Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 623: Fleet Danger

Milotaunos was very happy to see the door opened, and was finally saved, but at the door, it was not Crusu and the fish head soldiers, but humans.

"There is a monster!" The human soldiers opened the door and saw a tall, hideous creature standing in the doorway. In a subconscious reaction, the soldiers raised their guns and pulled the trigger.

So the bullet formed a net and went to cover Milotaunos.

At this time, Milotaunos was already tossed by the corrosive gas, and he almost lost his five senses. He did not react as quickly as before, but stared at the bullet in a daze. It was shot into his body. When the bullet passed through the corroded skin and entered the body, Milo Taunos later realized that he raised his arm to cover the bullet, but it was too late. A bullet passed through his heart, his raised arm was only raised halfway, his eyes lost their luster, and the entire huge body fell down.

An overlord who was close to the forty level was just as killed by a small soldier. And Milotaurnos died, no one knew that this was a leader, those human soldiers thought it was a slightly bigger monster, because how could a leader level monster be killed by a bullet!

In fact, the reason why Milo Taunos was so vulnerable was that his skin, which was strong enough to withstand bullets, had been corroded. That's why Milo Taunos ended up like this.

Milotaunos was dead, but Crusu on the island was not dead. Xu Ying led the warship to the sea off Milos. At this time, Crusu who was in charge of guarding Milos had received the news.

"Quickly, inform all Crusu in the open sea to return to the island!" The chief of Crusu instructed the murloc soldiers.

"Yes, sir!" Several fishhead soldiers led the orders to notify the defending Crusu in the other three directions.

"You, go to the underground laboratory warehouse and get the condensed water magic powder. I will set up a sink on the beach, and then let these humans taste the power of our crusu magic!"

Crusutou again ordered a fish head transport captain, and he took out a mutant giant snake scale from his own space and handed it to the fish head captain, this snake scale, yes A giant sea snake close to level 37, Klusu had fought against this sea snake monster after nine deaths, and he almost killed it after half his life, but it was also because of this snake monster, this Klu Su successfully advanced to the 37th level.

Crusu is intensively arranging defenses, especially the places that are convenient for landing. Crusu has arranged magic circles to look at. As long as humans set foot in these places, these magic circles will be activated. When the time comes, Krusu is confident and will Those guys who dared to invade their base, all went to the bottom of the sea.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and Crusu soon discovered that a fleet of humans appeared on the sea, which was a fleet of aircraft carriers.

The aircraft carrier approached the island, but did not rush to approach it. Instead, a fighter group consisting of nearly fifty drones was sent to the island quickly.

Crusu was not alarmed about the airstrike. They introduced many fish-heads with big mouths. These fish-heads not only had big mouths, but also had very round belly and looked very strange. These soldiers are not so much fish heads as they are toads magnified countless times.

When the drone flew over the island of Milos, these big-mouthed murlocs closed their mouths into a muzzle shape, so water cannons were fired from these fish populations, regardless of whether the shells were made of water. , But the power of the explosion was not small. An unmanned aerial vehicle was directly hit by a water cannon, and the entire aircraft was immediately shattered.

The drone following this drone was also hit by water droplets that exploded, leaving many dents on its fuselage.

"Be careful to avoid those magical water bombs, and talk about drones being raised up and launching long-range attacks!"

Seeing the destroyed drone from the surveillance video, Xu Ying ordered cleanly.

"Yes!" The non-commissioned officer in charge of commanding the drone quickly agreed.

So the drones began to pull up and disperse, and began to use air-to-surface missiles to launch missiles at the murlocs.

Soon the two-mouthed artillerymen were blown to death, but the missiles flying from behind did not hit the artillerymen, but were blocked by an energy shield glowing with blue light.

"Continue to launch missiles. That is the energy shield. As long as the energy runs out, the energy shield will break!"

Seeing that the missile was stopped, many drone operators were taken aback, which caused the drone's attack to pause, so Xu Ying issued the order to continue the attack. This kind of protective cover is also found in the urban defense system of Sakhalin Island, so Xu Ying is no stranger to it, and its advantages and disadvantages are well understood.

Following the order, the drone's attack began to speed up, the missiles and the airborne machine guns began to show off, and explosions continued to explode on the protective cover, and the protective cover swelled with ripple-like energy waves.

And the mouth-cannon murloc did not stop firing the mouth-cannon. A water bomb passed through the energy shield and shot into the sky. From time to time, it collided with missiles in the air, blowing up flames.

