Apocalyptic Hero System

: 296th Secret Path

The death of the skeleton mage was not very loud, because the old skeleton was seriously injured, and his life fire was actually very weak. The moment the knife was inserted into his bird's nest, his life dropped to zero.

Li Yuanhong quickly cleaned the battlefield, but he knew that the servant had been followed. If the follower had not returned to report the letter, Li Yuanhong would not dare to delay it.

Li Yuanhong searched all the things on the old magician's body, and then put the servant's body into his own space, and finally put the jade card that marked the identity of the skeleton mage on the waist of the skeleton mage again. Then he checked again, and then he cleared his own footprints and exited the basement.

Not long after Li Yuanhong left, a few soldiers, led by Chen Shaokun, came to this dilapidated monastery. They quickly found the basement. Everyone cautiously entered the basement. At this time, only that was left in the basement. The corpse of the old demon skeleton mage sitting on the bed, because Li Yuanhong assassinated too quickly, the old skeleton still kept sitting cross-legged.

"Marshal Kun, there is only one skeleton inside, and nothing else." After searching, the people below came up to report.

"Oh? There is only one skeleton. Does that skeleton have any signs?" Chen Shaokun asked.

"The report, the marshal, is a tattered skeleton. It is estimated that it has been dead for many years, and there is no meat." The soldier said.

"Okay, you are here to guard, I will go down and see!" Chen Shaokun knew that there was no danger below, so he stepped on.

The basement is rather dim, with only one oil lamp placed on the wall to illuminate, but fortunately, the underground space is not large, so you can see things inside clearly. At this time, the most abrupt thing in the entire space is the one in the corner. The bed, and the skeleton on the bed.

Chen Shaokun walked up to the skeleton and found that the skeleton was broken. No wonder his subordinates mistakenly thought it was from ancient times. If he didn’t know that there was a national teacher here, he would treat the skeleton as a tomb. Withered bones.

Chen Shaokun quickly searched for the withered bone, and finally found the waistband on the waist of the withered bone. It seems that the old skeleton was seriously injured here, just to avoid doing it himself. Thinking of this, Chen Shaokun took off his waist card and put it in his pocket. Then he ordered someone to wrap up the pile of dead bones and wait for the palace. As for the disappeared servant, Chen Shaokun didn’t pay attention at the beginning. In his concept , It doesn’t matter whether that servant exists or not.

Chen Shaokun came to the palace and started conspiring with his uncle in the secret room.

"Kun'er, how's it going, are things going well?" Emperor Chen asked anxiously.

"Uncle, everything went well, and we didn't do anything, the old skeleton died by himself." Chen Shaokun said a little excited.

"What? He died by himself?" Emperor Chen was also taken aback.

"Yes, he died by himself. I have seen his corpse. The old skeleton was covered with battle scars, and there are many signs of corrosion. It is estimated that he was seriously injured on the battlefield and did not survive. , The injury broke out, he died before we started." Chen Shaokun said.

"Okay, hahaha, God helps me, now we don’t have to worry about the skeleton rider making trouble for us, Kun'er, you must keep that skeleton safe, that’s evidence, important evidence. By the way, the skeleton’s Did you find the token?"

"Here!" Chen Shaokun took out the jade card from his arms and handed it to Emperor Chen.

"Hahaha, great, we finally don't have to be angry with those monsters!" Emperor Chen can finally laugh out loud. Since becoming this puppet emperor, he wears a mask at all times, for fear of his own actions The dissatisfaction of that national teacher is always alive and cautious. Today, the shackles are finally gone, and I can finally exhale.

At this time, in a government building in New Delhi, India, the skeleton knight was furious: "That puppet dared to attack our great necromancer, I want to smash him into pieces!"

"My lord, please let me lead my troops to attack him!" said a sword-riding skeleton knight next to him.

"No, now we can’t put the manager on their side. The **** boys to the west of us are infiltrating our side. If we want to dig out some ancient tombs in West Asia, we must rush to put those ancient tombs before them. Excavated, if there is something we are looking for in those ancient tombs, it will be broken!" At this time, the flame in the eyes of the skeleton knight returned to calm.

"The enmity of Master Master..."

"The enmity of Master Mage will be avenged sooner or later. They can't figure out what human beings can do. We will let them jump for two days now. Once we finish the things to the west, I will let them stay alone." Tao.

"Yes, I understand, Lord Knight!"

"Well, you go down and organize the expedition as soon as possible."

"Yes, my lord!" The skeleton knight walked out of the room.

Emperor Chen didn’t know that he carried a big pot for Li Yuanhong, and also left the bottom of the pot ashes. He didn’t know, he had just escaped, and he could live a comfortable life in peace again. However, the skeleton knight spared him temporarily, but Li Yuanhong's troops advanced quickly, and they were not far from Turpan.

"Report to Your Majesty that the Huaxia State Army has advanced to a place less than 50 kilometers away from Turpan. Turpan requests support!"

Emperor Chen had just become the emperor on his own one day, he received this news that he least wanted to see.

