Apocalyptic Hero System

: The 562nd: Gentle Township

Everything was arranged, Li Yuanhong still had more than ten hours of free time, so Li Yuanhong passed the portal and returned to Spring City.

Li Yuanhong has not come back for several months after this trip. Spring City is now changing day by day. Trade between countries is constantly changing. Especially the re-cultivation of a large number of cultivated land in the Northeast, coupled with the application of crystal nuclei and spar, has turned the farmland production over. Rising, so Li Yuanhong now has grain in his warehouse, so he doesn't panic.

Li Yuanhong returned home with the lights on and faintly talking, but other countries are not so lucky. Many countries have caused serious shortages of materials due to the large-scale loss of land, especially those countries that have retreated to isolated islands. Escaped the pursuit of the zombies, but closed himself up, and the strength gap with the zombies was getting bigger and bigger, and finally there was no chance of counterattack.

So when Li Yuanhong started trading, many countries trapped in isolated islands found hope and came to Spring City to do trade. Li Yuanhong has a complete trade and transportation system. As long as you buy something, it can be delivered by free shipping. This solves the worries of many people. In fact, Li Yuanhong's transportation system is very simple, that is, the portals established in various states, but Li Yuanhong will never disclose this secret.

With the increase in trade in Spring City, Spring City has once again become a city that never sleeps.

When Li Yuanhong returned to Spring City, the lights were on, there were lights and feasts everywhere, and there were people who went to get off work at night and went to the night market. However, the weather in Spring City is still very cold at night, so ordinary people are basically in warm rooms, only those who are energetic Young people in this cold night will run out.

Li Yuanhong walked down the street to her home. She didn’t know what Li Luoxia had become now. Did she think of herself every day? If it wasn’t for the danger of the battlefield, Li Yuanhong wanted to take Li Luoxia with her, but the war made women. Go away, this sentence still makes sense.

Li Yuanhong returned to the door with a light on and a faint voice, apparently Luo Xia was at home. So Li Yuanhong knocked on the door lightly. It was a long time since he returned home, and he didn't even know where to put the key.

"It seems that next time we will prepare a special space ring to store the house key." Li Yuanhong thought. Since upgrading to level 30, Li Yuanhong has also upgraded the watch system to level 30, and the space has been expanded to 10,000 cubic meters. It’s really hard to find a key in the space.

While Li Yuanhong was thinking about it, a woman's voice came from inside the door: "Dad, you go and open the door, I'm cooking."

"No, I'm researching intelligence in the strategy room!" A slightly vicissitudes of voice came.

"Really, you still have to read the newspaper when you go to the bathroom. You can't really help it!" Then he complained.

Li Yuanhong heard it and knew that it was the old man reading the newspaper in the toilet, and he also called it research intelligence. So Li Yuanhong knocked on the door twice.

"Here, who is it?" The woman's voice walked into the door.

Li Yuanhong did not answer, but knocked on the door twice. Li Yuanhong wanted to give Luoxia a surprise.

There was the sound of the door lock opening, but the door only opened a slit, and a pair of vigilant eyes appeared. Those were familiar eyes of Li Yuanhong, bright and full of vitality.

"Ah!" there was a scream, and then the door was closed with a bang.

"What's the situation?" Li Yuanhong was taken aback.

"Is something going wrong at home, or..." Li Yuanhong didn't dare to think about it, for fear that a green light would really shine on his head.

Just when Li Yuanhong was stunned, the door was suddenly opened, and a figure rushed over, then plunged into Li Yuanhong's arms, hugging him tightly, without saying a word.

Li Yuanhong's mood was released at this time, and he hugged this gentle soft body tightly, wanting to hold it like this for the rest of his life.

But at this moment, an anxious cry came from the door: "Daughter, what's the matter?"

Then a sound of dragging shoes came from inside, and then a cough interrupted the two people's embrace.

Li Yuanhong and Li Luoxia were separated, and their faces were still slightly ruddy. Obviously, this passionate scene was a bit shameful when the old man saw it.

"You kid still knows to come back. This walk has lasted for several months. I thought you forgot about my family's Luoxia!" The old man began to scold Li Yuanhong.

"Dad, Yuanhong is back!" Luo Xia Li Yuanhong excused.

"Daughter, please don't excuse him. I don't know how to write a letter to my family when I'm out of the house, to see how uneasy you look every day, and see that you are thin now!" The old man is reluctant.

"Dad, Luoxia, do you smell anything?" Li Yuanhong was embarrassed and didn't know what to say, suddenly a burnt smell came out.

"Ah, my food!" Li Luoxia exclaimed, and quickly turned and rushed to the kitchen.

"Hmph, just know to interrupt, come in!" Lao Zhangren said with a sour face.

Li Yuanhong walked into the door. The furnishings of the room were the same as before, and they were neatly packed. Li Yuanhong put on slippers, and meals were already placed in the living room at this time. Obviously Li Luoxia and Lao Zhangren were going to have dinner.

