The next thing is to prepare a revenge plan

, Qin Yuan found the Three Tigers in a villa through pheromones, and at the same time, there were more than 10 insect people gathered here, and the Three Tigers were


, "Our boss is the Dark Crystal Emperor Ant that appeared in EDD yesterday, everyone knows each other, don't make a mistake."

As he spoke, he took out Qin Yuan's appearance after transforming into a worm man, and asked all the wormmen to identify

one of the flower-armed crab people one by one, raised his arms and shouted loudly

, "We only recognize Brother Tiger! Everyone says yes!"

"Yes" *13

Another Phi Phi Shrimp Man also stood up and said

, "Yes, Brother Tiger, we are all insect people who were saved by you, why do you want to recognize an irrelevant person as a big brother? The world has changed?"

Brother Tiger, you come and be our boss, then what kind of dark crystal emperor ant is nothing!" "Brother

Tiger! Brother Tiger!" Looking

at the people in the audience, the three tigers immediately transformed into a perfect-level insect man, turning into a 3.2-meter-tall cockroach man

At this time, after his growth after last night's battle, the genetic growth has reached 3%, and the strength of the insect man in the form reaches 4.8 tons, and the force of nearly 5 tons

is the strongest among the insects here

But at this moment, its eyes were full of anger

, "Don't force me to be angry

!" "Only Lord Dark Emperor can lead the Zerg Race to a bright future, and I am just an insignificant pawn under its

hands" "Whoever dares to say something disrespectful again, I will kill him with my own hands!" After

all, the Three Tigers are the ones who have been the black bosses, and what he values most in this life is his family, followed by loyalty,

which is also his way of life

A sharp gaze swept over everyone present, and no one dared to raise their heads and look at each other

! There was a burst of applause, "Who!?"

"Come out!" A

figure jumped down from the beam of the room

, and everyone was on guard for him, no one saw when he came in,

and even the alarm pheromones they sprinkled had no effect, just like a ghost

. That's right, the Three Tigers, they can all go and be lecturers

," the Three Tigers immediately knelt down on one knee, "Lord Dark Emperor!" Seeing

that the strongest tiger brother was kneeling, everyone knelt down one after another

, Qin Yuan obviously did not exude a little power, but it made them have an urge to bow and worship

, he walked up to the Three Tigers with his hands behind his back

, "You still call me the lord, it's a little better."

This time, I came here to give you a task, lead these insects to tie up all the immediate family members of the Ma family for me, and take them to the second basement floor of Heijie 351 to wait for me

" "By the way, none of the doctors and nurses in that group of doctors and nurses will be let

go" The three tigers looked embarrassed when they heard this

, "Lord, my insect rescue operation last night has caused a search by the troops, and now I can't go out at all!"

You don't have to worry about this, I'll solve the problem of the troops, you take this opportunity to run to the vicinity of the Ma family, and start the action at 6 o'clock

in the evening" "Lord Lord, you mean the Ma family, one of the five major families in Bincheng, right?"

"Yes! Ma Enbo's family has all been arrested for me

" "The subordinates have orders!"

After looking at the time, it was now 2.30 p.m

., and there were still more than 3 hours of free time

Then go and have fun

, Qin Yuan came to the notorious underground casino in Bincheng

, which is notoriously black, 9 out of 10 gamblers played to the point of bankruptcy, sold their sons and daughters, and sold 1 of themselves,

I heard that the person who opened the casino was born in Lao Qian, not only has the power of the police behind him, but also has a lot of thugs,

and it is one of the important sources of human organs of the Ma family

Judging from the takeaway, it was an ordinary bar, with two horse boys guarding the door,

and the two of them were shaking their heads with sunglasses

, and they saw Qin Yuan coming, and hurriedly stopped

, "Which way is there a mess

?" "There is no invitation, do you want a snake

?" "Snake?"

The black Jiao wrapped around Qin Yuan's left arm swooped out, making a cut on the skin of the two of them

The toxin quickly invaded the human body at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in 10 seconds, the two of them lay on the ground and couldn't move, and they would die in 5 to 10 minutes,

this is just a little toxin on the skin of the black jiao, it is entangled in Qin Yuan's body every day, and it has begun to become more and more poisonous, and

its own gene activation has reached 2% just by absorbing the poisonous gas

, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a genius

, Qin Yuan entered it through a long corridor

With the

deafening music sounding

, the men and women on the dance floor began to jump up and down, shaking their heads wildly, twisting their bodies to the rhythm

, and the colorful neon lights shone in the narrow space, and the whole bar was filled with a strong hormonal atmosphere,

constantly amplifying their inner desires

In the bar box on both sides of the bar, three young men were hugging the beautiful woman

up and down, groping up and down, the greasy fat man on the left, and said to the man in the middle his recent prey with a lewd face

, "Ma Shao, today Brother Luo brought a batch of new goods, all of them are 18-year-old graduates, original goods, good looks, good figures, ......

" The man named Ma Shao who was sitting in the middle heard this, his eyes lit up like a hungry wolf,

"Where is it?"

Ma Shao, don't worry, I'll ask him to send it over immediately, it's just a matter of price

" "Is 2 million enough?"

"Or Ma Shao is happy enough!come, drink!

" "Let's go!"

Ding ~

The three of them clinked glasses and smiled

at each other

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