Apocalyptic Hero System

: Day 249 Attack on Lanzhou

Li Yuanhong talked with Ma Fangyu for a long time, and the sky darkened. For the later affairs, Li Yuanhong was going to leave and go back to make arrangements, so Li Yuanhong was going to get up and leave.

"Brother Li, please wait a minute!" Ma Fangyu called to Li Yuanhong.

"Oh? Is there anything else Ma Sling has to do?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"That's it. I saved your soldiers yesterday. Although I sent them to the hospital for treatment, you know, because I lack supplies, I can't give them good treatment. I'm really sorry!" Ma Fangyu first apologized.

"Ma Sling is polite, and saving their lives is the greatest boon. Let's give them to me, and I will take them back to us for treatment." Li Yuanhong said.

"Good!" Ma Fangyu agreed, and then ordered the wounded to be carried over.

Li Yuanhong asked people to help carry the wounded into the cabin of the airship. Among the people who carried the wounded, a few people entered the cabin door and looked everywhere. Fortunately, they were all ordinary cabins, and they didn't see anything at all.

In fact, these people, Li Yuanhong, have already seen it, but Li Yuanhong did not stop it, because this airship will soon withdraw from the main force and will become an armed transport boat for the logistics unit.

Li Yuanhong transported the wounded onto the airship and drove away. And the thief-eyed guys who followed the airship sneaked up behind Master Zhang and whispered to Master Zhang what he had just seen. After hearing the report, Master Zhang frowned. In return, there is no important information at all. If it was in his own base, Master Zhang would unceremoniously curse a few rubbish.

The airship quickly lifted off and disappeared into the sky that was already shrouded in admiration. Ma Sling and Master Zhang returned to their respective rooms together. Ma Sling looked excited, while that Master Zhang looked gloomy.

At this time, Li Yuanhong was sitting on the airship and was digesting the news he received from Ma Sling. There was a Western Region Empire in Huaxia Jiang Province, and it was an organization allied with zombies. He must march to the west as soon as possible. If this empire has a firm foothold, it's not easy to handle it by itself.

"Fat man, after going back, you will report the flight data of our aircraft to Dr. Bai. We will finalize the production of this aircraft as soon as possible. We are going to march west soon. We may encounter more zombie aircraft. The airship will definitely not be suitable. Fighting on the front line." Li Yuanhong said.

"Understand, I will pass the data as soon as possible." Fatty said.

"Okay! If it doesn't work, just drive the plane back." Li Yuanhong said.

"Okay, so I will take a few pilots back, so that they can enter the simulator for training, so that when the aircraft is built, ready-made pilots can be used." The fat man made a rare suggestion.

"The plan is good, you pick the personnel, and you will do it immediately after you go back. You will set off back to Dr. Bai tomorrow morning and drive the plane back as soon as possible. We may face more zombie planes next." Li Yuanhong said.

"Hehe, come on, I haven't enjoyed the air battle last time!" Fatty Lu said smugly.

"Okay, don't worry, make arrangements quickly, and leave early tomorrow morning!" Li Yuanhong sent away the proud Fatty Lu.

Back in the room, Li Yuanhong sat on the bed after washing up and began to refining Qi. Since Li Yuanhong got through the sword qi, Qi refining every night has become a required course.

There was no word for a night. The next morning, Li Yuanhong got up early, and the next morning, he gathered everyone together and began to deploy the next action plan.

"Commander Xiao, we must move west as soon as possible to take Lanzhou, what do you think?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"Commander Li, did we advance too fast? The survivors near Xi'an have not been fully searched yet, and new recruits need to be trained. Is the attack too rushed now?" Commander Xiao hesitated.

"Commander Xiao, I also want everyone to rest for two more days, and after the new equipment is fully equipped, we are attacking, but things have changed!" So Li Yuanhong talked about the Western Empire.

"A country where humans and zombies are united?" Commander Xiao was taken aback.

"I think there is a lot of trickiness here. If humans and zombies can live together peacefully, we humans will not be forced to the present level." Li Yuanhong said.

"Yes, how many young soldiers I had turned into that terrifying zombies, and many others were torn apart and swallowed." Commander Xiao's eyes showed a sad expression.

"So we can't wait any longer. If this organization is really good for the benefit of mankind, if it's like the puppet regime during World War II, it will be a little troublesome. So we have to go west as soon as possible and keep the zombies in the west of the desert, so We temporarily give up rest and retreat and let the soldiers take turns. All newly recruited soldiers are transported to the rear for training, and the trained soldiers from the rear are transported. This can greatly save time. As for the search for survivors, they will be handed over to the mercenary group." Li Yuanhong Tao.

"Okay, I'm going to order, when will we march?" Commander Xiao asked.

"The sooner the better, and strive to leave tomorrow morning!" Li Yuanhong said.

"Okay, this should be fine."

The so-called army has not moved, food and grass go first. Before departure, various materials began to be mobilized urgently. If it were not for Li Yuanhong to have a large northeast backing, he would have to press Li Yuanhong down on the two items of food and weapons and ammunition. With the recovery of the earth’s energy, not only has the output of grains greatly improved, but even the ranks have also begun to be promoted. Now Li Yuanhong can’t eat ordinary grains at all. The grains eaten at each meal must be second-grade rice to meet his daily needs. Every time an army moves forward, a large amount of food needs to be hoarded to ensure the front-line demand.

