Apocalyptic Hero System

: Day 257 The Book of Heaven

Li Er’s work diary is of course not a joke about a happy life as a god, but this diary was written as a mortal and a director of the National Library, which is the royal library of the Zhou Dynasty.

In the diary, Li Er wrote that when he had nothing to do in the library, he began to read the books in the library. He almost read all the books in the library. On this day, he came to the deepest part of the library and found a special locked room. Looking at the style of the big lock, it had been a long time, and the lock was covered with dust, as if it had not been opened for many years.

Regarding this room, his last librarian did not mention it. He was very curious about what was stored in this library, so he became curious about this room, so he began to read the diaries of the past library curators. , Finally found a clue in the diary of the first curator.

It turned out that there was a heavenly book in that room, which was given to Huangdi by the ancient Nuwa Empress, but the curator accidentally read the book, so the curator thought that this book should not be seen by mortals, so Just locked the book.

The second-generation librarian remembered his predecessor’s warning and set that room as a forbidden area. Over time, the reason why the house was locked was forgotten, and the house was selectively forgotten. Anyway, later The re-appointment of the director of the library is almost always mixed. The world is peaceful, the nobles spend time and drink, and almost no one likes to read. This library director is the least valued position.

However, Li Er found a clue to the key of the room in the diary, so Li Er worked hard and finally got the key, opened the door, and saw the heavenly book.

When Li Er read the contents of the book, Li Er was shocked. He felt that he saw heaven with one eye, but **** with the other eye. He didn't know whether he had published the contents of the book, so he was very contradictory.

Later, when the power of the Zhou Dynasty royal family fell, Li Er seemed to see that the **** in the book was about to come to the world, so Li Er wrote what he had been thinking about for so many years into a book. This book is the Tao Te Ching.

Li Er's purpose in writing this book is to hope that people can follow the natural origin of the law of heaven and avoid that **** scene.

In order to promote his theory, Li Er resigned as the director of the library, took the heavenly book and left the Zhou Dynasty royal city at that time, and placed the heavenly book in this cave.

This cave also has a great background. This was when Dayu had to excavate the mountain in Helan Mountain in order to clear the river when he was controlling the water. Therefore, Dayu lived here and directed the excavation of the mountain on the top stone platform.

Seeing this, Li Yuanhong became more and more curious about the heavenly book. A heavenly book moved two generations of library directors, and even forced Li Er to write such an unimaginable masterpiece of the Tao Te Ching. What was written there?

So Li Yuanhong began to look for it carefully in the stone house, but found that it was empty, except for the pieces of furniture, not to mention books, not even pots and pans.

Li Yuanhong was very puzzled, could he be tricked? But it's impossible to think about it. The crystal ball is very red. It won't be fake. It can only show what I have overlooked.

Soon Li Yuanhong thought of a question. This is because the top of the mountain is not very far, but there are at least eight or nine hundred meters away from the foot of the mountain. How did the ancients climb the top of the mountain? They would never have a plane like this!

So Li Yuanhong looked for it again, but still found nothing. Suddenly, Li Yuanhong saw the oil lamp on the table. The oil lamp was not made of metal, but was also stone with the same texture as the stone house. So Li Yuanhong wanted to pick up the oil lamp and look at it. See if I can find any clues, but I didn't pick it up.

Now Li Yuanhong knew that the oil lamp was also the switch of the mechanism, so he turned it left and right. The oil lamp really turned. After Li Yuanhong turned the oil lamp one turn, he heard the machine click again under his feet. With the sound, the stone table began to move, and soon a deep hole was exposed under the stone table.

Li Yuanhong took a flashlight and shot into the cave, and found that there was a spiral stone ladder below, so Li Yuanhong stepped onto the stone ladder again and started walking down.

I don’t know how far he has gone, Li Yuanhong came to a larger stone room. This stone room is hundreds of square meters full of bookshelves. The bookshelves are filled with books of various materials, including parchment paper and silk. Yes, bamboo, animal bones, etc., but most of them are bamboo slips.

Li Yuanhong frowned when he looked at the books illuminated by the flashlight. The room was full of books. If he turned over the books, when would he find the heavenly book?

But there is no way, this work can only be done by yourself, because these books are written in ancient characters, not to mention the guards, even people who have language magic may not know them.

So Li Yuanhong embarked on a long journey of flipping books, but it was not without benefits. Li Yuanhong's watch vibrated from time to time. Obviously, certain books contributed a certain skill to Li Yuanhong.

Turning to the last book, it was noon the next day. During this period, Li Yuanhong let the fat man enter the stone house to rest, and he and the guards made do with it all night in this book house.

In the process of turning over the books, Li Yuanhong admired the wisdom of the ancients. These books cover everything from farming, medicine to astronomy and mathematics. Of course, most of the books are still tired of history. After all, it is the royal library and most of the books in it are Record the history of the rise and fall of the kingdom.

