Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 307 Undercurrent

When it comes to the meeting, everyone's faces are straight. No one knows what Li Yuanhong is doing when he comes back suddenly, so they are very cautious. So they all waited for Li Yuanhong to tell the content of the meeting.

"It's been a long time since I saw you all, so the supervisors first talk about the work situation this year, and then we are going to the next step." Li Yuanhong originally planned to arrange the task directly, but Li Yuanhong saw that some old men looked wrong, so he didn't say directly Export, but a routine work report meeting. Li Yuanhong wanted to find out the reasons for the ugly faces of young people like Song Fengyu from the work of various departments.

Because Li Yuanhong suddenly said that it was a work report, many people were secretly relieved. After all, if Li Yuanhong really found a problem, it might be a resolute criticism and rectification, instead of such a smooth work report.

As a result, the heads of various departments began to report their work. The kind of whitewashing performance report almost made Li Yuanhong fall asleep. Fortunately, as a leader, he always had to pretend to be, so Li Yuanhong insisted on listening, but Li Yuanhong finally heard that, I always feel that there is something wrong with these reports, and Li Yuanhong discovered that among the people present, Du Sanniang and Bai Yuqian are not even in charge. One is responsible for the banking system and the other for publicity. Such government agency meetings, he How could they not come to participate?

Although Li Yuanhong was in doubt, he did not say anything. When all the superficial work reports were completed, Li Yuanhong did not say anything, but said: "It's getting late. Everyone will go back and summarize the reports from various departments and give them to me. I will look back. Take a closer look. The meeting is over!"

When Li Yuanhong said that the meeting was over, many people secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although this little movement was not easy to be noticed, Li Yuanhong still saw some signs, but Li Yuanhong did not respond. When everyone was about to walk out of the conference room, Li Yuanhong suddenly raised his head and said, "Song Fengyu, there is Erya, you two stay here, I have a batch of urgent tasks for food transportation to be handed over to you two!"

At this time, Song Fengyu and Erya were just about to walk out of the meeting room. They heard Li Yuanhong called them and heard that it was about food transportation. They stopped and walked back to the meeting room. At this time, Liu Hu was about to leave the meeting room. , Li Yuanhong stopped Song Fengyu and Er Ya, and stopped: "Brother Li, do you need me to stay?"

"No, it's the frontline food allocation issue. I can just ask them. It's getting late, so you can rest quickly. Looking back, I have a lot of things to find you tomorrow!" Li Yuanhong said casually.

Hearing this, Liu Hu didn't say anything, turned his head and left.

Li Yuanhong moved a chair and sat directly across from a table, and then let Song Fengyu and Erya sit across from him: "Do you have anything to say for today's meeting?" Li Yuanhong asked.

The two looked at each other, and then Song Fengyu said, "Brother Li, do you want me to tell the truth or lie?"

Li Yuanhong's eyes widened: "You don't know if I am angry. When I like to listen to lies, I just say what I have. Even if I say something wrong, it doesn't matter if I offend me."

"Brother Li, don't you think the data in these reports are too good?" Song Fengyu said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Li Yuanhong looked at Song Fengyu questioningly.

"To give a simple example, the arms trade between the Ministry of Commerce and foreign countries is 500,000 crystal nuclei. We are talking about crystal nuclei, not the kind of crystal nucleus. If it is a first-level crystal nucleus, then we will only trade. The five first-order and sixth-order crystal nuclei are the crystal nuclei of five sixth-order zombies. Don’t you think this data is too low?” Song Fengyu didn’t say anything deeply, but Li Yuanhong also knew that there was a lot of water behind these data, and Song Fengyu kept it secret, always feeling that they had something to say.

"Oh, I think you two have changed a little!" Li Yuanhong sighed.

Song Fengyu and Erya were taken aback, looking at Li Yuanhong in confusion, not knowing what Li Yuanhong meant.

"Before you two talked, never concealing it, but going straight. I don't know how you two learn to conceal it like this now. What are your problems? What else do you dare not say here? Li Yuanhong said angrily.

"This...oh, forget it, Brother Li, you'll know if you have time to walk around!" Er Ya also stopped talking.

Seeing that they didn't want to say anything, Li Yuanhong couldn't force it, so he asked, "Why didn't you see Du Sanniang and Bai Yuqian in this meeting?"

Upon hearing this, Song Fengyu and Erya were silent for a while. Under Li Yuanhong's compelling eyes, Song Fengyu arrived: "The two of them have resigned!" Song Fengyu said.

"What? I resigned, why didn't I know about this?" Li Yuanhong was taken aback. No one reported to such an important personnel department transfer, and there were no formalities!

