Apocalyptic Hero System

: The 294th National Division was injured

The national division was floating in the air at this time and saw his soldiers surrounded and surrounded by ambushes. His soldiers were being slaughtered every moment. His eyes erupted with anger, but he now felt a sense of powerlessness. This kind of quicksand trap is definitely not a small magic circle. It is completely impossible to destroy this kind of magic circle with his own power. Now the national teacher finally knows what it means to be powerless.

And the next trouble is that he floated in the air, making him a target of public criticism. At this time, the Griffin Riders and flying dragon troops flying in the air directly saw him, so they all aimed at him, so bows and arrows and flying dragons. Missiles came like him.

The attack struck and made the national teacher wake up from his anger. At this time, he has lost the cover of the zombie army. He can now be alone. If he doesn't run away immediately, he will probably die here. So the national teacher quickly turned on magic protection to prevent himself from being corroded by the acid, and urged magic to escape to the depths of the desert.

At this time, Commander Xiao was rescued from the tank. Although Commander Xiao’s tank was overturned and the tank’s barrel was damaged, it was impossible to fire in a short time. After all, Commander Xiao’s tank was not in the center of the explosion, and his tank was a new type. Cast of steel, the tank is the king of land warfare. It cannot be injured by ordinary explosions. So although Commander Xiao’s tank was overturned, he was not seriously injured in the tank, but his head hit the tank wall. Except for a big bag, there is no other damage.

"How's the battle going?" Commander Xiao rubbed the big bag that had been knocked out, and asked the orderly soldiers around him.

"Report to the commander, most of the zombies are trapped in quicksand traps, and a small number of zombies are still fighting with us. Commander Wang Jingrong and Commander Xing Ling are encircling the zombies from several other aspects. It is expected that it will not take long. It can be eliminated!" The orderly reported.

"Okay, very good. I also inform our troops to attack all the lines and destroy all the zombies in front of us. Don't let them go!" Commander Xiao said with a smile.

"Yes!" The orderly's voice was also exceptionally loud.

Soon, hundreds of tanks were dispatched together, and the aggressive zombies were killed. The frontal zombies were less than one hundred thousand. Under the intensive artillery fire, within two hours, the zombies that were still aggressive in the morning were all killed. Annihilated.

When the sun is westward, the entire battlefield is calm again. The desert that was originally full of zombies is now only covered with yellow sand. Occasionally, you can see the heads of buried zombies. Most of the zombies are buried under the sand. .

Xing Ling, Wang Jingrong, Commander Xiao, and several other army commanders gathered in the command room.

"I said Wang Jingrong, how did you kill those planes? At that time, I saw so many enemy planes, and I was afraid that your planes would not be able to withstand them." Commander Xiao asked Wang Jingrong.

"Hehe, I played a little conspiracy. At that time, our plane was flying at a height of less than one kilometer. The enemy planes that were chasing us were also chasing us more than one thousand meters away, and I was in an ambush in advance of 1,500 meters. A griffin cavalry was hidden in the clouds at an altitude of 5 meters. When our plane flew past, we threw a lot of stones and sand down from the air. These things went directly into the enemy plane’s aircraft engines. Their engines were scary. These things, so the engine stalled. As for those ghosts, they can be easily attacked with fire magic arrows, and those ghosts can't run as fast as our Griffins, so none of those ghosts ran away." Wang Jingrong laughed. Said.

"Haha, there are still many ideas in Jingrong. Who would have thought of raining stones on the plane, so you can make this loss." Xing Ling laughed.

"Why does Wang Jingrong think of breaking the plane with stone rain?" Commander Xiao asked curiously.

"In fact, before the end of the world, I was a special soldier. During a mission, a plane took off. For unknown reasons, a stone flew into the engine of the plane. Fortunately, the plane just took off, so the plane landed in an emergency, which did not cause much impact. , If you encounter this in the air, it is a matter of plane crash and death. So I thought of breaking the plane with stones." Wang Jingrong said.

"Hehe, you are still brave. I saw more than a hundred planes from zombies. I thought our air force was over."

"Fortunately, Captain Lu is not here, otherwise he will definitely refute you!" Xing Ling interjected.

"Oh, yes, Commander Wang Jingrong, how much did we gain this time?" Commander Xiao asked.

"This time we buried about eight or nine million zombies alive. Outside the trap, we wiped out 700,800,000 zombies. Some zombies escaped into the depths of the desert. It is not convenient for us to chase them. After all, the desert weather has changed. Impermanence, after we detect the specific location of the zombies, we are encircling and suppressing them." Wang Jingrong said.

"It seems that the gains are not small. Then we can advance further west. The next target is Turpan, so we will leave a division's troops here for follow-up work, and the other troops will march westward tomorrow morning." Commander Xiao issued a mission. Tao.

"Commander Xiao, don't our troops make a correction?" Xing Ling asked some questions.

"Oh, I want to fix it, but Commander Li is still in Uzbekistan. He is in a dangerous situation now. If he is careless, he may be spotted by the enemy. So we can get him to Uzbek as soon as possible. Save it, otherwise my heart is not at ease!"

