During this time, Li Yuanhong was very busy. Due to the successful strategy of increasing troops and reducing stoves, he successfully ambushed Oda’s army of zombies and caused nearly two million zombies to die under Dayuan City. This time, the zombies near Dayuan City, Almost all is gone. Even the zombies in the several county towns connected to Dayuan City were all cleaned up. More importantly, Li Yuanhong’s battle allowed Li Yuanhong to obtain more than two million crystal nuclei. The highest level of these crystal nuclei is only 18, but Li Yuanhong can finally raise the level of naval soldiers participating in the battle.

These naval soldiers rarely participate in large-scale zombie annihilation battles, so their rank is generally lower than that of the army. However, this battle is a battle between the Navy and the Marine Corps. Therefore, this time the crystal core is owned by the Navy. The navy has finally tasted the pleasure of making a fortune in battle, and even many troops are discussing enthusiastically when there will be such a battle.

In addition, because Li Yuanhong commanded the battle, Li Yuanhong's reputation in the navy improved. This is also Li Yuanhong’s personal command of the battle this time, and even personally came to challenge that Oda himself, to complete the ambush station perfectly. Although there was a slight flaw in the end that made the Oda run away, the heads of the four giant snakes became In line with Li Yuanhong's prosperous achievements, when the soldiers saw the head of the giant snake, they were all embarrassed, and even a few soldiers were so scared that their legs were weak.

After winning the battle, Li Yuanhong plans to further attack the next city, but Li Yuanhong now has a headache. He does not have enough manpower. Now there are three fronts in the mainland to fight, and he really can’t get manpower. Li Yuanhong now has less. The 100,000 troops can be under their own command, and more than half of them are the navy, and other troops cannot be transferred. This makes Li Yuanhong a headache for his lack of manpower.

Just when Li Yuanhong had a headache, a non-commissioned officer ran over: "Report to the commander-in-chief. We found a group of survivors."

"Okay, you take them to the logistics office. The person responsible for the survivors wants to ask these survivors to help in the logistics. When there are ships to transport the survivors in the future, they will be sent to Hainan Island." Li Yuanhong said.

"Yes!" the sergeant agreed, and ran out.

"Commander in chief, why do you want to send these people to Hainan Island in the future?" At this moment, Commander Fu, standing beside Li Yuanhong, asked.

"Commander Fu, how many people do you think on this island are interested in the mainland?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"This... really hard to say." Fu Commander hesitated.

"So to keep these people on the island, we can only increase the difficulty of governance, just taking advantage of the current apocalyptic crisis, to disperse these people and relocate, and then emigrate new people, so that after several generations of cultural integration, It is possible to unify the thinking here from the new and the mainland. The so-called separation is nothing more than an ideological separation. Only when this problem is fundamentally solved can the root cause." Li Yuanhong said.

"Okay, this is a good way. But where do these people go?"

"They shouldn’t get together, and we can’t be sure whether they are united with us, so we shouldn’t send them to important places. In this way, we will arrange part of them to return to the Northeast, then intersperse to various cities, and then arrange for them to work in ordinary factories. "Li Yuanhong said.

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements." Fu Chuanzhi did what he said.

Li Yuanhong nodded, not saying anything, but lowered his head and looked at the map. Li Yuanhong has not acted on the Japanese-occupied base now, he is still afraid of the Yaqi Orochi. Although he has fought the Yaqi Orochi twice, and both have taken advantage of it, Li Yuanhong knows that if he can fight with his own strength alone, But that giant snake, so Li Yuanhong has been waiting recently, waiting for the arrival of reinforcements.

While Li Yuanhong and other reinforcements were being carried out, the ships that Fu Chuanzhi arranged to transport these Taiwanese islanders had not yet arrived. Two days passed.

On this day, when Li Yuanhong was about to go out for inspection, suddenly a non-commissioned officer hurried over: "Report to the commander-in-chief, our patrol team was attacked!"

"Huh? It was attacked? Was there any casualties?" Li Yuanhong asked quickly.

"Report to the commander-in-chief. More than half of the squad's casualties have been reported. If reinforcements hadn't arrived in time, the entire squad would have been wiped out." The non-commissioned officer said with grief.

Li Yuanhong frowned slightly. Since the last time he repulsed Oda's offensive, no zombies have appeared near Dayuan City. This time there was a sudden attack on the troops, which was beyond Li Yuanhong's accident.

Li Yuanhong quickly said to the non-commissioned officer: "Go, let's go to the scene to see."

Soon, Li Yuanhong came to the scene in an armored vehicle, and saw that there was still gunpowder from the battle. Two scrapped armored vehicles were lying on the road, and there were many zombies lying down and down lying down around the armored vehicles.

This is between the two buildings. The upper window of the building is cracked. Obviously the zombies jumped directly from the upper window and jumped directly onto the armored vehicle. If the commander called for reinforcements quickly, these zombies might soon have two An armored vehicle was destroyed, killing the patrolling soldiers in the armored vehicle.

"Have you seen it upstairs?" Li Yuanhong asked an officer who handled the scene.

