Apocalyptic Hero System

: 533rd Festival Tour

Kaip received this document, which is a punishment document: "Because Kaip made a major mistake in foreign affairs and due to a major military mistake, more than a thousand soldiers died innocently. Mr. Kaip The major mistakes made one after another have caused immeasurable losses to the country and people. Therefore, Mr. Cape is no longer suitable for the post of commander of the armed forces. Therefore, the Australian Interim Government has decided to remove all of Mr. Cape’s duties with immediate effect."

The ink on this dismissal order has not dried up yet, obviously this is a temporary document.

Holding the document, Cap looked up at the Prime Minister, and then asked: "Mr. Prime Minister, what does this mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything, just what it means in writing." The Prime Minister said flatly.

"Didn't you say that if I don't go to China, wouldn't it have no effect on me?" Cape said angrily, how could the prime minister turn his back.

"How did I turn around? Everything I did was done in accordance with the provisions of the Provisional Government." The Prime Minister still kept a smiling face and looked at Cap.

Kaip's anger has reached his forehead at this time. It was not that he was desperately carrying the team and escorting these lagging civilian officials to the island. How can there be a prime minister with today's glory to call himself! But now Cap can't turn his face with the prime minister, so he had to say in a low voice: "If I go to invite the Chinese, don't I need to sign this document?"

"This is hard to say. If you complete the task well, all the previous mistakes will be written off, but if you don't complete it well, or if you act perfunctory, you have to sign this document when you come back." The Prime Minister said unhurriedly.

"Okay, can't I go!" Kep bowed his head like a **** that had been defeated, and walked out. When Kep walked out the door, there was a sneer at the corner of the prime minister's mouth: "Hmph, I can't cure you!"

Li Yuanhong naturally did not know about the infighting with Li Yuanhong in Australia, but Li Yuanhong was not worried. The fortress could not be defended with Australia’s current forces. Moreover, Li Yuanhong took away all the heavy weapons when he left, so this fortress, Sooner or later, it will be destroyed by the mutant crocodile.

However, when the fortress was destroyed, no one else could do it, but Li Yuanhong had a solution. Because there was a teleportation array under the fortress, Li Yuanhong could return to Australia at any time.

However, Li Yuanhong did not want to wrestle with Australian officials, so he chose to retreat. If the Australian government wants to retake Australia as soon as possible, it must use its own forces. Therefore, Li Yuanhong is not worried about Australia.

But now Li Yuanhong has set his sights on another place: the Amazon rainforest. The third portal is in the Amazon rainforest.

Now the Amazon rainforest is a real paradise for mutant animals. There are mutant eagles in the sky. This kind of sculpture is very similar to the bald eagle before the end of the world, but now this guy is not a little guy with a wingspan of only a few meters before the end of the world. It shows that the mutant eagle here has spread wings and is more than 20 meters long, and his pair of sharp claws can scratch the outer armor of the tank.

There are also mutant cougars and jaguars on the ground. These two most ferocious carnivores on the ground are not only fierce, but also good at camouflaging and ambushing. Often they lurking nearby, but the prey is ignorant.

What made Li Yuanhong more headache was that the Amazon River was full of piranhas. Although these piranhas have not grown in size, their steel teeth and sharp teeth can bite through the bottom of any ship. Therefore, the Amazon River after the end of the world has become a forbidden area for humans.

However, under Naga’s reminder, Li Yuanhong knew that the real enemy of the Amazon was not the visible animals, but the venomous giant python that he ignored, especially the giant python, which was originally a tree boa, and it was the forest before the end of the world. Hidden assassin in, but after the end of the world, this assassin has become more brutal and bigger. Li Yuanhong once heard of a kind of python called Titan python. It is said that the snake is more than ten meters long and weighs more than one ton. What's more, this kind of snake feeds on giant crocodiles.

However, the current mutant anaconda is more edible than the titan python, and it has never been picky eaters. It will not let go of crocodile, giant bonefish, various animals in the jungle, and even puma cubs.

So now entering the Amazon jungle, it can be said that there is a crisis at every step, and you may die from time to time. What's more, there are alien killers hidden in this jungle, so Li Yuanhong looked at the intelligence in front of him and felt worried.

"Brother Li, why are we going to drill into the woods, and we will be killed in my spaceship directly!" Seeing Li Yuanhong's brows frowning, Fatty Lu said heartlessly.

