Apocalyptic Hero System

: The five hundred and thirty-ninth day war giant spider

With the sound of the explosion, not only the branches broke, but the mutant spiders hiding on the tops of the trees also fell one after another. These spiders are no longer the little chicken-sized spiders Li Yuanhong encountered before, but there are real hen-sized spiders. Even Li Yuanhong saw a basin-sized spider falling from the canopy on all fours. Come down.

The bombing lasted for two minutes. The canopy of nearly 20 meters in radius was bombed, and the dark forest finally became bright. However, the sound of bombing and the death of many spiders also angered a spider in the forest that was the size of a round table.

The spider heard the explosion and felt the wailing of his own people before they died, and began to rush towards the explosion in anger.

Li Yuanhong finally sighed at this time. The surrounding trees were blown into flat ground. The dead spiders spread all over the ground. Most of them were killed by bombs, and some were killed by the impact of air waves. After all, this mutant spider is not like Zombies and some mutant beasts can strengthen their appearance defenses. The weak defense is the biggest weakness of the mutant spider.

Li Yuanhong began to look around, and soon found a few fresh silk cocoons, so Li Yuanhong hurried over and cut the silk cocoons with a knife to reveal the spearmen inside. At this time, the gunman inside had stopped breathing, his complexion was pale and bloodless, and when he touched his skin, he felt that there were no bones in the soldier's body, only a solution like water.

Li Yuanhong knew that this was the result of a large amount of digestive solution injected into the soldier's body by the spider. Spiders have no teeth, so they need to inject their digestive juices into their prey when they eat. After the prey itself melts, they start to **** the juice from the shell. Li Yuanhong did not expect that in less than ten minutes, these soldiers would be attacked by spiders.

Li Yuanhong is not sad now. He quickly put a few corpses into the space, and then prepares to evacuate from here. The sound of the explosion has caused a commotion in the forest. If he does not leave, I am afraid that not only spiders, but even more powerful creatures will come. At this point, Li Yuanhong didn't dare to go head-to-head with these mutant beasts.

Li Yuanhong just pulled out and evacuated, and there were many spiders around. These spiders were obviously mutant spiders that had been hidden in the grass. These spiders were not as big as the mutant spiders on the tree, but there were a lot of them. There are several thousand.

Li Yuanhong did not dare to love the battle now. He took out many grenades from the space, and they were all flame grenades. Now there was an explosion sound. Li Yuanhong was not afraid to explode several times, so Li Yuanhong's grenades were thrown into the spider group one by one. Spiders were blown to death and ignited by flames, and the spider swarms suddenly became chaotic. After all, fear of fire is their nature.

The flame ignited the spiders, not only did the spiders behind them dare not come forward, but the ignited spiders kept scurrying in the spider swarm, maybe they wanted the help of other spiders, maybe they can alleviate their trouble. It was painful, but the fire did not go out, instead it ignited other spiders.

Flames continued to spread among the spiders, and the road to the outside of the spider jungle was also let go by the spiders. Li Yuanhong took this opportunity to immediately lead the remaining soldiers and ran out quickly.

Just as Li Yuanhong approached the edge of the spider jungle, a piercing shriek suddenly sounded, and a behemoth jumped from the top of the canopy, followed by a spider web larger than that in the jungle, spraying head-on.

It was too late for Li Yuanhong to avoid the spider web. Just as the spider web was about to spray on Li Yuanhong's body, a figure crossed Li Yuanhong and rushed directly into the web.

The spider web was shocked and immediately contracted, tightly wrapping the soldiers rushing into the spider web. The giant spider that came down on the head saw prey entering the web, so the silk thread in its mouth was quickly pulled back, and a pointed needle was extended from its mouth to pierce the soldier's body straight.

The soldier was still conscious at this time, and shouted in pain, but soon he lost his breath.

Li Yuanhong just saw someone rushing into the spider web. He was taken aback. When he saw that his soldier was killed by the spider again, he was angry and rushed towards the giant spider after pulling out the Shenyue Knife.

After the spider injected the digestive juice into the soldier's body, it bit off the silk thread, then kicked the soldier's body wrapped in a silk cocoon with one foot, and then sprayed a cobweb at Li Yuanhong again with its mouth open.

Li Yuanhong was prepared at this time, so naturally he would not be hit again, so he teleported, avoided the attack of the spider web, and quickly approached the abdomen behind the spider.

Just as Li Yuanhong was about to approach the fat abdomen behind the spider, the fluff on the spider's abdomen suddenly stood up, and then all shot out like flying needles.

Li Yuanhong didn’t expect this spider to have this trick. He didn’t have to dodge and was shot straight. Fortunately, Li Yuanhong was wearing a full-body armor. The fluff of those spiders was shot on the armor. Suddenly, Li Yuanhong’s armor looked like hairy. Inlaid with a layer of fluff, even the face mask was covered with fluff, so Li Yuanhong suddenly lost his sight.

