Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 262 Mixed into the base

Li Yuanhong confirmed the location of the Tibetan, but Jin San didn’t know. Li Yuanhong asked another person again. That person didn’t know where the person was being held. This gave Li Yuanhong a headache. After all, the person was in them. In his hand, Li Yuanhong has some anti-rats

"Brother Li, what should I do?" the guard asked with a frown.

Li Yuanhong pondered for a while, and then asked, "Where is Jinshanping now?"

"Our leader brought the airship to the gathering place." Jin San is now knowing everything, for fear that he will be the one to be slaughtered if he says a half sentence wrong.

"It seems that your life is still useful, so tell me where your base is!" Li Yuanhong smiled evilly.

An hour later, in a valley, people who went out to search for supplies were walking back. It is winter and it is almost impossible to harvest. The roots of plants frozen in the ground cannot be dug out at all. In the village, there was not even a grain of rice that had been raided, but in order to fill their belly, they had to endure the severe cold to take risks. Maybe they were lucky to find a mountain rat or something, and the food would be available in those few days.

But this group of people is very unfortunate. One of them died passively outside of the snow, and there was no gain. Their clothes are thin, and after two years of wear and tear, their clothes have begun to crack and break. If before the end of the world, these clothes were beggar costumes, but now, they are their last protection from the cold.

The few people who were staggering have no hope. They have not eaten for several days. Even if they go back today, it is estimated that they will become a corpse and be carried out of the gathering place tomorrow morning.

Suddenly, a young man fell to the ground, and it seemed that he was no longer able to do so. Several other people reluctantly walked to the young man. The young man was so hungry that he lost his face, and his body was as thin as a stick.

"Hey, the kid is no good, just find a place to bury him here!" said an older person.

"He is still a little angry!" said a young man next to him.

"What's the difference between being angry and not being angry? It's a death. I buried it earlier. We still have the strength to dig a hole for him so that his body will not be harmed by wild animals. We died later than him. There are no diggers!" The older person said sadly.

"Okay... okay!" Although the few people next to them were not reconciled, they had no choice but to follow the advice of the elder.

A few people had just dug a few shovel snow on the side of the road, and even before the ground was exposed, they heard someone ask behind them: "Hey, this person is not dead, why should we bury him?"

Several people turned their heads and saw a young man in military uniform looking at the young man who fell on the snow.

"Military Lord, it's not that we have the heart to bury him. He is too hungry. I guess he can't survive. We took advantage of some strength to bury him, which is considered a good thing!" The older elder looked sad. Said.

"I thought I was sick, hungry, this is easy to handle, you guys lift him up, there is a cave next to me, it happens that I have some food here, make some soup, you eat, so you don't have to die!" The man said easily.

"Ah? Something to eat? Something for us?" Several people were surprised.

"Why don't you believe it?" The man took out a pack of compressed biscuits from the backpack behind.

Seeing that they really had food, they didn't know where to get the power, so they carried the young man up with hands and feet, and soon everyone came to a nearby cave for shelter from the wind.

I saw that the man took out a small pot from his backpack, gathered some firewood outside, gathered together, and then lit it with a lighter. The fire quickly burned, and the man set up a wooden shelf next to the firewood. Filled a small pot with half a pot of ice and snow, set it on the shelf, and started boiling water.

Everyone was surprised. This person seemed to be conjure. Whether it was a small pot or a lighter, they hadn’t seen it for more than a year. The people who had these items in the camp were almost all high-level managers. They should not be the soldiers. own.

"I said sir, where did you come from?" the elder asked boldly.

The man was taken aback after hearing this, then turned to ask the elder: "What do you mean?"

"I don't think you are like the people in our gathering place. These things are not what an ordinary soldier should have, and those who serve as soldiers will not be so good to us and will take the initiative to provide us with food." Looking at the young man in front of him with a worried face, for fear that he took the liberty to break the identity of this person and make him angry, so that the food in everyone's mouth would disappear.

"Hehe, you are still observant, I am indeed not a person near here, do you know Qingyuan County?"

The elder said, "I know, I used to live in a city on the southwest side of Qingyuan County. I still have relatives in Qingyuan County. I went there to visit relatives before the end of the world."

"I came from Qingyuan County. There are no zombies there anymore, and there is food there, and it trades with Huaxia State. There is no shortage of food and clothing there!"

"What? No loss, food and clothing? Don't lie to me, if there is such a good place, you will run to us?" The young man next to him did not believe it.

"I'm here to find someone, not to live here. When I find someone, I will take him to our place with him, where he is hungry and cold. How can this be a life for people."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, everyone present bowed their heads and said nothing, aren't they just living a life that is not human.

Seeing everyone sinking, the man also felt that he had said something wrong, so he quickly changed the subject: "The water is boiling, I will put the biscuits down, I will pick up some firewood, and the fire will not be out for a while." So the man left. Get out.

