Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 314 Obstacle

Li Yuanhong's words made everyone fall into contemplation. After all, power is not so easy to control.

After a long time, Du Sanniang raised her head and said to Li Yuanhong: "Do you know the sword of Damocles?"

"I have an impression, but I don't remember the specific content." Li Yuanhong said.

"Damocles was the favored subject of a king in ancient Athens. One day, the king allowed the favored subject to sit on the throne and do whatever he wanted, but when the favored subject sat on the throne, he suddenly found himself on the top of his head. There was a sharp sword hanging upside down, and this sharp sword was only tied with a small horsetail brown. It could fall down at any time. The pet was so scared that he immediately fled the throne and did not dare to stay on the throne for a moment." Du Sanniang Road

"Oh, do you mean to let me spin the sword on the officials?" Li Yuanhong said.

"This is your business. After all, you are in control of the overall situation now, and this sword will be suspended sooner or later. In any history, every sound system will have an independent inspection mechanism, and it is impossible to let power go out of control. There was supervision in ancient times. Yushi, in the Ming Dynasty, there were Dongchang and Xichang, and even before the end of the world, there were review institutions. Now, when officials hold office, they are all in the final say. There is no assessment and no follow-up supervision. If it goes on like this, it will naturally cause the right to lose control.” Du Sanniang said.

"Then you said that I set up such an organization, will it make people feel that I don't trust them?" Li Yuanhong asked a little worried.

"Ask anyone in this room who thinks you don’t trust him anymore. As long as you give him the rights within his authority and believe in his abilities, everyone will go all out. As for the monitoring mechanism, it is a normal organization, like When we buy ice cream before the end of the world, we always bring all kinds of outer packaging. Do you think the outer packaging is redundant? No, because you think that the outer packaging protects the ice cream and prevents the ice cream from being contaminated by dust." Du Sanniang said .

Li Yuanhong thought for a while, and looked up at the people around him. Everyone's eyes were very firm. So Li Yuanhong nodded and said, "Okay, I understand. In this way, from tomorrow, Du Sanniang and Miss Zhizi will be our first The supervisor and deputy directors of the supervisory agency are called supervisory subordinates. Your responsibility is only to assess officials at all levels of the agency. Without your assessment, no official can be promoted or transferred. You also have an annual job appraisal for officials. People who are not suitable for his position will be dismissed. But you are only responsible for assessment, and the right to dismiss is not in your hands!" Li Yuanhong smiled at last.

"Well, I'll help you with it!" Du Sanniang smiled and raised his glass, taking a sip of the red wine in the glass.

Zhizi also nodded and agreed. Then Li Yuanhong talked about the expedition in Sichuan Province, which made Li Luoxia worry for a while. He knew that Li Yuanhong would definitely go on this expedition, and that something like this had just happened in Spring City, she definitely couldn't Leaving, so the worried expression was beyond words.

"Li Yuanhong gently shook Li Luoxia's hand: "Don't worry, I'll be fine. "

Li Luoxia nodded slightly, but her face was still worried.

At this time, Du Sanniang said next to him: "What are you doing, showing your affection in front of this girl in public, don't you need money if you spread dog food?"

By saying this, Li Yuanhong and Li Luoxia immediately blushed, and everyone beside them laughed.

In the next three days, the whole army began to take action. In order to arrange the following things, Li Yuanhong did not go with the army the first time, but waited for Wang Jingrong. He wanted to temporarily hand over the things in the center to him. Li Yuanhong was not at ease. , Others have no such ability.

Wang Jingrong took his place, and Li Yuanhong arranged several right-hand men to stabilize the rear before Li Yuanhong got up and went to the front.

Before leaving, Li Yuanhong took Wang Jingrong's hand and said, "Jing Rong, I know you like the battlefield, but now it's a troubled time. No one is left behind. I originally wanted to train Erya and Song Fengyu. But they are still too young. They can’t make the right decisions when they encounter urgent matters, so they need someone to take them with them, so I can only work hard for you.”

"Brother Li, don't worry, I know the meaning of stability in the rear. Just fight in the front, and I will do my best to help you take care of the rear." Wang Jingrong said firmly.

"Okay, I beg you for everything in the rear." Li Yuanhong shook Wang Jingrong's hand vigorously, then turned and boarded the plane and drove away from Spring City.

At this time, Fu Chuanzhi's navy had reached the vicinity of Wuhan, and General Fu Chuanzhi had sent troops to occupy the Zhoushan Islands, and directly established a temporary naval headquarters there. Li Yuanhong went directly to Zhoushan Island by plane.

When he got off the plane, Li Yuanhong felt the cold and wet sea breeze coming, but there was a busy scene on the island. Several large cargo ships from the sea were searched for, unloading goods on the dock, and then loading the rescued survivors. Ship, transported to the rear, these people may return to their hometown in the future, but they will live in the north until the southern zombies are cleaned up.

