Apocalyptic Hero System

: The 542nd Snake Plague

When mentioning snake mutants, Li Yuanhong remembered the resentful scarlet eyes he saw when evacuating from the jungle. Although Li Yuanhong did not fully see whether the giant snake had horns on its head, one thing can be confirmed. The giant snake definitely not to be trifled.

"It seems that the trouble is big this time!" Li Yuanhong shook his head helplessly, the snake mutant is really a headache.

First of all, most of these snake-like mutant beasts are poisonous. If they are bitten, if they are not treated in time, it will be fatal. Secondly, this snake can climb trees and walls. No matter how high the city wall is, these mutant beasts can easily climb the city wall and attack the city without a siege ladder or a human wall. When the snakes enter the city, it is a catastrophic killing. You must know that this snake can only see the cracks. If you want to clean up the snakes in the complex city, it is more difficult.

Li Yuanhong came down to the wall with a heavy heart. Li Yuanhong was not a person who was waiting to die. He had to arrange everything before the arrival of the snakes.

Now the fortress defense measures are quite complete. Long-range cannons, short-range cannons, as well as various anti-aircraft weapons and flame-jet weapons are arranged in an orderly manner around the city wall, but Li Yuanhong always feels that something is missing.

"Snake creatures?!" Li Yuanhong muttered, thinking about the weaknesses of snakes that he had introduced when reading books before.

After thinking about it, Li Yuanhong remembered two stories, one is the story of Xu Xian and the white lady. The white lady drank realgar wine by mistake and turned back to the original shape and scared Xu Xian to death. In other words, snakes are afraid of realgar.

Unfortunately, there is no realgar in my space, so I can only ask if there is any stock in the rear. However, as a common Chinese medicine, realgar should be found quickly.

So Li Yuanhong picked up the dedicated phone and dialed the domestic number. After a beep, a clear woman's voice rang: "Who are you looking for?"

Without thinking about it, Li Yuanhong blurted out, "I'm looking for Erya!"

The other party was stunned for a long time before asking and then asking: "Who are you? Who are you looking for?"

Li Yuanhong was so angry that he shouted: "Can't anyone tell me what I am? I'm looking for Erya!"

The other party seemed to be stunned again, and then Li Yuanhong heard a "beep" sound from the microphone, apparently the other party had hung up the phone.

This time it was Li Yuanhong's turn to be stunned. Under what circumstances, how could anyone dare to hang up his own phone? This is too courageous.

Now Li Yuanhong became angry and was about to call the operator again, and give the operator a lesson, but Li Yuanhong suddenly thought of a question, why did the other party hang up.

Li Yuanhong suddenly thought that he asked the other party to find Erya, but Erya is the nickname of his logistics minister, who is an important official position with heavy power, how could it be possible for others to call himself "Erya". Even if someone knew Erya's nickname, no one would dare to call him that way, unless the person didn't want to go on to work in logistics.

Now it's Li Yuanhong's turn to be embarrassed. He is used to calling Er Ya, but his real name is not up for now. It seems that he needs to pay more attention in the future.

Li Yuanhong dialed the phone again. At this moment, a voice came out from the other side. Li Yuanhong could hear that this person was not the operator who connected for the first time.

"This is Li Yuanhong, please pick up your logistics minister." Li Yuanhong said.

"Ah?!" The other side put through a surprised voice, obviously the other side did not expect to receive a call from the commander-in-chief so early.

After a moment of stunned, the operator hurriedly said: "Well, I will contact Logistics Minister Zheng."

"Okay, I'm waiting here!" Li Yuanhong finally knew this time that Erya was surnamed Zheng.

Soon, Er Ya's voice rang on the other end of the phone: "Hey, is this Brother Li?"

"It's me! Listen to me, I am in urgent need of realgar and white wine, ordinary white wine, get a batch as soon as possible, and then transport it to Spring City No. 1 Warehouse." Li Yuanhong has no politeness, after all, the war is imminent and there is no time to talk.

"Okay, I'll do it right away!" Er Ya quickly hung up the phone.

After Li Yuanhong arranged the first thing, he set about preparing for the second thing.

The second thing Li Yuanhong remembered just now was that when he was a child, he had read a story about a sailor who was seriously ill on a boat and was thrown onto an isolated island by the crew (this person is not Robinson). As a result, he found one on the island. Planting snakes, this kind of snake will go to the sea every day to eat seashells, and then return to the island to rest, the route remains unchanged.

So this sailor saw the trees on the island cut into wooden knives and then buried them in the crawling path of the snakes. When these snakes came after eating their food, when they passed the wooden knife area, their abdomen was cut open by the wooden knife and died. In this way, the sailor did not take any risk, got the snake meat, and found pearls in the snake's belly.

Of course, in the end, the sailor got better. After he was rescued, he sold pearls and made a fortune. This is not the point. The point is that the snake’s abdomen is a weak point. Set up traps outside the city to attack the snake's belly.

Thinking of doing it, Li Yuanhong immediately arranged the engineering battalion to start construction outside the city to dig traps.