When Li Yuanhong was mentioned, the expressions of everyone present were more solemn. The reason why they had such a big victory this time was closely related to Li Yuanhong’s planning and news. No one knew how Li Yuanhong hid in the depths of the enemy camp. , And how did they obtain the enemy's intelligence? How are these comrades who lived and died with Li Yuanhong not in a hurry?

After a short refurbishment overnight, the human army set off again early the next morning and attacked Turpan. After Shanshan, the county seat was easily taken down. Because the national division sent troops at that time, almost all the defenders were taken away. Only a small part of the logistic units were left. Under the attack of human tanks, these uncombatable units were wiped out before the information was sent out.

As the human forces advanced westward, Emperor Chen's palace welcomed a guest.

"Report to your Majesty that there is a stranger begging to see you!" The guard reported to Emperor Chen who was eating.

"Stranger? Everyone is allowed to come in and beg me, then I don't have to do anything else for a day!" Emperor Chen said with an angry face.

"Your Majesty, someone said he was sent by the national teacher!" Guard said.

"The national teacher? Isn't the national teacher fighting on the front line? If something happens, the national teacher should send me a message? It's not an assassin who pretends to be!" Since becoming the emperor, the emperor Chen has become suspicious, always Fancy someone assassinated him.

"No...no, he brought a token, and said that after reading this token, you can believe that he was sent by the national teacher."

"Okay, bring me the token!" Emperor Chen put down the knife and fork for eating in his hand, and wiped his mouth with a white towel.

Soon the guards handed a jade medallion engraved with a skull to Emperor Chen. When Emperor Chen saw it, he was taken aback. This jade medallion was the belongings of the national teacher. Once the national teacher once said that if you are a child If you can't come in person for anything, you will use this jade card as a token.

"Quickly, take the widow to meet the messenger!" Emperor Chen didn't dare to sit at this time, stood up and picked it up in person.

At the door, I saw a body wrapped in a black cloak with a mask on his face. Only those burning eyes could tell that this was a dead skeleton.

"My Courier came, I am really sorry that you have been waiting here for so long!" Emperor Chen respectfully saluted.

"Stop those polite things, I have something to tell, find a secret room, don't let outsiders know." The messenger said very cautiously.

"Yes, yes! The messenger comes with me!" So Emperor Chen personally led the way, led the messenger into the room, and then asked the people on both sides to withdraw.

"Messenger, what are you going to tell me alone?" Emperor Chen was very puzzled. Before the national teacher came over, he always made it very imposing, for fear that others would not know it, why is it still afraid that others would know it today.

The messenger saw that Emperor Chen and him were the only two people left in the house, so he opened his mouth and said, "Shan Shan has fallen, and the national teacher is seriously injured!"

"What? Shanshan is lost, and the national teacher is still injured?" Emperor Chen was taken aback when he heard the news and almost shouted out what he had just said.

"Shhh!" The messenger made a silent gesture.

"Hmm!" Emperor Chen nodded quickly to understand.

"The national division now does not want to let people know this news. The national division only needs to recover from the injury in the past two days, and everything will recover. Please rest assured, your majesty. The only problem now is that the human forces may come quickly. There will be no shortage of time to re-arrange troops, so you need to stop the human army from attacking. Now the total number of zombies in and outside the city should be three to four million zombies. You can completely block the human army for half a month. Reinforcements will arrive at that time," said the messenger.

"Ok...Okay!" Although Emperor Chen fully agreed, he didn't think so in his heart. Even the army of 10 million zombies led by the national division can't stop it. The zombies without perfect equipment at his own hand can't resist the attack of human beings. It seems that he needs to prepare to retreat.

"Then I will reply to the Master of the National Normal University first, and you should not send someone to send it off." After that, the messenger hurriedly left the palace.

Seeing that the messenger was gone, Emperor Chen hurriedly ordered people to find Chen Shaokun. He wanted to arrange an escape plan. Of course, this matter must be kept strictly confidential, so he could only ask Chen Shaokun to do it.

Emperor Chen's palace began to get busy. It doesn't need to be elaborated, just the messenger.

The messenger left the palace and immediately hid his figure in the dark, then observed and found that no one was following, and then quietly walked towards the edge of the city. With twists and turns, the messenger came to a dilapidated monastery, and then he checked it carefully from left to right, and saw that no one had entered the monastery every time.

Entering the temple, the man in black did not directly enter the apse, but into a penthouse, and then pressed a pattern on the wall in an inconspicuous place. As a result, a downward passage appeared on the ground, and the messenger stepped into it. .

As soon as I entered the underground, there was a gloomy and low voice: "Is it a small bone?"

"It's me, Master Master!" The messenger immediately stopped and replied respectfully.

"Well, what happened to what I asked you to do?" The voice rang again.

"I have notified the emperor, but Master Mage, why don't you go to the emperor to heal your wounds, hiding here is not good for your wounds to heal." The entourage questioned.

"Do you think it's safe to go to humans in this state of mine?"

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