Apocalyptic Hero System

: 535th Festival: Variation Queen Bee

Li Yuanhong also jumped off the city wall and looked at the speed of the peaks. He would fly to the fortress in at most ten minutes. Therefore, Li Yuanhong had to fight every second to help transport wet wood to the city wall.

Due to the existence of Li Yuanhong's space, the firewood he transported by himself was more than a group of people running more than a dozen times.

Looking at the firewood pile on the city wall, almost one person was taller. Li Yuanhong hurriedly told the soldiers: "Give me all back to the barracks, and keep the doors and windows safe for me. By the way, give me all the protective partitions on the doors and windows. Go up, the cracks in the door are also sealed for me, no one has an order, not allowed to come out! Can you hear it?"

"I heard it!" The soldiers below didn't know why Li Yuanhong did this, but it was a soldier's duty to execute orders, so all the soldiers ran to the barracks quickly.

Li Yuanhong was not in a hurry to evacuate. The firewood is piled here, not a display. Li Yuanhong intends to use one that can stop the killer bee.

Li Yuanhong took out a lot of mutant pepper powder from the space, sprinkled it on the wet wood, and then sprinkled some fuel under the firewood. Everything was set up. Li Yuanhong took out a match and planned to light it, but it was with him. When I looked up, I discovered that the swarm was less than 50 meters away from the city wall.

Li Yuanhong shook his hand and the match slipped down. Li Yuanhong quickly took out another match, struck it several times before lighting the match, and then threw it on the pile.

When the fuel meets the match, it burns immediately. The firewood that has been soaked in fuel burns immediately, but the wet wood on it only emits smoke and can't burn for a long time. So thick smoke billowed on the city, especially Li Yuanhong even sprinkled chili , Let the thick smoke choke extremely.

Li Yuanhong threw the match on the pyre. When the fire started, he immediately turned around and ran away. However, as soon as he turned around, there was a small object flying fast from outside the city wall and hitting Li Yuanhong’s clothes. The small object was too small. , Li Yuanhong didn't even feel that something fell on him.

Li Yuanhong is now two ducks and one duck, and Sa Yazi ran away, because the bee colony was less than ten meters away from the city wall when he struck a match. As long as he dared to stay on the city wall, he would be stung by the bee colony. dead.

Li Yuanhong jumped directly off the city wall. Although the city wall is more than ten meters high, for Li Yuanhong, he has teleport skills. No matter how high the wall is, he is not afraid.

As soon as Li Yuanhong jumped the wall, the wet wood on the wall was also set alight. The firewood was not ignited, but thick smoke came out. It happened that the swarm forward flew to the top of the pyre, and was caught in the thick smoke. These killer bees were immediately stunned. Many killer bees turned around and tried to avoid them. As a result, they collided with the swarm behind. Many killer bees just pretended to be faint and fell into the pyre, becoming filler in the flames.

Just when the killer bee colony was in chaos, suddenly a killer bee with a special figure flew over the colony and began to draw a circle. The colony saw the movement of the killer bee, and all the killer bees returned to order. The group was not rushing towards the rising pyre, but flew to a higher place.

As the high-altitude smoke is scattered, there is no such heavy smoke, and the swarm can easily pass through. However, during this period, some killer bees could not bear the odor of chili and fell from mid-air.

The bee colony was blocked by the firewood. Although it was only delayed for a few minutes, Li Yuanhong had run far away in these few minutes, and he was about to reach the city hall of the city center. At this moment, Li Yuanhong heard a humming sound behind him, and Li Yuanhong was shocked. He didn't expect the swarm to catch up so quickly.

How dare Li Yuanhong delay, and began to use teleport one after another. In an instant, Li Yuanhong advanced nearly 100 meters, but at this time Li Yuanhong suddenly felt a little dizzy. At this time, Li Yuanhong knew that this was a sequelae caused by a short period of massive use of magic.

However, Li Yuanhong did not dare to stop. The buzzing behind him was not only not small, but also tended to increase. Li Yuanhong gritted his teeth and ran to the city hall. As long as he entered the city hall, the swarm would not want to break through the magic defensive mask of the city hall. .

Finally a minute later, Li Yuanhong passed through the city hall magic mask and entered the protective circle of the city hall. At this time, two fire trucks stopped in front of the city hall. This was prepared by Li Yuanhong instructed the soldiers just now.

At this time, Li Yuanhong was exhausted. This extreme speed and continuous use of magic made Li Yuanhong exhausted. Only then did Li Yuanhong dared to look back and watch the movement of the swarm, but only then did Li Yuanhong discover that the bee Although the group had crossed the city wall, it was still far away from him, at least two to three hundred meters away, but the sound of the bee group inflaming its wings that I heard just now was so real, it was not like an illusion at all. Do your ears have the skill of tailwind ears?

Just when Li Yuanhong didn't know what was going on with the buzzing sound just now, the killer bee flew directly to the city hall and did not spread out to harass other places, which made Li Yuanhong very puzzled.

