Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 345 Hard Fight

Li Yuanhong ordered the maidenhair fern to let its younger brother take action. In fact, they are two plant zombies with poor combat effectiveness but with auxiliary effects. These two zombies have the ability to corrode and corpse corruption. The one with corrosive ability, and It is not capable of launching acid to injure the enemy, but like a spider, it can corrode muscles and turn it into a liquid that plants can absorb easily. If this ability does not pierce the opponent’s skin and inject acid into the body, it’s fundamental It didn't work, but when the two sides were fighting, they would definitely not let each other's vines entangle themselves, and this plant zombie's offensive weapon was the kind of creeper-like vines and couldn't be used to fight at all.

Another plant zombie with the ability to decompose corpses is even more exotic. He will sprinkle a liquid to accelerate the decay of the corpses, so that these corpses will become humus suitable for plants to absorb as soon as possible. To put it bluntly, it will become fertilizer. This plant zombie also had low combat abilities and belonged to the five scums of the war. If these two abilities were not for the great benefit of Li Yuanhong's defense of the city, Li Yuanhong wanted to send them to the corpse group to die.

This time it was the turn of these two zombies to use their abilities in order to bring out their existence value. Naturally, maidenhair fern should show them well.

I saw the corrosive zombie, the hand that turned the vines out of the window, the vines followed the window, attached to the wall, and began to slowly expand downward, and soon half of the wall was covered with vines. These vines are like The creeper crawling all over the wall stretched to the bottom of the wall, and then these vines went deep into the corpses, secretly injecting corrosive liquid into these corpses.

The plant zombies in the other building stood on the top of the building and sprayed the decomposing liquid downstairs like a shower head. These liquids quickly fell into the corpse pile and followed the corpse wounds of the zombie. , Melted into the body.

As the corpses were drenched with decomposing liquid, these corpses slowly began to melt, and the piles of corpses were slowly getting shorter. Of course, these were not very obvious. After all, corrosion and corruption take time, even if this time is accelerated Understand.

The attacks of the zombies continued. As time passed, the attacks of the zombies became more and more frantic, because the corpse monster felt that his danger was getting greater and greater, and he dared to respond to the growing human power around him. Let the fear in its heart magnify infinitely and make it lose the ability to think rationally. It just wants to let the zombies get out as soon as possible. Therefore, the order it issued to the corpse group is also very simple, which is to save itself as soon as possible, and it does not count. cost.

The attack of the zombies was not ineffective. The door of one building was knocked open by the zombies. However, they were greeted by a crazy metal storm. The zombies who had just stepped into the door of the building were instantly torn apart by the metal storm.

But soon the zombies behind came up again, but none of these zombies could break through the barrier of the corridor gate.

In fact, this is also a trap set by Li Yuanhong. The width of the door is limited after all. If the zombies want to attack, they cannot take advantage of the number of zombies. At most, three zombies attack at the same time. How can these ordinary zombies block the metal of the machine gun robot? The storm hit.

In addition, Li Yuanhong placed the machine gun robot on the first floor. Another consideration is that the machine gun robot has a good horizontal shooting ability, but the ability to shoot up and down is worse. These two kinds of shooting must affect the balance of the robot, and the horizontal shooting can To maximize the power of the metal storm, a single bullet can continuously penetrate the bodies of two zombies in a flat shot, while other angle designs cannot exert this effect. So Li Yuanhong arranged the machine gun robot on the first floor.

Before the door that was soon broken open, there were piles of zombies, and it became a Hell-like existence here. Even the feet of the machine gun robot were piled with corpses of zombies, and the blood of zombies flooded the whole The ground wanted the ground to look scarlet and dazzling, and the blood was also disgusting. But these do not affect the combat of the machine gun robot, it is a pure killing machine.

When the zombies saw the gate, it became a place of death. There was no way. They put the attack target on the window on the first floor. It stands to reason that the protection of the window is lower than that of the gate, but Xing Ling, regardless of the cost, will be below the fourth floor. All of the windows died of drought with steel plates, so the protection here is definitely not something ordinary zombies can break.

So the two sides entered the stalemate stage, but Li Yuanhong knew that this stalemate would not last too long, because from the beginning of the war until now, Li Yuanhong has basically eliminated ordinary zombies, and he has not encountered too many mutant zombies and ability zombies. It is the main combat power among zombies, and these ordinary zombies can only be regarded as cannon fodder for wasting human bullets.

Although it is cannon fodder, if there is a certain amount of cannon fodder, the threat will become greater. Now the zombies change their strategy again, instead of attacking the building, they turn to the four places blocked by containers, although there is also intensive firepower there. , But the height of the container is limited, and all the firepower is still on the surface, unlike in a building, there is a lot of firepower hidden inside. A window was broken just now, and as a result, a machine gun bullet flew out.

