Apocalyptic Hero System

: 278th Jiayuguan Siege

With the explosion of the eye of the wind, the strong storm suddenly slowed down. The rotating sand, suddenly wanted to lose the traction of the flying hammer, suddenly exploded with a "bang", splashing around, letting a lot of distance. The soldiers not far from the wind wall made their heads full of sand.

As the wind wall burst open, the yellow sandy weather slowly became clear. The majestic Jiayuguan in the distance was finally exposed, and vaguely, the wall was full of soldiers and soldiers with zombies.

At this time, Wang Jingrong didn't pay attention to this. He wanted to find the missing legion, so he took a group of soldiers along the road covered by wind and sand, and hurried to the missing barracks.

It didn't take long for them to reach a patch of soil. Obviously, this is not a naturally formed soil package, but a soil package caused by something being buried.

"Quickly, use an engineer shovel to dig up these dirt bags!" Wang Jingrong quickly ordered the soldiers to dig up these dirt bags.

Soon, a voice came: "Report to the commander, there is a discovery here!"

Wang Jingrong followed the sound, and saw that after the soldier dug up the sand dune, a tent buried by wind and sand was revealed. The tent was half collapsed and there was no part of it. It was also because there was a table in the tent that the tent was set up. The inside of the tent was still very messy. Apparently, the contents had just been moved in, and there was an accident before there was time to organize it. And in the corner, there was a corpse in military uniform, lying there, with his back facing up, motionless, not knowing whether it was life or death.

"Hurry up and two people, bring the soldier out, and see if there is any rescue?" Although Wang Jingrong was not hopeful, he couldn't let his men expose the corpse to the wilderness.

So the two soldiers passed by quickly, turned the soldier who was facing down, and wanted to move it out. Unexpectedly, one of the soldiers exclaimed, "Oh," his hand loosened, and the body was heavy again. Falling dust. I saw that the corpse had turned into a dry corpse, and the skin on his body was dry and wrinkled, as if this was not a person who had just died, but an ancient corpse that had been air-dried for thousands of years. His face still looked terrified, although the entire face became dry. It shrank severely, but the horrible expression had instantly solidified.

Seeing this, Wang Jingrong immediately picked up a marching blanket that had not been unfolded from the table beside him, and then quickly walked to the entity, and then gently covered the corpse with the marching blanket: "Go too far, don’t Let these heroic spirits continue to be eroded by wind and sand."

"Yes!" The two soldiers stood at attention. The screaming soldier's face flushed. He was too rude just now. If it weren't for Wang Jingrong to lead the team, I guess he would have been criticized by the old squad leader again.

The search continued, and tents or corpses were found from time to time. Without exception, those corpses became mummy. No corpse was normal, and all soldiers were killed, and there was no survivor.

It took Wang Jingrong an hour to clean up the Pioneer Camp, and all the missing persons were found. Seeing this, Wang Jingrong could only silently write down this hatred, he must beg like those zombies.

At this time, Xing Ling arrived with the rear team. He had heard the report from the soldiers below about the vanguard, so he met with Wang Jingrong and discussed how to attack Jiayuguan.

"I think we can attack directly to avenge the dead soldiers." Wang Jingrong said bitterly.

"What do you think of the Western Regions Empire, is it going to come up with a formation?" Xing Ling worried.

"Probably not! After all, that formation requires a living sacrifice. There shouldn't be so many people in the Western Regions empire who let him do so many sacrifices!" When Wang Jingrong mentioned the sacrifice, his teeth were itchy with hatred.

"Well, what you said makes sense, but we have to guard against it. Let's send some soldiers to try it out." Xing Ling said.

"it is good!"

Soon a team of ten tanks and armored vehicles attacked Jiayuguan. The artillery of the tank vehicles began to fire at the zombies on the city wall less than five kilometers away. Many of the zombies on the city walls were destroyed. The explosion went down, and the artillery fire soon filled the wall, and the figures of the zombies slowly disappeared on the wall.

"I said Commander Xing, is the smoke on the city wall too thick?" Wang Jingrong observed the movement of the zombies with a telescope, but what made Wang Jingrong very suspicious was why the zombies on the wall stood there so stupidly. He didn't fight back, and as soon as the gunfire opened, smoke billowed on the city wall, making it impossible to see the zombies clearly.

"Well, let the tank troops be more careful. Now, after firing a few rounds at the city head from a kilometer away, they are blasting open the city gate and then rushing in." Xing Ling said cautiously.

"Okay, it's safe to do so. After a while, the tank will enter the city and let the Griffin troops cover it in the air." Wang Jingrong added.

The tank troops progressed smoothly, and soon rushed to a distance of less than two kilometers from the city wall. During this period, there was no movement on the city wall. And the Griffin troops that took off did not find any abnormalities on the city wall because of the interference of heavy smoke.

However, at this moment, the mutation took place. Many flying arrows and energy cannonballs flew out of the dense smoke. Those arrows were shot directly into the sky, while the energy cannons shot directly into the tank group. Suddenly it was attacked. Because the Griffon troops were only more than 100 meters away from the ground, and because of the interference of smoke, when they found the bow and arrow attacked, the distance between the arrows was very close, and many griffins could not escape. Many griffins screamed and fell directly with their arrows. A few griffins that were hiding faster flew high and were not shot by the arrows.

