Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 327 Chongqing Strategy

Li Yuanhong received the report and immediately summoned all the officers to the conference room to discuss how to deal with the current situation.

"Now we must make a choice between capturing Chongqing and rescuing the satellite base in Sichuan. If the two fronts go to war, our materials may not be able to support it." Li Yuanhong said.

"Then there is nothing to say, we can save the satellite base with all our strength, why is the satellite base besieged by millions of zombies now, if it is not rescued in time, it will be difficult for Dr. Han and the chief to explain it!" Xing Ling took the lead in speaking. .

"However, if Chongqing City is not taken down, then the survivors we rescued will have no place to settle!" Wang Bin also made comments.

"Then suspend the search and rescue of survivors. Our main battle goal this time is to rescue the satellite base. As long as there is a rescue, we can return to rescue the survivors here soon." Xing Ling still said grimly.

"But the survivors here are also on the verge of life and death. If we don't rescue them in time, many people here may not survive a week." Wang Bin also said anxiously.

"But the satellite base we rescued is also very urgent. Judging from the photos we returned from the reconnaissance, the outer defense of the satellite base has basically been lost. Now only the internal base defense in the mountains is still there, but the zombies are constantly changing. I don’t think it will last long to attack the mountain’s periphery. There are two to three hundred thousand survivors there!" Xing Ling said righteously.

For a while, the two couldn't argue, while Li Yuanhong looked at the map, frowning.

"Captain Wang, can the cargo transportation of the Yangtze River now support the two-line combat?" Li Yuanhong asked Wang Bin, looking up.

"The report commander, this may be difficult. Now that the ships are limited, it is impossible to transport too many materials. Moreover, we only have this Jiangxin Island here, which is not enough to store too many materials." Wang Bin said helplessly.

"What if we take this place?" Li Yuanhong pointed to a place on the map.

Xing Ling and Wang Bin stared at the map at the same time. It was the junction of the Jialing River and the Yangtze River. They traveled a meniscus-shaped peninsula. The area here is several times larger than Jiangxin Island, and it is in a place connected to the outside world. , And a narrowed terrain has appeared. If a high defense wall is built here, the entire peninsula can be isolated from the outside world.

"The terrain here is good. If there is such a place, I think it should be enough to accommodate the current survivors." Xing Ling said.

"And in this way, the entire lake island can be vacated, no more than mixing military and civilian facilities." Wang Bin also nodded.

"Okay, let's take this place first, I order, General Xing Ling..."

When Xing Ling heard Li Yuanhong name himself, he immediately said: "Here!"

"General Xing Ling, you can take this peninsula within three days and build fortifications here to prevent zombies from counterattacking."

"Yes, I promise to complete the task." Xing Ling Spirit answered.

"Captain Wang Bin..."

"Here!" Wang Bin also replied loudly.

"Order you to assist General Xing Ling to capture this peninsula. At the same time, you must guard several bridges on the bridge to prevent zombies from crossing the bridge for reinforcement."

"Yes, I promise to complete the task."

"Captain Xu..."

This Captain Xu is the deputy captain of the Flying Brigade. Fatty Lu was dismissed, and naturally Captain Xu took his place.

"Here!" Captain Xu also stood up and replied loudly.

"Order you to complete the material preparations for long-range bombing within three days, and start long-range bombing support to the satellite base after three days."

"Yes, promise to complete the task." Captain Xu also replied loudly.

After finishing the arrangement, Li Yuanhong walked out of the room and soon lost his track. The officers present were all busy and didn’t care about Li Yuanhong’s whereabouts. After all, Li Yuanhong often disappeared mysteriously. This is not the first time. It is enough to carry out the task. As long as they complete the task that Li Yuanhong confessed to them, it is their greatest support to Li Yuanhong.

The reason why Li Yuanhong went missing was because he received a report that the pilot found a special ape corpse during aerial reconnaissance. The ape corpse was more than four meters high and his whole body was golden. This is not the most important thing. Yes, there are no less than twenty ape corpses near this ape corpse. These ape corpses are like his followers. As long as this ape corpse roars, other ape corpses will make corresponding actions. Obviously this ape corpse Is issuing orders to these ape corpses.

The place where this ape corpse was found was not far from the last time Fatty Lu was attacked. Therefore, Li Yuanhong guessed that this ape corpse was the leader of the group of ape corpses that caused Fat Lu to suffer a great loss. If Li Yuanhong wants to seize it in the future Chongqing City will face this ape corpse at a later date, so Li Yuanhong wants to see if there is a chance of destroying the ape corpse. If the ape corpse is killed in advance, the subsequent attacks on Chongqing City will make his troops less vulnerable. damage.

