Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 267: Suolongjing

Li Yuanhong stayed in Spring City for half a month. During this time, officers from various services came to train in turn, and the aircraft manufacturer began to manufacture new aircraft. Li Yuanhong has equipped up to 20 new aircraft, but these aircraft are far from enough. However, Li Yuanhong did not plan to produce more, because Dr. Bai told him that newer aircraft will be developed soon, so Li Yuanhong planned to avoid a large number of equipment to prevent the aircraft that he produced would become obsolete.

Recently, the quality of the army has been continuously improved, and the number of the army has also started to increase. Now the three fronts have increased to 300,000. Li Yuanhong intends to divide the troops and attack from three areas to liberate the whole country. However, Li Yuanhong has never thought about this plan. History There are many cases in the above, multi-faceted attack, and finally ended in failure. Li Yuanhong also feared that this kind of thing would happen to him.

When Li Yuanhong hesitated, a news came from Yanjing that an abnormal change occurred in the Forbidden City, which broke Li Yuanhong's peaceful life for half a month.

In the bitter cold Yanjing, since the end of the world, the thermal effect of the city before the end of the world has disappeared. The whole city is very cold, the cold dripping into ice, the cold frozen river, the cold soil is like steel.

However, in such a cold weather, in the Forbidden City, at the mouth of a large water well, white smoke was surging, as if water was boiling below, and the white mist was like the steam of boiling water. And every night, in the well, from time to time there was the roar of some kind of beast.

It was another deep night, the city of Yanjing, where most of the humans had been lost, was also deadly quiet, but tonight was destined to be extraordinary. At midnight, a loud roar pierced the sky. With this roar, the entire Yanjing city shook for a while, as if something was about to escape from the city, but after the vibration, it quieted down, but this vision Wu Xiong who was stationed in Yanjing City was already nervous, so Li Yuanhong rushed to Yanjing City early the next morning.

Since the last time I talked with the chief of Yanjing’s Suolongjing, Li Yuanhong, you plan to find out about this Suolongjing. I didn’t expect that I hadn't explored it yet. As a result, the monster in Suolongjing caused such a big disturbance.

Li Yuanhong and Commander Wu Xiong came to the Forbidden City as soon as he got off the plane. The Forbidden City is still deserted and deserted, and there has been snow in Yanjing City recently, and no tourists trampled on it. The snow in the Forbidden City is still white and flawlessly decorating the classical buildings here, which are quiet and simple.

Li Yuanhong and Wu Xiong walked into the Zhengyang Gate of the Forbidden City, entered the palace complex of the past emperor, and walked along the stone road to the inner courtyard. Ten minutes later, everyone came to the Suolongjing.

I saw that the wellhead was still bubbling with steaming water vapor, and the stone bricks on the ground around the wellhead were slightly uplifted. In the past two days, Li Yuanhong has checked a lot of books and checked the Forbidden City and the clues to this Suolongjing. The floor of this inner city was completely paved with stone bricks, and the thickness was a full six meters. Some people speculated that this was because the emperor did not want someone to dig tunnels for assassination. Others speculated that there was something suppressed under the Forbidden City before using such thick stone. Bricks make the base.

Now these are not important. What is important is that the ground has been impacted by some kind of force, and the brick layer has been uplifted, which shows the magnitude of the force. Li Yuanhong did not dare to imagine that if this power was used against the enemy, he would definitely be the one crushed.

"Commander in chief, how do you deal with this well?" Wu Xiong had no clue about this supernatural phenomenon and could only ask Li Yuanhong.

"Wait a while, the rescuer I invited will be here soon." Li Yuanhong said.

"Saving soldiers?" Wu Xiong didn't know about the dragon, so he didn't know what was going on with the rescuers.

Li Yuanhong did not wait either, but carefully checked around the well.

I saw that the head of this well was very large, twice as large as a normal well. There were runes on the stones around the well. I didn't read Li Yuanhong wrong, it was runes. Li Yuanhong was very surprised. How could there be runes? At about half a person's height below the wellhead, there are nine iron rings evenly distributed, and each iron ring is connected to an iron chain. These iron chains go straight into the well, occasionally there will be slight vibrations, everything seems So weird.

Li Yuanhong took out a flashlight again and illuminated it into the well. Due to the interference of water mist, Li Yuanhong did not see how deep the well was. He only felt that the well was dark, deep and bottomless.

Now Li Yuanhong doesn’t have the idea of ​​going to the well to hunt for treasure. He can only wait and make plans after the dragon arrives. However, Li Yuanhong is also very worried. The head of the well looks not small, but the big dragon can’t get into it. , I guess he came to no avail.

About two hours later, the sound of dragon chants came from the sky in the distance, and soon three dragons appeared in the sky, it was a golden dragon and two blue dragons. The three dragons quickly landed in the huge courtyard near Li Yuanhong. It was crowded with three giant dragons.

"Human, what are you looking for me?" Jin Long asked with an open mouth, the voice shook the eardrum.

"That's the case. It is said that your family lives in this well, so please come and have a look." Li Yuanhong didn't dare to tell the truth, for fear of imprisoning the dragon and angering the golden dragon.

"We are the same kind?"

