Qin Yuan put away the worm crystal of the deep-sea polar electric eel, inserted his hand into its body that could still writhe, and began to absorb genetic energy The deep-sea polar electric eel

is indeed not weak, but it is a pity that if Qin Yuan

really lets it be elementalized, it may take a few days and nights, and once it escapes, it is not easy to pursue

, but after the experience of dealing with the sand crocodile last time, this elemental creature


time, it directly used the power of the rules to completely block its elementalization, so that it could not dodge its own attacks for a short time

, and then it was easy to punch, and

after work,

it simply

absorbed the ...... in the genes


new group of Kingdom Guards arrived in the distance and began to clean up the mess, dragging the corpses back

to the kingdom, in fact,

it was not the corpse

, it was some scales left on the ground after the laser battle, which was equivalent to human hair

, and handed it back to their families, and then compensated a pension

, "Recruit eggs, hurry up! There's still a hair over there, don't fall off...."

The electric light clan was reluctant to leave for a long time

, they never wanted to believe that their king was

so sloppy that the dignified deep sea overlord

died so sloppily

, it turned out to be not

7/3 open, but 3/7 open

, Qin Yuan killed the thunderbolt eel king in 3 seconds,

and electrocuted the jellyfish 7 times, looking at this group of muddy electric light clan, he began to speak impassionedly

" Ladies and gentlemen, the king must still be alive

, it is cheating on death, waiting for the opportunity to move!" The eyes of the fish lit

up, yes

! Our invincible king, it is impossible to die so easily, it is using the skill to fake

death Thunder Shrimp jumped out in favor

of "That's right! Our king is faking death"

"Although its head exploded, the crystal nucleus was dug up, and the genes were pumped, its body was still writhing, okay...... It's just writhing, and now it's hard

" "But...... This is not the point, the point is that the king is waiting for us to save it! Do we want to be indifferent?"

"Kill the human race, save the Thunder King!" The fish responded with a loud voice

: "Kill the human, save the Thunder King!" "Kill the human, save the Thunder King!"

The momentum attracted everyone's attention, and the surrounding fish were all attracted and looked towards this side

, including Qin Yuan, who was absorbing genes

Qin Yuan glanced

at the eyes of death and destruction, like the eyes of death, and the eyes of the garbage were only at a glance, and the eyes of all the fish and beasts widened and stood still, as if they were pressed the pause and mute buttons at the same time

, all of them were quiet

, and the needle drop could be heard

quietly, and even a small bubble the size of a sesame seed burst out of the seawater, and you could clearly hear



Qin Yuan retracted his gaze

, and the fish immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and

finally ...... You can breathe ......

Mom, yes

, I was so scared that

I thought I was going to wash it

, but at this time

, a blue-green electric fish swung its tail and came to the electric shock jellyfish and thunderbolt shrimp

, "Two pioneers, then can we still save the king now?"


Isn't it that the first seven kings haven't passed

yet? How can you do this? Aren't

you saying that you swear to protect the king of the race to the death

, and follow the king of thunder and lightning? I don't understand? The blue-green electric fish is puzzled, and his eyes are looking at the thunder and lightning shrimp


a big mouth

! "MD fool! Don't


see that our new king is doing business? What are you whispering BB?"

The blue-green electric fish covered his face and cried,

are you doing the right thing

to do is to watch the new king smoke the bone marrow of the old king?

I don't understand

......!" You traitors, ashamed of your company, I must go and tell the Raiden Ray General what has happened, and say, "

Oh no

! If this stupid fish tells the truth about this place, won't the two of them be finished?

Not to mention whether the Denki clan will convict them, the Ray couple will definitely kill them to pay for their beloved daughter's life

." Thinking of this, the electric shock jellyfish and the thunderbolt shrimp immediately approached him, staring at

the blue-green electric light fish with a fish-killing gaze, "What do you say?" ×2

blue-green electric light fish, its lips trembled, but its eyes were firm

, it decided to follow its heart

, and was not afraid of the power

to fight to the end

, gritting its teeth

, "Say....""

The deep-sea electric eel king was unfortunately poisoned, and when he was about to die of poison, he happened to meet the kind-hearted human race passing by to help it detoxify, but unfortunately the toxin entered the brain, and in the end he had no choice but to blow up his head to heal it

" "Unexpectedly, even so, the toxin still penetrates deep into

the bone marrow" "The original intention of the kind-hearted human race has not changed, and the principle of adhering to the principle of good people doing it to the end is very admirable, and the eel king's brain was crushed and pulled out of the crystal nucleus, and the bone marrow was extracted, and the toxin was finally successfully treated""

It's a pity that the deep-sea electric eel king was finally electrocuted to death

" "Unfortunately passed away......

"Sad, not sad

!" "Because we gave birth to a new king, the human race can inherit my will, and the power of thunder and lightning will crush the darkness with thunder, and will eventually lead the electric light clan to the top!"

If you are too deep in the play

, you will be careless, and you will almost ignite

it, "Ahem, two adults, is it okay to say this?" "

Very good! Very good!"

The electric shock jellyfish and the thunderbolt shrimp looked at each other and smiled, if you are the enemy of the ray general, it is our friend


In the sky above the

sea, Qin Yuan has completely absorbed all the genetic energy of the third-order deep-sea electrocution eel

[current gene growth 100%

] [Obtain the new phantom beast gene:

Elemental Thunder] [Elemental Thunder: Can control the power of thunder and lightning, multi-fold its own amplification, and send out powerful lightning damage]

Elementalization can be immune to physical attacks, and can also stimulate the cells in the body to become stronger, and can be combined with a variety of abilities

Qin Yuan's eyes were full of interest, and the corners of his mouth smiled

, "Interesting!"

Raised with one hand, aiming at the sea above the sea

"Thunder, listen to my orders

" hissed zizizi

~ The thunder and lightning began to converge on Qin Yuan's hand, and gradually condensed into a thunder bullet

"Thunder and lightning transformation unicorn arm"


The thunder and lightning began to swim, spiraling from the fingertips, gradually transferring to the arm, the thunder and lightning at the finger position gradually increased, becoming larger, and the blue light Dasheng

A unicorn head appeared "

Thunder Beast Qilin"

Qin Yuan swung a punch forward, and a huge thunder and lightning unicorn thirty meters high pounced, bursting in the sea and booming



Now I'm just touching the tip of

the iceberg

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