"Fatty, I also want to fly over and find the portal, and then destroy the portal directly, so we can return safely." Li Yuanhong said.

"Isn't it? Are we going to compete with the cold-blooded mutant beasts in the jungle?" Fatty Lu asked puzzledly.

"Then I ask you, where is the specific location of the portal?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"This...no one told me how do I know." Fatty Lu scratched his bald head.

"That’s the problem. We only know that the portal is in Peru and near the Amazon River. We don’t know anything else. You know, although only part of the Amazon River is in Peru, there are also many tributaries. , The area is not so large, and there are lush woods there. It is possible that those buildings are hidden under the trees. If we don’t go down to the ground to search, I’m afraid we won’t find it for a lifetime.” Li Yuanhong said.

"Oh, then what should we do?" Fatty Lu had a headache when he saw the large area circled by Li Yuanhong with a red pen. It was an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers. If you search the carpet in such a large area, , Even one year, the search may not be completed.

"We are still divided into two groups. You take some people and take a spacecraft to quickly take pictures of the suspicious places in the rainforest. I sit behind and build a base. Once we find the portal, we will take it down as soon as possible."

"Brother Li, or if you send someone else to build the base, you can take a spaceship and go with me to find it!" Fatty Lu said so, he knew that Li Yuanhong said that he would stay behind. It seems that it is safe there. Before completing the solid fortifications, staying behind is like placing a bunch of fresh pork in front of the lion, and the lion may eat the bait at any time. And what Li Yuanhong wants to do now is the most dangerous raw meat character.

"Don’t persuade me. If I retreat every time and let others get ahead and I run to a safe place to hide, then who would dare to fight alongside me in the future? Also, the entire army, I’m the highest evolving level, and I’m here. , Can narrow the level gap between us and the mutant creatures, so that we can have one more chance of winning the battle." Li Yuanhong resolutely said.

"Brother Li..."

Fatty Lu wanted to persuade him. At this moment, a soldier ran in and reported: "Commander in chief, the chief is calling."

Li Yuanhong was taken aback for a moment. What did the chief call at this time mean?

Not knowing what the chief's intention was, Li Yuanhong took the telegram and began to read the contents.

It turned out that it was Kep who came, and as soon as he arrived, he joined several consulates to make a request to the No. 2 chief, hoping to see the battle scenes between the Chinese army and mutant beasts and zombies.

Originally, the No. 2 Chief wanted to arrange for them to go to South China to see how the army beat the zombies, but Kep rejected it: "It’s too untechnical to beat those mindless zombies. We need to look at the true combat effectiveness of your Chinese soldiers. You are supporting the liberation wars of other countries, so we also want to visit."

This obviously wanted to follow Li Yuanhong, so the No. 2 Chief also knew that he would not be in the foreign monarch's life, so he sent a telegram to ask Li Yuanhong's opinion.

Li Yuanhong was a little embarrassed when he saw this telegram. If he let this group of people come, I am afraid that many of his military secrets would be leaked, especially the spacecraft. Li Yuanhong didn't want to show his cards so early.

But Li Yuanhong had to let this Kaip follow. After all, in the future, he would go to fight on other people's turf. If he let the other party see his own strength, it would be good for both sides to fight together in the future.

Li Yuanhong thought for a while, and finally decided to let these observation groups come to visit, but the time was to be postponed. After Li Yuanhong had built the fortress in South America, he would invite those who were full and full to come over.

Li Yuanhong planned everything and called the chief directly, and then took the Fatty's spacecraft and flew to South America, the location of Peru before the end of the world.

Peru, located on the west coast of South America, belongs to the Spanish family. It was once the seat of the ancient Inca Empire, and many relics left by ancient Indians have been found here, including the broken Inca Pyramids. Of course, in these discovered pyramids, there is no teleportation array, so the pyramids that are truly meaningful to the Inca Empire have not yet been discovered.

Li Yuanhong chose a stronghold in a small town in northern Peru called Santa Maria de Neva. The town is surrounded by the continuous Andes Mountains to the west and the Amazon River Basin to the east. It can be said that it can be attacked and defended. And more importantly, the pre-apocalyptic population here is only more than 2,700 people, less than 3,000 people.

There are fewer people and fewer zombies. More importantly, there is no shortage of stone and wood, which is conducive to the construction of the fortress in the early stage. Li Yuanhong intends to complete the fortress as soon as possible, so that the masters of the observation group can come and visit.

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