But when Li Yuanhong turned the last book, he still couldn't find the heavenly book. Li Yuanhong was very puzzled that Li Er hid the book too deeply. No way, Li Yuanhong could only start looking for the hidden door again.

Soon Li Yuanhong found another secret door, and then walked down the secret door. As a result, he walked to the foot of the mountain, and there was a door directly leading to the outside world.

When he stepped out of the Shimen at the foot of the mountain, Li Yuanhong was taken aback. He came out? Where did you hide that day?

So Li Yuanhong turned back and returned to the stone ladder and began to pay attention to the stone walls on both sides of the stone ladder, hoping to find the hidden room, but in the end he found nothing.

Returning to the library where the books were placed, Li Yuanhong was a little dazed. Could this heavenly book become invisible?

Li Yuanhong suddenly thought that Naga once said that this book and the crystal ball are placed together, so why didn't he look for the crystal ball?

So Li Yuanhong took out the crystal ball again and started wandering around in the library. When he came to the center of the room, Li Yuanhong found that the crystal ball had the darkest color, and the center of the room was just a stone pillar supporting the house. It seems that this stone pillar should be weird.

Li Yuanhong started to wander about the stone pillar, and finally found a hidden storage hole on the side of the stone pillar. When it was opened, the crystal and a stone slab were placed inside.

Li Yuanhong took out the slate happily, but when Li Yuanhong saw the slate, Li Yuanhong was stunned, and saw that the slate was bare and there was no text. Could it be that this is a heavenly book? Is it true that the novels about cultivating immortals are true, and there are really no words in this heavenly book?

Li Yuanhong suddenly thought of a question. This heavenly book must record a lot of knowledge, otherwise the Naga would not say so swearly that they gave their skills to themselves. That book would definitely not be able to record so much knowledge, unless it was a memory.

Thinking of this, Li Yuanhong looked at the slate carefully, only to find that it was not a slate, but something of unknown material, but it looked like a slate on the outside, and there were a few holes on the edge of the slate. Similar to the USB port before the end of the world, Li Yuanhong found a cable in the stone pillar, a bit similar to a modern data cable, except that the data cable is the same as a slate, and I don’t know what material it is.

Li Yuanhong picked up the crystal in the stone column again, and found a slot at the base of the crystal ball, so Li Yuanhong connected the stone slab and the crystal ball with the data cable.

After the crystal ball was connected, it flashed on it, and then it projected a picture in the air like a projector, and then it played like a movie.

At the beginning of the picture, many naga hunting everywhere like primitive people, but the naga in the picture are not exactly snake bodies. Many men have legs and feet. Only those naga living on the coast have snake bodies.

The picture interprets the step-by-step development of the Naga civilization until Li Yuanhong is astoundingly civilized. At that time, the Naga can be said to be omnipotent. Their civilization uses light as energy and uses nuclear energy to develop effectively. Out of the space carrier, you can travel to space.

But at this time, the picture changed. Some naga in the picture began to change and gradually developed a desire for control. So there was a war inside the naga. The scene of the war was like hell, and the explosion of high-energy weapons made the whole earth tremble. The frightening thing is that due to the high-energy explosion, Naga actually opened a gate of time and space.

At that time the gate of the sky opened, and many creatures that Li Yuanhong had never seen came out of it. These unknown creatures are infinitely powerful, and these creatures are all magical. As soon as they came up, they began to slaughter the creatures on the earth like crazy. He was caught off guard and retreated for a while. Later, Naga reacted, and quickly cleared out the few lustful clansmen from within, and began to unify the outside world. With his own weapons, Naga quickly won.

But those monsters were unwilling to fail. More monsters came out of time and space channels. Among these monsters, Li Yuanhong saw the figure of Klusu, and some mythological demon creatures. These creatures are not like those little ones who just came to earth. Monsters, these new monsters are also very powerful. What kind of magic is squeezed by the hand, when the naga is a little unbearable, and later, dragons and dragons appear in the naga team. The figures of auspicious animals in many other ancient books. These animals also have similar abilities to these alien creatures. The two sides are in a big battle. In the end, Naga closed the space-time tunnel and blocked the monster's reinforcements, which won the victory.

But this victory is not a complete victory. Although the time tunnel is closed, it is not closed, but it will open from time to time. Moreover, the opening of the time tunnel causes the earth's energy to leak out, and the earth's abundant magical energy gradually shrinks. Naga, who can go up to the earth, also gradually degenerates.

And those foreign demons were not completely extinct. A large part of them hid and came out to make trouble from time to time. For example, Chi You, a descendant of the demons, led the monsters on the land to try to conquer the mainland again, which caused Na Jia pays attention, and sent the mythical Nine Heavens Profound Girl to the Yellow Emperor to send the Heavenly Book and the Fire God Sword.

There is also a scene in the picture that caught Li Yuanhong's attention. It was the continent where the Naga clan was located. Due to the war, it was completely blown to pieces, and most of the land sank to the bottom of the road. And because of this, the Naga clan was also big. Partly extinct, only the snake-body Naga clan survived.

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