Apocalyptic Hero System

: 325th section of the prestige of one person

The ape corpse quickly climbed to the top of the cliff. Brother Wang on the cliff saw him. He quickly said to the people beside him: "Hurry up and hit these ape corpses with a rock. You can't let them climb up."

"Yes!" Several people agreed. They picked up the rocks on the edge of the cliff and threw them down at the ape corpses that were climbing. At this time, they didn’t need much effort, as long as they could smash the ape corpses down. Would throw himself to death.

But these ape corpses are like apes, very flexible. It is impossible for a few people to smash them accurately. There is only one unfortunate ape corpse. When grabbing a rock on the cliff, the stone collapsed and the ape corpse fell along with it. He let out a roar of fear, then fell into the group of corpses, and several zombies below were killed.

The other ape corpses swiftly avoided the rocks on the cliffs, and after a few jumps, they were not far from the cliffs. The people who descended from the mountain began to panic. The accuracy of throwing stones became worse and worse, and the climbing speed of the zombies accelerated. Up. Soon an ape corpse climbed to the top of the cliff, stretched out his hand and grabbed a person's ankle, and then pulled, the man yelled in exclamation, fell to the ground, and then was thrown off the cliff by the ape corpse, shocked He called to the corpse community under the cliff, and soon the screams were covered by the biting and chewing of the zombies.

The death of this person caused several others to retreat unconsciously. Some of them even paled with fright, and their calves began to tremble. If the zombies came to catch them at this time, they would not even have the strength to escape.

At this time, an ape corpse finally jumped to the top of the cliff and roared at several people. The sound made them dizzy. However, at this moment, a figure slammed into the ape corpse, a knife slashed at the ape corpse, and then the ape corpse reached out and grabbed the knife directly, and the ape corpse listened to "click" when the ape corpse tried hard. With a sound, the steel machete was crushed. However, the figure that hits did not stop, and slammed his shoulder against the belly of the ape corpse. The ape corpse had just boarded the cliff at this time. When it was hit, the footsteps took a step back. He stepped on the air, and then let out a roar, and his whole body fell down the cliff. The ape corpse kept scratching in the air with its claws, but it didn't catch anything, and finally fell to the city and lost its breath of life.

"Brothers, there is nothing terrifying about zombies, the big deal is that we will hold them to death together!"

At this time, everyone saw that it was their brother Wang who had hit the ape’s corpse off the cliff, but at this time, a wound was cut out on the clothes of their brother Wang’s shoulder, and the blood had leaked out. They knew that their brother Wang hadn’t Saved, there is no antidote to the zombie virus in this base. In ten minutes, their brother Wang will become a zombie.

"Brother Wang..." The people behind looked at Brother Wang with guilt.

"Brothers, don't be afraid. I'll be in front of you for a while, and you will beat me up with these ape corpses!" Wang Ge's resolute face was a bit of reluctance and nostalgia, but more of it was thick. Hate, hatred against zombies and end times.

"Understand!" The other people also looked resolute.

At this time, a few more ape corpses boarded the cliff, and the remaining few people also raised their knives and rushed towards these ape corpses, but these ape corpses did not stand on the edge of the cliff, waiting for a few people Rushing over, but countering several people, then several people, including Brother Wang, were knocked out by the ape corpse and fell heavily to the ground. Several people were thrown to the ground and could no longer stand up. The few ape corpses showed cruel smiles and rushed towards the people with a roar, trying to tear them up and swallow them.

At this moment, there was a burst of gunfire, and the corpses of the apes were hit by the bullets and retreated. These people finally walked from the edge of death. They are wondering where the gunfire came from. They have not heard the gunfire for a long time since the end of the world. Only at the beginning of the end of the world, when the army and police rescued, did they hear the gunfire, but since then, the gunfire has been heard. As if extinct in this world, there are only the roar of zombies and mutant beasts around them, making them panic all day long.

With the gunshots, a man in silver armor fell from the sky and landed steadily on the cliff. This man was like a mecha warrior in a science fiction movie, but the mecha was very large, only taller than ordinary people. At less than 20 centimeters, compared with the ape corpse on the opposite side, it was less than the shoulders of the other party, and his body also appeared a lot thinner, but this mech warrior was holding a bright silver spear in his hand, and kept shooting The ape corpse shot, so that a few ape corpses could only defend but could not fight back, and the hopes of a few people were ignited.

This person is Li Yuanhong. When he arrived, he happened to see a few ape corpses jumping on the cliff, and the group of corpses below was about to break through the wall gate. If he did not rescue in time, the base would be completely finished. Now the valley There are still 20,000 to 30,000 people escaping behind Xianggu, but the speed of these people's escape is not as fast as that of zombies. If there is no foreign aid at this time, it is estimated that few of these people can survive.

"Fatty, open the hatch, and I will go down to rescue the people on the cliffs. You use missiles to blow up the corpses below me. Don't let them attack the city gate." Li Yuanhong said.

"Understood!" Fatty Lu replied briefly, then hovered the plane over the cliff and opened the hatch. Li Yuanhong jumped out and jumped out. Then there was a scene of several ape corpses being attacked.

Li Yuanhong quickly shot the ape corpses back, rescued a few people, and then recovered the rifle that shot the bullet into the space. Then he took out the starry sky blade and rushed towards several ape corpses. If these ape corpses were on the flat ground Attacks are not as flexible as in the jungle, but they are still faster than ordinary zombies. Just now they were interrupted by Li Yuanhong’s attack, and Li Yuanhong fired several shots in succession. Although the injuries were not deep, it angered them. Seeing Li Yuanhong rushing towards them, they also rushed towards Li Yuanhong angrily. .

