Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 602: Room Escape

"Thirty-five level breakthrough liquid?! Really?" The urn sound of the Minotaur came.

"Of course, the demon envoy came to us just two days ago and brought a bottle of level 35 breakthrough liquid. I don't know who the reward will be given. If you can clean up those rotten guys on the island, I will This bottle of breakthrough liquid is rewarded to you, and others can't say anything." Milotaunos said.

"Master Ximilo Taunos, I'm going to prepare the army now, and I will definitely let those mindless guys taste the power of our Minotaur." After that, there was a rush of footsteps, this quick-tempered Minotaur. The general hurried out of the room.

When General Minotaur got out of the room, Milo Taunos locked the door, and then stood at the door and listened carefully to confirm that there was no one in the corridor. He came to the window again, opened the window, and looked out. Seeing that there is no one hidden around the window, I closed the window and then came to the fireplace. I saw him in front of the candle holder by the fireplace. Pressing down the candle holder, I saw that the stone stand under the candle holder was concave. After going down, there was a muffled noise, and the fireplace slowly moved away, revealing a hidden door with magical patterns on the wall.

Namilo Taunus walked to the door and quickly pressed on the magic sign. When the sixth magic sign was pressed, the secret door flashed, and combined with the magic secret door, it bounced upwards, and then a line appeared. In the downward passage, just after Milotaunos stepped into the secret door, the magic door fell all at once, and soon the fireplace returned to its place, as if nothing had happened.

I don’t know how long it took. The secret door opened again and Milotaunos came out from inside. Then he took off his armor and lay heavily on the bed. The huge wooden bed made a "creaking" sound, as if this rice Lotunos is focused, this bed will be pressed down.

Soon, the minotaur's purr filled the room.

Li Yuanhong, who was hiding in the wooden barrel, saw all this in his eyes, but Li Yuanhong did not dare to sleep. Once he fell asleep and made a sound, he could only run away. Can he run away then? , Li Yuanhong was not sure.

Suffering until dawn, the sound of horns sounded outside. Obviously, the barracks began to move. Milo Taunos, who had been tossing most of the night, complained: "How come it's dawn so soon!"

As he said, Milo Taunos put his armor and leather jacket on him, and then strode out.

When the door closed, Li Yuanhong waited for another minute. Seeing that Milo Taunos had not returned, Li Yuanhong jumped out of the wooden barrel. Although Li Yuanhong got the wooden barrel an eye, it would not be too boring, but The air is definitely not much better, so Li Yuanhong gasped for breath as soon as he came out.

After breathing for a long time, Li Yuanhong felt that all the stale air in his chest had gone out, and then he came to the wax table in front of the fireplace, and then learned the method of Milo Taunus and pressed the wax table down.

With this press, the stone bricks under the wax table were sunken, and then the fireplace moved away, revealing the hidden door on the wall.

If it is someone else, you will definitely not be able to open this door, because this door is a magic door. If you don’t know how to open it, you will not only be unable to open the door, you will also be injured by the magic on the door.

Fortunately, Li Yuanhong was in the wine barrel yesterday and saw the whole process of Milo Taunus unlocking, so Li Yuanhong already knew all about the unlocking method, so he clicked the gourd to draw the scoop and opened the secret door easily with a "creak!" "The secret door slowly opened, and Li Yuanhong jumped into the secret door.

Behind the secret door was a secret road going downwards. Li Yuanhong turned on the flashlight and walked down slowly. After walking for a long time, he came to a large secret room. This secret room is full of various boxes. Most of the boxes are filled with crystal nuclei. It seems that there are at least hundreds of thousands of crystal nuclei, and in terms of color, these crystal nuclei are not lower than 20th level, but there are almost no more than 30th level. , Even if there is, it is estimated that Milotaunus will carry it with him. After all, there are not many mutant beasts and zombies above level 30.

Li Yuanhong smiled knowingly when he saw these crystal nuclei. Although these tauren did not use these crystal nuclei, he was different. Most of his soldiers were still at level 25. These crystal nuclei were just for his soldiers to use. Level up.

So Li Yuanhong was very rude and searched all these crystal nuclei into his spatial ring. In less than a minute, all the crystal nuclei of a dozen large boxes entered Li Yuanhong's spatial ring.

After receiving the crystal nucleus, Li Yuanhong placed his gaze on several locked boxes. These boxes are obviously magic boxes. Obviously, the contents of these boxes are much more important than the crystal nucleus, otherwise those Boxes with crystal nuclei in their mouths would not be placed in the secret room so casually, and even many boxes with crystal nuclei did not even have a lid.