One minute and one second passed, and the sun had begun to sink. Finally, when the last afterglow of the sun was about to disappear, a message came from Erya that the first batch of realgar and white wine was ready.

However, you are happy when Li Yuanhong hasn't come yet. A bee flies over Li Yuanhong's head and starts to draw circles. Li Yuanhong is taken aback when he sees it.

"The snake group has been lurking ten miles outside the city, and may launch an attack at any time."

Seeing this message, Li Yuanhong knew that when night came, it was when the snakes attacked.

"Quickly, you bring a team of people to quickly transport the realgar and liquor from Spring City, and then..." Li Yuanhong whispered to a system soldier captain.

The captain couldn't help but nodded, and then quickly disappeared inside the chamber gate with someone.

After ordering this matter, Li Yuanhong took out the walkie-talkie again: "Engineers? Evacuate back to the city immediately!"

Li Yuanhong did not want the soldiers who were swinging the shovel picks to be suddenly attacked by the snakes, so he ordered the engineers to withdraw to the city.

As the engineers retreated, the city defense gate was tightly closed, and the entire city entered a state of alert.

And in a woods ten miles away from the city, many snakes are entrenched here, one by one spitting out red letters, **** air, filling the entire deep forest. In the center of this group, there is a big tree with a height of more than 20 meters, and the snake dragon occupies this tree, with a huge snake head, showing the crown of the tree, staring at Li Yuanhong’s fortress, his blood-red pair His eyes are constantly looking for the enemy who killed his beloved son.

Li Yuanhong arranged everything and came to the city wall, ready to personally direct the battle. After all, facing mutants, especially snake mutants, many soldiers would have fear in their hearts, and Li Yuanhong stood on the city wall even if he did not participate in the battle. Will also invisibly boost morale. Now Li Yuanhong is any factor that can increase the battle win rate and will do it.

Just as Li Yuanhong was rushing to set up his defenses, there was a sudden chill, and Li Yuanhong felt that he was being stared at by some fierce beast. It was a look full of resentment and murder.

Li Yuanhong looked in the direction of murderous intent and saw a wood vaguely. On the canopy of that wood, there was a pair of vicious eyes staring at him.

When Li Yuanhong felt the opponent's gaze, the snake dragon also noticed Li Yuanhong. Li Yuanhong was still wearing his armor. Although he was not as **** as a giant python, the attire made the snake dragon recognize Li Yuanhong at a glance, so he roared in anger. The snake dragon did not wait for the sun to set, urging the snakes to start attack.

As a result, the trees in the woods shook violently, and black snakes rushed out of the jungle, black, yellow, flower, and snakes of various colors crawled all over the ground, making the scalp numb.

And these snakes are not ordinary grass snakes, either venomous snakes or pythons. Once each kind of snake bites a person, that person will be seriously injured.

The black snake group pressed against the city wall, Li Yuanhong kept watching, and did not order an attack, and when the snake group was less than three miles away from the city wall, a voice rang beside Li Yuanhong.

"Li...General Li, why don't you attack? This group of snakes will soon be under the city!"

Li Yuanhong turned his head to look. It was Kaipu who turned pale and looked at Li Yuanhong with pleading eyes.

There are many observation groups with Kaipu. Today they heard that Li Yuanhong came back from exploring the jungle, and they heard that the loss was great. Their understanding of Li Yuanhong dropped a lot, especially Kaipu, now they suspect that they will come. Please Li Yuanhong, is it correct? Fortunately, I have not issued an explicit invitation. Otherwise, if I invite you to return a waste, it will be difficult to preserve your position as commander.

When they heard that mutant beasts had attacked the city, they all thought it was a good opportunity to observe Li Yuanhong’s battle strength, so they rushed to the city to see what happened, but when they first arrived at the city, they saw a crowd of black snakes rushing. Then, although these people have also lived in the last days for so many years, most of them are hiding behind to command or engage in transportation. They have never personally visited the front-line battlefield. Where have they seen so many mutant beasts, they still make people stand up. The snake-like mutant with goose bumps, so several members of the mission collapsed to the ground on the spot.

Although Kaipu was not so bad, his face was a little pale with fright, his hands and feet were numb, especially when he saw Li Yuanhong let the snakes approach the city wall, he questioned him loudly.

"No hurry, now is not the time to attack!" Li Yuanhong glanced at Cap and said disdainfully.

Cap also wanted to force Li Yuanhong to issue an attack order, but seeing that Li Yuanhong turned his head and ignored him, Cap swallowed his words.

However, Kep called the guards beside him and whispered: "You go to the airport, fill up our plane, and let the pilot prepare to take off at any time."

The guard looked at Cap in surprise: "General, we won't..."

"Shhh, just know it, don't say it, do it quickly. Once the city is broken, we will leave immediately."

Many people in the mission saw Kaipu's small actions, and others began to make arrangements quietly. Regarding this, Li Yuanhong dismissed it, and Li Yuanhong completely ignored this small action.

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