Apocalyptic Hero System

: Day 576: Cannibal leader

Li Yuanhong looked at the castle on the spacecraft, feeling faintly uneasy. This castle has a rough appearance, but a careful person can find that the stones used to build the city wall are not ordinary stones. Li Yuanhong faintly felt that these stones There is a kind of energy radiating further out. I have heard from Little Yi Ling before that the orcs have a special skill. Although they can’t make magic themselves, they are very resistant to magic and they are also good at making weapons that resist magical attacks. , Including the city walls.

It seems that the stone of this city wall is a kind of stone that has been treated by magic. This kind of stone has a certain degree of magic resistance. Moreover, its own missiles also greatly reduce the damage to it. If you attack rashly, you will definitely lose a lot. Big.

Unknown Fatty Lu said disapprovingly: "Brother Li, this city is not the high point of the city wall. There are many stupid and big people on the wall, and it is nothing great. You can let me blast some missiles at it, and you will surely give you this wall. When it was necessary to blow him up, you used me to attack the first city last time, guaranteed a missile meal, and immediately trampled the swamp city for you."

Seeing that Fatty Lu was bragging here, Li Yuanhong didn't refute him, so he said, "Okay, I will give you ten drones. You used ten drones to crash the city wall!"

"It's not easy!" Fat Lu was very confident.

"But you can't attack from our direction, move the drone to the east direction, and then attack." Li Yuanhong said.

"Brother Li, is it necessary to hide it?" Fatty Lu asked.

"You can do whatever you want, there isn't so much nonsense!" Li Yuanhong said angrily.

"Okay, understand!" Fatty Lu quickly turned the wind direction and immediately followed Li Yuanhong's instructions to start mobilizing the drone to attack.

In fact, the loss of drones is huge now. In the battle with Thunderbird, the loss of drones was close to 20, which is close to one-third of that of drones. This time Li Yuanhong gave Fat Lu ten more powers. Half of them are drones.

Fat Lu mobilized the drones with full confidence, and Li Yuanhong was afraid of what would happen to Fat Lu, so he stared at the screen and monitored the movements of the drones.

The drone circled the city wall and quickly reached the east of the city. Then Fatty Lu began to lower the drone's flying height and prepared for a precise bombing. He would blow away the tall city wall with one blow. Fortunately, Li Yuanhong demonstrated his merits.

However, the whereabouts of the drones were quickly discovered by the orc guards on the city walls. These orcs were not at a loss like the previous alien races, but a posture of contempt for everything. Don't care.

Fat Lu thought that these orcs had never seen anything in the world, did not know drones, and treated them as unusable mutant birds. This was just enough for Fat Lu to succeed in a sneak attack. As a result, the drone is closer to the city wall and is already within two kilometers. At this distance, people who don’t know how to control the drone, as long as they press the missile launch button, the missile will automatically blow up the city wall. Lost.

However, just when Fatty Lu was about to issue an attack order, many huge crossbow arrows flew out of the city wall. These crossbow arrows are not like human crossbow arrows before the end of the world, which only have a range of about one kilometer, but a full range of three kilometers. Moreover, these crossbow arrows are very fast, and during their flight, one can obviously feel the faint flame spray on the tail of these arrows.

Fatty Lu didn't expect such a powerful city defense weapon on the city wall. He said at once that eight drones were shot down on the spot and turned into a pile of waste in front of the city wall.

The other two drones, if it were not for the operator's swift hands and quick eyes to avoid this section, I am afraid that they would have become Fatty Lu's air blowers like the others.

Fatty Lu was unforgivable at this time: "What happened to you guys, did they all grow up eating dry food? I usually see you laughing and joking, thinking you guys have a lot of skills, why would you drop me at a critical moment? Isn't that just a few thick feather arrows? How come they were shot down so easily, and my face was lost by you!"

The operators who were shot down the drone were speechless at this time, and Fatty Lu's self-confidence also made them bewildered by those seemingly big-and-bad, mindless orcs.

At this time, Li Yuanhong said next to him: "I said Fatty, where are you shaving, the remaining two drones will not be able to keep it!"

Li Yuanhong reminded that Fatty Lu hurried to observe the stereo imager, right? The remaining two drones are also at stake. Those city crossbows are surprisingly fast. Although they are not as fast as machine guns, they are also comparable to rifle shooting. , And there are as many as five or six ballistas like this on a city wall. Two drones can be said to be dangerous. If you are not careful, you will end up in pieces.

