Apocalyptic Hero System

: Day 615 Airborne Milos Island

After hearing Li Yuanhong's explanation, Xu Ying immediately ordered the fleet to stop, and all ships dropped anchor and waited for new orders.

Li Yuanhong unfolded the map and carefully checked the terrain of Milos Island.

This island of Milos is a volcanic island with rich products in history. It used to be famous for producing various minerals such as obsidian and sulfur, as well as various crops such as citrus and grapes. So in history, a brilliant civilization was created. The statue of Venus with a broken arm today was excavated from this island, which shows how brilliant the civilization was at that time.

Unfortunately, this civilization also failed to escape the flames of war, and was eventually drowned in history along with the legend of the Athens gods.

However, Crusu occupied the island not for the excavation of monuments, but for the extinct volcano on the island.

Although the volcano is currently dormant, the magma in it actually exists, which has created abundant hot spring resources on the island.

Li Yuanhong checked the map carefully, and finally saw his eyes and noticed the west of the island, where there is a high mountain more than 700 meters above sea level. This high mountain is probably the extinct volcano that sleeps all the time, and Crusu’s hatching nest is very likely Right there, Li Yuanhong planned to go in and see if he had a chance to blow up the lair.

Li Yuanhong told Xu Ying about his thoughts, and Xu Ying frowned and said, "Commander Li, this is too dangerous. Let’s not say that there are Crusuu all over the island. Once you find you, it will be difficult for you to get there. Escape, and how do you dive into the island, as you said just now, this island is full of Klusu guard posts, you can't get close at all!"

"I don't need to go by boat, just let the plane drop me over!" Li Yuanhong believed.

"But how do we pick you up?" Xu Ying then asked.

"This...I haven't thought about it for the time being, there must be a way for the car to get to the mountain, and it's okay to react accordingly!" Li Yuanhong didn't care.

"No, I don't agree with you to go!" After hearing Li Yuanhong's unprepared retreat plan, Xu Ying immediately poured cold water on Li Yuanhong.

"Well, if I have a retreat plan, can you let me go!" Li Yuanhong said with a somewhat flattering air.

"No, you are the commander-in-chief. You should sit in the rear and make overall plans. You shouldn't charge like a small soldier!"

"I know, but this time the situation is special. Only I can sneak in there. The situation is urgent now. We can't delay too much time here."


Xu Ying also wanted to dissuade Li Yuanhong, but was interrupted by Li Yuanhong.

"It's nothing, I give you the retreat plan and you give me a pass, how about it?" Li Yuanhong said with a sullen face.

It was the first time Xu Ying met such a boss. Other bosses talked to him with a serious face, never showing a smile, let alone bargaining with him, but Li Yuanhong had no official airs.

"Okay... OK!" Facing Li Yuanhong, Xu Ying also agreed to his request.

The sea covered by night, except for the sound of waves, is the sound of sea waves. However, in this almost peaceful world, a sudden roar broke the tranquility, and under the night, a firelight rushed into the sky, and soon the roar and that sound The huge black shadows spraying flames disappeared into the sky covered by the night.

The huge plane flew up to several kilometers in height, which was entirely to prevent the roar of the plane from reaching the ground.

"Commander in chief, it's already close to Milos, do you need to slow down?" the driver asked.

"No, keep at this speed. Just tell me when you pass the mountain." Li Yuanhong hugged his shoulders with his hands and closed his eyes to doze off. He must hurry up and close his eyes and calm his mind. Once he landed, he did not. There must be a chance to rest.

However, time passed quickly and within two minutes, the pilot reminded: "Commander in chief, we will be here soon!"

Li Yuanhong opened his eyes immediately: "Okay! You fly for a while, don't turn right away. After flying for more than ten kilometers, when you turn back, you must go around a big bay and avoid Milos!"

"Yes, understand!" the pilot replied.

Li Yuanhong was not telling him either. He opened the hatch and jumped down, but he had a magical invisibility armor on his body. He had no other armor, not even a wingsuit, which surprised the pilot.

Li Yuanhong jumped into the night sky and fell quickly. Li Yuanhong stretched out his body as much as possible to increase resistance and reduce the speed of the fall. Because the ground and the sky are all black, it is impossible to distinguish which is the ground and which is the sky. If it is not possible to make a close contact with the ground, then Li Yuanhong has committed suicide.

Finally, when the height fell below one kilometer, Li Yuanhong saw the outline of a big mountain below, which gave Li Yuanhong confidence. As long as he could see the ground and cast his teleport skills, he could land with peace of mind.

At this moment, Li Yuanhong suddenly felt that a behemoth was flying by near the top of the mountain.


Li Yuanhong was shocked. He didn't expect to encounter Krusu before landing.

