Apocalyptic Hero System

: 251st Ambush and Surprise Attack

Li Yuanhong returned to his residence, then quickly wrote a note and handed it to the guard: "You immediately send this note to Commander Xiao!"

"Yes!" The guard took the note and quickly exited the room.

Li Yuanhong knocked on the table with his hand, frowned, thinking about something, suddenly Li Yuanhong's hand knocking on the table stopped, and then a smile appeared on his face: "It seems that there will be a good show tomorrow!" Li Yuanhong said to himself Said something.

There was no word for a night. Early the next morning, Li Yuanhong's troops started cooking in the pot very early. Although it was a very simple food, such as canned meat stewed and dried vegetables, the staple food was steamed buns, but such food was already considered a luxury here.

The smell of the food attracted many people, including Ma Fangyu's men.

"I said, brother, do you usually eat these?" a soldier of Ma Fangyu asked.

"Who said that this is emergency food during war. If it is in the camp, when there is no war, we will eat better than this. There will be fresh pork and vegetables." The cook said while cooking. .

"What? Fresh pork and vegetables? You won't lie to me!" the soldier said in surprise.

"Why lie to you, tell you, if it wasn't for fighting to be strong, this kind of canned stewed dried vegetables would not be touched at ordinary times, but now during the battle, it can't be the same!" The cook said with a helpless look.

"My boy!" The soldier looked at the pot of food with a look of envy, and left the halazi without knowing it.

At this time, Ma Fangyu walked in with a few soldiers. He also saw the pot dish. He was just amazed and didn't pay too much attention to it. Then he strode towards Li Yuanhong's residence.

Soon, Li Yuanhong brought Ma Sling close to the room.

"Is Ma Sling doing something so early?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"Oh, it's nothing big, just want to ask Brother Li, can I also visit you in combat?" Ma Fangyu asked.

"Yes, of course, I'm afraid Ma Sling won't worry about us!" Li Yuanhong smiled.

"Hehe, Brother Li could venture to rescue us that day. If someone is a little selfish, he would never do that. So I believe Brother Li is a man." Ma Fangyu said.

"Well, since Ma Sling believes me, then I must guarantee Ma Sling's safety. After having breakfast in a while, we will set off together! By the way, has Ma Sling eaten breakfast?" Li Yuanhong asked suddenly.

Ma Fangyu showed embarrassment on his face.

When Li Yuanhong saw it, he immediately shouted to the guard outside: "Guard, prepare a few more chopsticks and let Ma Commander and his soldiers have breakfast with me!"

"Yes!" The guard's voice came from the door.

Soon, the breakfast was served. The long-lost meaty smell filled the room, causing Ma Fangyu to swallow and spit involuntarily.

This meal can be described as devouring it. Ma Fangyu and his soldiers almost licked their bowls clean. For fear of a little waste, Li Yuanhong saw it and didn’t laugh. He also asked, “Ma Sling, I need to come again. Is it a bowl?"

Ma Fangyu nodded subconsciously, but felt embarrassed and shook his head again.

"Guards, give Ma Commander and his guards another bowl!" Li Yuanhong ordered.

Soon, the second bowl was wiped out by Ma Fangyu and his soldiers. This made Ma Fangyu feel full.

Li Yuanhong looked at Ma Fangyu with a smile, waiting for them to finish eating, and then said to Ma Fangyu: "Ma Sling, let's go now, I think there will be a battle soon, let you visit."

"Okay, I hope I can see the true combat effectiveness of Brother Li's troops!" Ma Fangyu said anticipatingly.

"Then let's go!" As he said, Li Yuanhong took the lead out of the room and boarded the armored vehicle, and then Ma Fangyu followed the same armored vehicle.

The convoy quickly moved out of the settlement. As the convoy drove out of the gathering place, a person was holding a binoculars to watch all this. Then he turned around and whispered to a person next to him: "Hurry up and send a message, saying that the prey has been hole!"

"Yes!" The man agreed and ran down the city wall quickly, and He disappeared into the shadow of the city.

Seeing the signal soldier running down, the man smiled wickedly at the corner of his mouth and said to himself: "Ma Fangyu, let you go without return this time, let you not listen to my advice!"

This person is Master Zhang.

The convoy drove about five kilometers from the gathering place. The people in the city could no longer see the convoy. Suddenly the convoy turned and turned to a fork in the road.

"Huh? Brother Li, did you go the wrong way? This road is not a straight road to Lanzhou." Ma Fangyu felt the convoy turn, so he reminded.

"Yes, I will surely let Ma Commander watch a good show soon!" Li Yuanhong smiled.

"Good show?" Ma Fangyu was really at a loss for the monk.

"Ma Sling, sit firmly, this scene will definitely not let you down!" Li Yuanhong still did not disclose the specific details, Ma Fangyu could only continue to be confused.

The convoy drove for a while, and soon arrived in front of a mountain. Li Yuanhong ordered the convoy to stop, and then got out of the car first. Then he opened the canvas covered by the truck behind the convoy, revealing the machine gun robots. When it started, the mighty posture shocked Ma Fangyu and his soldiers.

"Let's go, Ma Sling, we will soon be at the acting place!" Li Yuanhong said to Ma Fangyu, and took the lead along a mountain road to climb up the mountain.

Ma Fangyu is getting more and more confused, but now that he is here, he can only follow you.

