Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 333 Civil turmoil at the base

The plane returned smoothly, and Fatty Lu proudly handed the obtained image data to Li Yuanhong: "How about it, Brother Li, I said those little birds will be snatched wildly."

"It's okay, but at this speed, it is estimated that it will not be cleared in a short time. It seems that the people in the base will have to be hungry for two days." Li Yuanhong frowned slightly.

Earlier, Li Yuanhong planned to airdrop supplies in order to solve the problem of food and drink in the base, but now the periphery of the base and landmark positions are lost. Only the base in the cave is left, and airdrops are impossible. Now Li Yuanhong has lost contact with the base, I don’t know. What's the situation in the base, so I have some headaches.

At this time, in a confinement room in the Sichuan Provincial Base, a burly man was seated in a room of less than six square meters with handcuffs and shackles. There was nothing in the room except a bed and a toilet. Good. There is enough space for this man to do exercises, and the man is doing sit-ups.

"1112, 1113..." The man counted himself. If he could do more than a hundred before the end of the world, it would be great, but now that the man has done more than a thousand, it is still only a warm-up exercise.

At this time the man’s prison door opened, and a plate was brought in. Inside were a few slices of dried steamed buns and a bowl of thin porridge almost comparable to clear water. Then a loud voice rang: " I have eaten, eat quickly, I'm still waiting to clean up the dishes!"

In fact, there weren't enough mouthfuls of this thing at all, and the man still yelled impatiently.

The detainee stood up from the ground, patted the dust on his hands, and then walked to the door, ready to take food. At this moment, the food delivery person at the door whispered: "Master, there is an airplane coming outside today. I also threw a bomb, causing a fight between the zombies and the mutant bird."

"Yeah!" The detained man agreed, saying that he knew it, and then replied in a low voice: "Continue to observe, don't act rashly, especially at this time, you should be more cautious. I guess there will be reinforcements outside."

"Yes, but shall we rescue you first?"

"No, they won't act on me for the time being in order to get the authorization code," the man said.

"Well, teacher, you must be careful." The food delivery man finished speaking in a low voice, shouting loudly: "Why is it so slow, eating like a maiden, hurry up."

The man inside listened, soaked a few slices of steamed buns in the porridge, then poured the slices of steamed buns into the porridge in one bite, and finally licked the residue of steamed buns and porridge on the plate with his tongue. Throw the bowl on the plate: "What reminder!"

"Yeah, it seems that I haven't been sentenced to you in the past few days, and I have lost my temper!" The person outside the door roared as he knocked on the cell door with a fake look.

At this moment, a group of people came from the end of the corridor outside the door. The head of the group was wearing a pre-apocalyptic commander's uniform with a small head. His face was gentle, but his eyes flashed with a vicious wolf light.

"I said, what are you shouting here?" The small man asked the soldier who delivered the meal.

"Yeah, it's Master Lan. Didn't I deliver food to the prisoner? This person is not honest, so I yelled at him." The food delivery hurriedly said humbly.

At this time, the man in the door let out a cold snort: "Huh, like a slave!"

"You..." The food delivery person wanted to ask a few words, but was stopped by Master Lan.

"Go down!"

"Yes, yes." The food delivery hurried back and the cart went away.

Seeing that the door was clean, the people in the cell began to do push-ups again, ignoring the newcomers.

"Why are you, Master Han! As long as you tell me the password, I will release you immediately." Master Lan at the door said.

Master Han inside snorted and ignored the person.

"You don’t have to fantasize. Now that the base is surrounded by zombies, you don’t have to imagine that there are outsiders to save you. You said it earlier, so you will suffer less. For the sake of taking in survivors in the past, I am not Will kill you." Master Lan continued to persuade him.

"You just waste your tongue, tell you the password, that is the biggest evil." Master Han snorted coldly.

"Don't toast or eat fine wine. My patience is limited. I'll give you two days. When that happens, you still don't say anything, hum..." Master Lan, seeing Master Han still not letting go, threatened.

The Master Han just glared at the Master Lan through the door of the old room, and ignored him.

The Master Lan was boring, and then he said viciously to Master Han in the cell: "You better want to understand, otherwise you will suffer alive by then!"

After speaking, the Master Lan waved his hand and left angrily.

Back in the office, Master Lan raised his hand, grabbed a teacup on the desk, and threw it on the ground viciously: "I don't know what I'm raising, I really thought I wouldn't dare to kill you! The big deal is that I don't need the password, supplies Nope, on the contrary, with so many survivors, I don't believe you will just watch so many people die!"

