Apocalyptic Hero System

: 537th march into the Amazon jungle

Just when Li Yuanhong was furious, an adjutant whispered in Li Yuanhong’s ear: “Commander in chief, you didn’t say to take Cape away from the city, and then you added another sentence, and all the other members of the mission also brought them. To the city hall, so the soldiers did this."

When Li Yuanhong heard this, it suddenly dawned on him that he was afraid that these officials would take risks and let the soldiers act in this way. He didn't expect the soldiers to act a little rudely and caused such a misunderstanding.

Li Yuanhong coughed a little embarrassedly, and then said loudly: "Quiet, everyone here is quiet!"

Li Yuanhong is the highest commander here. These missions can quarrel with the small soldiers, but facing Li Yuanhong, they still need to show some face, and they also heard that the base was attacked by mutant beasts, but they have not listened to it since the beginning. The sound of guns, so I thought it was the soldiers who were coaxing them. At this time, hearing Li Yuanhong had something to say, they stopped the noise one after another to see what Li Yuanhong explained to himself.

"Today, the base was suddenly attacked by mutant beasts. The incident happened suddenly. For your safety, I asked the soldiers to send you to each other urgently. I did not expect that some unnecessary misunderstandings would be caused during the transfer process. Here I represent mine. Soldiers, apologize to everyone!" Li Yuanhong bowed deeply after speaking.

This made most people in the mission relieved, but there were still some people with prejudices about China, who sneered at Li Yuanhong’s explanation, and some even uttered a counterattack: "Huh, lie, there is a mutant beast attack. Why didn't we even hear a gunshot?"

This questioning caused the people of the mission to start whispering. After all, these officials are used to playing official power. How can they be so angry?

"Well, the one who questioned just now is good, why there is no gunshot, because the mutant beasts that attacked the camp today are very special. They are the famous killer bees in America!" Then, Li Yuanhong took out the corpse of a killer bee. Show in front of you.

Seeing Killer Bees, the faces of many mission officials present changed drastically. Many of them were members of the bureaucracy before the end of the world, so they also heard about things in other countries and regions. At that time, the United States made a movie called Killing. Bee, so most of the people here are still very scared to see this thing.

But some people sneered at this: "Isn't it just a few bees? What's all the fuss about?"

"This bee is not ordinary. It not only collects honey, but also eats people. The most important thing is that if ten such bees sting you, you can go to heaven!" Li Yuanhong said to the man with a smile.

When they heard that they were stung by ten bees, they would die. These people's faces became pale. After all, all the people here are very life-saving people, and they all have a natural awe of deadly things.

"General Li, how many mutant bees attacked here this time?" Kaip asked this time on the key point.

"It's not a lot, hundreds of thousands! But don't worry. Now the bee colony is gone. As long as you don't actively provoke these bees, nothing will happen." Li Yuanhong said lightly.

As soon as the swarm of bees flew away, these officials returned to their arrogant appearance. Li Yuanhong also invited you to have breakfast in a timely manner. After all, everyone was hungry all morning.

However, when everyone left the chamber and was about to go to the restaurant, they saw a black and dead killer bee covering the ground. It seemed that there were at least tens of thousands of them. This was part of the cleaning by Li Yuanhong. , Otherwise there will be more killer bee bodies on the ground, which shows how fierce the killer bees attacked at that time.

At this time, those who were still skeptical of Li Yuanhong's words finally believed Li Yuanhong's words, so many killer bees were enough to kill everyone present.

"General Li, how did you eliminate these mutant bees?" Kaip walked to Li Yuanhong and asked. He thought Li Yuanhong had any secret weapon.

"Oh, it's nothing. These killer bees are afraid of smoke and water, so I use smoke and water." Li Yuanhong said.

"What? You don't have any large-scale electromagnetic weapons? Or what kind of flamethrower?" Kaipu didn't believe that Li Yuanhong only used the most primitive means to kill these bees.

Of course, Li Yuanhong would not tell Kaip about the magic shield in the chamber. This is a military powerhouse. If his defenses are leaked, he will have some means to save his life if he turns against these people one day.

The breakfast was very rich. These foreigners were quickly overwhelmed by China's rich breakfast. What kind of buns, dumplings and wontons, foreigners did not expect, noodles can make so many delicacies. Soon these foreigners were fascinated by the food, and soon forgot the unhappiness in the morning.

In the next few days, Li Yuanhong contacted the queen bee many times and slowly learned some of the language of bees, so Li Yuanhong prepared to send bees to conduct investigations in order to find the hidden pyramids in the Peruvian jungle as soon as possible.

Three days later, Li Yuanhong had basically made a clear investigation of the outskirts of the jungle, but at a deeper level, these killer bees could not go deep. As long as they reached a certain depth, these killer bees would inexplicably lose contact. There has never been a killer bee to survive there. Come down.

