Apocalyptic Hero System

: Festival 586: Recapture the City Gate

Seeing that their teammates were instantly swallowed by the flames, the bobcat soldiers ran even harder with scared faces. However, they felt it became more and more difficult to breathe. In the end, they only felt dizzy, nauseated and weak. In the end, they all fell down. The ground, and the spreading flames finally swallowed these lynx soldiers, leaving only a place of coke.

The flame did not stop spreading because of the deaths of these lynx soldiers, but continued to spread wantonly in the sewers. Finally, the flames passed every corner of the sewers. The rapidly spreading flames turned the entire underground waterway into a big explosive. The barrel, the rapidly expanding air is looking for vents everywhere, and those sewer outlets become these vents.

As a result, the sewer exits in the city made bursts of "bang bang" blasts, and fires burst out from the exit of the sewers. From the outside of the city, there were fierce explosions in many places in the city, and the fire blazed into the sky. Very lively.

However, the city is in order, unaffected by the sewer explosion.

In fact, Li Yuanhong began to lay out defenses as early as he took the city. Li Yuanhong once invaded Marsh City through the sewer, and of course he would not ignore the sewer.

When Li Yuanhong entered the sewer, he was even more surprised. Where is the sewer, it is clearly a secret underground passage. Not to mention walking people, even the five-meter-high giant zombies can easily walk through the underground.

If the enemy enters the sewers without knowing it, it is very likely that they will go straight to their command post. At that time, without any effort, they will kill themselves, the city coach.

Of course Li Yuanhong would not let this happen, so Li Yuanhong started to make arrangements and turned the sewer into a huge trap.

Of course, the organ arranged by Li Yuanhong is a very common thing, but it is intangible and invisible, and it is very suitable for this sewer. This thing is biogas.

The biogas itself is the gas produced by garbage corruption, and it is completely integrated with the smell of the sewer. Therefore, the lynx clan found no abnormalities after entering the sewer. But the high concentration of biogas can make people suffocate to death, but these lynx tribes wear masks, which allows them to perfectly shield the biogas from the attack, but it also makes them miss the opportunity to find the trap.

In fact, the existence of high-concentration biogas is not without loopholes for the rats living underground. Because of the high-concentration biogas, they were either smoked to death or escaped from this place that made them feel threatened by death. So when the Lynx clan walked into the sewer, they felt unusually quiet, but they didn't pay much attention to this phenomenon.

Li Yuanhong filled the entire sewer with biogas, and then set up thermal imaging monitors at some key points. You should know that the sewer was dark and ordinary monitors could not see anything at all. So when the lynx went into the sewer, Li Yuanhong found out soon.

The last is the device to detonate these biogas. This device is very simple. It is an electronic lighter. This thing will produce electric sparks as long as it is energized. Like a lighter or a home gas stove ignition device before the end of the world, they all have similar principles. This thing It's very simple and very small. Those Lynx tribes didn't even notice that there was such a deadly thing hidden in the corner of the sewer.

The last thing is to wait for the prey to be hooked. When these lynx soldiers walked to the center of the sewer and confirmed that they could not escape the sewer, Li Yuanhong pressed the power switch of the electronic ignition device. This is what the chief lynx heard, "The source of the sound is just his urging charm. When he hears this sound, it means that the door to death has been opened.

The sewer trap was activated. Li Yuanhong was not paying attention to the movement of the sewer. Li Yuanhong knew that the orcs who invaded the sewer were over.

Even though these orcs are very resistant to burns and have thick skins, oxygen deficiency is the most deadly in a small space after high-temperature combustion. A large amount of oxygen is burned out, and the external oxygen is unable to escape due to the heat flow inside the sewer. Enter, then the sewer is in an oxygen-free environment. This situation will continue to cool down the entire sewer. Li Yuanhong believes that those orcs cannot hold their breath for that long. This is the reason why those Lynx soldiers finally felt dizzy and nauseated. It was hypoxia.

The lynx tribe all died in the sewers, but the tiger general and the ogre leader didn’t know. They only saw fire pillars rising into the air and explosions, which made the leader think that the lynx tribe was successful. Then he said to the tiger general next to him: "It seems that Captain Bobcat has lived up to expectations and has succeeded. You are also ready to prepare. Once the city gate opens, we will rush in. I must avenge my three thousand guards!"

