Apocalyptic Hero System

: The 276th day of the vanguard group disappeared

Li Yuanhong was stunned by the bomb. He didn't expect that the dark thing would be so powerful, and the zombie position would continue to throw bombs at humans. If the fat zombie’s attack is not resolved as soon as possible, the first line of defense will be very fast. Will be destroyed by zombies.

"Commander Xiao, quickly transfer the infantry howitzer, aim at the fat zombies and launch them, and transfer some snipers over and aim at the black bumps. As long as he dares to throw it, he will blow it up in their air." Li Yuanhong said fiercely.

"Okay!" After receiving the news, he immediately dispatched troops.

At this time, Li Yuanhong took the lead in taking out his sniper rifle. Although Li Yuanhong was a little far away from the front line, nearly one kilometer away, Li Yuanhong was confident that he could hit a target two kilometers away, and he had the real eye to help, so he blocked these bombs, Li Yuanhong Still confident.

With the first shot of Li Yuanhong’s first shot, a bomb that was just thrown by a fat man was blown up by Li Yuanhong before it flew out of the range of the corpse group. This huge explosion also exploded on the heads of the zombies. These zombies have not yet Knowing what was going on, I saw the **** of death directly. Many of the affected zombies did not see any injuries on their appearance, but the brains in their heads had already turned into paste.

Li Yuanhong was finished without this shot. Three shots in a row, three more bombs were blown, three zombies were cleaned up, and the last bullet, Li Yuanhong directly aimed at the fat zombie who had been holding the bomb, just listen." With a bang, the zombie just pulled off the hoop of the bomb, and Li Yuanhong's bullet hit, and the fat zombie was directly blown into the sky by his own bomb.

At this time, the infantry howitzers and snipers transferred by Commander Xiao were also in place, so a wave of grenades hit the fat zombie's position directly, and the snipers were also in place, and began to target the black bumps and fire, although these snipers did not cheat like Li Yuanhong did. He stretched out his hand like that, but he could get one shot from three shots, and the fat zombies began to suffer casualties.

Just when Li Yuanhong was doing his best to deal with fat zombies, those ordinary zombies began to advance toward the human position with the help of the loopholes in the human defense line. In just a few minutes, the position of the zombies advanced to the human by a full fifty meters. At this time, the forward distance of the zombies Human beings are less than two hundred meters. At this time, the tank’s heavy artillery has lost its effect. Only the machine gun robot is still playing a huge role. However, due to the bomb attack by the fat zombie, many machine gun robots were destroyed. At this time, the shooting density of the machine gun robots is not enough to cover the whole The battlefield.

Just when the first line was about to miss, the sound of the aircraft came from the sky again. Li Yuanhong knew that the fat man’s aircraft had arrived, and with the sound of the aircraft, Li Yuanhong also saw a few huge figures and the airship came. Aerial firepower giants, due to the existence of the aircraft of the Western Empire, and because of the slow movement of these giants, long-distance support basically does not work, so now Li Yuanhong has not activated these giants for a long time.

"Brother Li, I am here again, where should I attack now?" Fatty Lu's voice came over again.

"You look in the corpse group to see where the giant zombie is. You must find a way to kill this giant zombie for me." Li Yuanhong shouted into the intercom.

"Okay, no problem!" Fatty Lu took a plane to the depths of the corpse group.

Fatty Lu walked along the group of corpses for nearly ten miles, but still did not find the figure of giant zombies in the group of corpses, is there no giant zombies here?

Just when Fatty was about to give up looking for giant zombies, suddenly Fatty found a raised stone pile on the wasteland. This type of stone pile is very common near some villages in Qinghai Province. It is said to be a part of Tibetan Buddhism. It’s a place of religious worship, so Fatty didn’t care much at first, but suddenly the Fatty remembered that this is a wasteland and there are almost no human beings. If it weren’t for the national level kilometers, I’m afraid no one would come all the year round. This kind of stone pile, the wasteland is very windy, it is impossible to form this kind of stone pile naturally, so there must be a problem with the abrupt pile of stones.

The fat man felt strange, so he ordered his wingman, and then each aimed at the rock pile, and the two miniature missiles went straight to the rock pile.

The missile exploded on the stone pile, and the stone pile unexpectedly rippled, and then a tall figure appeared embarrassedly. It was a giant zombie that had always been a giant zombie. It turned out that this giant zombie could be disguised and turned into a pile of rocks before letting him Fatty Lu didn't notice him for the first time.

The disguise of the giant zombies was broken, this guy rushed straight to the corpse group not far away, and the nearby corpse group also began to move closer to the giant zombies, wanting to cover the giant zombies again.

Fatty Lu would naturally not let go of the giant zombies, so two missiles went straight to the giant zombies at the same time, and the wingman was even more impatient. The four missiles were launched one after another, and the giant zombies were bombed into the sky immediately. When the giant zombies fell down , It is already a pile of broken corpses.

"I said the wingman, launch missiles in the future. Don't waste it like that. The missiles you launch can kill a hundred twentieth zombies!" Fatty Lu inherited Li Yuanhong's stingy habit, seeing that the wingman had launched too many missiles. So a lesson.

"Isn't that afraid that this giant zombie ran away!" the wingman said aggrieved.

"Okay, pay attention next time, pay attention to saving, we are still very poor now!"