Jin Long was taken aback, then brought the huge head to the mouth of the well and sniffed, and then said, "It smells like a dragon, but it doesn't seem to be."

"What does this mean?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"It means that it is not a purebred dragon!" Jin Long was obviously a little angry.

Li Yuanhong was also taken aback. He didn't expect the dragon to say this sentence, but Li Yuanhong immediately understood. Legend has it that dragons are prostitutes. Once they mate and mate with animals in the middle, they gave birth to sons like monsters. Each son has his own strengths, and is regarded as different sculptures by later generations, which can be placed in different buildings. It is not possible to close one of the sons below.

"Hey, why is there a suppression seal here?" The dragon checked the situation of Suolong Well, and suddenly found those runes around the mouth of the well.

"Suppress the seal?" Li Yuanhong was taken aback. He had always thought that these symbols were magic runes, but he did not expect them to be seals.

"You don't even know this? When the Nine Heavens Profound Girl passed on to you human knowledge, she specially left you a book on magic runes. How could you lose it?" the dragon asked.

"Hehe, I don't know about this anymore. Maybe the ancestors thought these things were too harmful and banned." Li Yuanhong said embarrassingly.

In fact, how did Li Yuanhong know that the runes mentioned by the dragon were the Taoist charms to exorcise ghosts. They were taken out when Lao Tzu left the library, and he passed these spells along with the Tao Te Ching to future generations. It's just that later generations regarded these things as ghost painting charms used to exorcise ghosts, and there was not too much in-depth research, so the Taoist charms gradually declined and disappeared.

Li Yuanhong did not recognize these spells, but the dragon did. He watched it for a while before he said: "Although the spells here are complicated, they are also very simple, and there are signs of damage. I don't know who is behind it, for a while. Let me go down with you!"

Now that the dragon agreed to go on, Li Yuanhong was naturally very happy. No matter how powerful the creatures below were, he couldn't beat this dragon. Maybe he could get extra rewards if he went down this time.

"Okay, great, but this well head is so small, how do you get down?" Li Yuanhong suddenly thought of the problem of how the dragon gets down because the well head is too small.

"You don't need to worry about this problem, you should wear it first, I guess it won't be that simple here!" said the dragon.

"Good!" Li Yuanhong didn't dare to delay, and quickly put the magic armor on his body.

"You follow the chain, I will first go down to see which unfilial descendant is locked here." After speaking, the body of the giant dragon shrank sharply and soon became the size of a python, and then swish. , Just got into the well and disappeared.

The operation of this meal shocked Li Yuanhong. It took him a long time to react, and then ordered a few words to Wu Xiong. He also grabbed the iron chain and climbed down the well.

During the climbing process, Li Yuanhong discovered that this iron chain is also extraordinary. Li Yuanhong has never seen this kind of metal. It was extremely cold and felt extremely hard. After so many years, there was no trace of rust on it. There may also be runes on the surface of this iron chain, obviously this iron chain is also part of this seal.

Li Yuanhong went down the chain, and didn't know how long he had climbed. It was estimated that it was at least 40 or 50 meters deep, and there was still no bottom, and the surrounding water mist became thicker and thicker and almost no one was seen on the other side. At this moment, I heard the sound of dragon chant not far below, Li Yuanhong knew that it was almost the end.

After climbing for more than ten meters, Li Yuanhong finally felt the thick water vapor. At this time, the iron chain also vibrated violently, almost shaking Li Yuanhong down. Li Yuanhong hurriedly grasped the chain, and it took a long time for the chain to return to calm.

Li Yuanhong climbed down for a few meters and finally heard the sound of running water, and saw that there was a huge space at the bottom of the well. In the direction of the well head, there was a platform with a diameter of ten meters. The platform was a figure of gossip and nine iron chains. Linking these eight corners and the nine positions in the center, Li Yuanhong jumped to the platform and found that the platform was also full of runes, and these runes were more complicated, and at this time Li Yuanhong felt that the platform had faint magic power surging.

Li Yuanhong looked around and didn’t see the giant dragon, so he walked around the platform and found that at the southwest corner of the platform, there was a two-meter road leading into the dense fog. The dragon should have gone down the road.

Li Yuanhong also followed the road into the thick fog. Li Yuanhong didn't know where the road was going or what was in the thick fog, so he pulled the knife out, held it in his hand and slowly touched it forward.

As he walked forward, Li Yuanhong felt disturbances in the surrounding dense fog. Obviously there was something in the dense fog, and it was not a dragon. This reminded Li Yuanhong, that dragon chant, something must have angered the dragon. That's why the dragon made a huge sound.

This made Li Yuanhong more nervous, and at this moment, behind him, he suddenly felt something attacking him behind him. Li Yuanhong hurriedly slashed behind him, but the knife cut through, but Li Yuanhong felt that something was coming from him. After that, there was a ripple of thick fog.

Just when Li Yuanhong thought that the monster had passed by, but something came to him on the other side, it was too late for Li Yuanhong to slash and chop again, so he had to jump forward, roll forward and escape With this blow, Li Yuanhong knew that there was not one monster here, but many, thinking that at this time Li Yuanhong felt the fog in all directions disturbed, and Li Yuanhong was surrounded!

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