You must know that this killer bee is an insect, and IQ is a luxury for them. Therefore, in Li Yuanhong's eyes, this killer bee invades his fortress, mostly foraging, and the place where the crowd hits more is in the military camp. It’s not very far from the barracks. Killer bees should be able to smell the soldiers easily. At the very least, they should divide their troops to visit the barracks.

But now these killer bees not only did not divide their troops, but the swarms flew toward themselves more concentratedly.

"Damn, these killer bees are not just staring at me, right!" Li Yuanhong saw the killer bees rushing toward him fiercely, feeling a little guilty in his heart.

Sure enough, the swarms of bees rushed straight towards themselves, and didn't mean to stop until they hit the magic shield.

"I haven't provoke this killer bee in the past two days?" Li Yuanhong was very puzzled, where did he and killer bee have such a big hatred.

The Killer Bee hit the magic shield, and did not stop because of it, but hit the magic shield harder. At first Li Yuanhong didn't worry that the energy shield would break, but two minutes later, Li Yuanhong's heart came up in his throat again.

It turned out that these killer bees began to violently hit the energy shield and many killer bees even broke their wings, but these killer bees seemed to have lost their minds and completely ignored their own safety.

The impact of one or two killer bees will not have any effect on the shield, but the small number of killer bees involved in the impact this time has reached 100,000 levels. Such a large number of killer bees keep hitting, allowing the magic shield to repair the energy The speed cannot keep up with the loss caused by the impact of the Killer Bee, and the energy shield has already appeared dim, which means that if the Killer Bee continues to hit, I am afraid that the energy shield will be completely broken in two minutes.

"Bring the firetruck to me!" Of course, Li Yuanhong would not sit and wait for death. He quickly called the firetruck and said to the two soldiers: "Turn on the high-pressure water gun for me."

Although the soldiers did not know what Li Yuanhong was going to do, they still carried out Li Yuanhong's orders.

Li Yuanhong climbed onto the roof of the firetruck, and then held the water gun on the roof and aimed it at the bee colony outside the protective cover. As the high-pressure water gun was opened, a powerful stream of water rushed to the protective cover.

The biggest advantage of this magic shield is that internal attacks pass directly through the shield and will not be blocked by the shield, which means that the inside can easily attack the enemy outside, and the enemy can only watch through the shield.

And the group of killer bees were only busy attacking the energy shield, and did not notice Li Yuanhong’s small movements at all. It was not until the high-pressure water rushed out of the shield and rushed into the colony that the colony paid attention to Li Yuanhong’s changes. The water gun attack has already started, and the bee swarms want to avoid it, it is too late.

So Li Yuanhong laughed wildly and swept back and forth in the swarm with water guns. In less than a minute, tens of thousands of killer bees could no longer take off due to water on their wings and fell to the ground.

The bee colony was attacked by Li Yuanhong, and chaos began to appear again. Li Yuanhong even thought whimsically that he could destroy the whole bee colony by himself.

However, the reality is cruel. After a brief period of confusion, these killer bees led by a killer bee, and the entire team began to disperse, forming several small groups, and continue to attack the energy shield. This makes it difficult for Li Yuanhong's water gun to cause too much damage to this group of killer bees.

So Li Yuanhong asked the soldiers to drive another firetruck. The two firetruck fired at the same time and cooperated with each other to gradually compress the movement space of the swarm, and successfully gathered a few small groups of killer bees together, and then they were killed by a water gun. A positive.

Li Yuanhong's new tactics made the swarm chaos again, but another killer bee flew over the swarm and began to circle.

During this round, the bee colony returned to normal, and Li Yuanhong once again used the pincer strategy, the bee colony would fly away from the encirclement flexibly, making it difficult for this strategy to work.

At this time, Li Yuanhong noticed that this bee colony is not a simple gathering of brainless killer bees. Among them, there should be a commander, that is, the existence of the mutant queen, otherwise no one would be able to do so with such a huge bee colony. Command can move.

So Li Yuanhong handed the water gun of the fire-fighting water tanker to a soldier and asked him to operate it, but he stopped and carefully observed the group of killer bees.

At this time, in order to avoid the attack of the water gun, the killer bee colony no longer gathers together so densely. The bee colony looks very thin. This has also seen the inside of the bee colony exposed.

Li Yuanhong observed carefully and finally found that there were hundreds of killer bees of Jiaotong University in the bee colony. The surrounding one looked different from other killer bees. That is, the abdomen of this killer bee was bigger than the surrounding killer bees. It needs to be longer and the wings are shorter, so this killer bee is more difficult to fly than other killer bees.

"This is a queen bee!" Li Yuanhong judged. It seems that the changes in the previous killing bee strategies are the result of this queen bee.

Since he found the queen bee, Li Yuanhong would never let it go. The so-called killer kills the horse first, and catches the thieves first. The same is true for such social creatures.

Li Yuanhong took out the golden bow to form a magic arrow, opened his real eye, aimed at the queen bee, and instantly released the bowstring, the magic arrow moved away from the string and quickly disappeared into the air.

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