Apocalyptic Hero System

: 432nd section Don’t be fat with one bite

Li Yuanhong felt that the giant zombie might release a dangerous big move, and quickly applied the newly learned space-time skill to the giant zombie: the chain of time and space.

Li Yuanhong’s magic is aimed at a single person. It does not take too much time to accumulate energy. When the giant zombie is still preparing the magic, a void crack appears behind the giant zombie, and the giant zombie still doesn’t understand how to return. During the incident, the Void Crack directly stretched out five black chains, directly directly and firmly bound the hands, feet, and neck of the giant zombies.

The giant is very happy now. He has just been constantly being harassed by humans, making himself almost in danger several times, but now his super hurricane magic is about to be completed, when these **** humans will be affected by the hurricane. Strong tearing force, take a break.

However, at this moment, he was suddenly bound by the chain behind him, making his super hurricane magic preparations to be interrupted, and his plan to avenge mankind was almost doomed to be impossible.

Ten swordsmen took advantage of the giant zombies being controlled by the chain, and ten sword qi directly attacked the giant zombies. Due to the chain control, the protective magic of the giant zombies was quickly consumed by the sword qi, and then the giant zombies you can only directly Use your body to resist the injury of the sword.

This giant zombie is a wind zombie, and his defense power can't be as good as earth zombie and gold zombie. The sword directly chopped the giant zombie to the flesh and blood.

Two of the sword auras cut directly to the neck of the giant zombie, and then the neck of the giant zombie was cut with a huge opening, and the eyes of the giant zombie lost their luster. At this time, the giant zombie finally came to the end of life.

At the moment when the giant zombie died, the time-space chain had reached the time limit, and then the chain slowly returned to the dark time and space, the black crack closed slowly, and everything returned to its original state.

With the death of the giant zombies, the group of corpses that had attacked in an orderly manner suddenly became chaotic. The zombies in the distance stopped, and began to wander in situ in confusion. Only the nearby zombies were still moving. The dock kept coming, but the speed and strength were reduced.

At this time, the battle is in no suspense. Without the commanding zombies, a continuous offensive can no longer be formed. Moreover, Li Yuanhong’s soldiers are all systematic soldiers, using cold weapons, and the movement during the attack is not large, so the zombies in the distance It was not attracted at all.

Today, Li Yuanhong mainly looked at the swordsman’s abilities. Up to now, he has basically mastered the basic situation of the swordsman. Therefore, the goal has been achieved. After killing all the zombies in front of him, Li Yuanhong ordered a retreat, and a high-intensity battle in the morning. The physical strength of the soldiers has been exhausted, and now the bows and arrows fired by the archers have been significantly slower.

Li Yuanhong withdrew to the Zhoushan Islands base. Li Yuanhong took out the corpse of the giant zombie. Li Yuanhong was very curious as to what skills the giant zombie would use.

"Twenty-eight wind giant zombies

Skills: mass wind acceleration, flying, hurricane, wind knife, wind shield

Group wind acceleration: Continue to bless the acceleration effect on the friendly forces around you, increasing the speed of the friendly forces by 20%.

Drifting technique: Create a climax under your feet to make yourself into the air for a short period of three seconds.

Hurricane: A level 12 tornado is formed within one hundred meters of its own radius

Wind Knife: Use wind as a knife to send out a wind blade to attack the target within 50 meters.

Wind Shield: A wind shield is formed around itself. Before the shield breaks, any attack will be blocked by it. "

Seeing the introduction of the giant zombies of the wind system, Li Yuanhong was afraid for a while. What kind of concept is that a Category 12 hurricane? Even if he used the teleporting skill to escape, the soldiers he brought with him would probably be explained in it.

Fortunately, Li Yuanhong didn't let that happen, and Li Yuanhong's current crisis consciousness saved his life.

In the next period of time, Li Yuanhong took these system soldiers every day, around the demons, killing thousands of zombies every day. If he had the opportunity, Li Yuanhong would find a way to eliminate some of those special zombies.

In doing so, Li Yuanhong wanted to gradually reduce the number of zombies through the cannibalization strategy, so as to minimize resistance when attacking the magic capital in the future.

However, Li Yuanhong’s aggressive behavior also angered the giant zombie commander in the city. This is a rare shadow giant zombie. The successive attacks made this giant zombie angry. In the past, shadow giant zombies only treated humans as ants. When he was hungry, he would send some zombies to find some survivors as his own food, and even later, he only feeds on the evolutionary, and ordinary survivors can no longer enter his eyes.

