Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 302: Level 20 Space

When Li Yuanhong came to the weapons shop, he saw Yu Tianyao struggling to hit a piece of red-hot iron, while Zhang Haitao watched attentively. Li Yuanhong was a little puzzled, what's so good about this ironing, doesn't this Haitao often strike iron himself?

"Master Zhang, what are you doing?" Li Yuanhong asked when Yu Tianyao wiped his sweat while resting.

"Ah, boss Li is here. The gold essence collected by the master has arrived. We are purifying it by hand." Zhang Haitao introduced.

"Purification by hand? Why not use a machine, which saves time?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"You don’t know, this craftsman’s ironing is also a process that is familiar with the properties of this metal, such as the ductility, rigidity and other properties of this gold essence. These most intuitive metal properties will be in the hammering process. In, let us know, and the content of impurities in this metal is different, and the performance reflected is also different. We craftsmen can also find the most suitable impurity ratio during the ironing process to make different weapon armors." At this time, Master Yu Tianyao explained while wiping his sweat.

"It turned out to be like this! I used to think that ironing is to remove impurities in the iron." Li Yuanhong said embarrassedly.

"Hehe, it's nothing, is it like every other mountain!" Master Zhang smiled.

"By the way, is there anything special about this Jin Jing?" Li Yuanhong suddenly remembered, because of this Jin Jing, Master Yu almost died. If there is no special value, Master Yu would definitely not take risks.

"This gold spirit is worthy of the essence of metal. Its rigidity and flexibility have reached the best. As a weapon, it is not only harder than before, but also not easy to break. More importantly, this metal is magic metal. He will not be corroded by magic, and can slowly absorb the magic energy in the air, and under certain conditions, it can release its internal energy to protect the metal body from harm." Master Yu said.

"Oh? That is to say, this gold spirit is more suitable for making magic weapons?"

Li Yuanhong asked.

"It can be said that a magic weapon made of gold essence should be able to improve the performance of more than 50%, even if it is not made of pure gold essence, even if a little gold essence is added, its weapon performance will increase by about ten points. "Master Yu said.

"Ah? So amazing!" Li Yuanhong looked at the gold essence on the anvil with some excitement.

"Hehe, we still have a preliminary understanding of the performance of this gold essence. After the gold essence is purified, I will send it to Lao Bai and the others, and let them measure it with an instrument to see if there are any other characteristics. But. This Jin Jing is really a good thing!" Master Yu sighed.

"By the way, Boss Li, what's the matter with you coming over this time?" Zhang Haitao suddenly asked at this moment.

"Oh, that's the case. Something went wrong on the front line. Now the weapon has encountered a bottleneck. Why don't I come to ask the two for help!" Li Yuanhong said.

"Oh? Something went wrong? What's the matter?" Master Yu asked Li Yuanhong, looking at him.

So Li Yuanhong talked about the fact that the bow and arrow of the Griffin Rider could not penetrate the zombie armor.

After hearing this, Master Yu asked, "Commander Li, have you brought the armor of those zombies? Let us see and maybe we can find a countermeasure."

"Okay, it just so happens that I have a few sets of armors here, you can study them!" Then, Li Yuanhong took out a few sets of zombie armors from the space, as well as a few packages of special products from Xinjiang Province.

"You take these armors to study. These are the spoils seized by the front line. You can taste them!" Li Yuanhong said.

"How embarrassed!" Zhang Haitao said embarrassed, but he didn't give in, took the special products directly, and then handed them to a small worker beside him.

Li Yuanhong smiled. He and this Haitao were born to death. Of course he wouldn't care about this little action.

Now that the matter was completed, Li Yuanhong had left. He must have been studying armor and weapons, and he couldn't put his mouth in his mouth. If he stuck here, he might also hinder the other party's work.

After leaving the weapon shop, it was getting late, and Li Yuanhong asked the guards to go back to rest early and walked towards his residence.

It’s already twilight, some people have smoked, and people who have been working all day have begun to return to their homes from get off work one after another, and some of the houses have heard the cry of babies. Here, there is no end of the world. , But Li Yuanhong knew that if you want to keep this tranquility, it is by no means easy, as long as you relax a little, this tranquil world will be swept by zombies again.

Li Yuanhong walked back home quickly, and as soon as he walked in, he smelled the scent of vegetables. No need to look at it, he knew that Li Luoxia had made delicious food in the kitchen.

Hearing movement at the door, Li Luoxia poked her head out of the kitchen and saw Li Yuanhong, so she shouted: "Hurry up and wash your hands, I'm done with this dish, I can start the meal!" After speaking, her head quickly retracted into the kitchen. , And then there was another sound of touching pots and spoons.

Li Yuanhong honestly washed his hands and sat at the table. A table of food, although not as complete as Lu Fatty's, but the feeling of home still made Li Yuanhong appetite.

Soon Li Luoxia came out of the kitchen. At this time, Li Luoxia was wearing an apron outside of her clothes. Although her face was no longer the youthfulness of those girls, she had a few more feminine flavors. After the meal, his face was flushed with a special charm in it.

