Apocalyptic Hero System

: 323rd Festival Flying Eagle Falling

"Ah! Forgive me, we don't eat people, we've never eaten people!" As soon as he heard that he was going to be shot, the boss cried and cried, as if he had been wronged so much.

"This...Did they really eat anyone?" Wang Bin asked with some confusion.

"Take them out first and detain them separately. Remember, don't feed them anything, and the rope can't be loosened." Li Yuanhong ordered.

Seeing that Li Yuanhong hadn't killed them, Wang Bin ordered the soldiers to take them down. After the few people were taken away, Wang Bin came to Li Yuanhong's side, bent over to commit suicide and asked, "Commander in chief, how do you know that the other party is a cannibal?"

"In the past, the base caught many cannibals, and later when survivors were admitted, many cannibals were also found. Once these cannibals become addicted to human flesh, it is difficult to quit, so if they mix into human society, they threaten the base. It’s very big. So I asked people to study the characteristics of cannibals. Because of the cannibalism, these cannibals became a bit like the legendary vampires, their eyes became a bit flushed, and their fingernails became sharp and pointed. Their teeth have also become sharp, which makes it easier for their teeth to bite into human blood vessels to **** blood." Li Yuanhong said.

"So, why didn't you suddenly kill them?" Wang Bin asked.

"Who said I won't kill them anymore, it's just that I suddenly thought that if these people have accomplices, it would be more harmful to stay, so I want to find out where their nests are, so that the evil can be eliminated forever."

"It's still Commander Li's thoughtful thought." Wang Bin Xiaoxiao gave a flattering, which made Li Yuanhong very useful.

"You go to arrange, do this, and then you wait for the guard's signal, we must not let these beasts harm people." Li Yuanhong told Wang Bin.

"Yes, I will arrange it now." Wang Bin turned and went out.

Li Yuanhong turned back to the guard and said, "Can you perform the task alone?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"No problem, although these people are all evolvers, or even supernaturalists, their level is too low." The guard said.

"Okay, since you are sure, but be careful."

"Brother Li, don't worry, then I'll go out and prepare." The guard said.

"Well, go!" Li Yuanhong nodded, and then the guard went out.

Li Yuanhong lowered his head and began to study the map. Just now, I learned from the cannibals that now the sense of smell of zombies has improved, and the survivors of the Sichuan base are a deadly temptation for zombies. Surrounded by layers of zombies, I must find a way to contact the gathering place so that they can report back the situation in the base as soon as possible. However, since the commander gave him information last time, there has been no news from Master Han, so Li Yuanhong Very worried, wouldn't the base be captured by zombies?

"Fatty, come here." Li Yuanhong shouted into the intercom.

After a while, Fatty Lu grabbed his fat belly and walked in.

"Brother Li, what do you call me?"

"Tomorrow, follow this route to search southwest, try to find out where the base is. We need to find the location of the base in Sichuan province as soon as possible and find a way to contact them." Li Yuanhong said.

"Brother Li, don't worry, promise to complete the task!" Fatty Lu saluted a military salute that was not very standard.

"By the way, when searching, don't go to Chongqing City." Li Yuanhong said.

"Huh?" Fatty Lu didn't understand why, he looked at Li Yuanhong questioningly.

"The terrain of Chongqing Mountain City is too complicated. If an airplane flies in, it is easy to be ambushed. If you can avoid it, don't put yourself in danger." Li Yuanhong said.

"Understood!" Lu Fei didn't care, he answered casually, then saluted, turned and walked out of the room.

Because Li Yuanhong was busy checking the map, he didn't notice Fatty Lu's expression.

Early the next morning, Lu Fei took a wingman and flew to the southwest. As Li Yuanhong supervised his takeoff, Lu Fei honestly bypassed Chongqing City and headed southwest.

At this time, the guard returned.

"How about it, have you found the nest of those people?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"I found it, and this group of guys didn't kill people less. The place where they live is almost full of human bones." The guard said with anger in his eyes.

"How did those guys deal with it?" Li Yuanhong's eyes flashed with killing intent and asked calmly.

"We beheaded them directly, and then threw the corpses into the pile of zombies. Their heads were directly inserted in front of their caves to give a warning to those who dared to eat people." The guard said.

"It's still cheaper for them. Did they miss the net?" Li Yuanhong said.

"No, it seems that there is no survivor stronger than them around here, so they are not afraid of someone attacking their lair while they are not here. And when we followed them to their lair, we didn’t see other survivors along the way. It's a disaster." The guard said.

"Since there are no other survivors, that's fine. Let Wang Bin send someone to search further afield to see if there are other survivors. We have established a base here, and we must also include search survivors as soon as possible. Schedule." Li Yuanhong ordered.

"Yes!" the guard agreed.

At this time, Wang Bin walked in: "Report to the commander-in-chief, we have set up the bait on the second bridge, do you need to check it?"

