Apocalyptic Hero System

: The six hundredth quarter

When Li Yuanhong was looking for a hiding place, he suddenly heard someone talking in the next room.

"Second brother, let's run away!" said a very weak voice.

"Escape, how to escape, do you know what the fate of those who escaped are? None of them can escape, and they all become food for the minotaurs." This voice is stronger than the previous voice. And very tough, obviously this person is stronger than the one just now.

"But...but, if we stay here, we will also be...eaten. I found it in the kitchen...the kitchen...before...the body of the girl next door who disappeared two days ago, the corpse without meat, only... Bones and heads."

"I know that those minotaurs raise us to eat our meat, but what about that, as long as we don’t resist, you and I can live two more days. Those minotaurs like to eat women and children, like us, As long as they don’t resist, they won’t eat us, after all we can still work for him."

"But... if everyone else eats it up, then it's our turn, we won't be eaten yet!"

"Wait until then! Okay, don't think so much, rest early, and work tomorrow!"

When Li Yuanhong heard this, he shook his head helplessly. These survivors, caught by these minotaurs, were raised up as pigs, and their mentality has completely changed. If some of them can get things done, maybe Let them help with internal response, but these two people are definitely not good. One is too timid and fearful, and the other has been completely enslaved. Let him do internal response, I am afraid the first thing is to sell himself.

Li Yuanhong crossed this house. The area here is not very large, but at least there are hundreds of people. Except for the two people who talked just now, everyone else slept very heavily with almost no sound. Occasionally some people talked, but it was also sleep talk. Most people His dreams are all nightmares, almost without exception, they are all shocked screams.

Li Yuanhong crossed this section of the place that made his heart congested, and quickly came to the center of the castle. This is a very tall castle, very similar in style to ancient Greek temples. The whole building has seven floors, and each floor has four. Five meters high, it is no wonder that each of the minotaurs is about three meters tall. Without fixing the height, these monsters can't live inside.

The tall buildings are made of pure white marble, and the outer walls are also carved with many reliefs. It is too dark at night and Li Yuanhong does not pay much attention to the content of these reliefs.

At this time, at the entrance of the tall castle, there was a group of tauren soldiers patrolling, and faintly, noisy noises came from the castle, as if a banquet was being held inside. It's midnight, does the tauren also have nightlife?

Li Yuanhong detoured to a secluded place behind the castle, threw the city climbing hook, reached the outer wall of the castle, and quickly climbed up. When he was about to reach the top of the city wall, suddenly there was footsteps on the wall and fire shaking.

"You said it was in the middle of the night, why did Na Crusu run here?" A Minotaur's voice sounded.

"Just now I heard the brother on duty in the inner hall say that this Klusu is here to let our big boss take good care of this place and don't let humans pass. They said that their breeding experiment was destroyed by humans and dragons last time. There must be no problem at this time." Another urn sounded.

"Cut, I didn't make it right, and let us help them keep the gate. This is too bad for us!"

"Who said no, it's just that the chief has a good temper. If I don't give a good enough thank you gift, I won't even see them!"

"Actually, you are a bit too much to do this. At any rate, they are also allies of our **** clan. I heard that their incubation technique was also passed on from the great demon leader. I heard that that technique was originally recorded in the book of the devil. Last time, it’s a pity that the book of the devil suddenly disappeared last time, leaving only some broken pages, or there is no need for a complete record of their repeated experiments." A Minotaur said.

"Where did you say that book of devil went?"

"I heard that the demon leader suspected that the necromancers did it."

"Commander family? No, aren't they our allies?"

"Allies? Just pull it down! Last time the little devil found an ancient tomb and was about to explore it. As a result, the group of necromantic skeletons crossed a foot, and the leader of the little devil had to divide his forces to fight for the cave, and he would not protect it. The number of soldiers in the Book of Demon was reduced. It is said that a three-headed Hellhound was sent urgently from the Great Demon and disappeared in that accident. There is an evolutionary capable of dealing with Hellhounds. Under the circumstances, humans could not do it , So in this matter, ten of them are the skeletons who did it."

"Really? There is still this thing!"

"Yes, or why did Chief Milo Taunos recently let us clean up the zombies on the island because he was afraid of these dead spirits and stabbed us in the back."

"Oh, that's the case, I thought it was to hunt the zombies' nuclei."

"What's the use of those low-level zombie crystal nuclei? Now the warehouse of the big boss is almost full."

"What you said is that those crystal nuclei have no effect on our evolution..."

The two Minotaurs walked away slowly. What the two Minotaurs said gave Li Yuanhong a lot of information, but many things have to be confirmed inside, especially the specific attributes of the Milo Taunus. Li Yuanhong also Know nothing.