For a time, there were continuous explosions in the air, and from time to time, drones were accidentally hit by water cannons and fell to the ground.

But the energy shield was not much better. As missiles hit the energy shield continuously, the blue halo of the energy shield gradually became dimmed. Finally, after more than ten minutes, the "bang" With a loud noise, the energy shield broke.

The energy cover was broken, and the murlocs hiding behind the energy cover were unlucky. Various attacks went straight down, and the flames immediately covered the ground. Even the sand and stones on the ground were loosened by half a meter. The big-mouthed fish head was fried to pieces and mixed with the sand on the ground. From then on, the land became blood red. From then on, this hillside was called the blood of the murloc.

The big mouth fish was wiped out, but the drone fleet also damaged nearly 20 aircraft. More importantly, the drone’s ammunition was almost exhausted due to the attack’s protective cover, so the drone now has to Quit the battle.

When the drone returned home, a radar soldier suddenly reported to Xu Ying: "Report to the commander that an unidentified creature is quickly approaching us under the sea level at three o'clock, six o'clock, and nine o'clock in the fleet. near!"

When Xu Ying heard this, she did not hesitate to issue an order: "Reflect anti-submarine missiles and attack them. We must not let these creatures come close!"

"Yes!" the soldier below agreed.

"By the way, let Qinglong be notified that So Crusu may sneak attack on us from the sea, let them help!"

Xu Ying again ordered a non-commissioned officer next to her.

"Commander, do you mean that those unidentified creatures in the sea that attacked us are Crusu?" the sergeant asked in surprise.

"Well, it is very likely that those Klusu are marine creatures. They are better at fighting in the sea. They used to fly into the sky to fight the dragon, which is actually very stupid, because the sky is the home of the dragon. I just let the anti-submarine The missile launch may not be very useful. It seems that this time we have to use the power of the giant dragon." Xu Ying said with some emotion.

"Okay, I'll go and notify Qinglong!" After speaking, the sergeant turned and hurried away.

But Xu Ying's eyebrows were furrowed at this time, and he was watching the radar chart closely, because at this time the radar showed that on the coast, the Murloc Army had a new unit.

From some caves on the top of the mountain, many fish-headed men with heavy shields, heavy armors, and sledgehammers in their hands burst out. These fish-head men quickly formed a formation in front and thrust the heavy shields into the ground. A shield wall was formed, and the heavy-armored fish head man behind, put the shield on the shield wall, and the entire heavy shield formed a strong shield house.

On the monitor, Xu Ying saw that the fish head behaved so strangely. Not only did she shook her head, her drone is now almost empty. As long as the drone is reloaded with ammunition, these shield houses will not be blown up in minutes?

But Xu Ying didn't think the enemy would be so stupid, so he thought that shield house was vulnerable if he had no supervisor.

"Send a drone to attack those shield houses and see what's hidden in them?" Xu Ying ordered.

Soon a drone carrying a bomb took off, but before the plane flew to Milos Island, suddenly a sharp arrow flew out of the shield house. The speed of this sharp arrow is by no means comparable to that of a bullet. How slow, before the soldiers controlling the drone could react, the entire drone lost control and fell.

At the same time, the sea around the fleet set off huge waves and even surpassed the height of the aircraft carrier. Many soldiers standing on the deck were caught unprepared. The sudden waves rushed down the deck and were submerged. In the waves.

The matter was not complete yet. After the huge wave, many magical water bombs were ejected from the ocean and rushed straight towards the fleet. Several ships near the outermost periphery of the fleet were hit by water bombs directly on the sides, although the sides of the ships were not penetrated. , But also dented the sides of the ship.

The ship was attacked and immediately reported to Xu Ying, while the soldier who had been monitoring the radar at this time reported: "Xu Junzhang, just now in a wave of anti-submarine missile attacks, most of the missiles were out of control and disappeared, while the other missiles, Nor did it hit the target."

Xu Ying was not surprised when he heard this. If these potentially underwater Crusoe were destroyed so easily, Xu Ying would be surprised.

"I am launching missile attacks on these seabed monsters immediately, and then urge Qinglong to quickly support. If they don't move out, I'm afraid the fleet will be over!" Xu Ying ordered.

The soldiers got busy after receiving Xu Ying’s order. Xu Ying used to be an army. He didn’t know much about the attack methods of ships. He only knew about anti-submarine missiles when he was fine, reading some military magazines and books. . But now the anti-submarine missiles are obviously not working, and those blue dragons are really unreliable, which gives Xu Ying a feeling that he is about to usher in a disaster.

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