Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 269 Learning Runes

Li Yuanhong received the stone book and the Tao Te Ching in his own space, and then walked out of the ear room and walked to the other ear room. When Li Yuanhong opened the ear room, the treasure Li Yuanhong hoped for was not found, but instead saw the golden room full of gold. Treasure.

Just as Li Yuanhong was stunned, he suddenly heard the voice of the golden dragon: "Boy, there is no need to hit my child's treasure. It is better for you to close the door."

"Really, these dragon races are really miserables, guarding the sea eye for others, and don't forget to take their treasures with them to take care of them!" Li Yuanhong secretly complained about this, he can't steal things in front of his master, last time When Li Yuanhong stole the Hulong, he learned of Hulong's violent temper.

So Li Yuanhong hurriedly closed the door and said with a grin: "I'll take a look, I didn't dare to take it."

The giant dragon snorted, and then chatted with the black dragon again, completely disregarding Li Yuanhong.

Li Yuanhong also knew that he was not the opponent of this giant dragon, so he didn't want to make trouble here, and just now he glanced at the treasures of the black dragon. They are mainly gold and gold products, and there are no collections with magical attributes. The treasures used to collect the undead should not be in those gold piles.

Li Yuanhong went back to the hall just now. This time he carefully looked at the hall. This hall was too empty. In such an empty hall, there was only one altar, which was too obtrusive.

So Li Yuanhong circled the hall several times, but he didn't find any tricks. Just as Li Yuanhong was puzzled, Li Yuanhong looked up at the roof, but the ten-meter-high roof made Li Yuanhong miss the roof.

Li Yuanhong suddenly thought of a question. Generally, things are hidden underground. For example, some pagodas have underground palaces, but there is another way to hide things, which is to hide things on the ground. Will Liu Bowen’s treasure that collect the power of the undead? On top!

Li Yuanhong did what he said, so Li Yuanhong climbed a stone pillar and started to climb up, and quickly climbed to the top. Sure enough, there were beams on the roof, and the beams were very wide. There was absolutely no problem with putting things on, and these beams also had many runes. Exist, but now Li Yuanhong doesn't know what it means.

So Li Yuanhong looked for it along the beam of the house, and finally on the beam directly above the altar, Li Yuanhong found a pair of boots, boots with skulls.

Li Yuanhong quickly checked these boots with the real eye: "

Ghost King Boots

One of the three plug-ins of the ghost king cloak, the artifact of the undead tribe. It has the function of collecting undead energy and converting it into death energy. If the user wears the ghost king boots, it can increase the number of souls by 10%, and slightly increase the level of the summoned object. It is best that the object registration does not exceed the level of the summoner itself or the lowest level of the dead. "

After reading the introduction, Li Yuanhong cursed secretly, and it was indeed the treasure of the undead tribe. Li Yuanhong doubted that the last time he saw ghosts in Yanjing and Qin Shihuang’s mausoleum, it was the undead tribes looking for these treasures.

Since I found these treasures, I would never let these treasures fall into the hands of those undead races.

Li Yuanhong once thought about destroying these treasures, but Xiao Yiling gave him a merciless blow. Xiao Yiling introduced that these artifacts and treasures are all forged by special flames, and ordinary flames cannot melt at all, even volcanic lava. Also helpless with these treasures.

Unless these treasures are returned to the original place of smelting, it is almost impossible to destroy these treasures.

This blow made Li Yuanhong distressed for a long time. After all, Li Yuanhong understood the truth about guilty of crimes.

But later Li Yuanhong wanted to understand that he is now in the same power as these aliens, and it is impossible to reconcile. Since it is already an enemy, what else is terrible? One lice bites, and two lice bite. The lice themselves are not afraid.

Li Yuanhong stretched out his hand to pick up the boots of the ghost king, but suddenly stopped, because Li Yuanhong found that there are many runes connected to the boots of the ghost king. Now he doesn't know what these runes mean. If he picks up the boots, he might It caused trouble, so Li Yuanhong had no choice but to jump off, wait for him to look back and understand the slate, and then to understand the meaning of the rune on the beam.

Li Yuanhong jumped off the beam of the room and returned to the inner hall. He saw that the two dragons were still chatting, and there was a smell of father and son reuniting after parting. Li Yuanhong was speechless. Together, he was watching two dragons Come to perform a Korean drama.

However, Li Yuanhong heard two dragons talking about Liu Bowen at this time, and Li Yuanhong was also curious about this, because Liu Bowen did not explain how he brought the python dragon over on the stone platform, but said that the two reached an agreement. The content of the agreement was not stated, so Li Yuanhong was very curious.

"My son, you are out there, why come here to suffer?"

"Oh, daddy, when I was traveling outside, I met a century-old python dragon, so I traveled with him, and later I got it. At that time, the magical energy here was too low to allow me to conceive the fetal eggs smoothly. , So I devoured creatures at the Yangtze River, hoping to replenish energy. But then Daoist Liu Bowen rushed over, he said he is the orthodox one thousand two hundred and thirty-fifth generation heir of Taoism, he said that I killed pregnancy in this way, Not only will it not raise the fetus smoothly, but it will also cause innocent killings, and eventually will be full of evil results, so he came to rescue me." The black dragon said.

