Apocalyptic Hero System

: 548th Festival Re-enter the Jungle

Sen Xiaobao escaped a catastrophe, but his hunting experience in the jungle wanted him not to relax his vigilance. He noticed that the python hit the tree, then bounced off the ground and did not move. How could this opportunity be let go , So he slashed at the python's seven inches with a knife.

The python just fainted and didn't faint. When Sen Xiaobao knife cut over, he wanted him to slid forward and avoid the seven-inch blow.

However, Sen Xiaobao's knife was still cut on the python's body, but with this cut, the knife didn't cut off the mutant snake. It was like cutting it on a rubber, and the knife was actually bounced back.

Although the mutant python was not cut off, the cutting power of the huge knife still made the mutant python very painful, and the small wound in the abdomen gave the mutant python a retreat. So the mutant python swiftly drilled into the grass.

Now Sen Xiaobao can't make people feel right. Although the sword can't cut this mutant snake, the snake still has a big weakness, that is, the snake will slow down when turning, otherwise his crawling will be affected. As long as it slows down, Sen Xiaobao has a chance to attack.

So Sen Xiaobao followed this mutant snake closely, and the distance between the two sides was only half a step away. If the mutant snake wanted to attack him, he would have time to escape.

The injured mutant snake just wants to escape quickly, and then find a place to recover. The injured creature is very dangerous in the jungle, and the smell of blood will attract other predators.

However, there are so many trees in the jungle, this mutant snake can't raise the speed at all. Whenever it encounters a turn, he has to turn, and at this moment, Sen Xiaobao will shoot a continuous crossbow arrow. Although the crossbow arrow cannot break the defense, it is huge. The impact force caused the mutant python to shiver, and Sen Xiaobao aimed at seven inches of the snake, where the snake’s heart is located. If this place is hit by a crossbow arrow continuously, even if the defense is not broken, the mutant snake can still be The heart is damaged.

After several attacks, the mutant snake finally couldn't stand it, and decided to take a desperate blow. So when he turned again, the mutant snake went around the trees and didn't move on, but turned his head to ambush.

When Sen Xiaobao rushed forward to continue chasing the mutant snake, the mutant snake unexpectedly bounced and rushed towards Sen Xiaobao.

Sen Xiaobao didn't prevent him, seeing the snake's head bit his own face. Just at this critical moment, a bow and arrow shot into the open mouth of the mutant snake. The inertia of the bow and arrow carried the snake's body and flew straight. To the trees behind, the mutant snake was nailed to the trunk with a "duo" sound. Although the mutant snake hadn't died at this time, the mutant snake only had twitches before it died.

Sen Xiaobao, who was shocked in a cold sweat, was relieved for a long time. He quickly turned around to find the person who saved his life. After searching for a long time, he did not find a figure. When he was puzzled, there was a voice above his head: "You Even if you kill this snake, it doesn’t count as your achievement."

Sen Xiaobao looked up along the voice and found a person standing above the canopy. This person was covered in black armor and holding a crystal clear white bone bow. It was the guard who had arrived.

Sen Xiaobao scratched his head embarrassedly: "I have been chasing snakes and forgot the distance."

"Hmph, I was so embarrassed by a small mutant snake, and I am ashamed to say that you want to kill more, you almost lost your life here!" The guard scolded severely.

"..." Sen Xiaobao opened his mouth to plead, but the guard did not give him a chance to speak.

"Hurry back to the hunting area, you have wasted more than an hour."

After speaking, the guard fell gently from the tree, like a leaf falling. After falling, the guard came to the undead python and hit his seven inches with a punch. The snake twitched violently. Then it stopped.

Seeing that the snake was dead, the guard pressed his hand on the snake, and the snake disappeared out of thin air.

Seeing this scene, Sen Xiaobao opened his mouth in surprise, and didn't know what to say. Before that, Sen Xiaobao had never seen the magic of space equipment. He was longing for this kind of magic that can change things out of thin air.

"Team... Captain? How did you make that snake disappear?" Sen Xiaobao looked at the guard with envy.

The guard glanced at Sen Xiaobao: "After you pass the assessment and become my official team member, come ask me again!"

After speaking, the guard jumped into the canopy again, and disappeared into the woods with a few jumps like an ape.

Sen Xiaobao clenched his fist fiercely at this time: "I will definitely become an official player!"

In the evening, all the team members returned to the camp one after another. Most people caught only one or two mutant snakes today, none of them reached the standard. Even the confident Sen Xiaobao before, only hunted three mutant snakes. .

Regarding this result, the guards did not express disappointment. If these people meet the standard on the first day, it is estimated that the tail of a fighter like Sen Xiaobao will definitely rise to the sky. So suppress them on the first day.

However, the guard was still stern on the surface, and his voice sternly roared: "Look at you all bear-like. At the beginning, a proud **** was like a cock. Why are eggplants wilted now? You, how did you get that injury? Catch a snake, yourself. You still fall into the ditch, and you are too scared to move by the snake rushing towards you. You thought it was a beautiful kiss!"

Those who were named by the guards blushed, similar to monkey bottoms. Of course, those who were not named also had their heads lowered and did not dare to look up at the guards.

"Okay, I don't think it's worth wasting your saliva with you. Go back and read this book to me. If anyone has such a grade tomorrow, don't even think about messing around here. I'm going to **** off, save my eyes!"