The team walked along the mountain road for about an hour. Suddenly, Li Yuanhong waved his hand and made a hidden posture. Everyone pressed down and walked forward slowly with their waists down.

Ma Fangyu came to Li Yuanhong's side. At this time, Li Yuanhong was lying on a mountain beam, holding a telescope and looking forward. Ma Fangyu did not say a word, and took out his binoculars and looked forward.

This look gave Ma Fangyu a shock, and saw that less than a kilometer ahead of him, there was a wide road, which should be the main road leading to Lanzhou City. This road is now in a ditch, with hills less than 20 meters on both sides, and there are sparse trees and dried weeds growing on the hillside, and in these weeds, there are many zombies lying on the whole hillside. On the top, it is densely packed, and I don't know how many.

Seeing this, Ma Fangyu immediately understood that this was a zombie ambushing himself. He took a telescope and looked at the opposite hillside. Sure enough, there were also zombies ambushing. If he passes under the hill in an armored vehicle, he can see that there are huge rocks on both sides of the ditch. When the boulder is pushed down, the entire convoy will be sealed in the ditch. When these zombies swarm up, more than a thousand people in the ditch will become the prey of the zombies. Ma Fangyu thinks he is brave, but he would never dare to fight with zombies.

At this time, Li Yuanhong began to arrange quietly, and soon an artillery position was arranged on the mountain beam. These runners were all infantry portable grenadiers with a range of only three or four kilometers. They were used right now, and then they arranged machine gun positions and snipers. Click, all arrangements are completed, Li Yuanhong began to search for the commander of the zombies with a telescope, things like ambush, without a command, the zombies cannot be completed.

Soon, a huge figure was found behind a huge boulder. If it were at the bottom of the ditch or on the low mountain, the giant zombie would not be found at all, but now Li Yuanhong is on a mountain beam nearly two hundred meters away, just in time to see the giant. The half of the zombie.

Li Yuanhong took out a sniper rifle from the space. It was specially made for him by Dr. Bai. This sniper rifle can reach a maximum sniper range of 1,800 meters. At this time, the giant zombie is only 1,600 meters away from him. No, just within the sniper range, Li Yuanhong wants to kill the zombie first, then the next battle will be easy.

With the aim, Li Yuanhong opened the real eye, and soon the weakness of the giant zombies in the distance became in his field of vision. With a shot, a bullet engraved with a magic rune flew out. The valley reverberated and attracted the attention of the zombies. The giant zombie hiding behind the boulder also habitually raised its head and looked out. At this moment, the bullet flew, impartially, and shot into the giant zombie. In the left eye, with a wailing, the huge body of the giant zombie fell down.

With Li Yuanhong’s gunshots, the machine guns on both sides and the artillery in the rear opened fire at the same time. For a time, there was loud gunfire in the valley. Many zombies were still lying on the ground. Without understanding what was going on, they were wounded by the artillery fire. As soon as the zombie stood up, it was shot by the machine gun bullet that swept away, and fell again.

Since the first shot, Li Yuanhong has never fired a shot again. Because as a sniper, he must shoot those important targets. So after searching for a long time in the corpse, he did not find any valuable targets, because most of them are important. The targets were all shot and killed by other snipers.

The zombies finally reacted and got up and rushed towards the mountain behind them. However, they lost their command, not to mention that the offensive was unruly, and even the weapons they were equipped with were thrown away. If it were not for the armor, they would not fall off by themselves, I am afraid They even throw away the armor.

The zombies roared and attacked, and it did not affect the soldiers' shooting, but at this time the target began to move, and the shooting accuracy was not so high. Moreover, these zombies were wearing armors. After these armors were shot by some bullets, they did not. The body of the zombie was injured, but it was blocked by the armor.

"Aim at the head and shoot me, there is no armor protection!" Li Yuanhong shouted to remind the soldiers.

Following Li Yuanhong’s reminder, the soldiers’ shooting began to change. Soldiers who had been blindly aiming at shooting began to shoot at the heads of zombies. As these zombies got up from the ground, many of the zombies’ helmets were dropped, which made the soldiers more convenient. Aiming.

The battle lasted for less than twenty minutes, and the zombies basically fell down. There were three or two kittens left, and they were quickly resolved by the snipers.

At this moment, Ma Fangyu stood up and walked over: "Brother Li, what's going on?"

"Of course the zombies want to ambush us!" Li Yuanhong said lightly.

"How do you know that the zombies are going to ambush us?" Ma Fangyu asked questioningly, because Li Yuanhong had always said that he wanted him to watch the show in the morning.

"We said on the road for a while, first clean up the battlefield, there are 20,000 to 30,000 zombies here, this is 20,000 to 30,000 crystal nuclei, can not be wasted." Li Yuanhong said with a smile.

"Okay... okay!" Although Ma Fangyu eagerly wanted to know the causes and consequences of all this, he couldn't help it if he didn't say anything.

The battlefield was quickly cleaned, and everyone returned to the armored vehicles. The convoy turned around and began to drive back along the mountain road.

At this time, Ma Fangyu asked eagerly: "Brother Li, what is going on?"

Li Yuanhong suddenly became serious, and then he said every word: "Ma Sling, don't you know that someone in your team colluded with the zombies, he betrayed my attack information, so the zombies will ambush us halfway."

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