However, Li Yuanhong suddenly discovered that there were three pairs of bowls and chopsticks on the table, which made Li Yuanhong's heart move and his complexion became worse.

The old man took a look at Li Yuanhong, and then snorted: "My family Luoxia thinks about you every day. I have to prepare a pair of chopsticks for dinner. She said, it's like you are eating with us. You said you kid, all day long. Have you done anything to apologize to Luoxia at my home?"

When Li Yuanhong heard this, he knew that this was the old man who blamed him for the random speculation. Although he didn't say it, he was still aware of it. Li Yuanhong blushed and quickly said: "How is it possible? I am fighting outside every day, so how can I have time to do other things?"

"You guys don't play sloppy eyes here, saying, the one Yan who sent back to Spring City some time ago...what is Yan?"

"Yan Peiqi!" Li Yuanhong said casually.

"Yes, that's the little girl, who is not big and clever and clever, what is your relationship with her?" Lao Zhangren asked with a look of the prisoner.

"It doesn't matter?" Although Li Yuanhong said no, he knew in his heart that the little girl Yan Peiqi had some thoughts about him.

"It doesn't matter? Why does that little girl keep your name on her lips all the time?" The old husband continued to interrogate Li Yuanhong.

Just when Li Yuanhong couldn't answer, Li Luoxia walked in.

"Dad, you don't need to interrogate my husband. I believe Yuanhong, he is definitely not the person who is in trouble, is he!" Li Luoxia put the vegetables in her hand on the table and said with a smile, but The hand that was free was severely pinched on Li Yuanhong's waist.

This woman pinching the waist and twisting the flesh is an expression of absolute love for you, but the person who is pinched must also behave as if nothing has happened, otherwise the strength behind it will be greater.

"Yes, I just have the guilty heart, and I don't have the guts!" Li Yuanhong said in his mouth, but looked at Li Luoxia with an expression of accusation.

Li Luoxia didn't hold it for long. Seeing Li Yuanhong's expression of accusation, she let go of her hand. At this time, Li Luoxia said: "Yuanhong is back, I'm going to cook a dish." She said, she was ready. Go to the kitchen.

Li Yuanhong knew that once Li Luoxia left, the old husband's interrogation would begin again. So Li Yuanhong also stood up: "It just so happened that I brought some fruits back, and I also went to the kitchen to wash it."

So Li Yuanhong followed Li Luoxia into the kitchen.

The interrogation storm came to an end. The fruits that Li Yuanhong had brought from Dragon King were all placed on the table. These fruits had never appeared before. This made Li Luoxia and Lao Zhangren very curious, so Li Yuanhong began to introduce them.

"This is called Liuli Cuiguo. After eating it, it can smooth out the intestines and stomach, repair the dark wounds in the intestines and stomach. After eating it, let your old appetite open up." Li Yuanhong graciously handed a Liuli Cuiguo to the old man.

"Hmph, I'm not old yet!" Although Lao Zhangren was reluctant, he took Li Yuanhong's fruit and threw it into his mouth to eat.

Then Li Yuanhong introduced the fruits one by one, which made Lao Zhangren's tight face finally relax, and Li Yuanhong's heart also relaxes.

A meal was finally finished in a perfect and warm environment, and Li Yuanhong finally felt the warmth of home. As for the warm little movements of Li Yuanhong and Li Luoxia during the dinner, the old man did not see it, and just kept talking. All kinds of dishes were delivered, and finally a table of dishes was completely eaten.

After the meal, Li Yuanhong took the initiative to help Li Luoxia clean the dishes, which made the old husband's face finally smile: "The man who can clean the dishes is a good husband!"

After the old man had finished speaking, he turned around and returned to his room. After all, the young couple had to do some gentle things. It was inconvenient for him to have this light bulb on the scene.

Next, Li Yuanhong and Li Luoxia whispered, and all kinds of intimacy were unscrupulous. Especially before going to bed at night, Li Yuanhong could not help but quietly swallow the pill that Dragon King gave him. I have to say, this old dragon king gave him The food was good. After taking it for a long time, Li Yuanhong felt that his abdomen was hot, and an inexplicable strength began to cover his whole body.

As a result, a passionate battle began at night. After more than an hour, the battle was nearing its end. Li Yuanhong looked at the tired Li Luoxia, gently covered her with a quilt, and looked at the flushing cheeks, adding a bit With the beauty of women, Li Yuanhong wants to embrace the person in front of him forever, but Li Yuanhong knows that that will only bring disasters. Only by fighting constantly can he live a peaceful life for his loved ones.

The spring nights are short, and the gentle time always flies so fast. The night seems to have passed in an instant. Li Yuanhong hurriedly ate breakfast and said goodbye to Li Luoxia. Li Luoxia could only watch Li Yuanhong’s back in silence. She knew that this man would go to the battlefield again.

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