"Yes!" The Tiger General salutes, and then retreats, but the Tiger General is not as happy as the ogre leader. He always finds the explosion in the city a bit strange, the explosion seems to be rhythmic, and The flame of the explosion was columnar, rather than the divergent mass of ordinary explosions. The most important thing was that the city lacked the kind of sound that should be called killing. All of this was completely unlike the phenomenon that a successful sneak attack should have.

However, he can't be very sure now, so he dare not rashly confront the big boss. After all, the big boss is eager for revenge. If there is any words that go against him, he may be regarded as a betrayal of him. It was very miserable, so he could only be prepared in advance to prevent the enemy's tricks.

The team was ready to stop soon and waited for the gate to open. At this time, I heard the sound of killing at the city gate, accompanied by fire, which was obviously a fight.

Hearing the killing call and the fire at the city gate, General Tiger was relieved a little bit, because these things fit the appearance of a sneak attack. After a while, the gate opened slowly, and those on the city wall The figure of the soldier also disappeared.

"Hahaha, Captain Lynx succeeded, we walk into the city, I want to see who dares to take my city so boldly!" The cannibal leader exclaimed excitedly.

"Yes!" The Tiger General still had his face tense, he was still suspicious of everything just now.

"After a while you go and order, everyone is ready to fight at any time, and tell the leading troops, once they enter the city, immediately control the city gate and wall, so that we can enter and attack, retreat and defend!" The tiger quietly Instructed the leopard clan soldier.

"Yes, my lord!" The soldier took the order.

After ordering everything, the tiger general was slightly relieved, and then ordered the first troops to go.

The vanguard had only 1,000 soldiers, and the ogre leader saw that only 1,000 soldiers set off. He was very puzzled: "General Tiger, how can only send 1,000 soldiers?"

"Big Chief, now the specific situation in the city is unknown. We must guard against fraud. I will send a thousand soldiers to control the city gate first, and then send a brigade into the city, so that even if there is fraud, we have the city gate. You can advance and retreat freely in the back." General Tiger said.

"Well, what you said is reasonable!" On the surface, the ogre leader smiled and applauded, but in fact he sneered at General Tigerman in his heart: "Is there anything to be careful about? Could the enemy take the initiative to open the city gate and let us in!"

Although he couldn't understand the cautiousness of General Tigerman, the ogre leader was patient, waiting for the result of the attack by this thousand orc soldiers.

The thousand soldiers attacked the city smoothly, without anyone blocking it, and without any attack. The soldiers on the previous city wall seemed to have completely disappeared.

These soldiers quickly took control of the city gate, but they did not find any dead bodies at the city gate, but there was a strong **** atmosphere, so that they did not pursue the problem of the disappearance of the body. It was also the Lynx soldiers who advanced to the city. Packed away.

Controlling the city gate, some of these soldiers rushed up to the city wall quickly. As a result, there was no one on the city wall and the corpse disappeared. However, with the guess at the city gate, these soldiers relaxed their vigilance and went to the outside of the city. The Tiger General gave a signal.

"Look, what am I talking about? This lynx clan is capable. Didn't the city gate be successfully taken down? I think you are worrying too much. What are you waiting for? Hurry up and attack the whole army and retake the city in one breath. Let our soldiers have enough to eat!" The ogre leader urged.

Now the Tiger General has no choice but to order the entire army to enter the city.

The entire team of nearly five thousand people slammed into the city with great vigor, but the Tiger General had been paying attention to the surroundings. He always felt that there was something wrong with the battlefield, but he could not find the wrong place.

The team quickly reached the city. At this time, the ogre leader faintly heard the sound of killing in the city, accompanied by fire, so he said to the tiger general: "Look, the lynx must be inside with the rebels. Together, let's go and support!"

The Tiger General also heard the voice, and now he couldn't tell whether this city was taken by the Lynx, he could only take one step at this time.

So he ordered the troops to kill inside the city, but at the same time secretly instructed the soldiers guarding the city gate to guard the city gate and not to let the city gate be closed, otherwise their retreat would be cut off and they would become a turtle in the urn.

Hearing the tiger general's request, the city gate officer immediately patted his chest and said, "Please rest assured, as long as I have a life left, this city gate is safe!"

"Okay, the life of the whole army is up to you!" General Tiger gave a deep salute.

"The general can't use it, I must do my best to guard this city gate!" The little orc leader, how dare to accept the tiger general's gift, quickly helped the tiger general.

"Okay, I'm relieved!" Seeing that the little boss finally paid attention to this matter, the tiger general was relieved to follow the large troops and kill him in the city.

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