It's just that Crusoe didn't notice Li Yuanhong above his head. He was patrolling the top of the mountain and slowly flew down the mountain. Obviously, this was Crusoe patrolling.

However, Li Yuanhong was within the scope of this Crusu's patrol at this time. Once he used magic, he would definitely be noticed by the opponent.


Li Yuanhong gritted his teeth, shrank his whole body, curled it into a ball, and then fell to a slightly phosphorescent place below. Li Yuanhong believed that it must be a pool of water.

Sure enough, when Li Yuanhong approached the water pool less than ten meters away, Li Yuanhong felt a strong tide coming over it, but the tide turned out to be hot.

Li Yuanhong couldn’t manage that much anymore. At the moment when he was about to fall into the pool, Li Yuanhong used teleport and teleported himself directly into the pool. This caused only slight ripples on the surface of the pool, and no waves splashed. Naturally, there is no huge falling water sound.

Although there was no sound of falling into the water, the Crusu still felt the wind fluctuations in the air, so he looked back and did not see Li Yuanhong's figure, but out of vigilance, Crusu slowly approached the pond. See what caused the air fluctuations.

Li Yuanhong saw the huge figure of Klusu from the water, approaching the lake, and he immediately raised his mood. In addition, Li Yuanhong felt that this pool of water was not cold, but hot. Obviously, it was a spa. Li Yuanhong entered the water and realized that his whole body was wrapped in heat waves. Although he did not dare to burn, the heat suddenly opened his pores all over his body, and sweat rushed out from the inside out. Li Yuanhong didn't have any precautions against this, and immediately felt that he felt sour and soft. If he fainted in the water, he would drown, and he would die too unjustly.

So Li Yuanhong hurried to luck and covered himself, and only then did he isolate the temperature of the hot spring water. However, after passing the first level, the next step is to avoid the investigation of Crusu above. As long as he shows up, it is estimated that he will be discovered by Crusu.

Li Yuanhong was holding his breath, looking for a way out under the water. Not to mention, the hot springs on this island are really clear and can be seen within almost ten meters, but this is also a flaw. The water itself is not deep, only five. Six meters deep, that Klusu can easily see himself at the bottom of the lake, so Li Yuanhong needs to find a way out as soon as possible.

At this moment, Li Yuanhong saw that there was a thick pipe beside the water pond. Although Li Yuanhong didn't know what the pipe was for, it was his only way out now, so Li Yuanhong swam to the entrance of the pipe without hesitation.

There is a filter at this entrance, but Li Yuanhong can't help but easily remove the filter.

Unexpectedly, just after the filter was removed, the pipe suddenly produced strong suction, which caught Li Yuanhong off guard and was directly sucked in by the pipe.

At the moment when Li Yuanhong was sucked in by the pipe, Crusu found the edge of the pool. He poked his head and looked into the water. The area of ​​the pool was small and clear. Although it was night, Crusu was underwater. Creatures, this darkness is nothing to them, so he quickly explored the entire pool, but now there is nothing in this pool. Even the filter that Li Yuanhong removed was put in by Li Yuanhong. Inside the space, so Crusu found nothing.

Li Yuanhong was sucked into the pipe by suction. Li Yuanhong seemed to be bound by the wall of the pipe. If Li Yuanhong were a little fatter, he would probably be stuck by the pipe. Li Yuanhong couldn't move on his own at all, and he had no idea where he would be taken. This feeling of powerlessness made Li Yuanhong very helpless.

After sliding through the pipe, after five minutes, Li Yuanhong finally slipped into a large pool of water. Li Yuanhong finally regained his freedom. More importantly, Li Yuanhong was finally able to surface and breathe fresh air.

Just when Li Yuanhong slowly surfaced, he heard the voice of someone talking.

"I said, why wake us up to clean this hot spring pool at night?"

"I heard that a big man came from the Minotaur. No, in order to get closer, we plan to invite him to the hot spring."

"That wouldn't be enough to wake us up in the middle of the night, right?"

"I heard that the big man will be leaving tomorrow, so I will use this hot spring tomorrow morning, so I called us. Don't dare, hurry up and finish cleaning here, and the pool inside will also be cleaned."

"Oh, what a bad luck!"

Then Li Yuanhong listened to the sound of cleaning the pool.

Li Yuanhong heard the voices of the two people, knowing that the big man they were talking about should be the Minotaur Milo Taunus, and this Milo Taunus was leaving tomorrow, it seemed that there was not much time left for him.

Just when Li Yuanhong was thinking about Milo Taunos, he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps. It seems that the sweepers are beginning to come to his side. It is more refreshing than the pool outside. There is no shelter at all, just a glance. Seeing everything here, so as long as the two cleaners enter this room, they can see themselves at a glance.

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