Li Yuanhong knew that the major event was not good, so he quickly teleported and avoided the place. At the moment when Li Yuanhong teleported, a straw-like straw pierced the place where Li Yuanhong had just been.

Li Yuanhong avoided this level and quickly saw the fluff on the mask with his hand cleared away. Only then did he know that the spider was fighting his own soldiers. The fluff stabbing just now caused several soldiers to fall down. Know whether it is life or death.

Li Yuanhong also didn't care about the hair on the armor now, and raised his knife to rush towards the mutant spider again. He was bound to destroy the spider as soon as possible.

Due to the control of several soldiers on the front, Li Yuanhong rushed again and did not attract the attention of the giant spider. After all, Li Yuanhong's fur covered the smell of Li Yuanhong's body. Just when Li Yuanhong approached the spider's abdomen again, the spider's body surface had just become bald, and at this time many needle-like fluffs grew again. Obviously, the spider intends to continue attacking with this fluff.

Naturally, Li Yuanhong would not let it succeed. At this time, the steel knife in Li Yuanhong's hand had already turned into a spear, and it was pierced directly into the chrysanthemum in the spider's abdomen.

The giant spider originally wanted to shoot out fluff to attack again. The qi in the body has almost gathered. As long as the fluff is in contact with the air more and becomes harder, it can spray. But when the chrysanthemum is stabbed by someone, it gathers. The anger vented along the chrysanthemum. What made the mutant spiders unbearable was the pain caused by the chrysanthemum break. Then the giant spider spewed out a big web with its mouth, and the soldier in front of the spider, It happened to be out of the way, and the blow was completely invalid.

In fact, this blow was caused by the giant spider due to pain, and was not anticipated in advance. Next, the giant spider was completely messed up, and the spider web sprayed everywhere, regardless of whether there was anyone in front of it, the fluff on the body also wanted to spray, but before each launch, the chrysanthemum was tight and the body was in a bucket, so that the spiders gathered The breath vented.

On the contrary, the spider’s long legs and huge jaws are still a threat to Li Yuanhong and everyone, but now the giant spider attacks are out of order, and they are waving wildly to relieve the pain of the chrysanthemum.

Gradually, the giant spider's swing speed became slower and slower, and no spider silk could be ejected from its mouth. Li Yuanhong knew that the end of this giant spider had arrived.

Li Yuanhong didn't wait for the giant spider to get close enough, and while the spider turned around and left his abdomen in space, one stepped to the side of the spider, holding a steel knife in his hand, and slashing fiercely on the spider's abdomen. Above, a wound deep to the internal organs of the abdomen appeared on the side of the giant spider.

The giant spider roared, and the whole body was like chicken blood. It suddenly became frantic and turned to charge towards Li Yuanhong, but Li Yuanhong did not fight him head-on at all. He teleported to avoid his attack and appeared in the spider's body again. On the other side, another knife cut a wound out of the abdomen on the other side of the spider.

After so many times, the giant spider finally fell to the ground and could no longer get up. Li Yuanhong was a teleport and appeared on the head of the giant spider. The steel knife was inserted straight into his head, and the giant spider roared. Then his limbs were limp, and he lay on the ground and lost his breath.

Li Yuanhong didn't care about the mutant spider, but ran towards a few soldiers who fell on the ground. These soldiers fell to the ground after being hit by the spider's fluff, and did not know whether it was alive or dead.

Li Yuanhong ran up to a few people, stretched out his hand to test his sniff, and his breathing was fairly stable, indicating that they were not in serious trouble. After checking with the real eye, he was relieved. It turns out that the fluff is not toxic, only anesthesia effect. This kind of bird-eating spider only relies on anesthesia to make opponents lose their resistance. Whether it is the spider silk or the hair on the body, this is the effect. If it were not for Li Yuanhong in the jungle, wearing this full body armor at all times, the wave of fluff attack just now, Li Yuanhong was the first victim.

Li Yuanhong took out some clean water from the space and poured it on the faces of these soldiers. It didn't take long for these soldiers to wake up. Several people were still looking at the surroundings in confusion. The surrounding trees were sprayed with silk by mutant spiders, and several trees were chopped down by the spider in a mess. Obviously, the spider attacked very violently just now.

"Everyone, hurry up and clean the battlefield, we will leave here in two minutes!" Although the mutant spider is dead, the noise here is too loud, so it is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

Li Yuanhong first came to the spider's corpse, and directly packed the entire corpse into the space, and then found a special container to pack all the spider silks. These spider silks are good things, and the spider sprayed by this giant spider Silks are all high-end products, but they are rare high-quality spider silks. Li Yuanhong has already figured out the use, and is waiting to go back to experiment with his own ideas.

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