"Okay, let's see how it works." Li Yuanhong stood up. The empty-glove zombie plan made the day before yesterday is now the time to test the plan. If it costs a small price, the zombie can be killed by itself. Good thing, Li Yuanhong will never let it go.

Soon, Li Yuanhong got on the gunboat and drove to the second bridge on the Yangtze River. When the ship stopped not far below the bridge, Li Yuanhong asked Wang Bin, "How do you plan to lure zombies?"

"In the battle group the day before yesterday, I found that the zombies here are more sensitive to **** smells and sounds, so I prepared a double bait on this bridge. The first is a large firework array, which not only has very loud sounds, but also continues. The time is also long enough to attract the zombies. The second is the blood bottle formation. In the middle of the bridge, there is a row of blood bottles. Once the group of corpses approaches the bridge, the blood bottles will split, and it will be difficult for the zombies not to go crazy. "Wang Bin said.

"Okay, are there any other settings?"

"Once the zombies are attracted, our two gunboats will have that kind of fire-fighting high-pressure water gun. Then we will rush the zombies down the bridge with the water gun, so that we can wipe out the zombies on the bridge with almost no bullets." Wang Bin continued.

"Hahaha, your idea is good, then let's see what effect your arrangement can have!" Li Yuanhong said happily.

Following Wang Bin’s order, the fireworks were detonated, and a string of fireworks was detonated in the air, making various sounds, especially the harsh and strong piercing monkeys, and the sound spread far, so Most of Chongqing is boiling, and the zombies flooded the streets, turning their heads to the direction of the fireworks display. Those numb and ugly faces suddenly became extremely excited, and began to rush towards the bridge with their teeth and claws, but many zombies walked. Wrong route and fell directly from the road on the roof, so the army of disabled zombies increased sharply at this moment.

This was not over yet. Crazy zombies rushed to the bridge head, and suddenly smelled the **** smell that they had been missing for a long time, which stimulated them even more, so the madness reached its peak. At that time, they crowded each other and rushed towards the middle of the bridge.

However, there are gunboats on both sides of the bridge. They aim the high-pressure water guns used for fire fighting at the bridge and continuously spray them. These zombies are like contestants who pass through the barriers to win the treasure. They have to overcome the obstacles of the water guns to capture their beloved fresh blood. Shishi, however, many participating zombies did not rush through, and were rushed directly into the river by the huge water pressure.

When those who finally rushed through the obstacles to reach the center of the bridge, they discovered that there was no meat, only blood, but the zombies were still frantically looting. For a while, the bridge was full of zombies, and it became a cemetery for zombies. Many disabled zombies were trampled directly under the feet by the corpses and never got up again. They became the cornerstone of the blood and mud road.

When the zombies were crowding with each other, the sound of planes breaking through the sky came from the horizon, which made Li Yuanhong stunned. Before that, Li Yuanhong told the fat man not to fly from Chongqing city. Did you bring the two planes that were going through the city?

Li Yuanhong just wanted to pick up the walkie-talkie and contact the plane. Li Yuanhong was very afraid that the person on the plane was Fat Lu. Now there are ape corpses hidden in the city. These zombies have strong jumping ability. Once the plane flies too low, it is very May cause the plane to be attacked by these ape corpses.

When the sound of the plane entered the city, a pair of scarlet eyes immediately began to pay attention to the two planes, with hateful gazes in his eyes, and he began to growl, and the ape corpses around him scattered, and he didn’t know where to go. What are you doing? In just ten seconds, those ape corpses disappeared between the buildings.

At this time, the aircraft crossed the highest point of the city and began to dive toward the bridge. The speed also began to slow down. The missile conceals on both sides of the aircraft were also opened. This was to attack the corpses on the bridge.

However, the accident happened suddenly. There was a loud voice from the buildings where there were no zombies, and then many ape corpses appeared on the floor below and above the plane. These ape corpses stared at the two planes, especially It was the corpse of the ape on the floor above the plane, and began to accelerate the approach, and then the high team jumped up and pounced on the plane. At this time, the two planes did not know that there was a corpse of ape falling from the sky behind them.

"Hurry up, there is ape corpse behind you attacking you!" Li Yuanhong noticed the movement of the ape corpse, and before he could confirm whether the two planes were fat people's planes, he quickly issued a warning, hoping to attract the attention of the plane.

At this time, the two planes were still focusing on the zombies on the bridge ahead, and did not notice the sudden situation behind them. They didn't notice the situation behind until Li Yuanhong's warning was issued. At this time, the plane was flying at a low speed, and it was definitely too late to accelerate suddenly. So the two planes turned to avoid emergency. However, one plane did not escape and was still caught by the dead ape who descended from the sky. So the plane crashed down quickly. There was a roar in the city, and along with the fire, the plane fell.

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