Master Lan lost his temper in the office. At this time, a deer-headed guy walked into the door: "Who is it that provokes Master Lan?"

"Huh, who else is it, it's not the Korean Liang's dead brain, if you hadn't missed the footsteps, I would have pulled out the password from his mouth." Master Lan was dissatisfied.

"What Master Lan said was that I was anxious at the beginning, but the surname Han is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He didn't trust you from beginning to end. As far as I know, he had been with the outside world a month ago. Contact, do you know about this?" The man said.

"What? He has contacted the outside world before, with whom?" Master Lan was surprised and hurriedly asked.

"I don't know this. He was the only one present at the time of the contact, and even the other people in the mail room were driven out by him."

"You mean, he called for reinforcements for the plane for a few days?"

"It's possible."

Hearing this, Master Lan's eyebrows stood up: "Are you kidding a crooked idea? Don't tell me about such important things."

"How dare I make a bad idea. I didn't pay attention to this news before. In such a chaotic world, there are zombies everywhere, and the survivors outside are too busy to take care of themselves. How could someone come to support us, so I didn't take it seriously. There is really a plane coming today." The man quickly said faithfully.

"What you said is true!" Master Lan stared at the man closely, trying to see something from the man's eyes.

For a long time, Master Lan saw that the man’s eyes had not changed, and then he looked back: "I hope you will not be clever again."

"Yes, yes, no, definitely not!" The man carefully wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Then do you think this plane is coming is a blessing or a curse?" Master Lan asked lightly.

"I think we can take advantage of it. The other party is here, definitely because of the control of this satellite. They definitely don't know our current situation. We can ask them for supplies first, explore their details, and then talk about the next step. "Man said.

"Do you think the other party is Master Han? What if they come hard?" Master Lan said.

"I think the opponent's strength is not much stronger than ours. You see, they only sent two bombers and two fighter jets today. With such a military force, any base with an air base can be used, and today it is thrown. After two or three bombs, there was no more movement, indicating that they didn't have much supplies, or they didn't give the zombies a carpet bombing!" The man thoughtfully analyzed.

"Well, what you said is right. If it weren't for the zombies to suddenly break through our outer defense, we still took out these planes, which is a pity." Master Lan said.

"So our strength is not weak, but the zombies here are too strong." The man quickly flattered.

"Then go down and prepare. If those people come, we will have a way to deal with it." Master Lan said.

The man only promised, and then backed out.

When the man withdrew, Master Lan's eyes flashed with a fierce light.

In the afternoon, the plane came to the satellite base again. This time there were very few mutant birds hovering in the sky. This time the plane dropped a bomb and killed many zombies. This caused not many mutant birds in the air. The crystal nucleus of the zombies was blown to death, resulting in a battle between zombies and mutant birds, but the scene was not as intense as the morning.

For the next three days, planes flew into the bombing every day. With the bombing and decoy bombs, the mutant bird flocks slowly decreased. Finally, on the third day, the mutant bird flocks in the sky disappeared, even if there were mutant birds. Flew, but also flew occasionally. The battle between the zombies below and the mutant bird also caused a great loss. The group of one or two million corpses was also reduced by a quarter. The zombies who had been attacking the cave gate had ceased to attack before, and they also stopped attacking, which made the cave panic all day long. The survivors finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master Han, the zombies have not attacked the gate in the past two days, and the plane bombing has been effective in the past two days, and the surrounding corpses have not attacked the gate in the past two days." , Secretly report to South Korean Liang.

"It's no wonder that the man with the surname Lan hasn't come over these past two days! Then what happened to him these two days?"

"It seems that he is secretly mobilizing soldiers and horses to the front cave, but it does not seem to be fighting with zombies, and the supply of ordinary survivors in the past two days has been reduced."

"It seems that he intends to count the people outside. You are like this. Contact other people. Once the zombies outside are almost wiped out, we will act and retake the inner cave. They transfer the inner cavers away. This is just an opportunity for us. "Master Han said.

"Master? Why wait? Don't you be afraid that the Lan surname will do it first?"

"No, he is also paying attention to the outside now, otherwise he will not transfer people away, but we can't act now. Now the opponent controls the vast force of troops. We are now doing it, undoubtedly hitting the stone with a pebble. We must wait for an opportunity. "

"Okay, then I'll contact other people first." The food delivery person turned around and left.

Master Han looked at his count on the wall and remembered: "It's been a month, it seems I should go out!"

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