Apocalyptic Hero System

: The six hundred and eleventh city break

"You, hurry up and lead your men to close the gap for me!" Milotaunos is also a chaos soldier now. When he turned around, he saw a minotaur squad leader, so he gave the order.

But how did Milotanos know that this squad leader was a logistics leader. His subordinates were all weak soldiers. They were asked to plug the gap. This is no different from sending him to death, but now Milotaur He was the only squad leader beside Nos, so he could only bite the bullet and replied loudly: "Yes, Lord Milotaurnos!"

After that, the minotaur captain could only rush towards the gap under the wall with a tragic expression of bravely going to the court.

Milotaunos arranged for some skirmishers to guard both sides of the gaped city wall, constantly throwing stones down. Milotaunos intends to block this section of the city wall with stones.

However, the room leaked in the evening rain, and soon the stones on the wall were used up, and to make matters worse, the logistics team that transported the stones was sent to the gap in the city by Milotanos, and no one had transported the stones. , And the logistics team that stood by the gap was also struggling to support. More than 50 Minotaur fighters and more than 50 zombies were even tied. If the gap behind cannot be blocked in time, this unit will definitely Will be overwhelmed by zombies.

Milotaunos didn't expect that the troops he sent would be so unbearable, and he called out angrily, but now he had no back soldiers in his hand. Now all the soldiers were fighting.

Just when this logistics unit was in danger, suddenly behind this unit, a bull roar sounded, and a minotaur came from the direction of the castle, and quickly rushed into the corpse to turn the zombies over.

It turned out that this was the demolition unit who came back and happened to rescue this logistics team. However, in less than ten minutes of combat, the logistics unit lost nearly one-third of the troops. If the demolition team arrived one minute later, This logistics team can't hold it anymore.

When the Minotaur was fighting with the zombies, Li Yuanhong was holding a cup of tea, tasting the tea with relish, and watching the battle images returned.

By Li Yuanhong's side, Xu Ying was deploying the team urgently. When Xu Ying's deployment was completed, he turned back to report to Li Yuanhong: "Report to the commander-in-chief. The team has been arranged. Do we want to set off now?"

Li Yuanhong didn't look back, and said lightly: "No hurry, those minotaurs are still quite energetic, and there are too many zombies. Let's wait and let them consume it!"

"This... will the zombies be killed by these minotaurs?"

Xu Ying saw the zombies piled up in the gap, and couldn't rush in at all. Because the gap was too small, the zombies that rushed in were quickly killed by the minotaur blocking the gap.

"No, do you think the collapse of the two walls was occasional?"

"Isn't it accidental that the two walls collapsed?" Xu Ying did not find the real reason for the collapse of the city walls.

"The two walls collapsed because of zombies." Li Yuanhong said.

"Zombie made it?" Xu Ying was very surprised.

Li Yuanhong picked up the remote control and quickly pressed the back button to quickly rewind the surveillance video screen. Soon, Li Yuanhong suddenly pressed the pause button and the screen paused.

On the screen, zombies were crawling all over the city wall, and there were constantly zombies climbing these zombies lying on the city wall and attacking the city wall. However, Li Yuanhong pointed to a corner below the screen where a hole appeared in the city wall, and several zombies were there. Under the cover of other zombies, they kept digging out the stones on this city wall, and the opening of the cave became bigger and bigger, eventually causing the city wall to collapse.

"How could this happen? How could zombies destroy the city wall?" Xu Ying was the first time to see zombies destroying the city wall.

"It is estimated that it is related to the giant zombie. Low-level zombies are no-brainer. Only those who command the zombies will have the ability to learn. Today this zombie demolished that city. It is estimated that he learned the skills of demolition." Li Yuanhong Guessed.

"Isn't that dangerous? If this guy runs to the mainland in the future, the threat will be great." Xu Ying said.

"Yes, so this time he must not be allowed to run away. There is also the head of the minotaur, and he must not be allowed to slip. These two pay close attention and must not be let go." Li Yuanhong ordered.

"Understood, I will send two more drones to focus on these two guys." Xu Ying said.

Li Yuanhong thought for a while, and then said: "Send each of the four to stare in one direction, in all directions, and absolutely not leave dead ends." Li Yuanhong said.

"Yes, I understand!" Xu Ying promised and turned around to set it up.

And when Li Yuanhong and Xu Ying were setting up, the zombies did dig and collapse the city wall again. The huge vibration and smoke covered the city wall again. This shocked Milo Taunos. He always thought that the city wall had collapsed. , The quality of the city wall is not good. After all, the city wall was built by those human slaves. It is very possible for these slaves to cheat and slip, but now it seems that this should not be the case, otherwise the collapse of the city wall shouldn't be a piece by piece.

