sealed the opponent and couldn't kill the opponent. This magic seemed to be useless. However, the light of the stars is a good magic, which can save one's life at a critical moment.

With the Star Blade, Li Yuanhong went straight to the magic tower, wanting to see what surprises those old guys could bring to himself.

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