Therefore, his seat was built with thousands of evolving heads. In his opinion, that was his record, and it was also the proof that he stepped on human ants.

However, these few days, those humans who were supposed to hide in Tibet and live like mice have challenged themselves, killing their own subordinates one after another. What is even more annoying is that in just half a month, they have already had one The famous giant zombies, ten King Kong zombies lost their lives, and every human attack is a blow away. He never loves to fight when he sends his capable officers to capture those humans. Those humans have long since disappeared without a trace, leaving only Down the corpse.

The angry giant zombies were on the verge of rampaging, and many things around him were smashed by him. Even a shadow zombie who entered the door and prepared to report was thrown over the glass and smashed.

"What's the matter!" The giant zombie saw what he threw out angrily and hit his hands, and then stopped smashing things.

The smashed shadow zombie, with a big bag on its forehead, hurriedly replied: "My lord, the team that you went to capture the humans is back."

"Oh? How many evolutionists have they brought me back?" The giant zombies are now going to swallow a few humans to soothe their anger in their chests.

"Report...Sir, he...they...none of them came back!" The shadow zombie said cautiously.

"Oh? How come there are so few people, why do you bring back one person?" The giant zombies were misled by the shadow zombies' squat.

"My lord, it's not a person, it's not a person!" The shadow zombies quickly corrected.

"What? No one? What did they eat, even the little survivors can't catch it!" The giant zombies began to get a little angry again.

"My lord, it's not that they don't catch it, it's that there is no human being near the magic capital..."

The shadow zombie’s words were not finished yet, a water cup was thrown over, and a bag was directly smashed on the other side of the shadow zombie’s forehead. This time, the shadow zombie had a bag on one side of the forehead. It was very symmetrical, and even the size of the bag was different. Difference milli.

"You told me that no humans can be found? The humans who attacked me these past two days are hallucinations? Are you deceiving me?!"

The furious giant zombie had a knife formed from black smoke in his hand, and it was obvious that the giant zombie had a murderous aura. The shadow zombie knelt on the ground and dared not move. He already knew that he would not survive today.

Just when the giant zombie was raising a knife to slash, a voice suddenly stopped and said: "The king is calm, don't drop the knife."

The knife that the giant zombie was about to chop off stopped alive after hearing the voice. The black knife was only a punch away from the head of the shadow zombie.

"Military strategist, why are you here?" The giant zombie turned his head and saw that it was his strategist, the corpse demon in Demon City, who was blocking him.

"My lord, that shadow zombie is right. The humans near this demon city have long been killed by you, so it is normal for them to not be able to catch them." The corpse demon said slowly.

"So what do you say about the humans who attacked us in the past two days?" The giant zombie was obviously still angry, but he still couldn't kill the military division. This zombie is a rare species among the zombies, and it is too late to protect.

"Majesty, the humans who attacked us in the past two days, I checked, they all came from the sea, not the humans around us, and those attackers, weapons are also different from ordinary surviving humans, we have encountered in the past The survivors, even if we stand and let them fight, they will not necessarily move us, but the humans who attacked us in the past two days can kill our 25th-level subordinates with one arrow. You think such humans are Ordinary humans?" The corpse demon analyzed.

"What do you mean by the military division?" The giant zombie looked at the corpse demon with questions.

"These humans who attacked us are humans from the sea. They have stronger force, and they may even endanger your life." The corpse said.

"What? Will endanger me? Hahaha, I'm only one step away from level 30, you know, after level 30, I will enter the ranks of general-level zombies, and even your Majesty Orkus, Will treat me differently!"

"But you have not passed that hurdle, King, and I have checked. The weapons used by humans have a great bonus to damage. These weapons are what we don't have." The corpse demon said.

"Well, what you said makes sense, so how do you say we should deal with these humans? These humans are more cunning than mutant apes. They always run when they see our reinforcements and don't fight us at all."

"Your Majesty, against these humans, we can't just head-on, we should also give them a set." The corpse demon said.

"Get down? How to get down?"

"That's right. I checked the locations where those people attacked us in the past two days. They came from southeast of us. The locations where they attacked are just a few fixed locations. We can set up locations where they attacked in advance. Ambush down, as long as they dare to come, let them come and never come back." The corpse demon said.

"Okay, great, I'll leave it to you, then I will swallow those humans alive!"

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