Li Yuanhong remembered this distance deeply. After all, there is a great risk in the jungle, and any negligence may kill him, so Li Yuanhong is going to investigate the place first before deciding what to do next.

So Li Yuanhong led a few system soldiers into Ke Jungle. For the jungle, the role of firearms is not as effective as cold weapons. First, the trees block the line of sight, making the firearms lose their advantage in long-distance sniping. Secondly, in the jungle, any creature must be quiet. Any noise may cause the enemy. Come, and the biggest problem with firearms is noise. Once a gun is fired, the sound can be heard within a few kilometers.

So Li Yuanhong led some system soldiers to set off this time, but in the sky, Fatty Lu's spacecraft has been following. Once in danger, Fatty Lu's spacecraft can provide support.

Because of the bees' path finding, the risks outside the jungle have basically been ascertained. For those places where the risks are unknown, Li Yuanhong tries his best to avoid unnecessary risks. Li Yuanhong will never do it.

But even so cautiously, Li Yuanhong still encountered some problems. While marching, a soldier was bitten by a mutant rattlesnake hiding in the grass. Fortunately, there are many snake venom antidote in Li Yuanhong's space, which made the soldier have Survive the crisis without risk.

As the accident happened, Li Yuanhong became more careful, and the biggest risk in moving forward in the jungle was getting lost.

Now in the Amazon jungle, the trees can be said to cover the sky and the sun. Every big tree is at least 20 to 30 meters high, and the tallest is 40 to 50 meters. And the trees here have a large crown. Blocking a piece of sky, not to mention that these tree crowns are intertwined in layers, making the light in the woods poor, and even Li Yuanhong sometimes had to turn on the night vision function to see the surrounding scenery clearly.

In such an environment, it is normal to get lost, so many people who explore the jungle will definitely bring a pointing tool such as a compass. But Li Yuanhong did not bring it. This is not Li Yuanhong’s arrogance, but the compass system, which also loses its function in some special magnetic fields. Therefore, Li Yuanhong’s most dumb method, the sun positioning method, to put it bluntly, is that the hour hand of the watch points to the sun. The center line of the angle between the hour hand and twelve o'clock is the north-south line. How can it be easily positioned, and the positioning will not be abnormal due to the influence of geomagnetism. As for the problem of the sun being blocked by the tree canopy, bees follow and can observe the situation above the tree canopy at any time, not to mention such a big sun.

Of course, there is a more dumb way to walk along the Amazon River, but that is more dangerous. The river is a place where many animals drink water, including all kinds of carnivores and crocodiles in the river. The crocodile did not develop into the abnormal body shape of the crocodile on the coast of Australia, but the crocodile here is more flexible and fierce. Li Yuanhong once saw a mutant jaguar drinking by the river, and was bitten by the crocodile in the river. Dragging into the river, the jaguar didn't even have time to dodge.

And it’s the rainy season in Peru. When you walk along the river, you must be careful about the problem of the river’s rising water.

After a day of trekking, Li Yuanhong finally approached the place where the killer bee mysteriously disappeared, so Li Yuanhong set up camp in advance and prepared to explore the next day.

At night, Li Yuanhong arranged to light a bonfire around him. The flame was still something creatures feared, but it also attracted creatures. However, there was flame lighting, which was more conducive to shooting. So Li Yuanhong chose to light a bonfire.

However, shortly after Li Yuanhong lay down, something ran over: "Report to the commander-in-chief, there is movement in the woods ahead!"

"Did you see anything?" Li Yuanhong got up and asked.

"I can't see clearly!" The soldier replied, in fact there is no way. The night in the forest is too dark, and the moon and stars in the night sky can't shine into the forest.

Li Yuanhong didn't say anything. He just stood up and followed the soldiers out, camping in the wild, and sleeping at night. He couldn't take off his clothes, so Li Yuanhong could go into battle at any time.

In the forest at night, the moisture is heavy and there is a faint mist, which greatly hinders the sight. The bonfire that Li Yuanhong ordered to ignite is still burning, but the range that the flame can illuminate at this time is very limited, at most But ten meters away, no matter how far away he was blocked by Wu Wuqi.

At the edge of the fog, Li Yuanhong vaguely saw something swaying in the jungle, and there was also a faint rustle of grass blades. But because it was in the mist, it was impossible to tell what kind of creature it was.

Li Yuanhong immediately opened the eyes of reality, and only then could he see clearly that there were many spiders with heads and feet the size of chickens moving back and forth in the grass.

"Damn, when did this spider become a gregarious animal?" Li Yuanhong looked at the densely moving spiders in the grass, and his scalp began to numb.

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