"Report to the commander-in-chief, we have checked, there is nothing upstairs, nothing of value." The officer replied.

"Okay, go busy!" Li Yuanhong didn't say anything, so he let the officer busy, and then Li Yuanhong strode towards a building.

Entering the building, Li Yuanhong inspected it carefully. This is a commercial building facing the street. The goods before the end of the world have long disappeared. They were either taken away by the Japanese or emptied by their own troops. Anyway, it is more than a locust crossing. Clean, the dust on the ground has been covered by messy footprints, and it is no longer visible whether it is a zombie or a human. Li Yuanhong followed the corridor to the floor where the glass was broken. He saw that the dust on this floor had been wiped away by the zombies, and the ground showed its true colors. It seems that the zombies were hiding in the corridor at the time. It is not directly exposed in front of the window, otherwise there will be long-distance detection armored vehicles that will not be undetected.

Li Yuanhong walked upstairs again, walking several floors in a row, there were traces of zombies lying down, obviously there were zombies on these floors. Li Yuanhong did not stay, one went to the top floor, only to see that the door leading to the rooftop was locked, Li Yuanhong pushed it, and the door was intact.

Li Yuanhong took out the Star Blade, slashed it down, cut off the lock directly, and then pushed the door to the rooftop. Li Yuanhong looked around. There were a few pots of withered flowers on the rooftop, but there were some debris, but the whole was still neat and there was nothing suspicious.

Li Yuanhong walked to the edge of the rooftop, took out the binoculars, and looked around. Finally, Li Yuanhong found what he wanted to see. It was a tall building, facing a tall building where it was ambushed, and that tall building had a window that slightly reflected sunlight. The reflection of that light was not normal glass reflection, but reflected light from a telescope.

Li Yuanhong smiled slightly, did not say anything, turned and walked downstairs. The moment Li Yuanhong walked into the corridor, Li Yuanhong quickly put on his invisibility armor, quickly activated his invisibility function, and then rushed to the edge of the building, reaching the edge of the building. Jumped, jumped out, and then at the moment of falling, a teleport fell to the top of the building in front, jumped in several rooms in succession, and finally jumped straight to the window with the reflection of the telescope.

However, to Li Yuanhong’s surprise, when he broke the window, Li Yuanhong found that there was no one in the room, but there were a lot of explosives in the room. When Li Yuanhong broke the window and entered, the explosives were activated and the explosion broke out instantly. Li Yuanhong hurryed. Open the hidden space and hide in the space.

Ten seconds later, Li Yuanhong came out of the space. At this time, the house had been bombed beyond recognition, and even the wall leaning on the street was blown out. Fortunately, Li Yuanhong had hidden space to isolate himself. , Or the explosion just now didn’t kill, or maimed.

Li Yuanhong frowned, he was caught in a trap. He used to dig holes for others by himself, but this time he was dug by others. The most annoying thing is that I didn't find any clues. Obviously this room was where the ambush was controlled, but it was all bombed now.

Li Yuanhong walked out of the building helplessly. However, as soon as he stepped out of the building, a gust of wind struck. Li Yuanhong quickly opened the reflection space, and several special bullets shot into the space. Then these bullets, Reflected back in three different directions. Three windows across the street were instantly broken, and one window let out a faint cry of pain.

At this time, Li Yuanhong did not hesitate and teleported directly to the painful window, but when Li Yuanhong arrived in the room, he was still empty, there was no one inside, only a sniper rifle, and a stall on the window sill. Blood, and the open door.

Li Yuanhong chased out the room in an instant, but the corridor was empty, which made Li Yuanhong very depressed. Li Yuanhong was not a hunting dog and could not search for the enemy by smell. With Li Yuanhong’s speed, it was impossible to escape very far, but Lou Lou With so many rooms in it, Li Yuanhong didn't know where the other party was hiding, or he had fled to other buildings. There was no way, Li Yuanhong could only return to the room and carefully check whether the room left any clues for him.

The shape of the sniper rifle was very special, and it was different from the Russian and China sniper rifles that he had been in contact with. It seemed that he didn't recognize such a weapon, so Li Yuanhong directly put the sniper rifle into his own space.

Today Li Yuanhong was attacked twice in a row without catching any suspects. This made Li Yuanhong suffocated. As soon as Li Yuanhong returned to the office, he slapped the table angrily. The table was almost broken by Li Yuanhong: " Fuck, these Japanese gangsters are too bold to make a sneak attack at Lao Tzu's door!"

Li Yuanhong's anger shocked other people in the house. It is rare for Li Yuanhong to be so angry.

"Commander Li, what's wrong?" Fu Chuanzhi walked over and asked.

So Li Yuanhong talked about his attack and took out the gun.

"Look, is this a Japanese sniper rifle?" Li Yuanhong threw the gun to the table.

Fu Chuanzhi picked up the sniper rifle, and then said "Huh".

Li Yuanhong also felt that Fu Chuanzhi's expression was wrong, so he asked, "What's wrong, Commander Fu?"

Fu Chuanzhi said: "This doesn't seem to be a Japanese sniper rifle. How do I look like a local sniper rifle in Taiwan?"

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