Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 408: Dust returns to dust, soil returns to earth

Facing Li Yuanhong's provocation, Tu Count was furious, and directly slammed his fist at Li Yuanhong. This punch was so powerful that it contained all of Tu Count's anger.

However, in the face of this ferocious punch, Li Yuanhong did not flinch. He also threw his fists and banged against the Earth Count. As the two figures quickly approached, in the contempt of Earth Count, the two fists collided. , And the scene of flesh and blood, bones and muscles broken as expected by Earth Count, did not appear. Instead, his fist easily passed through Li Yuanhong’s fist and body, even when his face passed through Li Yuanhong’s face. , He even felt a smug smile from Li Yuanhong.

Just as Earth Count was astonished as he passed through Li Yuanhong's body, a strong light suddenly came on his face. At this time, Earth Count had no time to dodge anymore, so he could only close his eyes. At this time, he closed his eyes for the third time today.

The beam accurately hit Earth Count's chest, but the beam only caused Earth Count's body to take a step back, and then there was no more. Even the paralysis effect did not appear, but then the Earth Count let out a painful cry. When a beam of light was sent from the front, a beam of light from the back also hit Earth Count’s back at the same time, and this beam caused a wound on Earth Count’s back, although it actually caused a little blood on Earth Count’s skin. But the pain of the wound made Earth Count extremely angry.

But when Earth Count was furious, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, a palm of his hand was printed accurately on the center of Earth Count's brow, and then a **** rune flashed on that palm, and then disappeared in the center of Earth Count's brow. .

With the disappearance of the **** rune, Earth Count, who was still roaring just now, stopped abruptly. Then, Earth Count's tall body shook for a while, and then fell slowly.

At this time, Li Yuanhong finally breathed a sigh of relief. He finally sealed the Earth Count, but Li Yuanhong was very puzzled. The laser beam hitting Earth Count’s chest did not have any effect at all, why the Earth Count howled loudly. What is it?

As Earth Count fell, the sacrifice zombies and drummers who followed Earth Count suddenly lost their voices. They seemed to have lost their souls and stood there quietly. After a while, these zombies also fell down. , This made Li Yuanhong stunned. He had never seen a zombie being sealed and other zombies finished playing, so Li Yuanhong cautiously walked to a sacrificial zombie and checked with real eyes, and found that these zombies were not really dead. , But also appeared the seal logo.

This sudden situation made Li Yuanhong happy. He finally didn't have to fight for the zombies. Just wait for the dense fog to clear and harvest the heads of the zombies in Daocheng.

So Li Yuanhong turned around and collected Earth Count's corpse into the space. At this time, Li Yuanhong found the scar on the back of Earth Count. So Li Yuanhong deliberately checked Earth Count's back and found that there was a long scar behind Earth Count. , Extending from the right shoulder to the left waist, a huge scar, like an ugly sandworm, attached to Earth Count's back.

"What's the situation? Why did Earth Count have an injury on the back? Isn't it always a frontal injury? No wonder I have been attacking the front of this Earth Count before. This guy didn't respond. It turned out that the wound was behind." Li Yuanhong thought secretly.

Seeing the wound, Li Yuanhong wanted to go up and give the earth collaborator two more knives, but Li Yuanhong stopped the impulse, if he accidentally awakened the earth collaborator, then he would be in great trouble.

Because Earth Count was sealed, the entire battlefield was calm again, and the neighing of zombies in the thick fog was gone, but the combination of the dark night and the thick fog still made people unable to see the scene in the thick fog.

"Commander Xing, arrange for the staff on duty at night to send someone to repair the fortifications. I just saw that many containers were damaged seriously." Li Yuanhong returned to the fortifications and ordered Xing Ling.

"Yes, I will send someone to do it."

"Also, prepare a team, and follow me into the ghost town tomorrow, and see if there are any special zombies in it." Li Yuanhong worried that there are special zombies in the city. In order to eliminate hidden dangers, Li Yuanhong intends to take the team to venture into the city.

"Commander in chief, let me take someone in!" Xing Ling said quickly.

"No need to argue, you have other tasks. You have to control the perimeter defense, and I will bring a small unit in. It is easy to escape and there will be no major danger." Li Yuanhong said.


"Then I'm going to rest, and you should rest earlier. There may be a tough fight tomorrow."

"Hehe, as long as there are no more zombies like this Earth Count, I will not be afraid of more zombies." Xing Ling said, patted his chest.

The next day, the sun rose from the horizon as usual, and it was another sunny day. This was a rare good weather in the humid and rainy Chongqing. The bright sunshine quickly expelled the fog in the air, making people no longer trapped by the fog.

