Apocalyptic Hero System

: The 606th madness

If Miller could fly into the sky and look down from the air at this time, he would find that the entire city was surrounded by layers of zombies, and there were more zombies gathering here in the distance.

And in the middle of the city, on the top of a building, there is a giant zombie standing. All the zombies that come together will be affected by the giant zombie once they approach the city and become his subordinates.

The fear of zombies lies in their number, a steady stream of corpses, even if you are brave, you will eventually fall into an endless tide of corpses.

Today, these incredible minotaurs finally tasted the horror of zombies, and the forward path was blocked again, which made Miller very annoyed. He now felt that his brain was burned by a huge fire. About to lose the ability to think, only the word killing is left in his heart.

"Kill, kill me!" Miller kept yelling, as if there was no other language in the world.

And his soldiers were not much better, their eyes were red, and their noses kept spraying out rough air, one by one, they kept cutting and killing with axes. There is no more order, no more cooperation, as long as someone dares to approach them, they will pick up the axe and chop down.

At this time Miller didn’t realize that his subordinates had entered a state of frenzy. Although this state could improve the combat effectiveness of the fighters, it would also make his fighters enter a state of denial of the six relatives and enemies around him. Fortunately, once the zombies around are killed, their comrades in arms will become enemies.

Zombies keep pouring into the streets, but when entering the berserk Minotaur, the combat power is doubled, and the fighting agility is also increased. Those zombies that descend from the air can no longer injure these Minotaurs, and the Minotaur in a berserk state , I actually learned how to fly axe. Those bone arrow zombies lying on the wall kept firing bone arrows, angering those frenzied minotaurs. These minotaurs turned the axe into a throwing axe and threw it out. The wall of the building was smashed into a big hole by the giant axe. This minotaur lost his weapon.

But the Minotaur didn't stop fighting. He stretched out his hand and directly grabbed a zombie next to him, directly turned the zombie up, and used the zombie as a weapon.

After all, the zombie is not as easy to use as a steel axe. Not two times, the zombie was squashed, and the weapon was not smooth, and the zombies were gradually approaching. Although the fighting power of the mad Minotaur increased greatly, the ants killed the elephant, this zombie One more, you take a bite, I scratch a claw, and soon this minotaur is divided by the zombie.

However, more Minotaurs entered the slaughter mode, and the huge combat power increased, allowing them to quickly clean up the zombies entering the street. This is mainly because the entrances on both sides of the street are narrow, which limits the influx of zombies.

However, the frenzied Minotaur would not stop attacking because the influx of zombies decreased, and the battle between the Minotaurs began bloody.

So the whole street became a huge meat grinder, and anyone who entered it, whether it was a zombie or a minotaur, would be crushed by this huge meat grinder.

The zombies went forward, at least thirty or forty thousand zombies entered this street. The ground of the whole street has long been invisible. Some are just blood flowing into the river, and all you can see is the flesh and blood on the ground. Only one hour, six thousand cow heads. Blame the soldiers, there are only less than five hundred left. Including Miller, these minotaurs have completely turned into killing machines. They don't think about running out, but only know to kill, kill all the creatures in the station. dead.

Miller completely lost his sanity at this time, but his combat power has not improved at all.

Just now, several fat zombies attacked him together. If he became mad, Miller could only force a few fat zombies back. However, today, Miller just swung his own axe with all his strength, and the axe aura that came out of his body directly cut off a fat zombie that rushed in the front.

If it was before the madness, there was such a result, it would definitely make Miller laugh wildly and show off to the people around him.

It’s a pity that Miller’s body has completely lost self-control. Killing a fat zombie can no longer fill Miller’s heart of killing. So Miller rushed forward and rushed towards the remaining fat zombies. When a fat zombie was brought close, it was bound to be slaughtered by Miller.

At this moment, a corpse roar came from a distance, and several bone arrow zombies lying on the wall turned the bone arrow on their back and launched it towards Miller. However, Miller rolled on the spot and directly lifted the fat zombie corpse that had been split into two sections in front of him. Those bone arrows directly shot on the fat zombie's corpse.

Miller didn't stop because he blocked the bone arrow. He threw half of the corpse out, grabbed the other half of the fat zombies, and threw it toward the remaining fat zombies.

With two "booms", half of the corpses thrown on the wall directly smashed the wall, and the bone arrow zombies lying on the wall suddenly turned into fleshy flesh.