The guard finished cursing, and left in a good mood, leaving behind a group of soldiers with bowed heads. These soldiers walked to the front and picked up a jungle survival manual one by one, and started to study.

This booklet not only introduces the characteristics of the jungle, but also introduces how to hide yourself in the jungle, how to cover up the smell on your body, the characteristics of various mutant creatures, and **** these creatures quickly. In short, this book The book is an encyclopedia of jungle survival. Of course, these didn't come out of thin air. It was done by Li Yuanhong with the help of little Yi Ling. You must know that little Yi Ling is the soul of the elves, and the elves are the king of the jungle. There is nothing she does not know about the jungle.

If this book were released from the very beginning, it is estimated that soldiers like Xiangsen Xiaobao would sneer and throw them in the corner. They wouldn’t even take a look at them. But with such achievements today, they have to pay attention to this forest. , So throughout the night, I saw these soldiers, one by one, like primary school students, each holding a book, studying attentively, and not forgetting to watch and discuss while eating.

The training was in this atmosphere, and five days passed in a hurry. Although the time was short, these fighters had basically become qualified jungle soldiers.

The next day, Li Yuanhong took a group of systematic soldiers and stood in front of these jungle soldiers.

"Today, I will lead you into this jungle. This time is not a drill. No one is protecting your safety, because your captain will face the same danger as you. It is you who can save your lives these days. The learning experience, and the comrades around you.

This forest is terrible, but also lovely. As long as we respect her, she will give us back. Today, I will lead you to uncover her mystery.

Okay, let's not say much, let's go! "

After finishing speaking, Li Yuanhong took the lead and went to the jungle. This time, Li Yuanhong came prepared, not rushing in like the last time.

The jungle is still dark and damp. Although it is the dry season of the Amazon River, the dampness that the tropics can’t drive away envelops everyone. It is a torment to march in the dense forest, and for protection, the heavy armor cannot be separated. Physically, this makes many players sweat already.

But the whole team was moving in an orderly manner. The guards were responsible for clearing the way in front. Li Yuanhong was in the middle to respond. Fatty Lu's spacecraft was hanging high in the air, ready to give fire support at any time.

Due to the previous snake plague and spider nest cleaning, there was almost no danger on the first day of the trip, but Li Yuanhong knew that this was caused by a short alien animal gap. Once this gap expires, other evils The beast fills the vacancy of the mutant bird spider and snake dragon, and marching here will not be so easy.

The team slowly moved forward and gradually entered the middle of the jungle. The faintly Li Yuanhong heard the barking of the monkey, which made Li Yuanhong immediately alert. The so-called no tiger in the mountain, the monkey dominates the king, this monkey is not an easy animal.

Li Yuanhong had experienced the greatness of monkeys in Mount Emei, so he passed the order quietly: "For a while, no matter what happens, don't stop."

No one opposed Li Yuanhong's order, not only because Li Yuanhong was an officer, but also because Li Yuanhong knew the animal habits of this jungle.

As the monkeys got closer and closer, there were many more beating figures on the canopy. These monkeys were dark in color and small in size. They were one size smaller than the monkeys Li Yuanhong had seen in Mount Emei, but these monkeys jumped between the trees. , Very flexible, especially the long big tail, is often used by monkeys as ropes, entangled in branches, and used for swings.

When Li Yuanhong and his party passed by, these noisy monkeys immediately stopped yelling and looked at Li Yuanhong and his party with vigilant eyes, confirming that these humans were not here to catch them.

Li Yuanhong ignored the monkeys, but accelerated the speed of travel, preparing to pass through here quickly.

At this moment, a naughty little monkey suddenly jumped down from the tree and rushed behind a soldier walking at the end of the line. At this moment, the soldier did not notice, and a little guy ran to him. Behind him, he still moved forward normally.

The little monkey saw that the big man ignored him, so he saw the grenade on the soldier’s waist. This thing was like a fruit in the jungle. So the little monkey jumped and quickly rushed to the soldier’s waist. Reached out and took a grenade away.

The soldier felt that his waist had been touched. He lowered his head and found that he was missing a grenade. This changed his color. You should know that the explosion of the grenade is very dynamic. In case his grenade detonates, he can’t get it. Well, it will attract the ferocious mutant beasts in the woods, so he lowered his head and looked for it.

"What's wrong?" The soldier next to him saw his companion listened, so he turned around and asked.

"I dropped the grenade!" the soldier said, looking down.

"The grenade fell? Why are you so careless!" The soldier next to him also followed.

But at this moment, a stern voice rang: What are you two doing? "

When the two raised their heads, they saw that the guard was standing in front of them.

The two quickly stood at attention: "Captain, his grenade is off, we are looking for it!"

"Have you forgotten even the basic orders? The commander-in-chief asks us to keep going. Do you want to disobey?"

"But..." The two wanted to say something, but they were interrupted by the guard.

"Run quickly, catch up with the troops in front, and see how I look back to clean up both of you!"

The two dared not quibble, and quickly followed the troops. The two of them didn’t see it. Because the little monkey succeeded, the other monkeys slowly turned their eyes to the team, ready to go down and steal some food. If the guards showed up later, these monkeys could take the two soldiers who left behind. , Take it all away.

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