"It's not easy!" Li Yuanhong murmured.

Although Li Yuanhong had learned unlocking skills from the guards, this kind of magic box could not be opened with a few tricks of stealth.

Li Yuanhong decided to keep doing it and put all the boxes into his own space. But when Li Yuanhong's hand was about to touch the box, Li Yuanhong suddenly stopped in midair.

Because Li Yuanhong suddenly glanced at the ground under the box, there was a magic circle. As long as he received the box in his own space, the magic circle would activate, and Li Yuanhong would be trapped by the magic circle.

"It's her mother's sinister, there are even traps in the secret room!" Li Yuanhong spit.

Since I can't take the box, it seems that I can only think of other ways. Li Yuanhong began to look around in this secret room again, but in a corner of the secret room, Li Yuanhong discovered that a floor could be opened. After opening it, he could see a very long tunnel, not knowing where to lead.

Seeing this, Li Yuanhong was happy, and decided to take the risk to get those magic boxes. Even if he failed, he could retreat into this dark tunnel and escape, because Li Yuanhong found that the entrance of this dark tunnel was only enough for an adult to enter and exit. If this adult is slightly fatter One point, a figure like Fatty Lu would definitely be stuck. So this secret road was definitely not repaired by the Minotaur, so this Milo Taunos probably didn't even know the existence of this secret road.

So Li Yuanhong took out a lot of stones from the space and put them in the empty boxes containing crystal nuclei, and then Li Yuanhong used the magic of object space replacement, replacing the box containing the stones with the magic box.

Li Yuanhong was ready for the magic circle under the box to activate, but the magic circle didn't even move.

Li Yuanhong sighed secretly, so he began to replace the second box. The magic circle under the second box was not activated. This made Li Yuanhong more confident. So Li Yuanhong sighed and replaced three boxes. With one mouthful of the box, Li Yuanhong cleaned up all the secret rooms.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the last box left its original position, the magic circle under that box suddenly lit up, and at the same time, the other magic circles that had been fine before also lit up, even a few magic circles, faintly Formed a more powerful magic circle, and this magic circle covered the entire underground secret room. At this moment, it was impossible for Li Yuanhong to go out.

"Damn, this is Yin Ren's formation!" Li Yuanhong understood at this moment. No matter how you take these boxes, as long as you don't move the last box, the formation will not start. As long as you move the last box, the whole All formations will be activated. But people are greedy about how it is possible to abandon the last box without moving when the first few coffins are okay. This trap is almost 100% hit.

Li Yuanhong didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly put the last box into the space, jumped into the hidden passage he found, and then moved the stone slab again, and then quickly ran out along the passage.

Just when Li Yuanhong ran not far, he heard a faint roar. Obviously this was the voice of Milo Taunus. Fortunately, Li Yuanhong ran fast. As long as he was slow for a minute, he would be completely beaten by Milo Taunus. Blocked in the secret room, you must know that Milo Taunus is a level 38 creature. If he is angry, Li Yuanhong will definitely be killed in seconds.

Li Yuanhong didn't dare to stay. Although he took a deep dive, his speed was definitely much faster than the mutant mice running around in the cave. But that's it, Li Yuanhong always felt the howling of Milo Taunus surrounded by him.

I don't know how long it took. Li Yuanhong finally couldn't feel the voice of Milo Taunus, so Li Yuanhong slowed down and took a look at the underground cave.

This underground cave is semi-artificial and semi-natural. In the past, this cave was supposed to be an underground river course, but now the underground river has dried up, leaving only empty underground passages. However, the underground passages were obviously not enough before. Even Li Yuanhong’s figure is not enough. Don't even want to pass, so someone actually widened the underground passage later, leaving a lot of artificial excavation marks on the wall.

"I don't know where this underground river leads?" Li Yuanhong was a little worried, but he could only walk out along the passage step by step.

After walking for nearly two hours, Li Yuanhong faintly heard the sound of waves. Li Yuanhong knew that the exit was not far away.

Sure enough, Li Yuanhong soon reached an exit. This exit turned out to be halfway up a mountain by the sea. In fact, this is a dead place. Below is the Taotao sea. The top is nearly ten meters away from the top of the cliff. The cliffs are so smooth that they are washed by waves and sea breeze. Normal humans don't want to climb up.

It’s a pity that today standing at the entrance of this cave is Li Yuanhong, who has evolved to a level thirty-two superpower. How could he be afraid of this small wave? Li Yuanhong didn’t say a word, and when he jumped up, he heard a "puff." Jump directly into the sea.

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