Li Yuanhong led people directly to the ghost town, and saw many zombies lying on the ground along the way. These zombies were all dressed in costumes with tribal warriors. Obviously these were soldiers of the Earth Count. As the Earth Count was sealed, these soldiers also Then it was sealed.

"Kill these zombies, let them return to dust, and soil to earth!" Li Yuanhong told the soldiers that Li Yuanhong would never show mercy to these zombies without resistance, not to mention that these zombies are all high-level zombies. Li Yuanhong wouldn't let this income be that he could bring himself a lot of crystal nuclei.

As the team progressed to the ghost town, the team finally advanced to the edge of the ghost town.

"Commander, should we enter the city?" a soldier next to him cautiously asked.

Li Yuanhong glanced at the still misty ghost town: "We are all here, we can't be scared! Come in, let's go to this ghost gate today!"

As Li Yuanhong waved his heroic hand, he took the lead to walk into the ghost city.

There are still many zombies wearing animal skins in this ghost city. Occasionally, you will encounter some ordinary zombies that have not fallen to the ground, but those zombies that are still wandering are basically incompetent. Even if they rushed over with their teeth and claws, they were also caught by the soldiers. Killed easily.

As he deepened, Li Yuanhong saw many different kinds of zombies, including bull-headed zombies, horse-faced zombies, and evil ghost zombies with short forks.

When the team advanced to the Temple of the King, there were no more zombies here. Obviously, all the zombies here were taken out of the city by Earth Count.

At this time, Li Yuanhong and the soldiers were all covered in blood, and they did not kill zombies. For the soldiers, those zombies lying on the ground were military exploits for nothing. However, the soldiers also had some questions, why are there still standing zombies wandering in the city.

Li Yuanhong gave this explanation: "You see that there is almost no difference between the wandering zombies and the ordinary zombies outside. Obviously, these zombies are not of the same type as the fallen zombies."

"They are all zombies, what are the different types?" The little soldier asked more seriously.

"These zombies that are still standing and not fallen are obviously changed after the end of the world, and those zombies wearing tribal animal skin armors are the guards who fought with the Earth Count in ancient times. I don’t know why. Unblocked together." Li Yuanhong guessed.

"The commander-in-chief is still very knowledgeable, why didn't we expect it!" the soldiers sighed.

The ghost city is a relatively tourist attraction of National Chiao Tung University. I searched it again and spent a whole day. When the night and dense fog enveloped the ghost city again, Li Yuanhong finally searched the entire city.

The attack on the ghost town this time gave Li Yuanhong a fruitful harvest. There were more than 60,000 nuclei of the 23rd level, and nearly a thousand nuclei of the 24th level. Even the 25th nucleus, Li Yuanhong also got. Nine pieces. With so many high-level crystal nuclei, Li Yuanhong felt that happiness had come too suddenly. When he leveled up, he didn't need to worry about the crystal nucleus, and he was still a two-level crystal nucleus.

Since Li Yuanhong has just been upgraded, it will take a while to upgrade. Therefore, Li Yuanhong can only store the crystal cores first and take them out when they are used. However, before Li Yuanhong has time to celebrate the harvest, another emergency The situation happened. The troops who attacked Chengdu were trapped in the city of Chengdu and might be wiped out by zombies at any time.

This news surprised Li Yuanhong. The previous report said that the troops attacking the Chengdu Plain had a smooth journey. It is expected that they will be able to fully occupy the Chengdu Plain in mid-April. By then, Li Yuanhong will be able to start agricultural production on the Chengdu Plain. It was about to be encircled and annihilated. This reversal was a bit too surprising.

Upon receiving the news, Li Yuanhong was stunned for ten seconds, and his face was as gloomy as the clouds before the rainstorm. The soldiers who sent Li Yuanhong information felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped more than ten degrees, and could not help but shiver.

After a long time, Li Yuanhong said: "I need a detailed process of the matter, let them send me the process of the matter within ten minutes!"

Although Li Yuanhong did not roar or slapped the table, the low and oppressive voice made the intelligence officer feel cold from the neck.

"Yes, I'll go and ask!" The intelligence officer stood at attention and ran out of the war room quickly.

Li Yuanhong is now very close to anger, but he is still suppressing his emotions. After all, anger can't solve the problem, and it will also make himself lose his rational judgment, which may have an adverse effect on the next rescue operation.

However, Li Yuanhong really couldn't understand that it was not the first time that a battle-tested army dealt with zombies. How could it be trapped in Chengdu and almost annihilated?

Soon, detailed information was sent over, but when Li Yuanhong saw the information, his gloomy face became even more ugly, because the intelligence said that when they were fighting, they encountered ghosts and skeleton archers, and they did this. When he was surrounded this time, he was completely trapped. In other words, there was a very powerful commander in the corpse group.

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