Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 628 Fire

A magic weapon, this thing seems useless? "Li Yuanhong looked at the recovery instrument placed in the corner.

"Wait, this ship has nothing to do with this instrument!" Li Yuanhong suddenly thought of the possibility that many things in this ship can be made from the bones of dead giant beasts, but the flesh and blood can't grow by itself, then. There is only one possibility, and that is that these flesh and blood are copied by this machine.

"Hehe, in this way, this thing is definitely not small for Crusu. If it is so, I will laugh at it!" Li Yuanhong was not welcome, and directly included the restoration instrument into the space.

With the passage of time, Li Yuanhong has been on the ship for nearly two hours, and in these two hours, the outside world was turned upside down, but Li Yuanhong had no feelings. He was completely focused on the exploration of the entire ship.

This ship is definitely not earth science and technology, and violates biological principles. The keel of this ship is the skeleton of an unknown beast. The power system is an octopus-like creature. The weapon system is composed of multiple long-range and short-range creatures. For example, there are octopus tentacles in melee. , The tongs of a crab, and even Li Yuanhong in the bow, saw the structure full of teeth, like the huge mouth of a shark.

"Damn, can this ship eat people?" Li Yuanhong didn't expect that a ship would integrate so many biological weapons, and these weapons could retract into the ship's body flexibly, if it weren't for these weapons just now. The inspection suddenly stretched out, and Li Yuanhong would never have imagined that there were so many weapons hidden under the rough skin.

Just when Li Yuanhong was about to continue his investigation, the ship moved suddenly, and as soon as the ship went out to sea, it plunged into the sea, sailing towards the deep sea like a submarine.

"Damn, why did the boat leave so fast? What happened outside?"

Li Yuanhong only took care of the research ship, and forgot what was still fighting on the island. This is good. The ship is already in the ocean several hundred meters deep. Li Yuanhong believes that the ship will definitely return to Crusu’s lair. It is likely to be exposed.

"No, I have to find a way to get out of here."

Li Yuanhong did not act immediately because the ship was very special. It was just that some explosives were exploded from the inside. At most, it caused a small wound. It didn't do much. You must know that this biological ship is very rough and thick. There is also an extremely fast recovery ability, and within a short time, it is estimated that Li Yuanhong will be discovered by those fishhead soldiers who heard the explosion.

"Weakness, weakness..."

Li Yuanhong kept flipping through the images sent by the robot spider just now. The little robot is still very powerful. He has surveyed almost every corner of the ship, not even the toilet.

Finally, Li Yuanhong found a place that others didn't pay much attention to, but it should be the most noteworthy place, that is the part where the stern and the hull are combined.

The stern is where the power system of this biological ship is located, and the hull is where the protection and weapon attacks are located. The two parts are like plant grafts and are forced together. Although the overall effect is very good, the combined parts are always It felt a little awkward for Li Yuanhong. The place inside the hull that Li Yuanhong accidentally broke when he got on the ship was there.

At that time, Li Yuanhong was carrying things. Because the object was too high and blocked Li Yuanhong’s sight, the sharp corner of the box hit the ship’s wall heavily. Then the inner wall of the ship was spasm, and then a crack appeared directly where it touched. Blue blood flowed out of it.

At that time, Li Yuanhong had a jump, and the other soldiers were not surprised. They didn’t care about the bleeding place. Indeed, the damaged place disappeared within a minute and returned to its usual appearance. When I passed there the next time, I clearly felt that the hull was different from other places. If it weren't for Li Yuanhong's true eyes, this difference would be hard to detect.

"How to get there?"

Finding the weakness, another problem made Li Yuanhong difficult.

The place where Li Yuanhong was at this time was the middle of the hull. There were not only warehouses, but also many cabins for soldiers to rest. So this was also a tightly guarded place. As soon as Li Yuanhong went out, he would be spotted by those soldiers immediately. Know where Li Yuanhong is. The warehouse, but the focus is on guarding the warehouse, and suddenly a person pops up, whether it is a fish head or an ordinary human, those guarding soldiers will definitely launch an attack immediately.

"It's difficult!" Li Yuanhong clutched his head, desperately thinking of a way, and looked around, hoping to find a way. Suddenly, Li Yuanhong saw a bag of raw materials. This is a kind of raw material for magic arrays, which is to improve the purity of flames. Yes, someone said, the flame has purity? Yes, due to different burning objects, when burning, there will be smoke to some extent. This thing reduces smoke, but this thing also has a characteristic, that is, it will explode when exposed to water, so this kind of thing should be stored in water. , And the packaging must be tight.

