Apocalyptic Hero System

: The 560th Festival: Cap's Invitation

After finishing the mission in Marsh City, Li Yuanhong sent a part of the system soldiers to garrison, and then Li Yuanhong went back to the house.

As for the Hydra egg obtained, the system prompts that it can build a Hydra nest. The system prompts that this Hydra is a creature second only to the dragon. In an environment like the swamp, it is even more powerful than the dragon. , But after thinking about it, Li Yuanhong gave up the plan to build a hydra nest. After all, he had fought with Yaqi Orochi and knew that the hydra is powerful. If the thing is not controlled well, it will harm the world. He still refuses to give it to the offspring. Stay hidden. However, this snake egg is a great tonic. According to the definition in Xiu Xian's novel, it is a holy medicine that allows people to cross a certain barrier and directly rise to a level, and this level is beyond 30 levels.

Yes, Li Yuanhong is planning to eat this Hydra egg, or eat it raw, so Li Yuanhong was a little dizzy when facing this snake egg the size of a thermos. He was afraid that after eating this snake egg, he would be Break your belly.

However, in order to break through to level 30 as soon as possible, Li Yuanhong endured it, so he drank nearly a pot of snake egg egg liquid for five. To be honest, after drinking this pot of egg liquid, Li Yuanhong has never wanted to eat eggs in his life. The raw snake eggs are not delicious at all, and the raw smell is very strong. During the drinking process, Li Yuanhong felt vomiting several times, but Li Yuanhong It's better to endure it.

After drinking, Li Yuanhong felt that his abdomen was distended, and his abdomen slowly felt like a fire, burning in the abdomen. Now Li Yuanhong is suffering from double pain. The swelling pain and the pain of burning class made Li Yuanhong sweat profusely. , Clenched his teeth, try not to let himself "hum".

Li Yuanhong knew that the more painful, the better he would be to himself. This is the pain that must be experienced in dredging the veins and veins. If you survive it, the sea and the sky are broad. Therefore, Li Yuanhong gritted his teeth and did it cross-legged. The meridians that walked began to fill up the unopened veins.

At the beginning, the veins were strenuous and difficult, but the energy of the snake egg was strong. After only a few collisions, the blocked meridians began to loosen. Finally, with the continuous energy supply of the snake egg, the closed meridians were finally opened, and Li Yuanhong could finally call The energy of the whole body was up, level 30, and finally reached, Li Yuanhong crossed that threshold. Li Yuanhong's previous realm could only be called the mortal level, but now he finally reached the holy level, that is to say, he was only a little short of the level of the dragon clan.

After two hours of suffering, Li Yuanhong finally completed the upgrade. At this time, he only felt that his body was sore. The sweat made his whole body sticky, which was very uncomfortable. However, Li Yuanhong did not take a shower immediately, but opened the watch panel and checked his attributes. .

In addition to the upgrade of basic attributes, Li Yuanhong was most pleased that all the skills had broken through the master level and entered the early stage of the holy class, and Li Yuanhong got a holy space-time skill: "space-time domain".

"Spacetime Realm

Saint-level skills, at the beginning, you can expand a space-time domain in a radius of ten meters around your body. Any attack within the domain can be instantaneous, and you are in charge of the time and space in the space-time domain.

However, the opening of the space-time realm requires huge magical energy and vigor energy. Therefore, when one's own mana and mental power are not enough, don't open it forcibly, otherwise it will easily cause backlash. "

When Li Yuanhong saw this skill, he felt energetic. This is the legendary invincible domain. Before fighting with giant zombies, he encountered some zombies who understood the domain. In those domains, the enemy’s attacks were strengthened, and he The attack was weakened, and even Li Yuanhong always felt the feeling of being bound by the magic elements of the enemies in the domain. If it weren't for the special time and space magic of his own, I am afraid that he would have died in the hands of those zombies.

However, Li Yuanhong looked at the conditions for the activation of this space-time domain, and it was a bit staggering. The required mana and vigor energy turned out to be half of his existing energy, and now Li Yuanhong can maintain the domain for less than one minute. Seeing this, Li Yuanhong was a little disappointed. What he can do this minute, it seems that this magic cannot be used casually.

With a new skill, although it is not the kind of skill that can be used casually, it is also a trick to press the bottom of the box, so Li Yuanhong is not disappointed, and he can practice it later and see how powerful it is.

After reading his attributes, Li Yuanhong hurried to the bathroom to wash himself up, and finally let the stickiness on his body disappear, when Li Yuanhong was about to rest and sleep, suddenly the door was knocked.

"In the middle of the night, what's the urgency!" Li Yuanhong complained, but he went to the door and opened it.

As soon as the door opened, it turned out to be Kaipu standing at the door, but today Kaipu does not have the composure of the past, but his expression is very nervous.