"What, don't you know Brother Li?" Erya and Song Fengyu were also taken aback.

"No one reported to me, who approved this, and who is the president of the bank now?" Li Yuanhong was a little angry. Such a thing even expired, obviously there is a lot of trickery in it.

"The current bank president is Shen Yisan." Song Fengyu said.

Li Yuanhong frowned when he heard the name. He had never heard of this name.

"What is his background, he can become the bank president?"

"I don't know about this, but I heard that he was the president of a bank in Baicheng City, so he can be regarded as a professional background. As for the others, I don't know." Song Fengyu said.

"Okay, I see. I guess you two don’t want to say anything anymore. In this way, I will give you two one night and think about what is important. You two are younger than me. Don’t be influenced by power. With me behind your back, what are you afraid of?" Li Yuanhong said in a heavy tone.

The two replied "Yes", but Li Yuanhong felt from the tone of the answer that the tone of the two of them was not strong, and obviously they still had concerns.

"You two go back, don't talk about our conversation today, and, what I said, you two think about it, I don't want to put too much energy on human internal fighting, you know?"

The two nodded their heads, and then walked out. Looking at the two still immature backs, Li Yuanhong felt whether it was too early for the two to bear the heavy responsibility? Is it too early? The two are just over eighteen now. One year old, not yet twenty. At this age, I feel more fragile under pressure. This kind of frustration is a little frustrating. There must be some. I hope they can come out soon, otherwise they may really abandon them. Because of the current situation of human beings, they cannot be given too much time.

Li Yuanhong cleared up his emotions, then walked out of the meeting room and walked outside. Although there were still people working in the office at this time, most of them had left after get off work. The bustling office building was suddenly deserted. Li Yuanhong walked out of the office building and walked directly to the street. There was a surging flow of people on the street. Many people joined the flow of people after get off work. Since housing is basically allocated now, and the principle of allocation is basically determined by the place of work. So most people commute to and from get off work by bike or electric car. Not many people drive. It's not that the current car prices are very expensive, but that driving is basically not available now. Traveling far away? Although the army has cleaned up most of the zombies, and the mercenaries killed large groups of scattered zombies, there are still occasional zombies wandering in the suburbs. Besides, wild animals have evolved now, so traveling is not a safe option. Most people still like parks and short suburban tours in the city, so cars are not the choice of most people.

Looking at the bicycle army, Li Yuanhong also wanted to ride a bicycle and take Li Luoxia for a drive. At this moment, he heard a sports car speeding from the street in the distance. The speed was absolutely proper. And when the traffic is heavy, driving at this speed and easily hitting people, I was looking at the car, which was completely driven by the rich man's brother before the end of the world. In the end of the world, this kind of sports car will not survive at all. When it comes to zombies, if the zombies are surrounded, basically the driver will be bitten by the zombies the first time. So after the end of the world, few people drive this kind of sports car again, especially the mercenary groups, basically making their vehicles look like moving fortresses.

The sports car rushed to the provincial government compound and turned in without slowing down. When passing by Li Yuanhong, if it hadn't been for Li Yuanhong's good physical fitness, he would almost be caught by the vehicle.

Li Yuanhong frowned. Who dared to be so arrogant and went to the provincial government arrogantly. So Li Yuanhong walked to the guard standing guard at the door: "Guard, who owns that sports car?"

"Who are you? What do you care about?" The guard apparently didn't know Li Yuanhong, and replied in an indifferent tone.

"Hehe, don’t care who I am, I’ll ask you, your answer is, if you don’t want to answer, you don’t need to use it tomorrow. Also, if anyone enters or exits the provincial government, does it need to be checked? Why is that car not needed? Checked it?" Li Yuanhong asked angrily.

"Hehe, I think you are in charge of too many things, don't ask, don't ask, who am I, can you open it if you want! Boy, you better be careful, don't leave me Once you open it, you will lose your life!" The guard said arrogantly.

Li Yuanhong was stunned when he heard this. Since he regulated the work of the government, he never thought that the department he had established would be so arrogant even the guards. Is this going to change? Li Yuanhong deeply felt that during the time he was leaving, there was an undercurrent surging in the entire Spring City. Fortunately, he is back now. If it is a while later, this undercurrent will not be able to contain it, and then he will really be unable to return to the sky. Up.

"Well, count me planted, I really want to know who you are, so I can know whose hands I planted!" Li Yuanhong pretended to be soft.

"Hehe, boy, are you on the road like this? Tell you, I came from Baicheng. Liu Hu used to be our eldest brother, see, don’t think we guards are so bully in the future!" The concierge Said very proudly.

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