After the two tauren walked away, Li Yuanhong quickly climbed up the wall, quickly rushed to the other side of the wall, and was about to jump down the wall, but at this moment, Li Yuanhong caught a glimpse of a secret whistle hidden under the wall, which made Li Yuanhong hurry. Bring an emergency brake. But at this moment, there was the sound of footsteps on the wall again. Now Li Yuanhong will be spotted by the Minotaur unless he jumps back outside the wall. But in this way, everything is back to the original point. Li Yuanhong has to find another one to enter the inner city. Location, it takes more time.

Li Yuanhong quickly took out a stone from the space. This stone was about the size of a washbasin. Li Yuanhong threw the stone against the wall in the direction of the two minotaurs who came on patrol. Li Yuanhong is now thirty. At the second level, the strength of this stone is not much weaker than the artillery shells before the end of the world. When the stone and the bricks of the city collide, you will hear a loud bang.

This sound immediately attracted the attention of all the minotaurs with bright and dark whistles on the entire back wall. Under the wall, three minotaurs suddenly jumped out. They quickly ran towards the sounding wall, and the minotaur on the wall also rushed to the side of the wall. , Stretched his head to look under the wall, but they searched for a long time and found nothing.

It can’t be blamed that they didn’t find out that Li Yuanhong used Anjin and the stone collided with the city wall.

As a result, Li Yuanhong’s stones were exploded and shattered, and the broken stones were scattered under the corner of the wall. There were a lot of rubble under the wall, and a few more rubble would not attract attention at all.

There are also bumps on the city wall, but in the middle of the night, no one will find it unless you look closely. Therefore, these minotaurs with a stupefied character did not find anything at all, so these minotaurs returned to their respective positions.

They didn't see it. Just when they were searching, a black figure jumped from the wall to the ground and quickly disappeared into the darkness of the inner castle.

Li Yuanhong jumped into the ground of the inner fort and rushed forward quickly. The root of the wall is at least a few hundred meters away from the inner fort. There is almost no shelter in this inner fort. Even if there are a few trees, it is lonely and cannot hide people at all, so Li Yuanhong must Rush into the castle as soon as possible and find a place to hide.

However, this inner castle is even more heavily patrolled. The open guards and secret posts around the castle can be said to be densely distributed. There are no dead ends at all. If you want to sneak in quietly, you can't do it.

Of course, this is not difficult for Li Yuanhong. Li Yuanhong continuously uses teleport, just like avoiding a camera, looking for blind spots in the vision of the tauren guard post. In fact, these blind spots of sight also appeared instantaneously, and soon disappeared because those inner guards turned their heads and glanced. If Li Yuanhong hadn't opened the real eyes, these blind spots would have been impossible to discover.

It took Li Yuanhong a full five minutes to reach the base of the castle wall smoothly. When it was under the wall, it was easy to handle. Li Yuanhong quickly climbed the wall, found a room with no one, quietly opened the window, and turned inside.

This room should be a servant’s room. The interior is very simple, with a bed, a table and a chair, and then nothing. If someone breaks in at this time, Li Yuanhong won’t even have a place to hide. Because there was no head under the bed at all, it could be seen at a glance, so Li Yuanhong sprinted to the door of the room, quickly pressed his ear to the door, and listened carefully to the movement outside the door.

It was very quiet outside this door. After all, at this night, even though these minotaurs are monsters of more than 30 levels, they also need to sleep, so most of the monsters in these castles are asleep. As for those who are not asleep, it is estimated All to entertain the visiting Crusu.

Li Yuanhong quietly opened the door of the room and looked out. There was a corridor outside, and the walls of the corridor were filled with torches. The entire corridor was illuminated. If Li Yuanhong walked on this passage, once people came, One hundred percent will be discovered.

Li Yuanhong looked up at the roof of the corridor. The roof was extremely smooth and there were no hidden objects such as beams. This made Li Yuanhong really wonder what to do.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor: "You said it was in the middle of the night, what did that Crusoe do, that caused us to get up and wait for him in the middle of the night. If you said how appetizing this guy is, I will give away food. This is the second time, you see that he hasn't eaten enough yet, do you think he was born starved to death in his previous life?"

"Hush, keep your voice down. If you are heard by Master Milotaurnos, you will have to be transferred outside. There is no inner city so comfortable there."

"Thank you for your reminder, isn't this also a bit of a waking up in the middle of the night? Thank you for your reminder, thank you for your reminder!"

The two people walked forward with the tray. Li Yuanhong didn't know where to go. Now these two tauren servants led the way. Li Yuanhong followed the two servants quietly and moved forward.

The two servants walked to a hall. The hall was connected on the first and second floors. The two servants came from the kitchen on the second floor. They walked around the ladder to deliver meals.

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