This person went out and did not arouse the attention of everyone present. Their current eyes are all in the pot, watching the biscuits in that pot slowly melt, and finally turn into a pot of batter, which seems to be the most beautiful in the world. thing.

Soon, the man came back. Not only did he hold the firewood, but he also held a few stones in his hand. These stones were all high on the sides and concave in the middle, like a bowl. This man gave these stone bowls to everyone and folded them again. Some branches were used as chopsticks and handed to these people, and finally the porridge was put into the bowl.

The people who had just been humility to each other just picked up the bowl as soon as there was food in the bowl, and regardless of whether the batter was hot or not, they snorted and drank the porridge.

Fortunately, the stone bowl that the person brought back was cold, and the porridge was poured into the stone bowl and the temperature was lowered, so these people's mouths were not burned.

After eating a bowl, these people looked at the pot blankly. Although there was no food in the pot, there was still some residue on the wall.

However, the man didn't intend to give them the residue, so he went outside to get half a pot of snow, and some were set on the fire. It turns out that this is another pot of batter porridge.

After three consecutive pots, everyone had a stomachache, and the young man who was starving to death also had the strength to stand up.

"Thank you so much. Although we may still be alive soon, we still have to thank you!" said the elder.

"Thank you, I actually have something to ask you for help." The young man said.

"What's the matter?" the elder asked.

"Didn't I say I'm going to find someone, but I'm not familiar with your base, can you take me in?"

"What you said is true?" The elder looked at the stranger again, saw that he didn't seem to be telling a lie, lowered his head and thought for a while, then said: "I can help you, but I have a condition."

"What conditions?"

"Take this child to Qingyuan County you mentioned, this child can't starve to death here!" said the elder.

The stranger also thought for a long time, and then reluctantly agreed.

"Well, since you agreed, you can't follow us into the gathering place." The elder said.


"Do you know the soldiers who guard the city?" the elder asked.

"do not know."

"Do you have a soldier or certificate?"

"Soldier, certificate?" The man was taken aback, and he knew at first sight that he didn't know what the soldier or the witness was.

"You don't know the guards there, and you don't have soldiers or certificates. As soon as you enter the city, you will be arrested by them, and you will be convicted of pretending to be a soldier and then shot directly." The elder said.

When the person heard this, he was taken aback, but he didn't expect that this gathering place had such a law.

No way, this person had to change into their survivor's clothes, but he didn't know that his suit was just picked off from the dead.

The man in the clothes of the dead was Li Yuanhong. Under the guidance of Jin San, the plane quickly came over the military base of the Kingdom of Korea. What Li Yuanhong did not expect was that the main body of the gathering place was built in a cave. It seems that there are many mountains. It is not a bad thing that just dig a few holes to build a shelter.

What made Li Yuanhong even more unexpected was that a large number of air defense missiles and other air defense weapons were deployed around this gathering place. Although Li Yuanhong believed in Fat Lu's skills, he did not dare to take the plane to take risks. Therefore, Li Yuanhong could only cancel the strategy of direct airborne.

The airborne was not possible, so he could only enter directly into the gathering place. Originally, the guard wanted to go in, but Li Yuanhong disagreed. Although the guard could be invisible, the person he brought could not be invisible, and the guard could not speak Korean language. This is the biggest drawback. .

Li Yuanhong followed a few survivors to the base. Although the clothes were still so thin, the survivor did not feel so cold because of the food in his stomach, so the speed was much faster.

At the end of the day, a few people finally walked to the gate of the base. The base was built in a gorge. There is a tall city wall at the entrance of the gorge. Leicheng. Although this is not a cement wall, the stone wall is thick enough, so zombies below level 20 can't break this wall at all. This wall was built in the middle of the valley, so the zombies wanted to attack and couldn't take advantage of the corpse group. The base was also threatened by the corpse group, but the crisis was resolved by relying on the stone wall.

Several people walked to the gate under the city wall. At this time, several soldiers were standing guard. These soldiers were wearing uniforms with big brimmed hats of the pre-apocalyptic era, a bit like Soviet military uniforms after World War II. These people were not standing straight due to the cold weather, and they did not have the heroic posture of a soldier. They just checked the survivors who were holding things. Most of the survivors who returned empty-handed, they just counted and let them go.

Li Yuanhong’s team, because one person died before, these soldiers simply got the numbers right and let them go. It can be seen that the team’s guards are not very strict. After all, within a few hundred miles, it’s their base. , The others are zombies and mutant beasts, and there is nothing to prevent for humans.

Li Yuanhong followed the crowd into the settlement and out of the canyon. The venue suddenly opened up. Li Yuanhong seemed to have come to a small city.

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