"Withdraw troops, let them withdraw troops! Bring me all the supplies from Turpan!" Emperor Chen did not plan to send a single soldier to fight, and even 10 million zombies could not stop the footsteps of Chinese soldiers, the tens of thousands of Turfan, It wasn't enough for others to stuff their teeth, so Emperor Chen decisively ordered the withdrawal of troops.

"Hurry up and recruit Shaokun for me!" The second thing Emperor Chen called his nephew to his secret room.

"Uncle, what are you looking for?" Chen Shaokun asked.

"Shaokun, how did you arrange your retreat yesterday?" Emperor Chen asked.

"Uncle has already arranged almost, as long as I give an order, I can remove all the materials I prepared." Chen Shaokun said.

"Well, you quickly arrange for the convoy of materials to set off now, and transport all that can be transported, as well as those scientists, and must not be left for those Chinese troops." Emperor Chen said.

"Yes, uncle, shall I be escorted by the car?" Chen Shaokun's eyes showed a sly light.

"Let's go with the car too! You can't help here." Emperor Chen hesitated interestingly, but after saying this, the hesitation disappeared, revealing a gentle light.

"Yes, then I will set off now." Chen Shaokun finished speaking, and walked out of the room impatiently.

As soon as Chen Shaokun walked out of the room, a communications officer ran over: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, something is not good!"

"What's so flustered?" Emperor Chen's face sank, and his voice asked harshly.

"It's not good, your Majesty, Turpan City is lost, and the defenders are all destroyed!" The communications official report reported.

"What? Annihilation? Didn't you let them retreat? How could they be annihilated?" This made Emperor Chen very puzzled.

"This... didn't say it in the other party's communication." The communication officer said in a flustered manner. Obviously, this reason could easily make the Emperor angry.

Sure enough, Emperor Chen's anger broke out: "Trash, it's really a bunch of trash, what do you think you can figure out? Raising a group of pigs is better than you!"

Although Emperor Chen was very angry, he still did not lose his mind. He did not pull the communications officer out and cut it off. After swearing, Emperor Chen said to the communications channel: "Don’t hurry up and give me the enemy’s dynamics. Figure it out, then make mistakes, be careful of your head!"

"Yes, yes!" The communications officer was scared and ran out, if he stayed for a while, the communications officer might really pee on the spot.

Swearing, this will make Emperor Chen calm down. He is very close to Turpan. Since Turpan is lost, the enemy troops will soon come. The reason why he is not leaving now is not how great he is. He wants to fight the enemy. In the end, it was that he wanted to buy some time for his nephew, and besides, he had to deal with the ministers who used to be against him. These all took time.

It is already nightfall, and it is estimated that the opponent will not attack overnight, so he can start ransacking the Afghans, and also deal with those who say bad things behind their backs.

When Emperor Chen was thinking about how to shame his opponent, another person was ushered in in the basement where the national teacher died. This person was Li Yuanhong. He wanted to find a way to rescue the slaves here before Emperor Chen retreated. It is necessary to find a way to prevent the enemy from evacuating the slaves. The best way is to send people directly to free the slaves from the inside, while the outside cooperates with the attack.

Of course, Li Yuanhong would not be so arrogant that he wanted to stop the Emperor Chen from evacuation of slaves by himself, so he wanted to bring people in from the outside, and the old skeleton mage said before his death that there was a secret passage to the outside in the basement, Li Yuanhong thought Find it out, and then bring your own people in through the secret path.

Li Yuanhong had been in the basement for two full hours. There was almost nothing in the basement. Li Yuanhong almost removed the wooden bed, but still did not find the switch to open the secret passage.

"Is the old skeleton lying to me?" Li Yuanhong said to himself.

"No, no, it was impossible for him to say false information in order to survive. Once I agreed to take him out, and the secret path was false, it would definitely arouse his suspicion, and he was already seriously injured and unable to move. In this case, he can't be too far away from the secret road, so the secret road must be in this room." Li Yuanhong thought about it again, thinking that the old skeleton did not lie.

So he looked at all the places again. Li Yuanhong even lifted the wooden bed and looked at it. There was nothing there, the oil lamp for lighting, and even the ground carefully. There was nothing unusual. where is it?

Li Yuanhong scanned the basement, and suddenly Li Yuanhong saw the oil lamp, which reminded Li Yuanhong that it was black under the lamp. I checked the oil lamp just now, but I didn’t carefully check the platform where the oil lamp was discharged. In most people’s minds, the mechanism would never be placed in the brightest place, but some people went in the opposite direction. Then, under the oil lamp, that is the darkest The place.

Li Yuanhong walked to the bottom of the platform, where it was slightly higher than his line of sight, which further confirmed Li Yuanhong's guess that generally the place where the oil lamp was placed would not be higher than the head, but it was different from the usual place, and there must be something tricky here.

Li Yuanhong took out a chair from the space and stood on it. Sure enough, he found that the corner of the platform where the oil lamp was placed was something abnormal. So Li Yuanhong tried to press the corner, and it was pressed down there, and then he heard "Crunch" The sound of the wall next to the oil lamp platform opened a door, a door leading to an underpass.

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