Seeing this bag of things, Li Yuanhong smiled.

In a heavy warehouse, the patrols outside must always stay energetic, so the guards here are also more diligent than other places, because they are afraid that the soldiers on duty will slack off.

Not long after the shift, a soldier suddenly sniffed his nose: "What do I say is this? Is it something?"

"How is it possible, fireworks are forbidden here. Who is so courageous, dare to play with fire here." Another soldier said indifferently.

"That's the same, but how do I feel the smell of smoke is getting stronger and stronger?"

"Really?" The other soldier also sniffed his nose.

"It seems that there is a smell of smoke!" After speaking, the two soldiers looked at the warehouse door behind them, and the smell of smoke seemed to come from there.

So the two guards came to the door, and the smell of smoke became even stronger.

So the two soldiers hurriedly opened the door, and when the door was opened, a strong choking smoke came out.

"Cough cough cough, it's not good, cough cough cough, it's on fire!" The two soldiers immediately yelled when they found the thick smoke.

This shout immediately alarmed the surrounding people. The warehouse area was on fire, but serious matters would be severely punished. These soldiers would naturally not neglect their duties.

Soon many soldiers ran over with water basins, and when they saw thick smoke, they poured water into it. However, something unexpected happened to them. They heard a "boom" and a huge explosion occurred from the warehouse. Several soldiers who were close by were directly lifted up by the blast and hit the wall heavily, and immediately lost consciousness.

The explosion caused the soldiers who were fighting the fire to be taken aback, and they didn't know whether to pour water into it next. If the water was splashed, it would cause an explosion.

Just when everyone didn’t know what to do, a soot-faced fish-head soldier limped out of the smoke: “Quickly, put out the fire. The explosion was a bag of fire salt. The salt is gone, and there is no problem in... splashing water!"

As soon as everyone heard it, they immediately started to put out the fire with various hands and feet. A soldier walked up to the fish head soldier who reported the letter: "Brother, how is your injury?"

The soldier who reported the news at this time looked very miserable. His clothes were scattered all over the place. Even the clothes worn by the beggar were more complete than his. His hair and face were blackened, and he had many scars. The explosion caused him a lot of injuries, and he was lucky to survive.

"I...I can hold on, you...you quickly get up and help put out the fire, otherwise we will all be punished if the fire is too big!"

"Okay, brother, bear with me here, I guess there will be an ambulance here soon!" The fish head comforted the soldier who reported the letter, and then turned around holding the water basin and rushed into the warehouse. .

The fire was actually not big, but the smoke was heavier, and the whole fire was extinguished within ten minutes, but the entire warehouse became messy.

When the fire went out, the murloc head who was in charge of the warehouse hurried over.

"What happened, what happened here?"

"Report to Master Librarian that there was a fire in the warehouse just now!"

"It's on fire? How did it start?"

"This... we don't know. We just smelt the smell of fireworks and opened the warehouse door and found that it was already burning."

"At first glance, you are negligent, and I will find you afterwards!" Kuguan said fiercely. For fire, it is not very important. There are a lot of magic materials in the warehouse, and many materials are easy to burn. , If you don’t pay attention to storage, it will catch fire, so it’s not uncommon for a fire to happen.

"Is there a fire in that warehouse?" the warehouse manager asked.

"It's Warehouse One."

"No. One...what? Warehouse No. 1!" The steward was taken aback and ran to Warehouse No. 1. As a result, he reached the door of the warehouse. He saw the burnt walls and the mud mixed with ash and water everywhere. So the Kuguan rummaged in the warehouse. After searching for a full half an hour, he couldn't find what he was looking for.

Kuguan sat on the muddy ground in a daze, muttering: "This is the **** who wants to kill me! This is the **** not letting me come back!"

"My lord, what's wrong with you?" the guard soldier next to him asked.

"No, it's all gone!" Kuguan still muttered blankly.

Just when the treasury manager seemed to have lost his mind, the captain of the fish head came, and his first sentence asked: "Which warehouse is on fire."

"Warehouse No. 1!" The soldiers were very puzzled. Why did the two adults care about which warehouse was on fire when they came up?

"What! Warehouse No. 1?!" The murloc captain's complexion immediately turned white. Before the soldiers could explain further, Sa Yazi ran to Warehouse No. 1. As a result, the murloc captain looked at Warehouse No. 1 miserably. It looked like he was dizzy, and then he frantically searched for it in the warehouse. After half an hour, he also lost his eyes and sat on the mud.

"It's over, everything is over!"

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