After Li Yuanhong got off the plane, he directly followed the soldiers who picked up the plane to the temporary headquarters of the island. At this time, Fu Chuanzhi and Xing Ling were in front of the map, studying something.

As soon as Li Yuanhong entered the door, he heard what the two were arguing about.

"No, no, it’s too dangerous to attack on land. I think I’m going to climb from here, assault in a small team, and take this place, otherwise the large forces marching will easily attract the attention of the zombies here, and the mountain is too strong. Narrowness is not conducive to team expansion." Xing Ling said crudely.

"But here is an investigation by the intelligence department. There are not only mutant zombies, but also mutant creatures in the river. Several times the monster in the water almost spit an arrow and shot our reconnaissance plane down." Fu Chuanzhi said anxiously.

At this moment, Li Yuanhong entered the house, and the two stopped arguing and turned to look at the door.

"Oh, Commander Li is here!" Xing Ling was the first to welcome him.

Li Yuanhong, Xing Ling and Fu Chuanzhi greeted each other for a while, and then asked: "What's the situation, I didn't enter the door just now, just listen to your fierce quarrel."

The two glanced at each other, and then Xing Ling said: "It's for me, that's the case. Before the attack, everything went smoothly. I cooperated with Commander Fu to seize the sandbar and occupy the dam smoothly. Even if I encounter zombies, I rely on intensive firepower and With the cooperation of snipers, the zombies will be cleaned up soon. But yesterday, we pushed under the Three Gorges Dam. Although it was unattended for two years, it was still operating normally, and we could even see some electric lights. On, obviously the power generation system is also operating."

Li Yuanhong nodded: "Then what problem did you encounter?"

"To pass the Three Gorges Dam, one must use the ship lift of the Three Gorges Dam, which means that the ship passes through the sluice. We need to occupy the dam. However, there are steep mountains on both sides of the dam, and the large forces can't open it. We have come several times. The small troops rushed in, but they all ended in failure. The surviving soldier who came back said that there was a very powerful zombie inside, a lightning zombie, and on the other side of the dam, there was a very powerful mutant beast in the water. Near the water, they will be attacked." Xing Ling said.

After listening, Li Yuanhong did not immediately express his opinion. Instead, he walked to the sand table on the map and carefully checked the topography of the Three Gorges Dam. The Three Gorges Dam is built on the high mountains on both sides of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. The dam body is more than 180 meters, with high mountains on both sides. On the north side of the dam, there are sluices for ships and viewing platforms for tourists. The mutant zombies mentioned by Ling and Fu Chuanzhi are located in the sluice area on the north side of the dam. In order for ships to pass smoothly, they must occupy the sluice, and then face the attack of mutant beasts in the water, which is very difficult.

"Does the mutant beast in the water know what has changed?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"This, the warrior who heard back said, it's a bit like a crocodile. I guess someone who raised a pet crocodile before the end of life escaped into the river." Xing Ling said.


The crocodile is Li Yuanhong’s most troublesome mutant beast. The biggest trouble with this mutant beast is that these mutant beasts are hidden in the water and generally do not easily go ashore. Moreover, he sneaks in the water and his skin is hard. Normal weapons can’t break his skin. Therefore, Li Yuanhong would rather meet a liger on land than a crocodile in the water.

"It's really troublesome, so I'll be responsible for that lightning zombie. As for the kind of crocodile, I'll take a look first." Li Yuanhong said.

"Yes!" Xing Ling and Fu Chuanzhi were very happy when they heard it. Li Yuanhong's ability and both of them knew that with Li Yuanhong's action, the lightning zombie would basically be sentenced to death.

Li Yuanhong didn't say much, turned around and walked out of the war room. He wanted to fight the zombies. Li Yuanhong prepared. Li Yuanhong also didn't want to make a joke about his own life. It was a lightning zombie, a mutant zombie with fast speed and attack power. If you don't prepare to turn it over, you will also be in danger of being killed.

In two hours, Li Yuanhong boarded the plane again and headed upstream along the Yangtze River.

When leaving Zhoushan Island, Li Yuanhong specifically asked Fatty Lu to detour around the magic capital, which is the financial center of China. The population here is also the largest in China, and its population is larger than that of Yanjing. When passing through the magic capital, Li Yuanhong deliberately overlooked the entire magic capital, and saw that the zombies in the magic capital were even more mad. These zombies were not like the zombies in Yanjing City. Screamed and wandered constantly.

Moreover, Li Yuanhong saw a new kind of zombies here. This kind of zombies are like apes. They keep jumping up and down in the buildings, and they go into the room from time to time to look for living things. If someone is hiding in the room, this Zombies can be easily found, and humans can be pulled out and eaten alive. When Li Yuanhong's plane flew over the building, this kind of zombie rushed to the top of the building and roared at Li Yuanhong's plane. The roar seemed to shake the plane down.

Li Yuanhong looked at the city full of zombies under the plane, feeling infinitely, how would he deal with so many zombies and the newly emerged zombies.

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