It's been a long time since I sat with Li Luoxia for dinner, especially Li Luoxia dressed as a housewife, which made Li Yuanhong look straight.

"Why, I haven't seen it before!" Li Luoxia said with some embarrassment when seeing Li Yuanhong looking straight at herself.

"Yeah!" Li Yuanhong nodded subconsciously, and immediately shook his head: "The first time I saw you in the kitchen, it's so beautiful!"

"Cut, someone is cooking for you, you are beautiful in your heart, this smoky, skin is blackened!" Li Luoxia groaned.

"Haha, don't be afraid. Looking back, I asked Dr. Han to invent an anti-smoke cosmetic to ensure that you will not be blackened." Li Yuanhong said stupidly while still looking at Li Luoxia.

Li Luoxia glared at Li Yuanhong, and then whispered: "It's really a big piece of wood. I don't know Lianxiangxiyu at all. You wouldn't say you're here to cook!"

"What?" Li Yuanhong asked without hearing what Li Luoxia said.

"I said, hurry up and eat!" Li Luoxia said in piss.

"Okay, eat and eat!" Li Yuanhong quickly got up and served Li Luoxia with a bowl of rice. He also served a bowl of rice, so the two of them started talking and laughing. To be honest, the two have not been together for a long time. It has been half a month since Li Yuanhong went to Uzbekistan to perform the task. The so-called Xiaojie wins newlyweds, it is true. Especially Li Yuanhong, who belonged to a super busy man, was a rare moment of peace.

After eating, Li Yuanhong took the initiative to wash the dishes in the kitchen. This is what I saw in the book before. Men have to take the initiative to wash the dishes so that the relationship between husband and wife can be more harmonious. As for why, the book says that women are yin and have too much exposure to cold water. It's not good for your health, anyway, I don't know if there is any reason, anyway, Li Yuanhong took the initiative to clean up the dishes, which made Li Luoxia feel very happy.

After finishing packing, Li Yuanhong and Li Luoxia sat on the bed and chatted. During this period of time, Li Luoxia didn’t know what Li Yuanhong had done, so she pressed Li Yuanhong, but there was no way, Li Yuanhong had to go to Urumqi. The imperial palace, then how to inquire about the secrets of the other party, how the people who pretended to be Emperor Chen killed the Skeleton National Teacher, etc., will slowly come to make Li Luoxia listen with gusto.

Until ten o'clock, Li Luoxia felt a little sleepy, and then said to Li Yuanhong: "Go, take a bath together, and then rest early!"

When Li Yuanhong heard it, his heart was agitated. He thought that when he was in the palace, he watched that the emperor change his concubine every day, and Li Yuanhong had nowhere to vent his evil fire. This time Li Luoxia said this and let Li Yuanhong directly. The evil fire vented, so Li Yuanhong hugged Li Luoxia up her waist: "Okay, I will hold you in!"

"You're really bad!" Li Luoxia shyly beat Li Yuanhong's chest with her hand gently. Although Li Yuanhong looks thin and weak, in fact, his physique is like a steel head. Although Li Luoxia's fists are not heavy, But when it hit Li Yuanhong's chest, it also made a sound.

Li Yuanhong hugged Li Luoxia and quickly entered the bathroom, so soon there was the sound of water and Li Luoxia's shy voice in the bathroom.

Half an hour later, the two of them went out of the bath, but Li Luoxia was still hugged by Li Yuanhong, and it was raining when she returned to the room. After that, Li Luoxia fell into a deep sleep. Although Li Yuanhong was a little tired, she used to sleep every night. Before practicing for a while, Li Yuanhong insisted on meditating for a while.

Early the next morning, when Li Yuanhong woke up, Li Luoxia was already up and busy making breakfast. Li Yuanhong did not get up in a hurry, but sat on the bed, took out his watch, and took out a twentieth-level zombie. Jingnu, when he came back this time, Li Yuanhong wanted to upgrade the entire system and watch. It was supposed to upgrade everything last night, but because he was too tired, he didn’t upgrade. It happened to take advantage of the free time in the morning. The space is upgraded to level twentieth.

As the watch absorbs the energy of the crystal nucleus, the space begins to change. In the past, each additional level increased the space by 100 cubic meters. Before the upgrade, Li Yuanhong's space was 900 cubic meters, and 100 cubic meters was added. , Li Yuanhong's space became a full thousand cubic meters. It's just that the previous nine hundred cubic meters of space are all independent, not a whole, but nine independent spaces.

With the completion of the watch upgrade, Li Yuanhong’s watch vibrated. When Li Yuanhong opened the introduction of the watch, his eyes were bright: 20 levels of independent space, the size of the space became 1,000 cubic meters, and merged into one, since then every level The space is increased by one thousand cubic meters.

Seeing this, Li Yuanhong was very excited. One thousand cubic meters means that he can hold an airplane at his controlled price. After installing an airplane in his space, he can drive the airplane when he encounters danger in the future. Escape, this is called a thousand miles, no longer afraid of being surrounded by zombies, no matter how powerful the zombies are, there is no way to fly.

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