"Hurry up and get me up!" Fatty Lu shouted anxiously.

"No way, now the ascent space is blocked!" The two operators are trying to control the drone, and please answer Fatty Lu's question.

At this moment, Fatty Lu rubbed his hands and didn't know what to do.

"If you can't go high, you can fly at low altitude. I think those crossbow arrows also have dead ends." Li Yuanhong said.

At Li Yuanhong’s reminder, Fatty Lu also slowed down and said quickly: "Yes, yes, run away at a low altitude, and survive first."

The two drones hurriedly dreamed of a dive, and those crossbow arrows flew past the tails of the two drones, and they shot the two drones across.

However, of the two drones, one of the drones dived slightly too far. Its belly touched the ground. A spark was drawn from its belly. The speed of the entire aircraft dropped. At this time, it was trying to pull up, but the speed could not keep up. Hit a rock with one head and exploded with a boom.

Fatty Lu is not in the mood to teach the operator anymore. After all, the last plane has not left the danger zone. Those crossbow arrows are still chasing the drone’s buttocks and shooting fiercely. As long as the operator misses a little at this time, this last One was scrapped, and Fatty Lu lost his face at all.

Fortunately, the last drone flew through the danger zone without danger, and returned to the high altitude safely. At this time, there was cheers in the control room, and Fatty Lu sat down on the chair and kept wiping. Han, in the scene just now, his whole body was beaten with sweat.

"Fatty man, your plane can't return directly. Let him fly eastward and fly back five kilometers away." Li Yuanhong said.

"Brother Li, is that necessary? In case this drone is destroyed again..." Fatty Lu wants the last drone to come back soon, so that the last bit of face can be preserved sooner.

"Stop talking nonsense, this is an order." Li Yuanhong's tone was strong, beyond doubt.

"Okay!" Fatty Lu knew he could only follow orders at this time.

So the drone made a long circle before flying back to the spacecraft.

And just when Fatty Lu was glad that his last face was preserved, there was a man roaring in the main hall of the Orc City. This person is sitting on the tall golden beast head chair in the middle of the hall. The height of this chair is more than one meter and five meters, and the width is more than one meter. The person sitting on it still feels that the chair is a bit narrow, because this orc is full of feet. He is more than three meters tall, and his body is very strong, his muscles are growing explosively, as if every cell in his muscles is flooded with power. So this makes his community very generous, which makes this chair a bit outdated.

And under the chair, the wolf cavalry who fed the Thunderbirds, all bowed their heads and knelt under this huge orc, shaking violently, not daring to move, for fear that the people above were not yelling at them, but waving their hands. They will be immediately pulled out by the surrounding samurai and beheaded with one knife.

Fortunately, this huge orc is somewhat sensible, knowing that he can't make decisions easily when he is angry, so he just yells at these wolf cavalry for trash, and has not tried to kill.

"You tell me, who dared to kill our mythical beast?" the orc leader asked with a sullen face.

This orc leader is just like the evil ghost with blue face and fangs in Eastern mythology, and his low voice makes the whole hall full of gloomy and terrifying atmosphere.

"Leader, we went to feed the Thunderbird holy beasts this morning, and found that their lair had been destroyed, and the holy beasts were gone." The leading wolf cavalry said tremblingly.

"Sneak attack? You mean someone attacked my holy beast mountain?" The orc chief asked in doubt.

"Yes, when we delivered the meal yesterday, the holy beast was fine."

"Hmph, do you have something to hide?"

"Big Chief, how dare we deceive you!"

This sentence is true, the big leader of the orcs, from the cannibal tribe of orcs. This cannibal is not a legendary cannibalism, but a real cannibalism. In their territory, a large number of humans are captured by them every year and sold to them as slaves. They are said to be slaves, but they are actually the blood of these cannibals. None of those humans can live for a month, and eventually they all become the dishes of these cannibals.

These cannibals not only eat humans, but even the orcs are not spared. Those orcs who dare to offend them, then be careful. These cannibals will appear behind them when they don’t know. Will disappear in this world, even their bones will disappear completely.

At this time, all the orcs would understand that the disappeared orc had already entered the belly of the cannibals.

Today, sitting on the throne of the leader is a cannibal. His muscles indicate that he is very violent, and he does not mind the mistakes made by his subordinates, so he has a reason to take those mistakes. His subordinates are listed as a dish in his own recipe.

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