Apocalyptic Hero System

: 530th official visit

When the chili is hot enough, drinking water can only temporarily suppress the spicy taste. Once the water dries, the spicy taste will rise again. So drinking hydrolyzed spicy can not solve the problem at all, and the crocodile dragon drinks sea water. The taste of crocodile dragon is not so good, this is undoubtedly drinking poison to quench thirst, making Crocodile Dragon extremely uncomfortable.

From then on, the crocodile dragon disappeared from this sea area. Maybe he was scared by the pepper bomb, maybe because the sea water was too drunk and was salted to death. In short, he disappeared. This made Li Yuanhong's heart hanging and let go. After all, if this crocodile dragon goes mad to get revenge, he can't stop it.

Fortunately, within two days, the spacecraft rushed back. The spacecraft not only brought a lot of materials, but also brought many advanced weapons, including a laser cannon, which was more powerful than that of coastal defense guns. Ten times, there is still a very strong burning damage. If there was this kind of laser cannon last time, Li Yuanhong believed that the crocodile would definitely not be able to withstand the bombardment of the laser cannon, and he would not have to risk his life to fight the crocodile dragon. .

With the supplies, Li Yuanhong can continue to upgrade the base, and soon the base is upgraded to level 20. At this time, the portal can finally be built. With the portal, the continuous supply of materials can be delivered through the portal. There is no need to send the spacecraft back to China.

Armed with material reserves, Li Yuanhong began to embark on the next step of his strategy, which was to march into the abdomen of Australia, so as to quickly win the Australian portal. After all, it is already January, and there is not much time left for Li Yuanhong, and there are still three places for Li Yuanhong to go, so now Li Yuanhong deeply feels that time is pressing.

Just as Li Yuanhong was preparing to move south, on Fraser Island on the east coast of Australia, Australia's new president was immersed in reviewing documents. Since the end of the world, under the protection of the army, the Australian government has come to Shazhou Island near the Gold Coast and established the post-apocalyptic Australian provisional government.

At the beginning of the end times, the Australian government also sent people to the mainland to search for survivors and supplies. However, with the increase of mutant animals and the appearance of alien orcs, the casualties of searching on the mainland are increasing. Temporary camps have also been broken. There is no alternative. The Australian Provisional Government can only shrink on the islands on the east coast.

At this time, the Prime Minister of the Provisional Government is reviewing the construction of a new marine mutant capture ship to ensure the military’s demand for personnel evolution. However, with the financial resources of the Australian Provisional Government, the construction of a ship is almost out of pocket, especially All kinds of materials, that is even more limited.

When the Prime Minister was in trouble, a secretary walked in: "Your Excellency, there is an urgent call from the United States!"

"Oh? Our dear ally, has finally called?"

After the end of the world, Australia rarely receives telegrams from the United States, and most of the exchanges are through exchanges and meetings with the United States through the embassy in China Spring City. This former patron seems to have forgotten his own existence after the end of the world.

The secretary handed over the message, and saw the message read: "A UFO was discovered driving towards your mainland recently. I hope you will monitor it closely and try to feed back the UFO data to us!"

The signature is the commander of the navy.

Seeing this message made the Prime Minister a little nameless, and felt helpless. I thought that this American call would give me some support, but I didn't know that it was a command message to monitor an unidentified flying object. Not to mention that there is almost nothing left of my own air force, how can I still find the flying object, even if it is found, it is impossible to monitor it. Besides, I have contacted the U.S. many times in China, hoping to give myself some help, but every time I have a hot face and a cold butt, the Australian Prime Minister feels cold.

"Go, call back, saying that we are now unable to search for flying objects in the sky." The Prime Minister said grimly.

"This...isn't it made American friends feel unhappy to reply like this?" the secretary reminded carefully.

"Does he take anything to do with me? To find UFOs, she sends troops to find them by herself. Now we don't have any excess fuel wasted on things that are of no benefit to us." The Prime Minister replied without hesitation.

"Okay, I'll call you back now." The secretary agreed. Just as he was about to leave, the office door was opened again, and an officer-like person hurried in.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, Your Excellency Prime Minister, we found some survivors, and there is a news you did not expect!"

The Prime Minister looked up and saw that this guy who broke into his office without knocking was indeed the interim army commander Kepp. Seeing his excitement on his face, the Prime Minister could not blame him for his impolite behavior.

"I said my dear Commander, what good news do you bring to me today?" the Prime Minister asked with a standard official smile.

"That's it. In the Tiwi Islands, we have found a large number of our survivors. These survivors have begun to resume production in an organized manner, and they have provided a message saying that two days ago, a Chinese spacecraft had flown over them. Islands, flying to the Australian mainland."

"Spacecraft? Did they make a mistake? Isn't it an airplane?" The Premier asked some questions.

"It's not an airplane, it's a spacecraft, it's a very big spacecraft, the kind of spacecraft that can be compared with an aircraft carrier!" Kaipu said with some excitement.

