Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 390 Robot Dog

After Li Yuanhong dealt with the zombies, he handed over the rest to Fu Chuanzhi. Because Li Yuanhong was preparing for the final battle against the Japanese base, but the reinforcements from Li Yuanhong and others had not arrived, so Li Yuanhong planned to return to Sakhalin. By the way, I was upgraded. I recently fought against Yaqi Orochi in a few games. Li Yuanhong felt that his ability was still a lot worse, so he needed to upgrade and improve his strength.

Last time I went back to Sakhalin Island, Li Yuanhong once talked to Dr. Bai and others about the Ochi Orochi. Dr. Bai and the others said that they could develop a weapon to deal with the Ochi Orochi, but there was no movement, which made Li Yuanhong very anxious.

The plane flew very fast and arrived at Sakhalin Island in the morning. It is now at the end of March. Even in Sakhalin Island, there are signs of melting ice and snow. Many frozen rivers have trickles and are bent by ice and snow. The branches of Li Yuanhong also stood up again and pulled out the fine green shoots. When he came to the center of the island, Li Yuanhong also saw many children who went out and laughed, playing constantly, there was no end of the world scene at all. .

Li Yuanhong is not in the mood to appreciate this now. This confrontation between Japan and Japan makes Li Yuanhong think of a question. Japan has such a heritage. As the old empire countries, are they not as good as Japan?

Obviously this is impossible, especially in the United States and the United Kingdom. Before the end of the world, it can be said that the two countries that dominate the Western world cannot have their own secret weapons. They have been pretending to be poor, buying weapons from themselves, making themselves think they have In the sunset, I may have learned from the ancients to these old empires, and I started to take the courage.

People say that dogs that can bark do not bite. These veteran empires are probably the dogs that can’t bark. Once they bite someone, they will definitely make themselves uncomfortable.

The plane landed slowly. When getting off the plane, Li Yuanhong said to the fat man: "Fatty, you can contact Chief No. 2 and ask him to investigate the movements of the old empires. I think these old empires have hidden their strength. The chief is alert."

"What? Brother Li is still worried about the failure of those foreigners? Now that they have not cleaned up the zombies in their own home, they will care about us?" Fatty Lu asked with some confusion.

"Human beings are good at infighting, and some things have to be guarded against. We were too sharp a while ago, and it will inevitably cause the jealousy of those empires. Our defensiveness is indispensable." Li Yuanhong said.

"Understood!" Fatty Lu agreed, then turned to contact the No. 2 chief.

Li Yuanhong got on the special car and went straight to the magic tower. At this time, he has been upgraded to level three, where advanced magic and experiment research can be carried out. It can be said that advanced magic has reached the power of missile level. Ordinary level 20 zombies, it is estimated that they can't even catch them.

Of course, the prerequisite is that the caster must reach a certain level. With Li Yuanhong's current level, if he can cast a spell, he can at most cast a high-level magic, which will consume the mana.

However, advanced magic weapons do not have this restriction. The last time Li Yuanhong asked Dr. Bai and the others to study, it was advanced magic weapons.

When Li Yuanhong walked into the magic tower, the magic tower turned into three floors. The first floor completely became the reception hall and warehouse. Several guards and some research institutes fetched goods back and forth here in order to do experiments. Prepared, each warehouse is guarded by special soldiers to record the flow of goods.

Looking at the busy figure, Li Yuanhong sighed. At that time, there were only a few researchers and Dr. Yuan alone. Now Li Yuanhong has gathered almost all the researchers that can be collected from all over here. There are no fewer than a few hundred research projects. Before the end of the world, this may not be a big deal, but it is the end of the world. So many research projects require huge manpower and material resources. If it is not for Li Yuanhong and the spar mine, if it is not for Li Yuanhong to take the large granary in the northeast, I am afraid every day The food consumed would be too much for Li Yuanhong.

However, the huge investment and the rewards are also generous. Nowadays, Li Yuanhong is fighting with zombies, that is definitely the upper hand, thanks to the huge technological support.

Li Yuanhong came to the guard, and when the guard saw Li Yuanhong, he immediately stood up and saluted: "Commander Li is good!"

Li Yuanhong returned a military salute, and then asked: "Dr. Bai, where are they now?"

"The report commander, Dr. Bai and the others are still in the laboratory, as if the research has entered a critical moment."

"Well, if they rest in a while, let me know and I will wait for them in the lounge." Li Yuanhong said casually.

"Yes!" the guard replied in a salute.

Li Yuanhong stepped into the lounge. The lounge became larger, and the facilities inside were more comfortable. There was even a karaoke hall for singing. Li Yuanhong wanted to go inside and shout twice, but thinking of his wolf-like voice, Dispel this idea.

After quietly waiting for nearly two hours, Li Yuanhong heard a burst of noise, and soon several familiar voices rang. As soon as Li Yuanhong turned his head, he saw Dr. Yuan and Dr. Bai arguing all the way, walking into the lounge.