Li Yuanhong smiled at the zombies rushing towards him, and shouted: "Good job!" Holding the long knife horizontally, he faced the ape corpse. These ape corpses didn't put the shiny humanoid mecha at all. In his eyes, a few ape corpses clenched their claws and fisted and smashed at Li Yuanhong fiercely. However, when the fists of a few ape corpses were about to hit Li Yuanhong, Li Yuanhong suddenly disappeared.

At the moment when Li Yuanhong disappeared, the two ape corpses wailed, and then they saw the two ape corpses fall down with a "puff". It turned out that both of the ape corpses had lost a leg. It turned out that Li Yuanhong suddenly accelerated and passed between the two ape corpses. At the moment of passing through the zombies, Li Yuanhong swung a long knife and directly cut off the calves of the two zombies.

Two zombies fell to the ground. Li Yuanhong was not in a hurry to kill these two zombies, but continued to kill other ape corpses. These ape corpses were not fearless and inflexible, and they were not fearful. They had little strength, but they were more flexible than Li Yuanhong. That's still a long way off, not to mention that Li Yuanhong teleported. Several ape corpses tried to besiege Li Yuanhong, but they didn't succeed. In the end, they were all destroyed by Li Yuanhong.

The few people lying on the ground opened their mouths to look at the man in silver armor, and turned around the ape corpses, all in awe.

"Brother Wang, are aliens coming to save us!" a soldier said nonchalantly.

"Aliens, I think the Iron Man from League of Legends is here," said another fan of pre-apocalyptic anime.

"Your Iron Man is silver, I think it is the silver warrior in Star Wars."

The few people were in no danger at this time, and they started to talk about it. If Li Yuanhong listened, he would have to scold them: "It's all right, with the idle time, how good is it to kill the zombies that fell on the ground."

Li Yuanhong finally got rid of a few ape corpses, then wiped the knife clean, and came to a few people: "Anyone of you is injured."

When several people heard it, they thought that Li Yuanhong was going to attack them. After the end of the world, being injured by a zombie would mean death. Brother Wang hesitated, then stood up: "I'm injured!"

His face was pale and desperate. He closed his eyes silently and waited for Li Yuanhong's sanction. They all knew that being killed by a human was better than becoming a zombie.

At this moment, Li Yuanhong took out an injection and threw it to Brother Wang: "Hurry up and get the injection. This is the antidote to the zombie virus. After the injection, there is no need to become a zombie."

Upon hearing this, Brother Wang immediately opened his eyes: "This...is this true?"

"Which so much nonsense, hurry up and inject it. I don't mind giving you a shot if you become a zombie." Li Yuanhong said impatiently. After all, the zombies below are still besieging the city wall. Although there is a missile explosion from below, an airplane will start. Not much effect.

"Thank you!" Brother Wang had already injected the medicine at this time, and his face had returned to his desire for life. At this moment, two people stood up and admitted that they had been caught by the zombie. Li Yuanhong didn’t talk nonsense. He threw down two potions, and then flew up and jumped off the cliff. This action made these people stunned. It was nearly a hundred meters away. Gaoya, even the rough-skinned zombies like ape corpses will fall to death if they fall from this height. Is this person wearing armor more forbidden to fall than zombies?

Everyone hurried to the edge of the mountain cliff, stretched their heads and looked down, and saw Li Yuanhong falling down quickly. Just when he was about to fall on the city wall, Li Yuanhong's figure suddenly disappeared, and then appeared in another place again, and then Li Yuanhong was like magic Like the division, many machine gun robots were transformed on the city head. As soon as these robots came out, they began to spray bullet storms on the corpses below. The zombies that were still attacking the city gate were constantly shot by machine guns, and they were quickly emptied under the city wall. A clearing was created, where there were only the remains of zombies, and there were no more zombies in the station.

Li Yuanhong installed at least fifteen machine gun robots on this wall that was less than 30 meters wide. The originally precarious city gate became safe under the cover of the robot, but the threat of these ordinary zombies was gone. But soon those ape corpses attacked. Although they were attacked by a plane just now and killed a lot of ape corpses, there are still fifty or sixty ape corpses left. These ape corpses are not afraid of machine gun robots at all, because they are here. Jumping in the corpse group, they can avoid bullets, and they are very flexible, can climb mountain walls, here is the shooting dead angle of machine gun robots. These ape corpses approached the city wall again at a rapid speed. They wanted to climb the city wall and destroy these robots that could shoot.

Of course, Li Yuanhong will not let these ape corpses succeed. After arranging the machine gun robot, Li Yuanhong has an extra sniper rifle in his hand. This is a single-shot sniper rifle with a long design distance and great power, but the rate of fire is relatively slow. Li Yuanhong is now an evolutionary close to the 20th level. The slow speed is for ordinary people. With this sniper rifle, Li Yuanhong has the effect of burst shooting, and even the speed of changing the magazine is very fast, without evolution. The people at, couldn't see the details of Li Yuanhong's shooting, they always thought that Li Yuanhong had been holding the gun.

Li Yuanhong not only had a fast shooting speed, but also had high shooting accuracy. Almost two bullets wiped out an ape corpse. In just ten minutes, forty ape corpses fell under Li Yuanhong’s gun. At this time, the remaining ape corpses There are already less than twenty.

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