"Oh? Isn't the islander wrong? How can such a big thing fly in the sky?" The prime minister really couldn't imagine that China would have such a strong ability to create such a sci-fi flying object.

"Regardless of whether the flying object is real or not, but the Chinese have already arrived in Australia, so we can send people to contact them and let them support some of our weapons. I plan to go to the mainland to hunt a batch of mutant beasts in two days. , Zhengzhou has no weapons to take advantage of!"

Obviously, this Cape is a war madman.

"Well, you are right. Foreigners like them entered our country without our consent. They should indeed talk to them." At this time, the Prime Minister also thought carefully.

The Prime Minister turned around and saw that the secretary hadn't yet, so he said to the secretary: "You will reply to our dear ally, saying that we have found UFOs, but lack supplies for continuous prosecution. I hope they can help us!"

The secretary replied, "Okay, I will send a telegram now."

When the secretary went out, the prime minister showed a slight smile. Whether Chinese or American, as long as they can give themselves supplies, they are their allies.

Li Yuanhong is ready and ready to advance to central Australia, which is the center of the desert. Although the deserts of Australia are not as vast as Africa, the drought and water shortage in Australia also make the natural environment bad, and there are many unknowns hidden in the desert. Mutated creatures, so Li Yuanhong intends to attack directly in the air instead of dealing with mutants on the ground.

However, Li Yuanhong set sail immediately, and suddenly there was a fleet of three destroyers that suddenly visited, interrupting Li Yuanhong's travel.

"Three destroyers? Which country's flag is flying?" Li Yuanhong asked immediately after receiving the following report.

"Report Commander, the flag of Australia is flying." The soldier replied.

"Oh? I thought they would stay still on the east coast of Australia. If they didn't come into contact with them, there would be a lot of trouble. Now it seems troublesome to come!" Li Yuanhong shook his head helplessly. Li Yuanhong hates these international affairs most. , It was endless wrangling and official fighting, so Li Yuanhong handed over these things to the second chief.

"Then shall we intercept them?" the soldier below asked.

"This is their territory. We are not invading, and there is no need to be arrogant. Send a few planes to guide them and let them enter the port!" Li Yuanhong said.

"Yes!" The soldier went out to give orders after saluting.

Soon, two helicopters took off from the spaceship parked in the sea, flew to the distant warship, and then contacted the warship through the radio station to guide the warship into the port.

These warships entered the port and found that there was only one large aircraft carrier in the port, and there were no more ships. Moreover, this port is also very simple, not suitable for large-scale cargo terminals. It is only a little better than ordinary old-fashioned terminals. It can only be said that docking warships is barely possible.

There is also this aircraft carrier, which also makes people feel obedient. First of all, there is no control tower on the bridge, only bare flying splints, and the hull, which is not the shape of an ordinary ship with a narrow bottom and a wide top, but a kind of The shape of the aircraft in science fiction movies. Kaip has seen a catamaran-shaped aircraft carrier before, but it is also the shape of the two ships merged together, not like this aircraft carrier, which is completely separated from the ship.

"When did China build such a weird ship? Can this ship be able to fight? Isn't there a bare-board ship like a frigate waiting to be beaten?" Kep stood on the deck, looking up at the behemoth in front of him, with emotions .

At this time, Li Yuanhong was standing on the dock, waiting for these warships to dock. For Li Yuanhong, these warships appeared at an untimely time.

When the warship drew ashore, Kep got down to the ship and saw that the soldiers standing on the pier were still standing upright like pines and cypresses like the Chinese army before the end of the world. Kaip once wanted his men to stand as loose and sit like a bell like the Chinese soldiers, but these soldiers were sloppy and used to it, and they couldn’t make it. In the end, he gave up. After all, human resources are too much in the last days. It is precious, especially in their country, where the population is not large before the end of the world. After the end of the world, people are even more precious. In many cases, Kaipu is reluctant to scold them.

Li Yuanhong was wearing a straight military uniform today. He saw a man wearing a general uniform stepping off the warship. Although his military uniform was still straight in the last days, obviously this suit was well preserved.

Li Yuanhong stepped forward and shook hands with the officer: "I didn't expect you to come so soon. I originally wanted to invite you after I established the base."

"This should be our poor courtesy. You are a guest from a long distance. We should have welcomed you. But now it's a troubled world. I hope you don't take offense." Cape answered calmly.

Li Yuanhong felt awkward when he heard this, but there was no change in Li Yuanhong's face.

"This is not a place to talk outside, let's enter the fortress!" Then Li Yuanhong led the way and led Kaipu and his party into the castle.

When Kep entered the castle, he discovered that there is no difference in this large town. The facilities inside are perfect. There are street lights on both sides of the street. I don't know if these street lights can be on at night.

However, Kaipu also discovered that the entire camp was all Chinese, and they were all wearing military uniforms, and there was no civilian. Judging from the information received, it has only been less than a week for Li Yuanhong to come here. How did he create such a large town out of thin air?

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