The plane flew over the corpse of the ape. At this moment, all ape corpses were densely packed on the site of the ape corpse. In this site, no ordinary zombie was seen, but the golden ape corpse was in the middle of the group. And where it was, the density of ape corpses was not high, which was in contrast to the crowded surrounding ape corpses.

When Li Yuanhong's plane flew over the head of the ape corpse, the ape corpse suddenly raised its head, with red eyes, staring at the dark shadows in the sky, roaring in his mouth, and the zombies around it also kept roaring. , The roar of the entire group of corpses resounded through half of Chongqing City, causing a commotion among the group of corpses.

"Hehe, this zombie is interesting. If I go down and kill him, what will be the effect?" Li Yuanhong said to himself.

"Brother Li, you'd better be more cautious. There are tens of thousands of ape corpses there, and they are not so easy to fight." The guard hurriedly advised.

"Don't worry, I won't be instigated so easily. If the corpse screamed twice, I went down and tried his best with him. Then I was too stupid." Li Yuanhong said with a smile.

"But the other party has issued a challenge, and we can't help but respond." Li Yuanhong said with a light hand on his forehead. Of course, Li Yuanhong would not brute force to fight the zombie, but it is still possible to give the zombie a set. When the ape corpse riot attacked the bridge, Li Yuanhong did not find the figure of the leader of the ape corpse. Maybe he could find a way to adjust the ape corpse soldiers away. Then Li Yuanhong could easily come to meet the ape corpse. Li Yuanhong has Be sure that this ape corpse can be killed before the group of ape corpses returns for help.

Li Yuanhong picked up the walkie-talkie: "Captain Wang Bin, your mission is slightly changed. You will do this next. Your attack will be launched before General Xing Ling, understand?"

"Understand!" Xing Ling's loud voice came from the walkie-talkie.

Early the next morning, the entire surface of the Yangtze River was covered with thick early spring fog, and on several Yangtze River bridges, there were faint noises from people and the wailing of zombies before they died, but these movements, Soon it calmed down. As the thick fog slowly dissipated, several bridges leading to the Crescent Peninsula were erected on bunker checkpoints. These checkpoints were equipped with new artillery and lasers from the rear. Robots and many weapons that Li Yuanhong hadn’t seen before. These weapons blocked the entire bridge deck to death. As the fog dissipated, zombies began to gather towards the bridge and roared towards the bridge. The first step in Chongqing’s fortified battle began. .

At the beginning, the zombies' attack was not strong. After all, the zombies have been tricked by Wang Bin's lure plan recently. Although the zombies' heads are not working well, the so-called habit is natural. Now the movement on the bridge is not attractive to the zombies. It’s just that the zombies scattered around the bridge are very sensitive to the human touch on the bridge, so these zombies are more excited to run towards the bridge. With the opening of several bridges, they finally aroused more interest in zombies, including those on the peninsula. The zombies also gathered towards the bridge.

As the zombies gathered more and more, the zombies near the peninsula and the bridge gathered. At this time, dozens of ships approached the peninsula amidst the fierce gunfire, and successfully boarded the peninsula without hindrance. These soldiers were wearing armor and holding the latest rifles in their hands. They began to think that the corpses gathered on the edge of the bridge rushed away. The attention of the zombies was originally on the bridge and did not notice that the human soldiers behind were approaching, waiting for the gun. When the sound rang behind them, these zombies suddenly became confused. Many zombies didn't know which direction to go. It was this hesitation that caused many zombies to fall down.

With the increasing number of human soldiers landing, the desire for blood food finally caused the zombies on the bridge to turn around and start rushing towards the group of soldiers, but at this time the number of human soldiers reached a level. The dense bullets made the zombies In the end, 10,000 human soldiers landed smoothly, and soon seized a smooth road. Then large ships drew ashore. As large ships drew ashore, landing tanks also opened up the peninsula, which made the human advantage completely stabilized. .

On the other side, the crisis on one side of the bridge was relieved, all firepower began to aim at the other side of the bridge, and the ships moored in the river also began to turn their muzzles, and began to fire at the corpses, and there were two gunboats, Because the muzzle was raised too high, the cannonball flew directly into the city, accidentally exploding into the group of ape corpses.

The leader of this group of ape corpses is a very cruel metal zombie. After being attacked before, the whole group of ape corpses launched an attack on the bridge. This time, a cannonball hit his site, although there was only one cannonball. But this zombie must be reported, so with a roar, the whole group of corpses began to riot.

If there is no follow-up attack at this time, this ape corpse will not make any further moves. The other gunboat has also been shot by mistake, and the bomb’s explosion point is less than ten meters away from the leader of the ape corpse. One of his followers It was directly blown up into the sky. Although this zombie was only injured and not killed, this shot completely angered the leader of the ape corpse. With a roar, all the ape corpses began to rush towards the bridge frantically come.

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