Li Yuanhong listened to him and said in his heart: "No wonder this black dragon has no horns and no beard. It turns out to be a female dragon!"

The black dragon said this, but the golden dragon said angrily: "Huh, what a good old way, I lied to my child to run here to suffer, and what to say to help you, walk around, we won't suffer here, let Dad go outside and get away! "Speaking, the golden dragon is like pulling the black dragon.

The black dragon hurriedly stopped and said: "Daddy, no, I have not been deceived by Dao Liu Bowen. It is my child's willingness to come here. The formation here is a seal on the outside, and the seal is to prevent the air from leaking out of the sea, and there are also inside The energy-collecting circle, that circle is to provide me with energy. If there is no such long way to collect ocean tide energy from the eyes of the sea, the baby's fetal egg would have died long ago. I felt that this fetal egg would have died in the past two days I was born soon, so I didn't absorb the energy of the ocean tide very much in the two nights, so I created a vision, which attracted you to my father. I think my father is the person who replaced me as Liu Bowen mentioned!" Heilong said.

"The one who succeeded you?" Jin Long was very puzzled, he didn't know about this Haiyan.

"Then Daochang Liu was placing me, he said that after 665 years, someone will pick me up to solve the sea eye problem, and I will leave here. I will lay eggs in these two days. And this year, Daochang Liu just said that I The number of years you want to leave, just at this moment you are here. Doesn’t that mean you are here to pick me up!"

"That Niubi is still a bit of a good way, it's all calculated! But I pick you up, not to help humans solve the sea eye problem." Jin Long said.

"Ah? You didn't solve the sea eye problem?" Heilong was very surprised.

"What? Is there any problem with this?" Jin Long asked some questions.

"Ah, that's the case, then Daochang Liu said, if I leave without resolving this sea eye problem, there will be karma. Because I killed too much before, I need to suppress this sea eye to wash away the grievances, so that I and my children In order to be safe and sound, if the sea eye problem cannot be solved and the handover cannot be carried out smoothly, then one of my children and I must die." Heilong said.

"What? That Niubi said that?" Jin Long was also surprised. Although he was asleep in the Dragon Palace, he occasionally woke up and traveled around the world. During this time, he also saw the abilities of some authentic descendants of Taoism, such as Tang Yuan Tiangang, the successor of Taoism in the past generations, at that time his feng shui predictive ability made Jin Long admirable. Although he keeps saying that his family is Niubizi, he never dared to look down upon these descendants of the preacher.

"Yes, daddy, so I can't leave this cave before giving birth."

"This..." The dragon was in trouble, he lowered his head and saw Li Yuanhong, and then he suddenly grinned.

Just when Li Yuanhong didn’t know why the dragon was laughing, the dragon spoke again: "I said, boy, it seems that the prophecy of the bull nose falls on you. You have to find a way to get this sea eye in these two days. The thing is done!"

Li Yuanhong immediately felt bad when he heard it. He was not a heir of Taoism, so how could he suppress Haiyan?

Seeing Li Yuanhong hesitating, the dragon asked threateningly: "Why, you don't want to? Be careful next time you have something, I won't help!"

As soon as Li Yuanhong heard this, he slammed into the air. This dragon is too threatening to get used to his temper. Just about to get angry, Li Yuanhong suddenly remembered an idea. This sea eye has huge energy. If you use this energy for yourself , Isn’t that a lot of wealth? It's just that the magic circle that absorbed this sea eye doesn't. It happens that this giant dragon is there. He should know this aspect of knowledge. Why should I use his knowledge to do this.

So Li Yuanhong said, “It’s not difficult to solve this matter. The difficulty is that I don’t know these twists and turns of the seal rune. We came together. Then Daochang Liu’s prediction must fall on both of us. I need your help with Wen."

"Hahaha, it seems that your kid has already thought of a good idea. I knew it would be okay to find you. This rune thing is a trivial matter. Haven't you got the rune book, I will teach you how to use it. With your kid’s cleverness, you should have learned it in less than three days!"

When Li Yuanhong heard this, the ball was kicked to himself, but it was good to be able to learn the knowledge in the spell book. He wouldn't be able to fumble and make detours by himself, so Li Yuanhong happily agreed.

In the next few days, Li Yuanhong stayed with the dragon to study the rune book. This rune book is one hundred and eight basic magic runes summarized by the Naga during the battle against the Tianwai Beasts. Don’t look at this basic rune. There are only one hundred and eight kinds, but their different combinations have different effects and can be varied.

But the Naga clan belonged to the machine civilization, and they dismissed these magical civilizations, so they gave these runes to humans. However, at that time, the civilization level of humans was too low to understand these things, and the earth’s magical power continued Leakage made the rune effect not obvious, so I didn't pay much attention to this rune. Fortunately, Li Er had a foresight, so he took this rune book away, and this rune book was handed down to the world.

In the process of learning, Li Yuanhong discovered that this rune was different from that of the alien’s magic. There were some interoperability and differences between the two. This made Li Yuanhong very puzzled, but his contact time was relatively short. Unable to look at its roots, Li Yuanhong could only hide his doubts in his heart.

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