Following Li Yuanhong's order, the entire military camp was packed with various transportation vehicles, ready to move forward with the army.

Looking at the long convoy, Li Yuanhong frowned. If the convoy had infantry protection before, it would be okay, but now that the zombies have planes, the convoy is undoubtedly exposed to the attack of the planes. This air defense requirement mentioned The schedule is up.

"Guard, turn around and you send a message to the fat man and ask him to tell Dr. Bai and the others whether there are any good anti-aircraft weapons, even pre-apocalyptic weapons."

"Yes, I'll go back and notify Captain Lu!" the guard said.

Li Yuanhong didn't say anything. The zombie figure on the plane had been around Li Yuanhong's heart and couldn't disperse, but there were no zombie planes in the next few days, so Li Yuanhong never knew what conspiracy the zombies were planning.

The next day the troops set off, leaving Xi'an, it was a mountain road, and there were many big cities on the road to Lanzhou. The population of these cities was not smaller than that of Lanzhou, so every place they went, there was a fierce battle. , So the team is not moving fast. Fortunately, the logistics supply is very timely, so that the firepower of the team has been strong, especially the newly trained troops and equipment in the rear can keep up with it, keeping the team casualties at a relatively low level. When Li Yuanhong attacked Lanzhou City, it was already half a month later.

At this time, there had just been a heavy snowfall near Lanzhou, the ravines on the Huangtu Plateau were covered by heavy snow, and the roads turned white. Due to the slippery mountain roads, the team moved more slowly. At this moment, in the distance in Xi'an city, there was suddenly Several planes appeared and flew towards the convoy on the road.

"It's not good, there are enemy planes attacking, there are enemy planes attacking, the convoy pays attention to avoiding, the convoy pays attention to avoiding!" The soldier in charge of monitoring began to sound the alarm.

All the convoys stopped immediately, and those soldiers who had no time to drive their vehicles into the roadside to take shelter, jumped out of the car and took shelter by the roadside.

However, the plane soon flew over the convoy. Missiles attacked the convoy. The whole convoy turned into a fire dragon. There was an explosion. Many cars and soldiers who had not had time to get off the car were bombed together. Fortunately, these planes didn't carry a lot of traffic. These planes shook their fuselage and flew away after they gave the car a little more.

Soon Li Yuanhong came and looked at the burning cars and scorched corpses on the road, his teeth itchy.

"Guards, send a message to the rear so that they can bring the anti-aircraft weapons up as soon as possible. Don't let the zombie plane be so arrogant!" Li Yuanhong said bitterly.

"Yes! Then now..." the guard hesitated.

"Build a position nearby, dig holes, dig air-raid shelters, and wait until the air-defense weapons arrive before talking about the next step. I can't let the soldiers go to death in vain!"

"Yes! I'll pass it on!" The guard saluteed and went down to issue orders.

In the next few days, zombies’ planes came bombing every day, but fortunately, Li Yuanhong took precautions in advance, and the casualties were not large, but he was crushed and beaten by enemy planes every day. Li Yuanhong was also suffocating, but he didn’t have it in his hands now. There is really no way to deal with the effective weapons of the opponent's aircraft.

On the fifth day, the zombies came to bomb again on time. Just as the zombie plane arrogantly launched missiles to the ground target, two black spots appeared in the eastern sky, and the speed of these two black spots was very fast. Appearing, it was the two Bat-shaped planes that Li Yuanhong's fighters finally appeared.

With the appearance of the two planes, the zombie plane that was still bombing abandoned the team's ground attack and began to attack the bat-type plane, and an air battle began immediately.

It has to be said that the performance of the Bat-type aircraft is significantly higher than that of the traditional aircraft before the end of the world. These aircraft are not only faster, but also more flexible. Although there are four zombie aircrafts, they occupy an advantage in numbers, but the Bat aircraft can flexibly avoid the opponent's aircraft. Attack, and launch a missile attack from an angle that the other party cannot avoid. Soon, fires burst into the sky, and the zombie planes were blown up.

Observers on the ground saw the zombies exploded, and they ran out of the bunker, waving their hands vigorously to the sky, shouting loudly, and venting their suffocation over the past two days.

At this time, Li Yuanhong was sitting in an underground bunker, looking at the latest satellite scan map. On the map, the Lanzhou military airport, which was empty some time ago, had ten more planes of unknown nationality. Seeing the style, it is the three countries of Azerbaijan. s plane.

"Commander Li, Captain Lu sent a message and wants to talk to you." At this time, the communications soldier ran in and reported.

"Okay, come in quickly!" Li Yuanhong immediately stretched his frown when he heard it.

Soon, the call with Fatty Lu was connected, and Fatty Lu's voice came across from the intercom.

"Brother Li, I am back, Fatty Lu, how about it? I haven't missed me for the past two days!" Fatty Lu still had such an innocent voice.

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