"Yes, Captain, I see!" For Fatty Lu, the word "poor" really didn't feel the word "poor". Li Yuanhong was very willing to spend money on military investment, so Li Yuanhong always used war to support war, so he could pass. Group battles get the most benefits. This is why Li Yuanhong likes to beheaded, because the corpses who lose their leadership will huddle together in chaos, so that they can maximize the benefits of artillery.

When the giant zombies died, the group of corpses regained their nature. The fat zombies who were very happy just throwing bombs were suddenly stunned. Several fat zombies just opened the iron ring and were about to throw bombs out. Frozen, the bomb exploded directly in their hands.

The ordinary zombies threw away their weapons and rushed towards the human position in a crowd. At this time, Li Yuanhong adjusted the formation. The machine gun robots and tanks that were just destroyed were replaced, and the airborne The airship was also in place. At this time, the crowded zombies could only deliver food. As the airship's artillery fire erupted, the corpse group was immediately covered by dense artillery fire, and a unilateral slaughter was destined to begin again.

The battle lasted for two days, and the follow-up troops also arrived. The zombie army was finally annihilated by human intensive artillery fire. After the battle, when I tapped the number of zombies, it turned out that the number exceeded two million. If it weren’t for the fat man to eliminate the giant zombies, otherwise the hard fight would continue for a while. At the place where the giant zombies were killed, Li Yuanhong found one. A twentieth level crystal nucleus, and it is a rare crystal nucleus, a hidden system in the dark system. This skill is a skill that assassins and thieves want, because this skill can mimic, that is to say, it can become The surrounding objects can even become the appearance of other people if they learn advanced.

However, in this battle, the consumption of ammunition here was also very high, so after the battle, Li Yuanhong could only repair temporarily and wait for the supplies to be replenished before moving on.

While repairing Li Yuanhong, Wang Jingrong and Xing Ling also ran into trouble. Their trouble came not only from the Western Empire, but also from natural threats.

In Jiuquan, legend has it that Huo Qubing, the famous Han Dynasty hero, won a great victory in pursuit of the Xiongnu, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was rewarded with a jar of royal wine. Huo Qubing felt that a jar of wine could not be drunk with the soldiers, so he planned to sprinkle the wine on the ground. Huo Qubing poked the big gun in his hand, and the spring water spewed out. Huo Qubing was overjoyed and happily poured the wine into the spring. , The spring water immediately became sweet and pleasant, and then Huo Qubing drank the spring water with all the soldiers.

Therefore, it is named after the spring. However, the terrain here is dangerous. Later, the Han Dynasty built a city nearby, called Jiayuguan, and went out of the Guan Wanli of yellow sand. When the setting sun slanted on Xiongguan, it was golden, like a layer of gold foil crossing Xiongguan.

After many winds and rains, this Xiongguan still stands, guarding the west gate of the frontier fortress. However, today’s Xiongguan, there are millions of zombies hidden, they are quietly waiting for the human legion, and these zombies are not simple skirmishers, but with elite equipment, even zombie troops, equipped with artillery. A specially modified magic artillery.

At the same time, outside the city of Jiayuguan, in the desert, a large group of dark clouds are gathering. Anyone who has experience will know that this is a precursor to the formation of a powerful desert storm. Once the sandstorm is formed, anyone who dares to expose to him All creatures will be swallowed by it.

At this time, Wang Jingrong and Xing Ling were in the Jiuquan Satellite Base City. Now there is only an empty house left. Almost all the facilities in the room have been removed, and it has become an empty city again.

"Hemp, one step late!" Xing Ling furiously slammed a punch on a concrete platform.

"Commander Xing doesn't have to be angry, in fact, we should thank them for taking this place clean!" Wang Jingrong exhorted.

"Well, they moved things away, we should still be happy, am I a bone!"

"Commander Xing, you didn't listen to me to finish. I said I should be happy. They didn't occupy the Jiuquan base and controlled the satellite. If they controlled the base and sent us false information indiscriminately, or the satellite crashed into the atmosphere, then We lose a lot. They take down these equipment. Although we cannot actively control the satellite in the short term, most of the things they take away are no longer used. This shows that they have completely lost the ability to actively control the satellite!" Wang Jing Rong said.

"Listening to you, we are still taking advantage!" Xing Ling also chuckled, agreeing with Wang Jingrong's words.

"Hehe, it's not taking advantage, it's just a blessing in misfortune!" Wang Jingrong said helplessly.

"Then Brother Jingrong, what plans do you have next?"

"I don't think we can go on like this. We must find that empire as soon as possible, and find these disappeared zombies, otherwise I always feel uneasy, maybe the zombies are brewing some conspiracy."

"Well, I have this feeling too!" Xing Ling replied with a frown.

At this moment, a communication soldier ran in: "Report to Commander Xing, Commander Wang, it's not good, our vanguard group suddenly lost contact!"

"What? Just like this, a regiment lost contact like this? Did they have any information before they lost contact? And where were they before they lost contact?" Wang Jingrong asked quickly.

"They seem to disappear suddenly. At that time, they had just arrived outside Jiayuguan City. Someone was reporting to us. Then the signal was suddenly interrupted, and then he heard the cry of hissing lungs, and then the signal was cut off." The signal soldier said helplessly.

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