Soon these zombies gathered in front of the container at the gap, and they began to build the corpse ladder. Soon the corpse ladder was built seven or eight meters high. If they were given some more time, the obstacle of the container would be overcome by them.

Li Yuanhong turned to the maidenhair fern at this time and said: "Release the spores and see how many boys can you transform among this group of zombies, and let them defend on the container."

The iron wire vine is now obedient to Li Yuanhong’s words, and never dared to say half a word. Soon the spores drifted down from the building and fell into the group of corpses. Among the zombies, less than twenty zombies began to tremble constantly, and finally their bodies slowly changed. green.

These plant zombies were not eager to participate in the battle against the zombies, but squeezed past the opened door of the building. Due to the effect of the corrosive liquid, the zombies that were still piled up like a mountain have now become mud and are blocked. The corpses at the gate were gone, so the dozen zombies passed through the gate unimpededly, entered the corridor, and finally boarded the top of the container and started their performance.

These dozen or so zombies stood on the container, spraying seeds down, or tied the zombies with vines, and then threw these zombies away and fell to death among the zombies, and there were tips that pierced the zombies’ heads. thorn. The most powerful is a kind of zombies, which can throw plant fruits like grenades. When it explodes, thousands of seeds inside fly out, shooting zombies within three meters to death.

After these zombies boarded the container, the zombies who were climbing the container were shot down one after another. Coupled with the cooperation of the human warriors in the buildings on both sides, the zombies attacked many times and were beaten back.

The zombies went forward and succeeded. The four buildings are like islands in the tide of corpses. No matter how the zombies impact, they will stand still. More importantly, the ordinary zombies have no support. The ordinary zombies in Chongqing have gathered here, and the number has been as high as Ten million, but under the intensive artillery fire, most of the zombies have already turned into scorched earth.

The ordinary zombies that were still stubbornly rushing towards the building finally fell under the guns of the human soldiers. Finally, ordinary zombies attacked, and when it was getting late, it was over.

Li Yuanhong looked at the sky: "Commander Xing, send a helicopter to investigate and see if there are mutant zombies or power zombies nearby."

"Why, are you worried that these zombies will attack?" Xing Ling asked.

"Yes, we have been here for a day. We have basically used all the methods we can use, artillery fire, airplanes and plant zombies, but we only killed these ordinary zombies, and the main force in the corpse did not come. , Seeing that the sky has begun to darken, I think this corpse demon wants to use the night to let the ability zombies and mutant zombies attack. The night can increase their attack power. We have been fighting for a day, regardless of the consumption of materials and personnel. Physical strength has dropped greatly." Li Yuanhong frowned and said.

"Commander, don't worry. We have arranged a reserve team at night. There are more soldiers than during the day. If the zombies are not interesting, I will definitely let them taste the power of the new magic run." Xing Ling confidently Say.

"Okay, is the night lighting arranged?"

"It's all installed, and it definitely makes it as bright as the daytime."

"Okay, then I'll take a rest first, and wake me up when the mutant zombies appear at night." Li Yuanhong said.

"Yes!" Xing Ling agreed.

The night slowly approached. When the last rays of the sun disappeared on the horizon, millions of supernatural zombies and mutant zombies finally emerged from the buildings opposite the community. There are ape corpses, fat zombies, and long tongue zombies. , There are even giant zombies.

These zombies were summoned by the corpse demon, but they were not eager to attack like ordinary zombies, but were forbearing, waiting for the night team to come.

As night came, the plane bombing finally stopped, the artillery shells of the gunboats were gone, even the infantry artillery on the roof stopped, and the gunshots on the roof of humans became thinner. The only sound that can break the quiet night is Occasionally the gunboat sirens in the river in the distance.

Today's ordinary zombie attack has caused a lot of human consumption. From the walls between the buildings, the zombies are covered with corpses, even if there is the corrosion of plant zombies, these zombies still pile up nearly one meter high.

The giant zombies, who are now tired and calm, think it’s time for it to rescue, so he roars, breaking the silence of the night, and at the same time the ground begins to vibrate violently. The corpse of the zombie rushed towards the community.

A sneak attack by zombies with supernatural powers is about to succeed. Their vanguard troops have already crossed the wall, and humans still have no response at this time. Be a King Kong zombie, take a pose and prepare to attack the container between the two floors. During the collision, a bow and arrow suddenly appeared in front of his forehead, and when it did not respond, the bow and arrow pierced its head.

With the death of this King Kong zombie, gunfire and gunfire resumed, and suddenly the lights of the four buildings were bright, and all the zombies were exposed to humans.

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