On the other side, a few fat zombies were even more uncomfortable. They were directly beaten down by a half fan of fat zombies. Just as the fat zombies struggled to climb up, Miller had already rushed to the front, and the giant axe fell down. , A few fat zombies were chopped in half by the giant axe before they could react.

"Oh!" After Miller killed the fat zombies, a kind of indulgence came to life, roaring at the sky, venting his indulgence.

At this moment, more zombies rushed out of the street. Among these zombies, there were not only ordinary zombies, but also many mutant zombies. These zombies came in madly. Not only did Miller not show a timid expression, but rather crazy. expression.

Miller greeted the zombies and accelerated the charge. Just when he was less than one meter away from the group of corpses, Miller jumped high. This jump was five or six meters high. Miller leaped high, not to escape over the corpses, but to issue a more killing trick. I saw Miller leaping up, holding the giant axe tightly in both hands, the axe of the axe headed down and directly fell into the corpse group. As a result, Miller fell like a bomb in the corpse group, and a huge shock wave would rush The zombies that came over were overthrown directly, and those low-level zombies were bleeding in their ears directly by the shock wave, and never got up after falling to the ground.

Although this power was very powerful, Miller himself was uncomfortable. He also stalked the giant axe, panting on the ground for a long time before holding the axe, and continuing to rush towards the zombies, but this is clearly visible. After coming out, Miller's attack speed was not as sharp as before.

At this moment, several tall zombies walked slowly with a giant zombie. The giant zombie looked at Miller with a cold expression, as if looking at the dead.

Finally, after killing a dozen zombies, Miller was finally hit and staggered by an ordinary zombie.

The giant zombies roared, and all the zombies stopped attacking and retreated, forming an empty field around Miller.

Several guard zombies protecting the giant zombies also took a step to the left and right, and let the giant zombies out. The giant zombies moved their joints and walked towards Miller. Miller was not afraid, his eyes were staring tightly. Giant zombie, that is a beast-like eyes, there is no fear, only cruel killing.

"Aw..." Miller roared, and rushed towards the giant zombies first. The giant axe smashed the giant zombies with wind.

The giant zombie just turned sideways gently, and the giant axe rubbed the tip of the giant zombie's nose, slashing heavily on the ground, and the axe was deeply embedded in the ground, making Miller unable to pull out the giant axe for a while.

When the giant zombies took advantage of Miller to drew an axe, the giant zombies' huge fists rushed directly toward the huge bull head of the Minotaur.

Although the Minotaur became frenzied, his fighting consciousness did not lose. Faced with the oncoming fist, Miller immediately gave up the axe, took a step back, avoided the fist of the giant zombie, and then rushed towards the giant zombie. Prepare to throw down giant zombies.

The giant zombies raised their big feet in a hurry, and suddenly kicked towards Miller. At this time, Miller was already at the end of the stalking, and his dodge was not sensitive. Miller tried his best to move backwards and avoid the deadly place, but Still being kicked by the giant zombies, Miller was kicked out and fell directly to the ground.

But Miller quickly got up, roared loudly, and rushed towards the giant zombie again. So it was like a battle between a drunk man and a martial arts master.

There is no suspense in this kind of battle. After ten moves, Miller was beaten again, but this time he was not getting up, and at the moment of falling, Miller’s eyes became clear and the red color faded, which shows that he Has recovered from the frenzied state.

Only the last time he saw it was that the whole street was full of corpses, some of them were zombies, and some of them were minotaurs, and the buildings on both sides of the whole street were also dilapidated, except that there were no standing on the battlefield. The only minotaur was the dead minotaur who fell to the ground.

As Miller fell, the entire battle was over, but the zombies also paid a heavy price. Six thousand minotaurs had killed nearly 50,000 zombies. If it weren’t for the minotaur’s sudden madness, some of the minotaurs died on their own. In human hands, more zombies will die.

After the giant zombies killed Miller, they directly picked up Miller’s giant axe, and then gathered the giant axes to chop off Miller’s head. Then the giant zombie raised Miller’s **** head and shouted loudly. The zombies also roared, and the whole city was shaken by the roar of the zombies.

Miller died unexplainably, he didn't even know why he and his men suddenly went mad and went into a state of madness. In fact, the reason is very simple. The breakfast they ate was added. It is a slow stimulant. Normal people can increase their combat effectiveness. But if the tauren eats it, it will stimulate madness, so this time the rice Le, was deeply overcast once.

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