Li Yuanhong quickly stood up and greeted the two doctors: "Two doctors, long time no see!"

When Dr. Bai saw Li Yuanhong, he didn't have a good face and said, "Why are you here again? Didn't you just come two days ago?"

"How is it possible, I haven't seen your old face for almost ten days, don't I miss you very much. By the way, I brought you some specialties."

Li Yuanhong took out a few packets of tea and a box of coconuts from his pocket.

"These are two packs of Taiwan's special good tea, Alishan High Mountain Tea and Dongding Oolong. The coconuts were picked soon after they matured and are absolutely fresh." Li Yuanhong introduced.

At this time, Dr. Yuan grabbed two packets of tea: "This tea is a good thing. Someone came back from a trip in Taiwan and brought a packet back then. It tastes good."

Dr. Bai was robbed of something, his face changed: "You old thing, how do you **** someone else's things? This is how Li Xiaozi honored me!"

Li Yuanhong saw the two old people fighting for a pack of tea, and quickly took out two packs of tea: "Don't worry, Mr. Bai, everyone has a share. How could it be prepared for Mr. Yuan instead of you!"

This time Dr. Yuan didn’t grab it, and Dr. Bai took the tea with peace of mind: “You guys have a bit of insight, let’s talk about it, what's the matter this time?”

"It's not the thing that I said to you last time, it's the big snake. With my current ability, I still feel a little lack of ability to fight with them." Li Yuanhong said modestly.

"Oh, this matter, your kid is here at the right time. A project we are currently working on will soon come to an end. This afternoon we will do the final test. If there is no problem, you can bring the first batch with you tomorrow. The sample, went to the battlefield to actually test it." Dr. Bai said.

Li Yuanhong asked the two doctors to sit down, then ordered them to pour tea, and said with joy: "Great, then I don't know if I can visit it in the afternoon."

"Of course I let you see it, or how do you manipulate it." Dr. Bai said.

"Great." Li Yuanhong said excitedly.

After resting for half an hour, Li Yuanhong urged: "Have the two doctors rested? Let's go and see the new weapon!"

"You, don't let us take a good rest, such a good tea, don't drink a few more cups, don't waste it!" Dr. Bai was reluctant to put down the cup and said.

"You can drink tea at any time. Next time, I will bring you more tea." Li Yuanhong urged.

"Only you are in a hurry." The two doctors stood up reluctantly, and led Li Yuanhong to the second floor.

Soon Li Yuanhong and Dr. Bai took the elevator to the second floor. This is now a laboratory. Li Yuanhong followed them into one. This is a weapon laboratory. In the middle of the large laboratory, there are two The huge robot dog stands in the middle of the weapon test field.

These are two half-human silver-white robot dogs with a magical halo in their eyes, teeth and four claws dodge inexplicable cold light, and the silver light of their bodies looks a little dazzling under the light.

Li Yuanhong stared at the big dog, a little confused: "Doctor, is this a new weapon?"

"Why, not satisfied?" Dr. Bai asked a little dissatisfied.

"Not dissatisfied, what is special about this big dog?" Li Yuanhong looked at these two big dogs and remembered the mutant dogs he had adopted. Now they have become a member of the special forces of Spring City, responsible for cleaning up those who dare to become invisible. The spy who sneaked into his secret location, that is one, let the other party break one. But I don't know what the two robot dogs are capable of.

"Then let you see and see." Dr. Bai's eyes flashed for a while, then put on an earmuff, and shouted to the intercom of the earmuff: "Unlock."

There was a burst of magical light flashing through the bodies of the two robot dogs, and then the two robot dogs were waking up from a deep sleep, their eyes shining bright.

Soon, the doctor entered a few commands on the console, and saw a door opened on each side of the laboratory, and a few zombies of level 20 came out of it.

As soon as a few zombies came out of the door, they pounced on two robot dogs.

Li Yuanhong was very surprised: "Dr. Bai, where did you get so many level 20 zombies?"

"I asked the guard to help me catch it. You are too busy, so I contacted the guard directly." Dr. Bai said lightly.

When Li Yuanhong heard this, he was surprised. No wonder the guard was missing for several days in the first two days. In fact, the only thing that can be done to trap zombies at level 20 can only be done by guards. His stealth skills can easily approach zombies, and can attract certain types of zombies in a targeted manner. Otherwise, other people must approach the corpse. Can not cause corpse tide.

When Li Yuanhong was chatting with Dr. Bai, several zombies had already rushed in front of the robot dog, and they saw the two robot dogs moving. The two dogs were very fast, and in an instant, they rushed behind the several zombies. Jump up and bite at the neck of the zombie.

Just listen to the two beeps of "Kaba Kaba", two dogs bit a zombie separately, and then the teeth of some unknown metal made the zombie's neck broken.

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