Milotaunos looked around and found that his subordinates had been sent out. Now there were only dozens of warriors beside him, so it seemed that he should take action.

"You guys go with me, let the mindless zombies see what a real warrior is!"

"Yes!" The warriors are very brave. These warriors have been carefully selected following the long-term guards of Milotaurnos. They are very eager to fight. Therefore, they are very eager to fight. Hearing there was a battle, they all geared up, completely without the timid expressions of ordinary soldiers.

Milotaunos didn't go down the city wall through the tunnel, but walked directly to the edge of the gap in the city wall, roared, and jumped straight down.

Several zombies had just passed through the gap in the smoke-covered city wall. At this moment, a roar came from the air. Several zombies looked up and saw a dark shadow falling straight down from the nearly 20-meter-high city wall. , If an ordinary person fell from such a high place, it would probably become a meatloaf. However, the falling shadow didn't seem to worry about this. The shouting voice was not fear, but excitement.

In less than two seconds, the black shadow fell, but Milo Taunus did not face down, but instead held the axe in his hand and fell head-on. Just when he was about to fall to the ground, he roared, Milotaunos’ mouth, the roar was like a cannonball launched, directly hitting the ground, the ground directly blasted a one-meter deep pit, and the zombies that just came out were directly crushed by the huge air pressure. Mashed meat. And Milo Taunos took advantage of this recoil airflow, turned over, stood steadily on the ground, and then rushed towards a few stunned zombies with a round of great axe. The zombies still didn’t understand what was going on. , Was chopped off by the giant axe.

The dozens of zombies who rushed to face each other were completely wiped out. Milo Taunos threw the giant axe to the ground, and screamed at the gap in the city wall. The zombies that just rushed out were directly huge The impact force rushed back.

Zombies will not retreat in fear because they are killed by a single move. The most terrifying thing about zombies is that they never know what fear is. As long as they don’t fall, they will always charge forward. This is also impossible for other creatures. The reason for the protracted battle with zombies.

The zombies kept rushing out, and Milotaunos showed his power as a king. I saw him gently swinging the giant axe. Those zombies that emerged would be cut off by the giant axe, and soon a huge gap in the city wall Before, a pile of zombies appeared, at least more than a hundred zombies fell in front of the gap.

Ten minutes later, when Milotaunos' guards rushed over, the corpse of the zombie almost blocked the gap.

However, just before Milo Taunos breathed a sigh of relief, on his left and right sides, there was a "boom" at the same time, the sound of the city wall collapsing.

Milo Taunos looked at the riddled city wall, and his heart was completely cold. It is impossible to not want to fight zombies at close range now.

Under the smoke cover of the collapsed city wall, the zombies rushed through the city wall and poured into the inner city. The defense of the city wall was completely lost.

When Milotaunos saw zombies pouring in from other places, he knew that the city wall was useless, so he had to take his guard and start to withdraw towards the castle. And those Minotaurs who are still defending on the wall are completely besieged on the wall, facing the fate of being attacked by the enemy.

The battle progressed quickly. The screams of the Minotaur sounded from time to time on the city wall. One by one, the minotaur was quickly overwhelmed by the corpse. When the corpse passed over the city wall, only the skeleton and dye remained bloodshot. Axe with blooded armor.

Milotaunos can only retreat quickly to rescue the minotaurs on the city wall, which can only be sent to death, and now it can only look at the luck of these minotaurs.

When Milotaunos withdrew to the castle, there were fewer than five hundred minotaurs left beside him, and many of them were still wounded. The only ones who were really intact were the one hundred who had been guarded in the castle. Multiple minotaurs.

"Quickly, close the castle gate!"

After Milotaunos withdrew to the castle hall, he immediately ordered that he had completely ignored the minotaurs who had not yet withdrawn.

"Master Milotaurnos, there are still people who haven't withdrawn in yet!" a general reminded.

"It's too late. Now if you don't close the door, the zombies will rush in. Close the door quickly!"

Following the words of Milotaurnos, the heavy door, which was more than five meters high, creaked and slowly closed. Those Minotaurs who were still trying to run towards the city gate shouted in despair, "Don't worry, we haven't entered yet!"

However, the door didn't mean to stop at all, the creaking sound continued, and the door gap of the door became narrower and narrower, and finally with a bang, the door was closed.

Those Minotaurs who have not rushed into the castle slapped the door in despair: "Open the door, open the door, let us in!"

However, the gate did not mean to open at all. Instead, the corpses behind these Minotaurs approached step by step, and soon the corpses surrounded the entire castle.

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