Those magical shells directly smashed into the tank group, directly overturning several tanks, and the tanks that were not bombed quickly withdrew back. However, those magical shells followed and fired. In the end, only two of the ten tanks returned. Moreover, they were all wounded. It was impossible to fight again. The trailer had to be dragged back to the rear base for maintenance.

"Hey, when will the zombies fire and shoot arrows, and these arrows are shot too far, more than two hundred meters!" Looking through the binoculars, Wang Jingrong began to curse his mother.

"Well, and these zombies can still fight. Our tanks entered within two kilometers before they opened fire, and their magic ran for at least three kilometers, and I suspect that the zombies’ bows and arrows were more than two hundred meters away. !" Xing Ling also frowned and said.

"Well, it will be difficult to fight!" Wang Jingrong said in a suppressed voice.

"It seems that we cannot attack by force, otherwise we will lose too much and we must think of something else." Xing Ling said in a low mood.

This is the first time for this kind of battle under the pressure of zombies. Maybe it is possible to send an airplane over, but it is covered by smoke and the airplane cannot accurately shoot the zombies. Now Wang Jingrong and Xing Ling feel that it is a bit impossible to beat the zombies for the first time. Down mouth.

At this time, the old magician brought Huang Xiaopeng and his group of students to come. Huang Xiaopeng pointed to the zombies on the wall and asked: "Teacher, these zombies on the wall, our magic does not have their city cannons to shoot far, how will we do? Offense?"

The old magician stroked his beard, squinted his eyes and looked at the city wall and said: "There are three ways to attack like this kind of city where enemies have long-range attack weapons."

When the old magician had a way to attack the city, Xing Ling and Wang Jingrong also pricked their ears to listen.

"The first is to besiege instead of attack, and directly trap the enemies in the city to death. Especially for this kind of isolated city, trapping to death is a good choice, but well, there are zombies in this city. This trick will definitely not work."

Upon hearing the old magician’s first method, both Xing Ling and Wang Jingrong shook their heads helplessly. This first method is completely unsuitable for the current situation. Even though the city is now a human being, time does not allow Wang Jingrong. He Xingling used the siege to win.

The old magician went on to say his second strategy: "The second is that you learn how to fly in the air, then fly high in the sky, over the high wall, use mass destruction magic from the sky, and attack from top to bottom. It’s okay."

"Teacher, when we fly into the air, won't we become the living targets of those archers?" Huang Xiaopeng found the weakness of the second method and asked.

"Well, if there is no magical archer in the city, your energy shield can withstand a burst of bow and arrow attacks, so this method also needs to be investigated in advance to ensure that the archers and magicians in the city cannot attack you." Old magician Say it unhurriedly.

When I heard the second method, all the students looked bad. No matter how the second method looked like a suicide attack, the students present didn't want to try it.

"The third situation is more expensive, and it is easy to accidentally injure civilians, so it is rarely used on the battlefield." The old magician said.

"What method?" said the old magician, raising the interest of the students.

"The third method is the magic circle. Just like zombies can set up magic circles to attack you, you can also set up magic circles to attack zombies, especially if these zombies are in the city, you can set up that kind of large light magic to purify the zombies in the city. It’s just that this method requires a lot of crystal nuclei or spar, so if you don’t have enough resources, it’s best not to play!” The old magician stroked his beard and glanced at Wang Jingrong and Xing Ling who were eavesdropping. Obviously This third method is for them.

"Principal Mage, how many crystal cores are needed, as long as we can capture this city, we are willing to pay!" The two commanders replied almost infrequently at the same time. No matter how much the cost, they are willing to pay, especially now many crystals. The nuclei are all used secondary charging nuclei. These nuclei that can't be used to make evolution fluids don't hurt how to use them. Especially these nuclei can save the lives of many warriors. They think this cost is worth it.

Soon, the transport spacecraft that received Xing Ling's order flew over, and boxes of crystal nuclei were removed from the airship and piled up like a hill.

"Principal Mage, do you think these crystal nuclei are enough?" Wang Jingrong asked, pointing to the crystal nucleus.

"Hehe, or your army is generous, saying that taking the crystal nucleus is the crystal nucleus, is this at least one or two million crystal nuclei?!" The old magician sighed.

"Haha, it's not that our army is lavish, but that we wiped out many zombies. These are the secondary charging nuclei transferred from the rear to make the energy of the magic cannon. I don't know if it can be used."

"It's definitely okay to use, but the magic circle I set may not be enough, you can let the latter adjust some more." The old magician said rudely.

"No problem!" Wang Jingrong immediately went to mobilize the crystal nucleus.

Watching Wang Jingrong walk away, the old magician walked up to the students and said, "I will take you to set up the magic circle. You group and set the magic circle according to the one given by me. After a while, the setting is over. I will check if who does not set If you pass, I will be dealt with according to the failure of the magic circle assessment this semester."

"Yes!" The old magician's stern face didn't bring down these students, but instead aroused the fighting spirit of these students, and he replied loudly with small hands clenched.

Xing Ling watched with a black line on the side, this old magician is really a classroom here!

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