"What's the matter, my dear General Cape?" Li Yuanhong said with a very affectionate expression.

"General Li, help!" When Kaip saw Li Yuanhong, he suddenly said something inexplicable.

Li Yuanhong was taken aback, thinking that someone was chasing him, so he glanced at the door. The corridor was very quiet, and there were system guards arranged by Li Yuanhong standing guard around him. That was a big swordsman, not a small thief. Of the past.

So Li Yuanhong asked again: "General Cape, what happened?"

"I... Our Australia has been attacked by monsters, and several islands have already fallen. If you don't take action, I am afraid that the Australian Survivor Government will not exist!" Kep said anxiously.

Li Yuanhong was stunned. Li Yuanhong had studied the terrain of Australia. Those mutant beasts on land would not wading and attack those islands unless they were mutant beasts in the water, just like the crocodile dragon last time.

"Sit inside General Cap, let's speak slowly." Li Yuanhong quickly let Cap into the room.

After Kaip sat down, his expression was slightly calmer, and after taking the boiled water that Li Yuanhong handed over, after drinking, his complexion recovered.

"That's it. We have lost contact with the islands in the past two days. So yesterday we sent a troop to check it out. As a result, only one commando team of more than 200 people escaped, and this person was scared and almost insane. Fortunately, he brought back a lot of photos, so that we know what kind of creatures attacked the island, you know, that is such a terrible creature that I have never seen in my life, it is estimated that the nightmare of the next half of my life will be affected by this The monster has taken over!" Kaipu got more excited as he said, obviously the monster had a great impact on him.

When Li Yuanhong was said so, he was also very curious, what kind of monster fell on the ground that made this battle-tested general so excited.

"Then General Cape, did you bring the picture of the monster?"

"Bring... I brought it." Kep quickly took a photo out of his arms, and then quickly stuffed it into Li Yuanhong's hands, for fear that the photo would stay in his hands for an extra minute.

Li Yuanhong took the photo and watched. There was a huge monster in the photo, raging and killing on an island. There were more than 100 soldiers shooting around. These soldiers held guns, RPGs, and even Li Yuanhong saw some soldiers holding the most advanced Laser weapons, but these weapons do little harm to this monster.

Li Yuanhong recognized this monster at a glance, that huge octopus head, Li Yuanhong can recognize it everywhere, yes, the monster in the photo is Crusu, this monster Li Yuanhong has contacted twice and killed one. It's just that the Crusu killed by Li Yuanhong was obviously smaller than the Crusu in the photo.

"Why did this monster get to you?" Li Yuanhong frowned and said this by accident.

"What? General Li has seen this monster?" Kaipu's eyes lit up when he heard Li Yuanhong's words.

"Oh, I've seen it, and I have fought this monster." Li Yuanhong said lightly.

"What, you fought with this monster, then... what was the result?" Kaip asked Li Yuanhong, staring at him closely.

"Look, I'm still standing here, what do you think of the result!" Li Yuanhong asked back.

"So General Li has a way to kill this monster?"

"If there is a way, there are also, but..." Li Yuanhong began to speak in an official manner.

"General Li, don't hesitate to mention it!" At this time, Kaipu agreed to Li Yuanhong's request 100%.

"Is this required... In this way, you should return the base last time so that I can station troops there, and then talk about other things." Li Yuanhong said.

"Are there any other requests?" Kaipu was surprised. Li Yuanhong's request was almost the same as no request. The previous base was destroyed by the crocodile dragon, and there is no loss to Australia. In fact, Kaipu didn't know that there was a portal under that base, and that was what Li Yuanhong cared about.

"For the time being, this is the request, wait for the place and see the specific situation of the monster before making it!"

The reason why Li Yuanhong didn’t talk about conditions with Kep was that Australia had almost nothing to see. Even if it did, it was in the mainland of Australia. But now it’s basically occupied by orcs and mutants. It is better not to say.

Soon the two parties agreed that Li Yuanhong sent troops as soon as possible to help him settle Krusu, and Kaipu and the others would provide basic material guarantee.

Li Yuanhong sent Kaip away, then immediately put on his clothes, hurriedly descended to the basement, passed the portal, and returned directly to Sakhalin Island. This time Li Yuanhong was going to Dragon Island. Please ask the dragon to come out. Several times before Li Yuanhong invited the dragon to participate The battle of the zombies, if a dragon joined the battle against the zombies, it would be like an adult fighting a preschooler. It was definitely a unilateral killing. Unfortunately, the dragon directly refused to prevent Crusu invasion.

This time Crusu appeared, Li Yuanhong wanted to see what excuses the dragon would use to perfuse himself, he couldn't have this alliance, and occupy his own island without making any effort!

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